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TOPIC | Ice Wyrm Lore [Closed]
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Nah, I'm glad to be on the pinglist! :D I'm surprised about the lore, most of my other older ice dragons are getting purged so most of hte rest don't have much lore. But then my standards for lore are high since some of my dergs have some epic long bios.
Marco the Phoenix from One Piece, she's supposed to be male but she's like Renata, she's female in case I ever want to have nests with theri mates.
Nah, I'm glad to be on the pinglist! :D I'm surprised about the lore, most of my other older ice dragons are getting purged so most of hte rest don't have much lore. But then my standards for lore are high since some of my dergs have some epic long bios.
Marco the Phoenix from One Piece, she's supposed to be male but she's like Renata, she's female in case I ever want to have nests with theri mates.

Dash greeted the Warden warmly, welcoming him to a seat near the stove so he could discuss his story comfortably. As he would with everyone he recorded every word. A thought crossed his mind as Galan discussed the pursuit of his prisoner. "I thank you for sharing your story and I might have some aid in your pursuit." Dash reached a paw into the satchel on his side and withdrew two bits of paper. One was a simple came card inscribed with: Commander Blaze, Criminal Analyst for Clan Azurenight. The second was a letter, an invitation really, to a large meeting taking place in the Wind Territory. "Commander Blaze has amassed a great deal of information on the criminals of Sornieth. He might have something you could use to help in your search." Dash eased the papers towards Galan then offered a shrug of his shoulders. "If you have time, of course."

Hey there =) Galan is a beautiful dragon and I loved his lore =) So, I have a question. Are the Wardens a subspecies? I've heard that somewhere before, but I cannot place it. Also, I thought it was interesting that the criminal's name is Hope so I went looking for him in your lair and can't find him =(. Why did you choose the name Hope? I detect more lore there hehe.

Dash greeted the Warden warmly, welcoming him to a seat near the stove so he could discuss his story comfortably. As he would with everyone he recorded every word. A thought crossed his mind as Galan discussed the pursuit of his prisoner. "I thank you for sharing your story and I might have some aid in your pursuit." Dash reached a paw into the satchel on his side and withdrew two bits of paper. One was a simple came card inscribed with: Commander Blaze, Criminal Analyst for Clan Azurenight. The second was a letter, an invitation really, to a large meeting taking place in the Wind Territory. "Commander Blaze has amassed a great deal of information on the criminals of Sornieth. He might have something you could use to help in your search." Dash eased the papers towards Galan then offered a shrug of his shoulders. "If you have time, of course."

Hey there =) Galan is a beautiful dragon and I loved his lore =) So, I have a question. Are the Wardens a subspecies? I've heard that somewhere before, but I cannot place it. Also, I thought it was interesting that the criminal's name is Hope so I went looking for him in your lair and can't find him =(. Why did you choose the name Hope? I detect more lore there hehe.
buffer text buffer text Tropical post card that says, Hello from The Explorer's Club.  Wish you were here
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@Azurenight [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Well now, I hear that you've learnt of Frostflower. T' be perfectly honest, I wouldn't be talkin' with ye if she didn't tell me to. Yeah, Verglas Manor has its own 'ouse spirit. She's kinda bound 'ere if ye know what i'm sayin'. Can't jus' get up an' leave. If i'm bein' straight with ye, I ain't ever seen Frostflower 'erself, but I do know that she really enjoys whisper'n in dragons' ears. Or at least in mine. I don' think ev'ryone hears 'er voice and if they do, I think they jus' dismiss 'er as their own brain tellen' em to do funny stuff. Some o' the stuff Frostflower tells me is a no-brainer, like 'Don't let in that dragon in, he's got fresh blood stained all over him' well duh, i'm not tha' stupid. Other times it's a little diff'rent. Dragons tha' seem shifty she'll tell me to bring in while seemin'ly innocent pipsqueaks, she'll drive away. Nothin' bad has come of it yet, so maybe she's right 'bout evrythin'. As t' the pipsqueaks, they're no danger t' 'er so she doesn't do anythin' bout them look'n at 'er. Karaglen's my oldest friend an' she ca' spoil those little pipsqueaks till' they're blue in the face and they'll still be sweet as pie. They don' ever turn bad that i've seen. She's got talent, that Karaglen. Lastly, an' I'm ramblen' 'ere, in case you were wonderin', I don' know wether Frostflower or Verglas Manor is my charge. I'm thinkin' its the manor, but I don' know fer sure. An' by the way, keep this on the down-low, 'cause Frostflower doesn't wan' my cla'mates to know 'bout 'er for sure yet. If th' story comes out, I'll know it was ye an' ye really don' wan' tha'.


"Well now, I hear that you've learnt of Frostflower. T' be perfectly honest, I wouldn't be talkin' with ye if she didn't tell me to. Yeah, Verglas Manor has its own 'ouse spirit. She's kinda bound 'ere if ye know what i'm sayin'. Can't jus' get up an' leave. If i'm bein' straight with ye, I ain't ever seen Frostflower 'erself, but I do know that she really enjoys whisper'n in dragons' ears. Or at least in mine. I don' think ev'ryone hears 'er voice and if they do, I think they jus' dismiss 'er as their own brain tellen' em to do funny stuff.
Some o' the stuff Frostflower tells me is a no-brainer, like 'Don't let in that dragon in, he's got fresh blood stained all over him' well duh, i'm not tha' stupid. Other times it's a little diff'rent. Dragons tha' seem shifty she'll tell me to bring in while seemin'ly innocent pipsqueaks, she'll drive away. Nothin' bad has come of it yet, so maybe she's right 'bout evrythin'.
As t' the pipsqueaks, they're no danger t' 'er so she doesn't do anythin' bout them look'n at 'er. Karaglen's my oldest friend an' she ca' spoil those little pipsqueaks till' they're blue in the face and they'll still be sweet as pie. They don' ever turn bad that i've seen. She's got talent, that Karaglen.
Lastly, an' I'm ramblen' 'ere, in case you were wonderin', I don' know wether Frostflower or Verglas Manor is my charge. I'm thinkin' its the manor, but I don' know fer sure.
An' by the way, keep this on the down-low, 'cause Frostflower doesn't wan' my cla'mates to know 'bout 'er for sure yet. If th' story comes out, I'll know it was ye an' ye really don' wan' tha'.
@Azurenight Hello! The Wardens are sort of a subspecies; they're more of a lore faction, really. There's a link to the hub in my signature. As for Hope - he does exist! He's my boyfriend's dragon, and he is part of the reason why the Warden lore happened at all. This is Hope: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] What Galan doesn't know is that his fugitive may have been wrongfully accused...

Hello! The Wardens are sort of a subspecies; they're more of a lore faction, really. There's a link to the hub in my signature. As for Hope - he does exist! He's my boyfriend's dragon, and he is part of the reason why the Warden lore happened at all.

This is Hope:


What Galan doesn't know is that his fugitive may have been wrongfully accused...
trans 8upyv5b.png
Jace | He/Him | 23 | FR+1

Dash welcomes the members of the Zuron Clan, encouraging them to take a seat at his little booth so they could talk. Once seated he turned immediately to recording their stories, loving every moment of it.

Hey there, welcome back it's good to see you again. So, I've taken your and Ironpen's suggestion and started a ping list =) I've already placed you on it, but if you would like me to take you back off just let me know. All right then, naturally all three drakes are absolutely beautiful and their backgrounds are wonderful. I was really taken with Shirayuki, however. The concept behind her is very interesting; a living sword. Very nice! I enjoyed reading all of them, thank you =D

Dash welcomes the members of the Zuron Clan, encouraging them to take a seat at his little booth so they could talk. Once seated he turned immediately to recording their stories, loving every moment of it.

Hey there, welcome back it's good to see you again. So, I've taken your and Ironpen's suggestion and started a ping list =) I've already placed you on it, but if you would like me to take you back off just let me know. All right then, naturally all three drakes are absolutely beautiful and their backgrounds are wonderful. I was really taken with Shirayuki, however. The concept behind her is very interesting; a living sword. Very nice! I enjoyed reading all of them, thank you =D
buffer text buffer text Tropical post card that says, Hello from The Explorer's Club.  Wish you were here
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Dude, pirates. The only thing more awesome then pirates would be ninja pirates. Honestly, though they have awesome descriptions (which I should have said instead of lore, so I apologize for that). =)

Dude, pirates. The only thing more awesome then pirates would be ninja pirates. Honestly, though they have awesome descriptions (which I should have said instead of lore, so I apologize for that). =)
buffer text buffer text Tropical post card that says, Hello from The Explorer's Club.  Wish you were here
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No prob, ninja pirates....I mean I've seen cyborg pirates but ninja pirates, that'll be...wait no there were samurai pirates but not ninja pirates yet. Shame. And it's no prob I meant mostly in context of Ace or Rezmor's bio which got pretty big when I wrote them.
No prob, ninja pirates....I mean I've seen cyborg pirates but ninja pirates, that'll be...wait no there were samurai pirates but not ninja pirates yet. Shame. And it's no prob I meant mostly in context of Ace or Rezmor's bio which got pretty big when I wrote them.

Dash was thrilled to be speaking to Loran about Frostflower and naturally recorded everything about the entity. Honestly, he was eager to discuss it with Orian, who had been interested in mythological and paranormal creatures as of late. Though, after Loran's threat he thought better of it. After a long sigh he relented to the request and noted that the information was to remain secret until such time as Frostflower was ready to discuss it. "Thank you for sharing this information," he said to his guest. "She's fascinating, if ever you have any more information on her please let me know."

If you ever materialize Frostflower please ping me, I'd love to see what you write for her =)

Dash was thrilled to be speaking to Loran about Frostflower and naturally recorded everything about the entity. Honestly, he was eager to discuss it with Orian, who had been interested in mythological and paranormal creatures as of late. Though, after Loran's threat he thought better of it. After a long sigh he relented to the request and noted that the information was to remain secret until such time as Frostflower was ready to discuss it. "Thank you for sharing this information," he said to his guest. "She's fascinating, if ever you have any more information on her please let me know."

If you ever materialize Frostflower please ping me, I'd love to see what you write for her =)
buffer text buffer text Tropical post card that says, Hello from The Explorer's Club.  Wish you were here
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@Azurenight This looks fun, I wanna try. :,) --- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Heya, and happy Gala! I'm not exactly clan leader or anything, but I've been around for a while. I'll be happy to tell you what you want to know. [url=]Hem,[/url] our chief, started out in the Fortress serving Icewarden. He could probably tell you all about it if you wanted to give him a visit, but to save you the time, I'll give you the abridged version. He was assigned out here, in the wilds of the icefield, and me and [url=]Peregrine[/url] were sent with him. We've carved out a nice little home for ourselves, recruited a few strays, and are doing pretty well, I think. We're small and haven't really moved around much. We don't even have a name yet, but we're working on that. Well, maybe I'm the only one working on that, everyone else has other stuff on their mind. I guess all that's pretty standard stuff. There's a little more to it, though... this past year we got neighbors. I won't say anything, uh, incriminating, but they give me the creeps. This weird couple'a fae merchants stopped by and told Hem that if we gave them a place to park their carts for a while, they'd pay the clan in treasure. We don't have much in the way of income, but we were doing just fine before they came. If you ask me, I'd trust the chief with my life, but accepting that offer was kind of a misstep. Anyway, they still haven't left, and I can't shake the feeling that they're hiding out here, where it's remote. They're probably selling stuff they shouldn't be selling, y'know? Sorry, that was kind of a tangeant. But I hope I helped! Good luck with your, erm, scribing!
@Azurenight This looks fun, I wanna try. :,)



Heya, and happy Gala! I'm not exactly clan leader or anything, but I've been around for a while. I'll be happy to tell you what you want to know.

Hem, our chief, started out in the Fortress serving Icewarden. He could probably tell you all about it if you wanted to give him a visit, but to save you the time, I'll give you the abridged version. He was assigned out here, in the wilds of the icefield, and me and Peregrine were sent with him. We've carved out a nice little home for ourselves, recruited a few strays, and are doing pretty well, I think. We're small and haven't really moved around much. We don't even have a name yet, but we're working on that. Well, maybe I'm the only one working on that, everyone else has other stuff on their mind.

I guess all that's pretty standard stuff. There's a little more to it, though... this past year we got neighbors. I won't say anything, uh, incriminating, but they give me the creeps. This weird couple'a fae merchants stopped by and told Hem that if we gave them a place to park their carts for a while, they'd pay the clan in treasure. We don't have much in the way of income, but we were doing just fine before they came. If you ask me, I'd trust the chief with my life, but accepting that offer was kind of a misstep. Anyway, they still haven't left, and I can't shake the feeling that they're hiding out here, where it's remote. They're probably selling stuff they shouldn't be selling, y'know?

Sorry, that was kind of a tangeant. But I hope I helped! Good luck with your, erm, scribing!

That is a wicked little Coatl, cute, but oh so wicked! I really like the Wardens, thank you for the link. Hope is beautiful and I'm really glad he's real. Will Galan every realize whats going on?

That is a wicked little Coatl, cute, but oh so wicked! I really like the Wardens, thank you for the link. Hope is beautiful and I'm really glad he's real. Will Galan every realize whats going on?
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