
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Hellbender wants to be MEAN to your derg
@Copperhead [center][font=century gothic] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The quiet Imperial carefully wanders the field looking for a certain type of insect among the flowers when spotting the two dragons. She tilts her head, wondering if she should even try to approach them. She decides she needs to as she see the brightly colored Coatl catching butterflies, perhaps they have seen the insect she's looking for afterall. She adjusts the banner on her wings just slightly to try and cover up the darkened bits, then walks over to them. [b]"Hello."[/b] She greets softly. Keeping all her confidence in her voice. Looking at the Coatl then to the Bog. [/center]


The quiet Imperial carefully wanders the field looking for a certain type of insect among the flowers when spotting the two dragons. She tilts her head, wondering if she should even try to approach them. She decides she needs to as she see the brightly colored Coatl catching butterflies, perhaps they have seen the insect she's looking for afterall.
She adjusts the banner on her wings just slightly to try and cover up the darkened bits, then walks over to them. "Hello." She greets softly. Keeping all her confidence in her voice. Looking at the Coatl then to the Bog.
Lifegiver nods at Hellbender, understanding what he meant. She gently takes the flowers Cupcake held and sighs. "I'm so sorry. I thought he had gotten over this already. Looks like I was wrong."
(This is going a little slow now but I still want to do more. Could I do it again with another dragon?)
Lifegiver nods at Hellbender, understanding what he meant. She gently takes the flowers Cupcake held and sighs. "I'm so sorry. I thought he had gotten over this already. Looks like I was wrong."
(This is going a little slow now but I still want to do more. Could I do it again with another dragon?)
(Maybe this can give you some ideas?)

Hellbender smirks at Riodinid, about to comment on his odd apparel, but as he flickers his tongue to taste the air, he stops suddenly and cocks his head, a quizzical expression softening his usual harshness, “Huh, ain’t you a weird one. Wicked strange, ya are,” his arrogance returns as his eyes glint, “But I reckon you ain’t even got any clue why. Heh, how pathetic that ya don’t even know your own self. Tragic, really.”

Cupcake swats him with her tail to shut him up. She cannot sense whatever it is that Hell is picking up on, but she knows it is probably something truly interesting if Hell deigned to comment on it, “Come on, Hell, that’s not fair! Tell him!” She looks at the Wildclaw with a slightly cross look in her eyes, exasperated at her companion, “Sorry about him, don’t listen, he’s full of it! I see you’ve got nice plants all over you, you must use them in your magic, right? Well, if you need any more ingredients, this field is just chock full of different plants you might find useful!”

As she zips off in pursuit of a butterfly, Hellbender stretches out his wings and cracks his neck, still grinning broadly, “You really don’t know, do ya? Well, I guess I could tell ta. Might be more fun for me anyway to see ya have to grapple with a new truth about yourself,” he drums his claws playfully on the rock, savoring dragging this out, “You may be Lightnin’ born an’ bred, but that ain’t the magic that’s in ya. You ain’t got, heh, a single spark of it in ya. Geddit? Ah well, anyway, yeah, there’s no trace of Lightnin’ anywhere in ya that I can sense. Somehow the only magic residue I can smell on ya is Nature…and Light. You’re dual-Aligned, mate, rare enough in its own right, but I ain’t never heard of a dragon Aligned to something they ain’t even genetically coded for. Guess that makes ya a right freak!” He chuckles deep in his throat, watching Riodinid carefully to see if this revelation has had any effect on the mage.
(Maybe this can give you some ideas?)

Hellbender smirks at Riodinid, about to comment on his odd apparel, but as he flickers his tongue to taste the air, he stops suddenly and cocks his head, a quizzical expression softening his usual harshness, “Huh, ain’t you a weird one. Wicked strange, ya are,” his arrogance returns as his eyes glint, “But I reckon you ain’t even got any clue why. Heh, how pathetic that ya don’t even know your own self. Tragic, really.”

Cupcake swats him with her tail to shut him up. She cannot sense whatever it is that Hell is picking up on, but she knows it is probably something truly interesting if Hell deigned to comment on it, “Come on, Hell, that’s not fair! Tell him!” She looks at the Wildclaw with a slightly cross look in her eyes, exasperated at her companion, “Sorry about him, don’t listen, he’s full of it! I see you’ve got nice plants all over you, you must use them in your magic, right? Well, if you need any more ingredients, this field is just chock full of different plants you might find useful!”

As she zips off in pursuit of a butterfly, Hellbender stretches out his wings and cracks his neck, still grinning broadly, “You really don’t know, do ya? Well, I guess I could tell ta. Might be more fun for me anyway to see ya have to grapple with a new truth about yourself,” he drums his claws playfully on the rock, savoring dragging this out, “You may be Lightnin’ born an’ bred, but that ain’t the magic that’s in ya. You ain’t got, heh, a single spark of it in ya. Geddit? Ah well, anyway, yeah, there’s no trace of Lightnin’ anywhere in ya that I can sense. Somehow the only magic residue I can smell on ya is Nature…and Light. You’re dual-Aligned, mate, rare enough in its own right, but I ain’t never heard of a dragon Aligned to something they ain’t even genetically coded for. Guess that makes ya a right freak!” He chuckles deep in his throat, watching Riodinid carefully to see if this revelation has had any effect on the mage.

Hellbender scrapes his claws and smirks at Paste, “Whatchu wearin’ that bloody banner for then, eh lass? Dragon as bright as you could do with a bit of darkenin’, makes ya look a tad less pathetic and weak than bein' nothin' but pastels. Don’t hide your best feature, show ‘em off and be proud to have at least somethin’ about ya worth not gaggin’ over seein’! Cast off concealments an’ let your freak flag fly!”

Cupcake hops up to Paste with a butterfly perched on her nose, “Hello to you, too! You’re so nice and colorful, I love how you look like cotton candy, and your shiny pink antlers and markings look really good! Do you like butterflies? I love butterflies! I like all bugs, but butterflies are my favorite because they’re the gentlest and sweetest. But I like to chase beetles too, and watch bees make their hives! Do you want to come chase bugs with me?”

Hellbender scrapes his claws and smirks at Paste, “Whatchu wearin’ that bloody banner for then, eh lass? Dragon as bright as you could do with a bit of darkenin’, makes ya look a tad less pathetic and weak than bein' nothin' but pastels. Don’t hide your best feature, show ‘em off and be proud to have at least somethin’ about ya worth not gaggin’ over seein’! Cast off concealments an’ let your freak flag fly!”

Cupcake hops up to Paste with a butterfly perched on her nose, “Hello to you, too! You’re so nice and colorful, I love how you look like cotton candy, and your shiny pink antlers and markings look really good! Do you like butterflies? I love butterflies! I like all bugs, but butterflies are my favorite because they’re the gentlest and sweetest. But I like to chase beetles too, and watch bees make their hives! Do you want to come chase bugs with me?”

Yup, you can post as many times as you like, I haven't changed that rule yet. It seems the hype has died down so now the majority of people keeping this thread alive are returning customers ;)

Yup, you can post as many times as you like, I haven't changed that rule yet. It seems the hype has died down so now the majority of people keeping this thread alive are returning customers ;)

Hellbender throws back his head and guffaws heartily, “Bit late for that, lass, I’m already a damned soul! Ain’t got me no favor from any of the Eleven, and I don’t expect that to be changin’ any time soon. In fact, if the gods were to take an interest in me now, I’d consider that even worse than remainin’ Flightless forever. I’ve made it this far without their blessin’s, I reckon I can last a bit longer. ‘Sides that, it’s way easier to go through life knowin’ there ain’t anyone out there listenin’ to my prayers rather than havin’ a god that ignores ya. You just think on that next time you feel like asking the Arcanist for anythin’.” His bearing still cocky, but there is tangible bitterness in his voice and his laugh is mirthless.

Cupcake smiles brightly as Sylvia hands her the branch, “Yes, of course you may! Thank you, sweetie, it’s beautiful! Almost as beautiful as you! Here, I must give you something just as special in return!”

She hands the girl a rose whose every petal is a different color, “This is a flower of my own creation, I call it the Cupcake Rose! I guess it should be called the Rainbow Rose, but I’m really proud of it, and isn’t it just so colorful that it makes you think of sweets? This isn’t dyed, I actually cross-pollinated and grafted as many rose bushes together as I could until I finally managed to seed these! And I want you to have one!”

She tucks the blossom behind Sylvia’s ear and boops her snoot, “I’ll try to stay nice forever, I like being friendly. I get to make new friends all the time when I’m nice, and I love that!”


Hellbender throws back his head and guffaws heartily, “Bit late for that, lass, I’m already a damned soul! Ain’t got me no favor from any of the Eleven, and I don’t expect that to be changin’ any time soon. In fact, if the gods were to take an interest in me now, I’d consider that even worse than remainin’ Flightless forever. I’ve made it this far without their blessin’s, I reckon I can last a bit longer. ‘Sides that, it’s way easier to go through life knowin’ there ain’t anyone out there listenin’ to my prayers rather than havin’ a god that ignores ya. You just think on that next time you feel like asking the Arcanist for anythin’.” His bearing still cocky, but there is tangible bitterness in his voice and his laugh is mirthless.

Cupcake smiles brightly as Sylvia hands her the branch, “Yes, of course you may! Thank you, sweetie, it’s beautiful! Almost as beautiful as you! Here, I must give you something just as special in return!”

She hands the girl a rose whose every petal is a different color, “This is a flower of my own creation, I call it the Cupcake Rose! I guess it should be called the Rainbow Rose, but I’m really proud of it, and isn’t it just so colorful that it makes you think of sweets? This isn’t dyed, I actually cross-pollinated and grafted as many rose bushes together as I could until I finally managed to seed these! And I want you to have one!”

She tucks the blossom behind Sylvia’s ear and boops her snoot, “I’ll try to stay nice forever, I like being friendly. I get to make new friends all the time when I’m nice, and I love that!”

@Copperhead [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Starrun was told about the interesting bog and the very kind coatl who helped her mate find the gift he gave her. She wanted to thank the coatl and was curious about the bog. The closer she got towards the two, she froze. She has seen the bog before...only when he was smaller. When she first came to this world, she had swam the oceans and met a pirate ship with a similar looking hatchling. She doubted he'd recognize her but it's nice to see familiar faces; but nothing was going to stop her from saying thank you to the lovely coatl. [size=2]PS. she also has very interesting lore. Feel free to use it for inspiration :)[/size]


Starrun was told about the interesting bog and the very kind coatl who helped her mate find the gift he gave her. She wanted to thank the coatl and was curious about the bog. The closer she got towards the two, she froze. She has seen the bog before...only when he was smaller. When she first came to this world, she had swam the oceans and met a pirate ship with a similar looking hatchling. She doubted he'd recognize her but it's nice to see familiar faces; but nothing was going to stop her from saying thank you to the lovely coatl.

PS. she also has very interesting lore. Feel free to use it for inspiration :)
@Copperhead An arcane looking dragon bumps into Cupcake. "O-Oh s-sorry I-I di-didn't s-see you there." he says as he nervously looks down. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Copperhead An arcane looking dragon bumps into Cupcake. "O-Oh s-sorry I-I di-didn't s-see you there." he says as he nervously looks down.


Hellbender flicks his tongue and stares at the Mirror, narrowing his eyes as he becomes lost in memories, "Oi, something about you seems...familiar, though I've seen ya before. Maybe as a hatchling, I...? Pff, nah, couldn't be, I'd remember seein' a dragon as hideous as you even if I were just outta my egg. You're probably just makin' me think of all the other idiots what come through these parts, after a while y'all start to meld together in my mind to create one massive moron of a dragon!"

Cupcake squeaks and runs in a circle around Starrun, delighted to know that her suggestion had been helpful, "You're very welcome, ma'am, I'm glad you liked it! Your mate has excellent taste, both in his selection of presents for dragons he loves, and at his choice of life-partner-in-crime! If YOU want to bring HIM back some flowers too, I'd be more than happy to help you find some really good ones!" Her tail is pointing straight up, the tip wiggling with excitement.

Hellbender flicks his tongue and stares at the Mirror, narrowing his eyes as he becomes lost in memories, "Oi, something about you seems...familiar, though I've seen ya before. Maybe as a hatchling, I...? Pff, nah, couldn't be, I'd remember seein' a dragon as hideous as you even if I were just outta my egg. You're probably just makin' me think of all the other idiots what come through these parts, after a while y'all start to meld together in my mind to create one massive moron of a dragon!"

Cupcake squeaks and runs in a circle around Starrun, delighted to know that her suggestion had been helpful, "You're very welcome, ma'am, I'm glad you liked it! Your mate has excellent taste, both in his selection of presents for dragons he loves, and at his choice of life-partner-in-crime! If YOU want to bring HIM back some flowers too, I'd be more than happy to help you find some really good ones!" Her tail is pointing straight up, the tip wiggling with excitement.

Cupcake giggles as she gets back on her feet after being knocked over by the enormous Guardian, "That's okay, it was an accident, no harm done! You're very very tall and I'm very very short, so you probably just didn't see me! I LOVE your wings, by the way, they're so pretty! So shiny and glassy, I just LOVE how amazing that gene looks on all dragons, it's so cool! And they sort of match your runes too, how great is that?" Smiling, she offers NightSky a few dandelion puffs, blowing one herself to hopefully give him the idea to do the same.

Hellbender issues a low hiss and twitches his tail, but keeps his seat; NightSky clearly hadn't intentionally hurt Cupcake, so there was no reason to engage him, but he couldn't help feeling that protective drive whenever anything was remotely amiss in Cupcake's life. But as he watches Cupcake frolic with the Guardian, he relaxes and smirks as he calls out, "She probably ain't gonna be the last dragon you crash into, mate! A dragon as big and dumb and slow as you is like as not gonna just waltz around careenin' into everythin' an' everyone in his path, you're too much of an uncoordinated moron not to! Best to watch your step, ya pull that on somethin' like a Fae and the authorities'll be on your tail with dragonslaughter charges, if ya catch my drift!"

Cupcake giggles as she gets back on her feet after being knocked over by the enormous Guardian, "That's okay, it was an accident, no harm done! You're very very tall and I'm very very short, so you probably just didn't see me! I LOVE your wings, by the way, they're so pretty! So shiny and glassy, I just LOVE how amazing that gene looks on all dragons, it's so cool! And they sort of match your runes too, how great is that?" Smiling, she offers NightSky a few dandelion puffs, blowing one herself to hopefully give him the idea to do the same.

Hellbender issues a low hiss and twitches his tail, but keeps his seat; NightSky clearly hadn't intentionally hurt Cupcake, so there was no reason to engage him, but he couldn't help feeling that protective drive whenever anything was remotely amiss in Cupcake's life. But as he watches Cupcake frolic with the Guardian, he relaxes and smirks as he calls out, "She probably ain't gonna be the last dragon you crash into, mate! A dragon as big and dumb and slow as you is like as not gonna just waltz around careenin' into everythin' an' everyone in his path, you're too much of an uncoordinated moron not to! Best to watch your step, ya pull that on somethin' like a Fae and the authorities'll be on your tail with dragonslaughter charges, if ya catch my drift!"