
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Hellbender wants to be MEAN to your derg
@Copperhead (hope carrying this on is okay, it helps build up a nice page of lore for my derg ^^)
Paste is taken aback by the two. Their differing attitudes hit her with a storm of confusion. She bows to the two before looking at them. First speaking to the very blunt Bog. "My wings are dead, the banner is there for decency." She says as respectfully as she could manage.
Next speaking to the rather active Coatl. She smiles brightly. "I love butterflies, however I am much more of a Moth person if I'm honest. Have you ever seen a Dryocampa rubicunda? Better known as a rosy maple moth, they're so beautiful. Much like you, they are brightly colored to fool others into thinking they're toxic." Paste boops the snoot of Cupcake before chuckling "But, they actually aren't poisonous at all."
She continues, trying not to bore the two with her interest of insects. "Perhaps, you two have seen a butterfly with clear wings?" She asks them, hopeful for them to have seen one.
@Copperhead (hope carrying this on is okay, it helps build up a nice page of lore for my derg ^^)
Paste is taken aback by the two. Their differing attitudes hit her with a storm of confusion. She bows to the two before looking at them. First speaking to the very blunt Bog. "My wings are dead, the banner is there for decency." She says as respectfully as she could manage.
Next speaking to the rather active Coatl. She smiles brightly. "I love butterflies, however I am much more of a Moth person if I'm honest. Have you ever seen a Dryocampa rubicunda? Better known as a rosy maple moth, they're so beautiful. Much like you, they are brightly colored to fool others into thinking they're toxic." Paste boops the snoot of Cupcake before chuckling "But, they actually aren't poisonous at all."
She continues, trying not to bore the two with her interest of insects. "Perhaps, you two have seen a butterfly with clear wings?" She asks them, hopeful for them to have seen one.
@Copperhead Flamuello [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Just to roast and compliment this butterfly manic;) (she has lore in her bio) Axel [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Same thing with my pretty pastel goth boy too XD (No lore for this one)



Just to roast and compliment this butterfly manic;) (she has lore in her bio)



Same thing with my pretty pastel goth boy too XD (No lore for this one)
@Copperhead [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ighaathrhi stares at the offending bogsneak, it does not move, it does not speak, it just stares with its cold soulless eyes as a surprisingly frigid wind blows past. wanted to see how your boi would react to this eldritch creeper who chills in my clan))


Ighaathrhi stares at the offending bogsneak, it does not move, it does not speak, it just stares with its cold soulless eyes as a surprisingly frigid wind blows past.

wanted to see how your boi would react to this eldritch creeper who chills in my clan))
If you're brave enough to risk it, follow me, into the firestorm!

Hellbender cocks a brow, his expression almost lackadaisical but with the barest hint of sympathy coming through, knowing all too well the pain of not being able to soar through the sky like his fellows. Flickering his tongue, he drawls, “Pff, screw decency. What good’s that ever done for anyone anyway? Ya oughtn’t let other idiots’ preconceived notions of what is and ain’t acceptable keep ya from livin’ bein’ open about yourself. Screw ‘em if they can’t stand to see ya as ya are. Let ‘em see and let ‘em deal, if they don’t like it that’s on them, not you. Society could stand to be a little less comfortable pretendin’ that all’s well with everyone all the time; shake ‘em up a bit, knock the status quo on its arse!”

Cupcake’s already-wide eyes go even wider with happiness, always thrilled to meet someone who shares her entomological interests, and she giggles as she receives a return boop, “Oh yes yes yes, moths are great too, they’re just like butterflies except they’re soft and fuzzy! I love those rosy moths, they’re so cute! I like to call them lemonade moths because of the pink and yellow they sport! Have you ever seen a poodle moth before, those guys are the fluffiest things ever! I like Luna moths too, they’re so delicate and beautiful!”

At hearing Paste’s inquiry about such a specific insect, Cupcake begins bouncing on her toes, “Ooh, a glasswing! Yes, I’ve seen a few, there’s a small patch of lantanas where they congregate! There’s not many of them flying around here, so I don’t know if you’ll be lucky enough to find them right away, but since that’s the only lantana patch you’ll definitely see them at some point! I’ll take you there if you want to wait for them to come!”

Hellbender cocks a brow, his expression almost lackadaisical but with the barest hint of sympathy coming through, knowing all too well the pain of not being able to soar through the sky like his fellows. Flickering his tongue, he drawls, “Pff, screw decency. What good’s that ever done for anyone anyway? Ya oughtn’t let other idiots’ preconceived notions of what is and ain’t acceptable keep ya from livin’ bein’ open about yourself. Screw ‘em if they can’t stand to see ya as ya are. Let ‘em see and let ‘em deal, if they don’t like it that’s on them, not you. Society could stand to be a little less comfortable pretendin’ that all’s well with everyone all the time; shake ‘em up a bit, knock the status quo on its arse!”

Cupcake’s already-wide eyes go even wider with happiness, always thrilled to meet someone who shares her entomological interests, and she giggles as she receives a return boop, “Oh yes yes yes, moths are great too, they’re just like butterflies except they’re soft and fuzzy! I love those rosy moths, they’re so cute! I like to call them lemonade moths because of the pink and yellow they sport! Have you ever seen a poodle moth before, those guys are the fluffiest things ever! I like Luna moths too, they’re so delicate and beautiful!”

At hearing Paste’s inquiry about such a specific insect, Cupcake begins bouncing on her toes, “Ooh, a glasswing! Yes, I’ve seen a few, there’s a small patch of lantanas where they congregate! There’s not many of them flying around here, so I don’t know if you’ll be lucky enough to find them right away, but since that’s the only lantana patch you’ll definitely see them at some point! I’ll take you there if you want to wait for them to come!”

Hellbender scoffs as he tastes the air around Flaumello, “Yeesh, sister, I can just about smell the lunacy on ya from a league away, it’s so potent I might as well be able to chew it. Ya look to be made from amber, it’s a shame you ain’t trapped in it like a prehistoric fly so’s we wouldn’t hafta deal with ya. It’d keep things right peaceful if you were frozen in some tree blood for millennia and then future dragons found ya and you became their problem instead of ours.”

Turning to look at Axel, he grins and continues, “And you’re just a freak punk, ain’t ya? All those eyes and ya still can’t see how ruddy stupid ya look. I mean, c’mon mate, dontchya even realize how similar ya are to lingerie? Light purple with flowers and black lacin’…well, there ain’t much else in this world what looks like that other than fancy unmentionables. You’re gonna be attractin’ a strange array of dragons to ya, I’ll tell ya that much.” He winks and licks his lips, as though implying he himself just might be one of those strange dragons.

Cupcake is delighted at the appearance of two of her brethren and skips over to link tails with both of them in greeting, chirping and trilling. She looks to the lovely golden female first and gushes, “Look at all your wonderful butterflies! I’m so glad you like butterflies as much as me, it’s so nice to see someone else love those dear little things and take care of them like little pets! They all look so nice flitting around you, they’re so pretty and unique, and I especially love how that golden one nearly matches your own scales and feathers! Which, I must say, are exquisite; petal and butterfly markings are some of the most beautiful markings a dragon can have, I think!”

She then grins at Axel, “And even though you aren’t butterfly-y, I think you look amazing too! I love how those eyes on your feathers perfectly match you just as much as her butterfly does her! The purple and whitish bits look like they were designed specifically with your colors in mind, and it’s splendid! And you can never go wrong with decorating yourself with flowers!” Laughing and dancing about, she hands them both a bright rhododendron.

Hellbender scoffs as he tastes the air around Flaumello, “Yeesh, sister, I can just about smell the lunacy on ya from a league away, it’s so potent I might as well be able to chew it. Ya look to be made from amber, it’s a shame you ain’t trapped in it like a prehistoric fly so’s we wouldn’t hafta deal with ya. It’d keep things right peaceful if you were frozen in some tree blood for millennia and then future dragons found ya and you became their problem instead of ours.”

Turning to look at Axel, he grins and continues, “And you’re just a freak punk, ain’t ya? All those eyes and ya still can’t see how ruddy stupid ya look. I mean, c’mon mate, dontchya even realize how similar ya are to lingerie? Light purple with flowers and black lacin’…well, there ain’t much else in this world what looks like that other than fancy unmentionables. You’re gonna be attractin’ a strange array of dragons to ya, I’ll tell ya that much.” He winks and licks his lips, as though implying he himself just might be one of those strange dragons.

Cupcake is delighted at the appearance of two of her brethren and skips over to link tails with both of them in greeting, chirping and trilling. She looks to the lovely golden female first and gushes, “Look at all your wonderful butterflies! I’m so glad you like butterflies as much as me, it’s so nice to see someone else love those dear little things and take care of them like little pets! They all look so nice flitting around you, they’re so pretty and unique, and I especially love how that golden one nearly matches your own scales and feathers! Which, I must say, are exquisite; petal and butterfly markings are some of the most beautiful markings a dragon can have, I think!”

She then grins at Axel, “And even though you aren’t butterfly-y, I think you look amazing too! I love how those eyes on your feathers perfectly match you just as much as her butterfly does her! The purple and whitish bits look like they were designed specifically with your colors in mind, and it’s splendid! And you can never go wrong with decorating yourself with flowers!” Laughing and dancing about, she hands them both a bright rhododendron.

Hellbender carelessly regards Ighaathrhi, smirking as arrogantly as ever even as the chilled breeze curls around him, “Ooh, what a scary trick Mister Magician, I’m shakin’ in my boots I’m so terrified. Ya think bein’ so dark and mysterious like that’s gonna make anyone fear and respect ya? Heh, guess again mate, they’ll be too keeled over laughin’ at your lame parlor trick to even give ya the time of day!”

Cupcake shivers as she stares at Ighaathrhi, but it has nothing to do with being cold. She can sense something dark and powerful radiating from this…dragon?...that gives her the willies. But she doesn’t want to seem rude, and so she tentatively steps forward with a spider lily and stammers, “Um, you’re very…uh…black. That’s, uh, probably really helpful for hiding and hunting at night…” She finds herself unable to say any more as she offers the flower with a trembling hand.

Hellbender carelessly regards Ighaathrhi, smirking as arrogantly as ever even as the chilled breeze curls around him, “Ooh, what a scary trick Mister Magician, I’m shakin’ in my boots I’m so terrified. Ya think bein’ so dark and mysterious like that’s gonna make anyone fear and respect ya? Heh, guess again mate, they’ll be too keeled over laughin’ at your lame parlor trick to even give ya the time of day!”

Cupcake shivers as she stares at Ighaathrhi, but it has nothing to do with being cold. She can sense something dark and powerful radiating from this…dragon?...that gives her the willies. But she doesn’t want to seem rude, and so she tentatively steps forward with a spider lily and stammers, “Um, you’re very…uh…black. That’s, uh, probably really helpful for hiding and hunting at night…” She finds herself unable to say any more as she offers the flower with a trembling hand.
@Copperhead The brightly clothed Skydancer yawns at the Bog's jeers to 'get moving.' "No you~" she calls out lightly before plopping herself down on a nearby rock, eyeing the colorful Coatl with interest. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

The brightly clothed Skydancer yawns at the Bog's jeers to 'get moving.' "No you~" she calls out lightly before plopping herself down on a nearby rock, eyeing the colorful Coatl with interest.


Hellbender growls amusedly as he thumps his tail, "Awful cocky for such a mighty frail and fancy lass, you are! You give lip like that to dragons less tenderhearted than me and ya might find yourself wearin' red instead of rainbow! Mind not to trip on your overlong frock there, can't imagine you'd withstand the fall very well; even if ya didn't bruise immediately, I reckon you wouldn't be able to deal with the dirt and mud gettin' all over yourself."

Cupcake sits and waves at Blissful, "Hello! You're really colorful and shiny, and I love that rainbow cloak you've got on! It's perfect for a dragon as bright and pretty as you! I see you've got a crown of violets, are they your favorite flower? Because if they are there's zillions of them growing around here, and we could pick some and make flower chains with them together!" To start the ball rolling, she holds out a small bouquet of the little purple flowers to the Skydancer.

Hellbender growls amusedly as he thumps his tail, "Awful cocky for such a mighty frail and fancy lass, you are! You give lip like that to dragons less tenderhearted than me and ya might find yourself wearin' red instead of rainbow! Mind not to trip on your overlong frock there, can't imagine you'd withstand the fall very well; even if ya didn't bruise immediately, I reckon you wouldn't be able to deal with the dirt and mud gettin' all over yourself."

Cupcake sits and waves at Blissful, "Hello! You're really colorful and shiny, and I love that rainbow cloak you've got on! It's perfect for a dragon as bright and pretty as you! I see you've got a crown of violets, are they your favorite flower? Because if they are there's zillions of them growing around here, and we could pick some and make flower chains with them together!" To start the ball rolling, she holds out a small bouquet of the little purple flowers to the Skydancer.
@Copperhead He gently takes the puffs and blows them. He blows them a bit to hard as they go into Cupcake's face. NightSky looks at Hellbender with the most serious look he had. "Thanks for the advice, but that has already happened to me. Not the dragonslaughter charges of course but I may have accidentally bumped into more people then I'm supposed to. And I may have injured then I'm supposed to." He said with a sheepish look. He was not at all kidding.
@Copperhead He gently takes the puffs and blows them. He blows them a bit to hard as they go into Cupcake's face. NightSky looks at Hellbender with the most serious look he had. "Thanks for the advice, but that has already happened to me. Not the dragonslaughter charges of course but I may have accidentally bumped into more people then I'm supposed to. And I may have injured then I'm supposed to." He said with a sheepish look. He was not at all kidding.
Yawing looks slightly offended, his eyes blinking in shock. He, however, stays quiet, as he doesn't want to say anything that he might regret. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Yawing looks slightly offended, his eyes blinking in shock. He, however, stays quiet, as he doesn't want to say anything that he might regret.
