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TOPIC | Hellbender wants to be MEAN to your derg
This looks fun ;w; Gonna slap my Imperius boi here so he can get a roastin [url=][img][/img][/url]
This looks fun ;w; Gonna slap my Imperius boi here so he can get a roastin


Hellbender smirks and flares his fins, "Heh, kinda ambitious to think ya need all that kit there, bruv. A dragon like you oughtn't wear things useless to 'em, and it's clear as glass you don't need any of that; ten to one says you can't fly high or fast enough to make proper use outta any of that. Wearin' it just for show to impress the lassies at the bar? Or the laddies? Either way, once whoever you're flirtin' with realizes you ain't really no fighter pilot you'll be leaving the pub solo again, and serves ya right for pretendin' to be somethin' ya ain't!"

Cupcake peers into Yawing's goggles, making faces at herself in the small green reflection and giggling to herself, "I like how your wings look all moth-y, it makes you look soft and gentle, just like a moth! And your head fins are such a pretty shade of blueish grey, I like how sparkly they are! You must make some really long trips if you have to wear all that equipment! Do you have any cool stories to share about the places you've traveled?" She hands him a poppy and sits down in front of him, gazing up hopefully and with an expectant smile.

Hellbender smirks and flares his fins, "Heh, kinda ambitious to think ya need all that kit there, bruv. A dragon like you oughtn't wear things useless to 'em, and it's clear as glass you don't need any of that; ten to one says you can't fly high or fast enough to make proper use outta any of that. Wearin' it just for show to impress the lassies at the bar? Or the laddies? Either way, once whoever you're flirtin' with realizes you ain't really no fighter pilot you'll be leaving the pub solo again, and serves ya right for pretendin' to be somethin' ya ain't!"

Cupcake peers into Yawing's goggles, making faces at herself in the small green reflection and giggling to herself, "I like how your wings look all moth-y, it makes you look soft and gentle, just like a moth! And your head fins are such a pretty shade of blueish grey, I like how sparkly they are! You must make some really long trips if you have to wear all that equipment! Do you have any cool stories to share about the places you've traveled?" She hands him a poppy and sits down in front of him, gazing up hopefully and with an expectant smile.

Hellbender carelessly looks Imperius over with an imperious expression of his own, "Well, lookit Sunny Jim here, a right sparkly git with a cowardly streak as yellow as his scales. What's your story then, Glitter Boy? Hopin' to spread some warm, fuzzy light on the world? Tryna make this dark, dreary place just a little bit less so? Pff, ambitious but rubbish, y'know, no light shines forever. Might as well save it so it doesn't burn out."

Cupcake hands Imperius a sunflower and looks up at him with innocent eyes, "But it only takes one candle to light the darkness, doesn't it? And with dragons like you out here trying to do their best for the betterment of all our lives, I believe the light can always win. Thank you for being a strong warrior protecting dragons like me who can't fight very well. And if I may be so bold, I really like how your belly scales look like a natural part of your shiny gold armor!"

Hellbender carelessly looks Imperius over with an imperious expression of his own, "Well, lookit Sunny Jim here, a right sparkly git with a cowardly streak as yellow as his scales. What's your story then, Glitter Boy? Hopin' to spread some warm, fuzzy light on the world? Tryna make this dark, dreary place just a little bit less so? Pff, ambitious but rubbish, y'know, no light shines forever. Might as well save it so it doesn't burn out."

Cupcake hands Imperius a sunflower and looks up at him with innocent eyes, "But it only takes one candle to light the darkness, doesn't it? And with dragons like you out here trying to do their best for the betterment of all our lives, I believe the light can always win. Thank you for being a strong warrior protecting dragons like me who can't fight very well. And if I may be so bold, I really like how your belly scales look like a natural part of your shiny gold armor!"
[color=#231555]@Copperhead [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A pink Spiral fluttered clumsily close, his pink eyes wild as he tried to focus on where he heard the voices. Twisting his head around, he spotted the source, and a crooked smile spread across his crimson-splattered face as he wobbled towards them. He opened his jaws to speak, but instead, gargled laughter escaped his jaws. With one trembling paw, he reached into his coat to his waist, barely gripping the handle of what looked suspiciously like a rusty blade.


A pink Spiral fluttered clumsily close, his pink eyes wild as he tried to focus on where he heard the voices. Twisting his head around, he spotted the source, and a crooked smile spread across his crimson-splattered face as he wobbled towards them.

He opened his jaws to speak, but instead, gargled laughter escaped his jaws. With one trembling paw, he reached into his coat to his waist, barely gripping the handle of what looked suspiciously like a rusty blade.
I'm Elda on PCE | FR dragon sales thread | I'm eldafr on tumblr93sr.png

Cupcake trots up, intending to greet the cute pink Spiral with a cuddle and a carnation. She is excited to see someone else with happy round eyes just like her! Being so naively trusting, she doesn't even notice as Hershel casually reaches for his weapon.

But Hellbender does. After all, one doesn't survive years of close scrapes and hard-won battles without learning to pick up on the subtleties of a dragon preparing an attack.

He springs forward, discarding all pretense of laziness, and pounces onto Hershel with a bellowing roar. Cupcake screams and darts away, and Hellbender pushes his furious snout right down into the Spiral's face as he growls fiercely. As Cupcake scurries into a tree and trembles, Hellbender bares his fangs and hisses into Hershel's ear, "You loose that weapon and it'll be your last mistake, wretch. I'll shred ya without a second thought, and I can guarantee that there'll be no one around who'll mourn your loss. This is your only warnin'; try anythin' with the lass when I let ya up an' you won't be gettin' a second."

With all his limbs tensed to strike, he slowly dismounts Hershel and gives him some space to retreat. His burning eyes stare unblinkingly at the smaller dragon and he digs his steely talons into the dirt, almost as though daring Hershel to make an aggressive move.

Cupcake trots up, intending to greet the cute pink Spiral with a cuddle and a carnation. She is excited to see someone else with happy round eyes just like her! Being so naively trusting, she doesn't even notice as Hershel casually reaches for his weapon.

But Hellbender does. After all, one doesn't survive years of close scrapes and hard-won battles without learning to pick up on the subtleties of a dragon preparing an attack.

He springs forward, discarding all pretense of laziness, and pounces onto Hershel with a bellowing roar. Cupcake screams and darts away, and Hellbender pushes his furious snout right down into the Spiral's face as he growls fiercely. As Cupcake scurries into a tree and trembles, Hellbender bares his fangs and hisses into Hershel's ear, "You loose that weapon and it'll be your last mistake, wretch. I'll shred ya without a second thought, and I can guarantee that there'll be no one around who'll mourn your loss. This is your only warnin'; try anythin' with the lass when I let ya up an' you won't be gettin' a second."

With all his limbs tensed to strike, he slowly dismounts Hershel and gives him some space to retreat. His burning eyes stare unblinkingly at the smaller dragon and he digs his steely talons into the dirt, almost as though daring Hershel to make an aggressive move.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] An unusually large Imperial settles themself down in front of Hellbender's rock, giving an amused chuckle in two synced voices. "[i]Do thy worst. Thy words cannot hope to be as harsh as those from he who was Our lone follower, during his lowest moments.[/i]" They tilt their head at him, mouth closed in a challenging smile.


An unusually large Imperial settles themself down in front of Hellbender's rock, giving an amused chuckle in two synced voices.

"Do thy worst. Thy words cannot hope to be as harsh as those from he who was Our lone follower, during his lowest moments." They tilt their head at him, mouth closed in a challenging smile.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Roast me, I can take it!" The Game says in a high-pitched squeak. "I ain't afraid!"


"Roast me, I can take it!" The Game says in a high-pitched squeak. "I ain't afraid!"
WishlistMorpheon Fennec Raffle Ticket
[img][/img] *Raja gives Hellbender an amused look* ”Yikes, and I thought I was a show off! At least I don't have to resort to silly "designer" clothes and insults in order to feel good about myself. If your looking for a negative reaction, best be aiming for an audience with [i]lower[/i] intelligence, my friend. *Raja turns towards Cupcake, noticing that she, to, was wearing clothes* "Oh! Well then, I guess some people just rock the designer clothes look then!" *in a whisper* "Best tell Mr. Salamander that he needs a new "do," if you catch my drift.
*Raja gives Hellbender an amused look*
”Yikes, and I thought I was a show off! At least I don't have to resort to silly "designer" clothes and insults in order to feel good about myself. If your looking for a negative reaction, best be aiming for an audience with lower intelligence, my friend.
*Raja turns towards Cupcake, noticing that she, to, was wearing clothes*
"Oh! Well then, I guess some people just rock the designer clothes look then!" *in a whisper* "Best tell Mr. Salamander that he needs a new "do," if you catch my drift.
There was a time he thought a single
sword could save the kingdom. A
time, all regrets were yet far away...

Hellbender rolls his eyes and snorts with barely suppressed laughter, "Pff, ok then, chum, if ya say so. What, ya reckon yourself a god, then? Heh, yeah, I can totally see that from your general shape. Ain't it a bloody shame that ya hafta be stuck in the form of nothin' more than one of us pathetic dragons? Bet that really get under your scales, to be stuck in such a lowly form, but it ain't no more than ya deserve." He grins rather sarcastically at Dormin, but the fiery amusement in his eyes is genuine, "And what kinda lame-arse god only has one follower, huh? Some god YOU are with those sorta numbers. Hell, I'VE got more devotees than that, and I'm just a mere mortal who ain't even makin' any grandiose claims; I'm just a guy sittin' here tryna catch some rays and some zzz's and I'm already more renowned than you! Oh sure, you might win the long con millennia down the line bein' alive when we're all dead and rotten, but when there's no one around to worship and serve ya, does that even make ya a god anymore? Or are ya just an immortal idiot who's got no one to offer 'em any attention throughout all eternity?"

Cupcake is certainly unsettled by the strange dragon that has come before them, but she hurriedly sprints up and offers Dormin a golden rose while hurriedly squeaking, "Herethisisforyoupleasedonteatme," and immediately scampers away to dive into her favorite berry bush.

Hellbender rolls his eyes and snorts with barely suppressed laughter, "Pff, ok then, chum, if ya say so. What, ya reckon yourself a god, then? Heh, yeah, I can totally see that from your general shape. Ain't it a bloody shame that ya hafta be stuck in the form of nothin' more than one of us pathetic dragons? Bet that really get under your scales, to be stuck in such a lowly form, but it ain't no more than ya deserve." He grins rather sarcastically at Dormin, but the fiery amusement in his eyes is genuine, "And what kinda lame-arse god only has one follower, huh? Some god YOU are with those sorta numbers. Hell, I'VE got more devotees than that, and I'm just a mere mortal who ain't even makin' any grandiose claims; I'm just a guy sittin' here tryna catch some rays and some zzz's and I'm already more renowned than you! Oh sure, you might win the long con millennia down the line bein' alive when we're all dead and rotten, but when there's no one around to worship and serve ya, does that even make ya a god anymore? Or are ya just an immortal idiot who's got no one to offer 'em any attention throughout all eternity?"

Cupcake is certainly unsettled by the strange dragon that has come before them, but she hurriedly sprints up and offers Dormin a golden rose while hurriedly squeaking, "Herethisisforyoupleasedonteatme," and immediately scampers away to dive into her favorite berry bush.
(I had to add this I'm so sorry)

Hershel's eyes rounded with surprise for a moment when the bigger dragon had pushed him to the ground. After the spotted dragon stood off of him, Hershel's eyelids drooped and his smile crept wider as he struggled to stand.

"My, myyyyy," the Sprial drawled as he eyed Hellbender with interest. "Whaaat a perfect specimen you would've beeeeeeen..." he trails off, chuckling. "The best souls are often the most spirited...and puuurrre," the Spiral adds, turning his large eyes up to Cupcake, then noticing Hellbender's muscles bunching, and Hershel took a step back. "But," Hershel continues, holding up a shaking claw, "I think I'll take my business elllllssewhere..."

With that, he spun around on one foot, nearly toppling over as he did so, and leaped back into the sky with whatever strength he had left, and darted away, his crazed laughter vanishing with him.
(I had to add this I'm so sorry)

Hershel's eyes rounded with surprise for a moment when the bigger dragon had pushed him to the ground. After the spotted dragon stood off of him, Hershel's eyelids drooped and his smile crept wider as he struggled to stand.

"My, myyyyy," the Sprial drawled as he eyed Hellbender with interest. "Whaaat a perfect specimen you would've beeeeeeen..." he trails off, chuckling. "The best souls are often the most spirited...and puuurrre," the Spiral adds, turning his large eyes up to Cupcake, then noticing Hellbender's muscles bunching, and Hershel took a step back. "But," Hershel continues, holding up a shaking claw, "I think I'll take my business elllllssewhere..."

With that, he spun around on one foot, nearly toppling over as he did so, and leaped back into the sky with whatever strength he had left, and darted away, his crazed laughter vanishing with him.
I'm Elda on PCE | FR dragon sales thread | I'm eldafr on tumblr93sr.png