Have these hatchlings on the auction house, but if someone claims them here i'd take them down and send them over! I just don't want them going into fodder :( But the prices they need to stay out of fodder means slow buying and I have nests going almost constantly&like no money for expanding
xyy, child of two sea monsters[/s]
Peacock children
Lots of red(make good plague reps!)
A story to be told
Art Commissions
Signature W.I.P.
TheMaskedDragon - can I have the guardian please?
EmperorTime - can I have the second guardian please?
[quote name="BlueberryBlast" date="2020-04-17 14:25:34" ]
[size=2]I have these two g1's looking for a new home! Both have relatively iffy colour combos at first glance, but they look pretty good with the right genes!
(Both have scrys in their bios)
These gen2s are refusing to sell, so I'll be exalting them if no one takes them. They're the kiddos of my progenitors, too, so if you'll breed them while they're under your care I'd really appreciate it! Please only take one :)
Themaskeddragon Could I have the spirals? They're perfect for a theme I've got going *-*
Themaskeddragon Could I have the spirals? They're perfect for a theme I've got going *-*
WingsofDestiny Definetly! Both of them? Making sure before I send the crossroad
WingsofDestiny Definetly! Both of them? Making sure before I send the crossroad
A story to be told
Art Commissions
Signature W.I.P.
@Dinomatika , Hi, can I have this girl? It's already beautiful, so I don't think it needs to be changed. Thanks
Dinomatika , Hi, can I have this girl? It's already beautiful, so I don't think it needs to be changed. Thanks
This is Macau. Everytime I see him I change my mind as to whether I like him or not.
Will be exalted on the 26th of April.
This is Macau. Everytime I see him I change my mind as to whether I like him or not.
Will be exalted on the 26th of April.
Monochka im so sorry, i didnt link the correct tab ;3;
Monochka im so sorry, i didnt link the correct tab ;3;
have a good day!
trying to get some new dragons. my lair has a lot of dragons im trying to get rid of, so please dont mind my lair slots when deciding to send the dragons ^^
Dragon Census