
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Lore Theme Week: The Ancient One
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [font=arial]Of the dragons in Clan Feldspar, its leader, [b]Dreamweaver[/b], is the oldest and the most knowledgeable regarding things beyond draconic comprehension. They have been the Lightweaver's most loyal and trusted acolyte for centuries, and existed even in the time before dragonkind. They are a shape-shifter, made up of the same nebulous material as dreams; as such, they can move freely between the waking and dreaming realms. They have been married to the clan's founder, Banrai, for over six ages (four years site time), and are the parent to two sons--Winter, adopted when they and Banrai first settled in their territory, and Phantasos, their only child by blood. They are additionally responsible for the Emperor, Silas, who is fused with his twin brother, Samuel, and one of the Lightweaver's experiments gone awry, Abraxas.[/font]

Of the dragons in Clan Feldspar, its leader, Dreamweaver, is the oldest and the most knowledgeable regarding things beyond draconic comprehension. They have been the Lightweaver's most loyal and trusted acolyte for centuries, and existed even in the time before dragonkind. They are a shape-shifter, made up of the same nebulous material as dreams; as such, they can move freely between the waking and dreaming realms.

They have been married to the clan's founder, Banrai, for over six ages (four years site time), and are the parent to two sons--Winter, adopted when they and Banrai first settled in their territory, and Phantasos, their only child by blood. They are additionally responsible for the Emperor, Silas, who is fused with his twin brother, Samuel, and one of the Lightweaver's experiments gone awry, Abraxas.
he smooch the dragon.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Icevia is the oldest dragon in my lair in both ways, as in site age and lore. She's a couple thousand years old in lore, and has done a lot of great things because she is so cool Right now she lives in her icy fortress away and hiding from everyone else.


Icevia is the oldest dragon in my lair in both ways, as in site age and lore. She's a couple thousand years old in lore, and has done a lot of great things because she is so cool

Right now she lives in her icy fortress away and hiding from everyone else.
Lorie / gemini



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[img][/img] Daory is my old guardian boy from the seas. He loveto help weak creatures and fight to protect the other lives. But he's old dragon, who mostly talks or swimming.

Daory is my old guardian boy from the seas. He loveto help weak creatures and fight to protect the other lives. But he's old dragon, who mostly talks or swimming.
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Adihe is the founder of the city Farengate and their warrior queen. She has long outlived any mirror on record in the city, causing rumors of necromancy to swirl about her. She rarely gives council and is not often seen in public--but has been known, on two separate occasions, to raise the dead.


Adihe is the founder of the city Farengate and their warrior queen. She has long outlived any mirror on record in the city, causing rumors of necromancy to swirl about her. She rarely gives council and is not often seen in public--but has been known, on two separate occasions, to raise the dead.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Khione isn't the oldest, per say, but she is undoubtedly the strongest, and claims a direct lineage to The Icewarden

Khione isn't the oldest, per say, but she is undoubtedly the strongest, and claims a direct lineage to The Icewarden

+3 hours ahead of flight rising time


Please appreciate my dragon's bios they took so long
Primoris and Minerva are the two founders of the clan and are the oldest dragons in it. They retired as leaders and left running the clan to their eldest daughter. Currently they live in the caverns underneath the clan's lairs and like to play tricks on the newest members by pretending to be the voices of ghosts and spirits. They are somewhat impossible. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Primoris and Minerva are the two founders of the clan and are the oldest dragons in it.
They retired as leaders and left running the clan to their eldest daughter. Currently they live in the caverns underneath the clan's lairs and like to play tricks on the newest members by pretending to be the voices of ghosts and spirits.

They are somewhat impossible.


[center][size=5][b]A n t a r a m[/b][/size] The Sleeping Statue [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "[i]The ancient one sleeps where the shadows are deep, to wake when there are lives to reap[/i] Unearthed below the clan’s cathedral lair, this statue has served to unsettle any who are caught in its lifeless gaze. Though made in the vague likeness of a Coatl, its proportions are the slightest bit [i]off[/i]. The cracked body is too long, the feathers of the weathered wings too sharp, and the eyes seem to follow you with a certain hunger unbeffiting something made of stone. It also feels ancient in almost the same way the sections of the Pillar do. The numerous cobwebs covering it only accentuate this. None know who created the statue, nor do they know how it came to be in the Crypt of a Second Age cathedral that hadn’t been touched since it was abandoned. All they know is the inscription carved in its base bears the name ‘Antaram’ and speaks a warning. All they know is that the ‘statue’ that is the leader’s Charge is not what it seems. They don’t know that it’s alive. They don’t know that it’s only hibernating and biding it’s time. [/center]
A n t a r a m
The Sleeping Statue


"The ancient one sleeps where the shadows are deep,
to wake when there are lives to reap

Unearthed below the clan’s cathedral lair, this statue has served to unsettle any who are caught in its lifeless gaze. Though made in the vague likeness of a Coatl, its proportions are the slightest bit off. The cracked body is too long, the feathers of the weathered wings too sharp, and the eyes seem to follow you with a certain hunger unbeffiting something made of stone.

It also feels ancient in almost the same way the sections of the Pillar do. The numerous cobwebs covering it only accentuate this.

None know who created the statue, nor do they know how it came to be in the Crypt of a Second Age cathedral that hadn’t been touched since it was abandoned. All they know is the inscription carved in its base bears the name ‘Antaram’ and speaks a warning. All they know is that the ‘statue’ that is the leader’s Charge is not what it seems.

They don’t know that it’s alive. They don’t know that it’s only hibernating and biding it’s time.
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Bryidae can trace her lineage to the Gladekeeper herself through a few generations, her Gladekeeper-born ancestor an ancient fae of the Viridian labyrinth who fights alongside the Glademother now. But Bryidae is not your sweet grandma of the clan. And while she's wise, there is one thing she is more than wise: salty. Just ask Jakkara, a somewhat younger ancient swamp witch Natureborn, and Perliel, the Iceborn Ancient pilot. They can tell you how the old Tree Witch puts them in their place with a verbal salt that leaves them tasting sea salt for WEEKS.


Bryidae can trace her lineage to the Gladekeeper herself through a few generations, her Gladekeeper-born ancestor an ancient fae of the Viridian labyrinth who fights alongside the Glademother now.

But Bryidae is not your sweet grandma of the clan. And while she's wise, there is one thing she is more than wise: salty. Just ask Jakkara, a somewhat younger ancient swamp witch Natureborn, and Perliel, the Iceborn Ancient pilot. They can tell you how the old Tree Witch puts them in their place with a verbal salt that leaves them tasting sea salt for WEEKS.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [font=Constantia]Death is here and always will be. Death is the oldest of them all.[/font]


Death is here and always will be. Death is the oldest of them all.
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Eigengrau is our Clan's ancient one. He lives in the lowest, darkest level of the mountain caverns beneath the Icescale, where he was imprisoned before Cetyaniko literally [i]punched Frostmagic through the floor[/i] and into his cavern. The fact that a living creature entered this cavern snapped the Imperial's magical bindings, and out of a small vase in the corner of the room, the massive dragon rose to fill the cave. He's hundreds of years old, supposedly a magical byproduct of the "young" magic running rampant after the War. He's Ice through and through, but was born of the excess Shadow magic diffusing from the Tangled Wood, before an old Ice Mage gave him a heart of pure Ice. He is regarded by he clan as "the Immortal Darkness" or "Deepwalker" due to the fact that he can make his spots completely invisible, the dark shadows leaking slowly from them.


Eigengrau is our Clan's ancient one. He lives in the lowest, darkest level of the mountain caverns beneath the Icescale, where he was imprisoned before Cetyaniko literally punched Frostmagic through the floor and into his cavern. The fact that a living creature entered this cavern snapped the Imperial's magical bindings, and out of a small vase in the corner of the room, the massive dragon rose to fill the cave. He's hundreds of years old, supposedly a magical byproduct of the "young" magic running rampant after the War. He's Ice through and through, but was born of the excess Shadow magic diffusing from the Tangled Wood, before an old Ice Mage gave him a heart of pure Ice. He is regarded by he clan as "the Immortal Darkness" or "Deepwalker" due to the fact that he can make his spots completely invisible, the dark shadows leaking slowly from them.



have U Girls hard of spice