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minoskorva's Clan
for god's sakes mary they built this thing in bedford falls
Clan Info

appalachian worm who may or may not be a gryphon irl. i do dom stuff sometimes.
dont worry about my pm situation. i'm not a dead lair, just don't feed my dragons sometimes. leave flowers and get out. if you're here to ask about a dragon i bought as fodder and is in my "en route" page, and ice flight is not currently pushing, i may be willing to sell it back. inquiries will not be accepted during push weeks.
inquiries about dragons outside of my "en route" first page or g1 hoard in my hibernal den will not be responded to. i'm mostly just here to chill. if you have any questions feel free to ask but be warned i might miss them because of the aforementioned PM situation. just bump me on my profile if you think that i missed you.
for forum games, you Do Not See my hibernal den. thanks
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(Also I really love your lair. The Enchiridion tab especially- gorgeous dragons)