
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Lore Theme Week: The Ancient One
[img][/img] This is Tempest, Goddess of Space and Mother of the Universe. She is the oldest living god in existence and cares deeply for all in her midst. Living at the highest point of the Crystalspine Reaches, she watches over her newest home and family, as they mean everything to her. But nothing will ever replace her youngest brother, whom left home long ago...

This is Tempest, Goddess of Space and Mother of the Universe. She is the oldest living god in existence and cares deeply for all in her midst. Living at the highest point of the Crystalspine Reaches, she watches over her newest home and family, as they mean everything to her. But nothing will ever replace her youngest brother, whom left home long ago...
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] A long time ago Tharis was an powerful and primal entity before the universe existed. There was one other Entity, both of them remained nameless at the time. Both beings where in constant combat creating the universe. When tharis was defeated he fled to sorneith. He searched until he found a suitable vessel, a electric ridgeback. The ridgeback back had just hatched so thought it would be the best chance he had. The circuit markings were made when he entered the dragon. He is incredibly powerful though was weakened in the fight so long ago, He is the best mage in his tribe. [/center]


A long time ago Tharis was an powerful and primal entity before the universe existed. There was one other Entity, both of them remained nameless at the time. Both beings where in constant combat creating the universe. When tharis was defeated he fled to sorneith. He searched until he found a suitable vessel, a electric ridgeback. The ridgeback back had just hatched so thought it would be the best chance he had. The circuit markings were made when he entered the dragon. He is incredibly powerful though was weakened in the fight so long ago, He is the best mage in his tribe.
Formerly, HawkstarTheKing
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] Tesla here was born during a powerful and violent storm caused by the Stormcatcher two years ago. When her egg hatched, it sent a massive spark into the sky signifying the mark of the very close end of the what seemed to be a year long storm. Every clan was very cheerful when it was over, however Tesla was as cruel as the raging lightning that created her existence. She disliked everyone and everything and the dragons who knew her grew scared of her. Until she met her mate. For once, Tesla was actually kind and happy when she met him. They were always cheery towards each other and everything around them, and they even had three kids later on together. A little over a month had passed after their hatches and that's when the turmoil unfolded. Her dashing mate had left her for someone else and all she felt afterwards was a horrific vexation which caused her to accidentally harm her babies so bad they had to go under a god/goddess's care. Once this happened, she was empty forever. The only thing the girl knew she could do was go in search of a clan that she could spend her life drowning in the blood-curdling thoughts that were bestowed upon her while still being accepted, loved, and cared for all the same.

Tesla here was born during a powerful and violent storm caused by the Stormcatcher two years ago. When her egg hatched, it sent a massive spark into the sky signifying the mark of the very close end of the what seemed to be a year long storm. Every clan was very cheerful when it was over, however Tesla was as cruel as the raging lightning that created her existence. She disliked everyone and everything and the dragons who knew her grew scared of her.

Until she met her mate.

For once, Tesla was actually kind and happy when she met him. They were always cheery towards each other and everything around them, and they even had three kids later on together. A little over a month had passed after their hatches and that's when the turmoil unfolded. Her dashing mate had left her for someone else and all she felt afterwards was a horrific vexation which caused her to accidentally harm her babies so bad they had to go under a god/goddess's care. Once this happened, she was empty forever. The only thing the girl knew she could do was go in search of a clan that she could spend her life drowning in the blood-curdling thoughts that were bestowed upon her while still being accepted, loved, and cared for all the same.
587.png -Click the egg for a fun egg challenge!


-I was young and a menace
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center] [img][/img] [font=Book Antiqua][color=#333333][size=7][b]Helianthus[/b][/size][/color][/font] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][color=#E8AF49][font=Monotype Corsiva]The Fallen Hunter[/font][/color][/size][/center] The body of Helianthus rots in a field of sunflowers near the edge of The Garden. That was where they were abandoned for their failures, for their inability to listen to orders. The dragon lost their identity over time, but refused to let go--they clung to their body, dug this claws into the earth like roots. Dripping, oozing, hardly living. When The Garden formed from their blood, dragons were drawn in to its prosperity. By then, Helianthus was hardly responsive, but the newly formed clan accepted them as harmless, despite the threat of their death ever looming. A cult has formed around Helianthus and their secrets. What little things they speak are considered scripture, their body an altar. Helianthus is their Anthem, and when Anthem arises once more, they'll cleanse the clan. They'll bring life to the realm. All they need is more strength, more sacrifices. Death lost its meaning long ago.
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The Fallen Hunter

The body of Helianthus rots in a field of sunflowers near the edge of The Garden. That was where they were abandoned for their failures, for their inability to listen to orders. The dragon lost their identity over time, but refused to let go--they clung to their body, dug this claws into the earth like roots. Dripping, oozing, hardly living. When The Garden formed from their blood, dragons were drawn in to its prosperity. By then, Helianthus was hardly responsive, but the newly formed clan accepted them as harmless, despite the threat of their death ever looming.

A cult has formed around Helianthus and their secrets. What little things they speak are considered scripture, their body an altar. Helianthus is their Anthem, and when Anthem arises once more, they'll cleanse the clan. They'll bring life to the realm. All they need is more strength, more sacrifices. Death lost its meaning long ago.
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Brandr is the clans seer. Though not the oldest dragon in there ranks he draws upon ancient knowledge. He comes across as being far older than his years suggest.


Brandr is the clans seer. Though not the oldest dragon in there ranks he draws upon ancient knowledge. He comes across as being far older than his years suggest.
[img][/img] [b]APOPHIS[/b] Though he is not the first dragon who joined my clan, he is by far the most competent, showing his colors with the true natural apparel of the plague tribe. Immortal shall his love for this clan last, and like all true Infectionist's, he has marked the land with his [b]PLAGUE[/b].


Though he is not the first dragon who joined my clan, he is by far the most competent, showing his colors with the true natural apparel of the plague tribe. Immortal shall his love for this clan last, and like all true Infectionist's, he has marked the land with his PLAGUE.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]*snork*[/i] So, you came all the way out here to see me? ...... ... . [b]BWHAHAHAHAHAAAA...[/b] You could have just called and I would have come over! Silly you. I'm all over the place. Been all over the place since I was a pup. Bein' a fighter'll do that to ya. [i]Wait, I thought this was for the ancients?[/i] So, you're saying an old man like me can't fight? Naw. Just means I'm real GOOD at it. That's all. Took it up back when my clan was just a couple a dragons. Never really stopped, either. I also greet all the newcomers and let them know who's who. Important stuff, that. Lets you know who's a total nutcase and who will help you along. Not that we aren't all nutcases just a little bit. Yep. Gotta be nuts to live out here in the thorns for this long, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Someone's got to keep the plague from spreading past the wasteland's edge. Someone's got to keep the light in check. Someone's got to keep the beasties in the dark at bay. That someone's us... and me in particular. When I'm not greeting new folks I'm training up the newbies. Helping 'em fight better. My husband pitches in, too. Tom's a sweetie. You'll like him. Younger but eh, they say age is just a number anyway. [i]But, but you're so... relaxed... so... normal... how are you ancient?[/i] Look. A lotta dragons seem to think you've gotta do this noble powerful dragon thing when you're old. The truth is, you have to be YOU. That's the one thing time has taught me the most. Illusions fade. Build stuff all you want- it'll crumble. The real stuff, the stuff inside. Now THAT is eternal. So I'm gonna just be me, rough around the edges and all. And I'll keep on keeping on. It's the only way to live forever.



So, you came all the way out here to see me?



You could have just called and I would have come over! Silly you. I'm all over the place. Been all over the place since I was a pup. Bein' a fighter'll do that to ya.

Wait, I thought this was for the ancients?

So, you're saying an old man like me can't fight? Naw. Just means I'm real GOOD at it. That's all. Took it up back when my clan was just a couple a dragons. Never really stopped, either. I also greet all the newcomers and let them know who's who. Important stuff, that. Lets you know who's a total nutcase and who will help you along.

Not that we aren't all nutcases just a little bit. Yep. Gotta be nuts to live out here in the thorns for this long, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Someone's got to keep the plague from spreading past the wasteland's edge. Someone's got to keep the light in check. Someone's got to keep the beasties in the dark at bay. That someone's us... and me in particular.

When I'm not greeting new folks I'm training up the newbies. Helping 'em fight better. My husband pitches in, too. Tom's a sweetie. You'll like him. Younger but eh, they say age is just a number anyway.

But, but you're so... relaxed... so... normal... how are you ancient?

Look. A lotta dragons seem to think you've gotta do this noble powerful dragon thing when you're old. The truth is, you have to be YOU. That's the one thing time has taught me the most. Illusions fade. Build stuff all you want- it'll crumble. The real stuff, the stuff inside. Now THAT is eternal.

So I'm gonna just be me, rough around the edges and all. And I'll keep on keeping on. It's the only way to live forever.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Aurielle has always been a curious type, it is said that she hatched to the sound almost calling out to her. She has devoted her life to trying to understand the meaning of the sound, She became a Seer, traveling the world, acquiring golden markings on her body as she traveled. She continued on her journey until she came upon a small clan of Dragons that welcomed her with open arms, she has been there ever since, guiding the hatchlings, tending to the elders, sharing her wisdom, and even raising young of her own.


Aurielle has always been a curious type, it is said that she hatched to the sound almost calling out to her. She has devoted her life to trying to understand the meaning of the sound, She became a Seer, traveling the world, acquiring golden markings on her body as she traveled. She continued on her journey until she came upon a small clan of Dragons that welcomed her with open arms, she has been there ever since, guiding the hatchlings, tending to the elders, sharing her wisdom, and even raising young of her own.
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] The oldest dragon in the kingdom, Dawn is the royal oracle. She uses pools of water and runestones to get her visions, and most if not all dragons who live within the castle ask for her guidance. She's a well respected and powerful magic caster who is proficient in water based magic. There have been many questions about Dawn recently- most of them centered around whether or not she's going to take an apprentice. So far Dawn has turned down those who have asked to be mentored and instead has sent them to Lotus. Her reasoning? It just isn't time for her to pass on her teachings yet.

The oldest dragon in the kingdom, Dawn is the royal oracle. She uses pools of water and runestones to get her visions, and most if not all dragons who live within the castle ask for her guidance. She's a well respected and powerful magic caster who is proficient in water based magic.

There have been many questions about Dawn recently- most of them centered around whether or not she's going to take an apprentice. So far Dawn has turned down those who have asked to be mentored and instead has sent them to Lotus. Her reasoning? It just isn't time for her to pass on her teachings yet.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Shai-Hulud is my ancient. Hes been around ages farther than most can remember. Also my Dune fan-dragon, but he lives deep in the mountains of my lair and carves wonderful pieces of history and art. His mate is a sweet librarian wildclaw, and his children travel the world! edit: still working on his outfit if anyone is inspired and wants to send me some ideas!


Shai-Hulud is my ancient. Hes been around ages farther than most can remember. Also my Dune fan-dragon, but he lives deep in the mountains of my lair and carves wonderful pieces of history and art. His mate is a sweet librarian wildclaw, and his children travel the world!

edit: still working on his outfit if anyone is inspired and wants to send me some ideas!