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TOPIC | Subspecies: Greater Horrors {200!!}
[left][color=Darkslateblue][font=Georgia][size=7]Greater Horrors[/size][/font][/color][/left] [columns][center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/center][/columns] [left][size=4][b]Description[/b][/size] Greater horrors are not dragons, but a type of Shade-touched fauna that periodically emerges from a nightmare realm alongside waking Sornieth. They have their genesis in the souls of dragons that die in their eggs, having never formed a magical connection with an elemental deity. New horrors may form spontaneously in this fashion, or be fissioned from an existing horror. Within their native realm, they feed primarily on the fears and anxieties of Sornieth's inhabitants, though they are not averse to devouring the mind and intellect of unwary sleepers. While born of the lost souls of dragons, most horrors themselves are not sapient, only able to mimic the behavior of conscious beings. A small number of horrors, however, can rise true consciousness, though they must encounter a sapient being sojourning within the nightmare realm itself to achieve their full potential. Even non-sapient horrors can give a very good impression of consciousness to an unwary observer, however--they speak and act much as a thinking being would, though they are driven by instinct to evoke terror so that they can feed on it. Each horror has a Name, corresponding to the particular fear it feeds on. These can be broad (Failure, Loss, Death) or narrow (Mirrors, Clowns, Bees); the broader the fear, the larger and more developed the horror. Mages of any flight with a taste for nightmare magic can call greater horrors forth to do their bidding, though the mindless variety dissolve into loose magic shortly after being summoned. Sapient horrors may persist on Sornieth indefinitely, and often use their powers of mimicry and mental suasion to make homes for themselves among dragon clans. Greater horrors in their native shapes are enormous, eel-like monstrosities with dinner-plate eyes and tooth-studded maws. They are made of innumerable, blunt suckerless tentacles wound together, and are nearly weightless with a distinctly gooey consistency. The most common color in the visible spectrum is a dead, lightless black, though species that can perceive infrared or ultraviolet spectra will see horrors covered with innumerable intricate, unique patterns. They are apt mimics of general shapes, but can't change their colors or conceal their tentacular make-up. Greater horrors on Sornieth adopt the shapes of serpentine dragons, with greater or lesser success. [size=4][b]Lore[/b][/size] A dragon egg laid outside the territory of the eleven elemental gods will not hatch: without their magic, soul never knits to body and the embryo inside withers and dies. Without an anchor, the little waiting spark of Mind that might one day have become a person slips away through the cracks in reality. Most are eaten by the pneumavores that lurk in the hungry Void outside, but a few--lucky or clever or both--survive and grow up to become predators themselves. Shade-touched, these lost souls lurk in the dreams and nightmares of dragonkind, feeding on their fears and growing fat. The largest of them are the greater horrors, dream-beasts without an identity beyond their Names--the specific terror they draw strength from. Most horrors are little more than beasts, unconscious and unaware of the minds around them, though they ably ape the manner and speech of dragons they meet while dreaming. The larger they are, the more they resemble thinking beings, though the veneer of intelligence lies only skin-deep over a terrible animal cunning. Sleeping dragons caught and seduced by a wandering horror might never wake again, trapped beyond saving in their own nightmares--or worse, awaken possessed, without dreams or mind or reasoning of their own. Terrifying as they might be, horrors dissolve if they can be lured into the waking world. Without flesh or consciousness, they hold no constant shape and melt away like fog in the sunlight. A very few, though, have that vital spark of self-regard that can blossom into true sapience with the right encouragement. These rare horrors are a match for any dragon in intellect and can survive outside the dream-world, but they're often socially crippled and terribly, terribly lonely. Made of nightmare-stuff woven together, a horror in its native shape is a serpentine nightmare of tendrils and eyes and teeth. Able mimics, they can adapt any form they choose, though never so convincingly as to fool anyone: their telltale coloration can't be disguised, nor can the innumerable tiny tentacles making up their corporeal forms. Neither do many bother to hide their unnatural fangs; given their preference to resemble more anguine breeds of dragons, this often leads to distressingly toothy faes and coatls with maws of razors. While an individual horror might favor the traits of one sex or another--or neither, or both--they are by nature sexless creatures. Within their native realm, they only "mate" to share memories and substance one with another, and reinforce social bonds. New horrors are formed by fission from an existing horror whose Name has grown too large, or when a recently lost soul becomes large enough to take on a Name of its own. In the waking world, embodied horrors can combine their substance to produce offspring with traits of both parents, though the process only has the vaguest resemblance to ordinary draconic mating. With the proper flesh-shaping magic from plague or nature, horrors can even interbreed with dragons, producing horrorkin that are equally comfortable in the dream or the waking. Horrors within the realm of dream have ice-white or shade-black eyes. Those outside it gradually take on colors consonant with the dominant magic of the clan they reside with, a last vestige of the ties they should have had to the deities. Due to their natures, they are most comfortable with plague, ice, and shadow clans. Lore and Subspecies by PlagueHeart [center][b][size=4]News & Updates[/size][/b] [b]October 6, 2020[/b] Tzarksra lives! A general update can be found on page 45, but I am currently working on getting things up to date! [b]June 24, 2018[/b] Greater Horrors are now 200 strong! [b]June 7, 2018[/b] All eye types are acceptable for Horrors [b]May 28, 2018[/b] Ghost, Python, Morph, Pinstripe, and Trail are now acceptable genes [b]November 23, 2017:[/b] Repeat names are now allowed [b]April 15, 2017:[/b] Opal has been added [b]March 7, 2017:[/b] Wildclaw and Bogsneak are now acceptable breeds. Thylacine, Metallic and Alloy have been added. [b]March 6, 2017:[/b] Under new ownership! Welcome to the new thread. Our old thread can be found [url=]here[/url][/center] [b][size=4]Subspecies Standards[/size][/b] [u][i]Breeds[/i][/u]: Spiral, Fae, Coatl, Imperial, Mirror, Bogsneak, Wildclaw [u][i]Colors[/i][/u]: [i]Primary[/i]: gloom through blackberry, abyss, hunter, umber, sanguine, wine; [i]Secondary[/i]: gloom through blackberry, abyss, hunter, umber, sanguine, wine; [i]Tertiary[/i]: antique through blackberry, abyss, hunter, umber, sanguine, or wine for anything but opal, smoke, spines, stained, or smirch - [i]Opal[/i]: gloom through shadow, sapphire, abyss, phthalo, hunter, sanguine, blood, wine - [i]Smoke, Spines, and Ghost[/i]: any color permissible - [i]Stained[/i]: "darker" colors, e.g., grey-mulberry, nightshade-eggplant, indigo-blue, overcast-azure, thicket-camo, swamp-green, spring-goldenrod, slate-soil, chocolate-maroon, raspberry-mauve. breeder discretion is advised; colors outside these ranges might work if they don't make the dragon too pale. - [i]Smirch[/i]: gloom-wisteria, navy, overcast-azure, thicket-forest, murk, slate-soil, chocolate-tomato, crimson-berry, wine [i][u]Genes[/u][/i]: [i]Primary[/i]: iridescent, ripple, poison, jupiter, metallic, python, pinstripe [i]Secondary[/i]: shimmer, current, toxin, saturn, alloy, morph, trail [i]Tertiary[/i]: underbelly, glimmer, crackle, smoke, spines, stained, thylacine, opal, smirch, ghost [i]Flights[/i]: Any permitted; ice, plague, shadow preferred[/left]
Greater Horrors


Greater horrors are not dragons, but a type of Shade-touched fauna that periodically emerges from a nightmare realm alongside waking Sornieth. They have their genesis in the souls of dragons that die in their eggs, having never formed a magical connection with an elemental deity. New horrors may form spontaneously in this fashion, or be fissioned from an existing horror. Within their native realm, they feed primarily on the fears and anxieties of Sornieth's inhabitants, though they are not averse to devouring the mind and intellect of unwary sleepers.

While born of the lost souls of dragons, most horrors themselves are not sapient, only able to mimic the behavior of conscious beings. A small number of horrors, however, can rise true consciousness, though they must encounter a sapient being sojourning within the nightmare realm itself to achieve their full potential. Even non-sapient horrors can give a very good impression of consciousness to an unwary observer, however--they speak and act much as a thinking being would, though they are driven by instinct to evoke terror so that they can feed on it.

Each horror has a Name, corresponding to the particular fear it feeds on. These can be broad (Failure, Loss, Death) or narrow (Mirrors, Clowns, Bees); the broader the fear, the larger and more developed the horror.

Mages of any flight with a taste for nightmare magic can call greater horrors forth to do their bidding, though the mindless variety dissolve into loose magic shortly after being summoned. Sapient horrors may persist on Sornieth indefinitely, and often use their powers of mimicry and mental suasion to make homes for themselves among dragon clans.

Greater horrors in their native shapes are enormous, eel-like monstrosities with dinner-plate eyes and tooth-studded maws. They are made of innumerable, blunt suckerless tentacles wound together, and are nearly weightless with a distinctly gooey consistency. The most common color in the visible spectrum is a dead, lightless black, though species that can perceive infrared or ultraviolet spectra will see horrors covered with innumerable intricate, unique patterns. They are apt mimics of general shapes, but can't change their colors or conceal their tentacular make-up. Greater horrors on Sornieth adopt the shapes of serpentine dragons, with greater or lesser success.

A dragon egg laid outside the territory of the eleven elemental gods will not hatch: without their magic, soul never knits to body and the embryo inside withers and dies. Without an anchor, the little waiting spark of Mind that might one day have become a person slips away through the cracks in reality. Most are eaten by the pneumavores that lurk in the hungry Void outside, but a few--lucky or clever or both--survive and grow up to become predators themselves. Shade-touched, these lost souls lurk in the dreams and nightmares of dragonkind, feeding on their fears and growing fat.

The largest of them are the greater horrors, dream-beasts without an identity beyond their Names--the specific terror they draw strength from. Most horrors are little more than beasts, unconscious and unaware of the minds around them, though they ably ape the manner and speech of dragons they meet while dreaming. The larger they are, the more they resemble thinking beings, though the veneer of intelligence lies only skin-deep over a terrible animal cunning. Sleeping dragons caught and seduced by a wandering horror might never wake again, trapped beyond saving in their own nightmares--or worse, awaken possessed, without dreams or mind or reasoning of their own.

Terrifying as they might be, horrors dissolve if they can be lured into the waking world. Without flesh or consciousness, they hold no constant shape and melt away like fog in the sunlight. A very few, though, have that vital spark of self-regard that can blossom into true sapience with the right encouragement. These rare horrors are a match for any dragon in intellect and can survive outside the dream-world, but they're often socially crippled and terribly, terribly lonely.

Made of nightmare-stuff woven together, a horror in its native shape is a serpentine nightmare of tendrils and eyes and teeth. Able mimics, they can adapt any form they choose, though never so convincingly as to fool anyone: their telltale coloration can't be disguised, nor can the innumerable tiny tentacles making up their corporeal forms. Neither do many bother to hide their unnatural fangs; given their preference to resemble more anguine breeds of dragons, this often leads to distressingly toothy faes and coatls with maws of razors.

While an individual horror might favor the traits of one sex or another--or neither, or both--they are by nature sexless creatures. Within their native realm, they only "mate" to share memories and substance one with another, and reinforce social bonds. New horrors are formed by fission from an existing horror whose Name has grown too large, or when a recently lost soul becomes large enough to take on a Name of its own. In the waking world, embodied horrors can combine their substance to produce offspring with traits of both parents, though the process only has the vaguest resemblance to ordinary draconic mating. With the proper flesh-shaping magic from plague or nature, horrors can even interbreed with dragons, producing horrorkin that are equally comfortable in the dream or the waking.

Horrors within the realm of dream have ice-white or shade-black eyes. Those outside it gradually take on colors consonant with the dominant magic of the clan they reside with, a last vestige of the ties they should have had to the deities. Due to their natures, they are most comfortable with plague, ice, and shadow clans.
Lore and Subspecies by PlagueHeart

News & Updates
October 6, 2020 Tzarksra lives! A general update can be found on page 45, but I am currently working on getting things up to date!
June 24, 2018 Greater Horrors are now 200 strong!
June 7, 2018 All eye types are acceptable for Horrors
May 28, 2018 Ghost, Python, Morph, Pinstripe, and Trail are now acceptable genes
November 23, 2017: Repeat names are now allowed
April 15, 2017: Opal has been added
March 7, 2017: Wildclaw and Bogsneak are now acceptable breeds. Thylacine, Metallic and Alloy have been added.
March 6, 2017: Under new ownership! Welcome to the new thread. Our old thread can be found here

Subspecies Standards
Breeds: Spiral, Fae, Coatl, Imperial, Mirror, Bogsneak, Wildclaw
Primary: gloom through blackberry, abyss, hunter, umber, sanguine, wine;
Secondary: gloom through blackberry, abyss, hunter, umber, sanguine, wine;
Tertiary: antique through blackberry, abyss, hunter, umber, sanguine, or wine for anything but opal, smoke, spines, stained, or smirch
- Opal: gloom through shadow, sapphire, abyss, phthalo, hunter, sanguine, blood, wine
- Smoke, Spines, and Ghost: any color permissible
- Stained: "darker" colors, e.g., grey-mulberry, nightshade-eggplant, indigo-blue, overcast-azure, thicket-camo, swamp-green, spring-goldenrod, slate-soil, chocolate-maroon, raspberry-mauve. breeder discretion is advised; colors outside these ranges might work if they don't make the dragon too pale.
- Smirch: gloom-wisteria, navy, overcast-azure, thicket-forest, murk, slate-soil, chocolate-tomato, crimson-berry, wine

Primary: iridescent, ripple, poison, jupiter, metallic, python, pinstripe
Secondary: shimmer, current, toxin, saturn, alloy, morph, trail
Tertiary: underbelly, glimmer, crackle, smoke, spines, stained, thylacine, opal, smirch, ghost

Flights: Any permitted; ice, plague, shadow preferred

Kit | she/them
FR +2
coatl connossieur
[left][color=Darkslateblue][font=Georgia][size=7]Known Horrors[/size][/font][/color][/left] [b][size=4]Wildclaws[/size][/b] 020. [url=]Fear of the Apocalypse[/url] 093. [url=]Fear of Pity[/url] 098. [url=]Fear of Trust[/url] 100. [url=]Fear of Judgement[/url] 101. [url=]Fear of Insight[/url] 107. [url=]Fear of Change[/url] 114. [url=]Fear of the Afterlife[/url] 126. [url=]Fear of Loneliness[/url] 128. [url=]Fear of Plague[/url] 165. [url=]Fear of Singing[/url] 166. [s][url=]Fear of Centipedes[/url][/s] 177. [url=]Fear of Homelessness[/url] 180. [url=]Fear of Falling[/url] 181. [url=]Fear of Twilight[/url] 182. [url=]Fear of Wealth[/url] 195. [url=]Fear of the Color Red/Blushing[/url] 200. [url=]Fear of Blood[/url] 204. [url=]Fear of Crows[/url] 208. [url=]Fear of New Things[/url] 209. [url=]Fear of Eyes[/url] 222. [url=]Fear of Hauntings[/url] 244. [url=]Fear of Being Abandoned[/url] 248. [url=]Fear of Eyes[/url] 257. [url=]Fear of Submerged Objects[/url] [b][size=4]Bogsneaks[/size][/b] 079. [url=]Fear of Ghosts[/url] [s]097. [url=]Fear of Ice[/url][/s] 103. [url=]Fear of Reflections[/url] 115. [url=]Fear of Poison[/url] 122. [url=]Fear of Mist[/url] 189. [url=]Fear of Ice[/url] 191. [url=]Fear of Abduction[/url] 245. [url=]Fear of Vampires[/url] 246. [url=]Fear of Werewolves[/url] [b][size=4]Faes[/size][/b] 001. [url=]Fear of Space[/url] 005. [url=]Fear of Moonless Nights[/url] 018. [url=]Fear of People[/url] 028. [url=]Fear of Extreme Cold[/url] 030. [url=]Fear of Clouds[/url] 037. [url=]Fear of the Northern Lights[/url] 050. [url=]Fear of Failure[/url] 055. [url=]Fear of Stories[/url] 090. [url=]Fear of Hope[/url] 091. [url=]Fear of Illusions[/url] 104. [url=]Fear of Fire[/url] 149. [url=]Fear of Insomnia[/url] 150. [url=]Fear of Being Lonesome[/url] 155. [url=]Fear of Mirrors[/url] 160. [url=]Fear of Drowning in Oil or Tar[/url] 174. [url=]Fear of Resentment[/url] 192. [url=]Fear of Being Imperfect[/url] 213. [url=]Fear of Despair[/url] 223. [url=]Fear of Broken Bones[/url] 228. [url=]Fear of Dogmata[/url] 254. [url=]Fear of the Number Eight[/url] [b][size=4]Mirrors[/size][/b] 006. [url=]Fear of Voices[/url] 011. [url=]Fear of Deformity[/url] 020. [s][url=]Fear of the Apocalypse[/url][/s] 021. [url=]Fear of Holes[/url] 025. [url=]Fear of Madness[/url] 027. [url=]Fear of Statues[/url] 043. [url=]Fear of Anathema[/url] 045. [url=]Fear of Germs[/url] 048. [url=]Fear of Mutations[/url] 049. [url=]Fear of Running Out of Time[/url] 052. [url=] Fear of Stasis[/url] 065. [url=]Fear of Being Trapped[/url] 066. [url=]Fear of Doctors[/url] 073. [url=]Fear of Torture[/url] 074. [url=]Fear of Assassination[/url] 077. [url=]Fear of the Dark[/url] 078. [url=]Fear of Oneself[/url] 080. [url=]Fear of Order[/url] 083. [url=]Fear of Insignificance[/url] 094. [url=]Fear of Science[/url] 102. [url=]Fear of Injury[/url] 106. [url=]Fear of Spiders[/url] 109. [url=]Fear of Justice[/url] 124. [url=]Fear of Sunlight[/url] 125. [url=]Fear of Passing Seasons[/url] 127. [url=]Fear of Dogs[/url] 129. [url=]Fear of Buttons[/url] 130. [url=]Fear of Cheese[/url] 131. [url=]Fear of Losing Identity[/url] 132. [url=]Fear of Loud Noises[/url] 133.[url=] Fear of Rabies[/url] 145. [url=]Fear of The Arena[/url] 146. [url=]Fear of Space Travel[/url] 148. [url=]Fear of NIghtmares[/url] 154. [url=]Fear of Lightning Storms[/url] 186. [url=]Fear of Grime[/url] 187. [url=]Fear of Motherhood[/url] 193. [url=]Fear of Crystallization[/url] 194. [url=]Fear of the Hadal Zone[/url] 207. [url=]Fear of Centipedes[/url] 212. [url=]Fear of Becoming Alive[/url] 214. [url=]Fear of the Deep Sea[/url] 224. [url=]Fear of Opinions[/url] 226. [url=]Fear of Fish[/url] 231. [url=]Fear of Shadows[/url] 233. [url=]Fear of the Color Black[/url] 234. [url=]Fear of Plagues[/url] 235. [url=]Fear of Apocalypses[/url] 236. [url=]Fear of Nightmares[/url] 237. [url=]Fear of Decay[/url] 238. [url=]Fear of the Shade[/url] 240. [url=]Fear of the Forgotten[/url] 242. [url=]Fear of Snow[/url] 243. [url=]Fear of Superstitions[/url] 249. [url=]Fear of Animals[/url] [b][size=4]Spirals[/size][/b] 012. [url=]Fear of Being Watched[/url] 013. [url=]Fear of Sunsets[/url] 014. [url=]Fear of Exsanguination[/url] 015. [url=]Fear of Noise[/url] 016. [url=]Fear of Screams[/url] 017. [url=]Fear of Vegetables[/url] 022. [url=]Fear of Magic[/url] 031. [url=]Fear of Infinity[/url] 032. [url=]Fear of Laughter[/url] 034. [url=]Fear of Witchcraft[/url] 035. [url=]Fear of Memories[/url] 036. [url=]Fear of Dawn[/url] 038. [url=]Fear of Dancing[/url] 051. [url=] Fear of Loss[/url] 053. [url=]Fear of Motion[/url] 054. [url=]Fear of Tentacles[/url] 061. [url=]Fear of Robbery[/url] 062. [url=]Fear of Nothingness[/url] 069. [url=]Fear of Shadows[/url] 071. [s][url=]Fear of Fear[/url][/s] 075. [url=]Fear of Music[/url] 081. [url=]Fear of Chaos[/url] 082. [url=]Fear of Being Forgotten[/url] 085. [url=]Fear of Lies[/url] 096. [url=]Fear of Snakes[/url] 111. [url=]Fear of the Abyss[/url] 117. [url=]Fear of Forests at Night[/url] 140. [url=]Fear of Happiness[/url] 142. [url=]Fear of Being Possessed[/url] 175. [url=]Fear of Heartbreak[/url] 176. [url=]Fear of Equations[/url] 178. [url=]Fear of Snakes[/url] 179. [url=]Fear of Smoke[/url] 201.[url=] Fear of Rain[/url] 206. [url=]Fear of Sleep Paralysis[/url] 210. [url=]Fear of Mental Breakdowns[/url] 215. [url=]Fear of Radiation[/url] 217. [url=]Fear of Nuclear War[/url] 218. [url=]Fear of Injury[/url] 219. [url=]Fear of Names[/url] 221. [url=]Fear of Oaths[/url] 229. [url=]Fear of Puppets[/url] 230. [url=]Fear of Uncertainty[/url] 232. [url=]Fear of Hands[/url] 239. [url=]Fear of Chaos[/url] 241. [url=]Fear of Being Hunted[/url] 247. [url=]Fear of Delusion[/url] [b][size=4]Imperials[/size][/b] 002. [url=]Fear of Oceans[/url] 003. [url=]Fear of Combustion[/url] 007. [url=]Fear of the Unseen[/url] 009. [url=]Fear of Sirens[/url] 019. [url=]Fear of Silence[/url] 023. [url=]Fear of the Void[/url] 026. [url=]Fear of Birds[/url] 033. [url=]Fear of Flutes[/url] 041. [url=]Fear of Exposure[/url] 042. [url=]Fear of Weakness[/url] 044. [url=]Fear of Being Afraid[/url] 056. [url=]Fear of Fading Away[/url] 057. [url=]Fear of Being Lost[/url] 058. [url=]Fear of Praise[/url] 059. [url=]Fear of Heights[/url] 060. [url=]Fear of Isolation[/url] 063. [url=]Fear of Echoes[/url] 064. [url=]Fear of Hevel[/url] 070. [url=]Fear of Death[/url] 076. [url=]Fear of Ink[/url] 084. [url=]Fear of Demons[/url] 086. [url=]Fear of Being Eaten[/url] 089. [url=]Fear of Commitment[/url] 092. [url=]Fear of Being Alone[/url] 095. [url=]Fear of Technology[/url] 102. [url=]Fear of Decay[/url] 104. [url=]Fear of Asymmetrical Things[/url] 105. [url=]Fear of Storms[/url] 108. [url=]Fear of Flowers[/url] 110. [url=]Fear of Empty Promises[/url] 112. [url=]Fear of Love[/url] 116. [url=]Fear of Demons[/url] 118. [url=]Fear of Light[/url] 120. [url=]Fear of Extinction[/url] 121. [url=]Fear of Creation[/url] 135. [url=]Fear of Cannibalism[/url] 136. [url=]Fear of Night[/url] 137. [url=]Fear of Forests [/url] 138. [url=]Fear of Damnation[/url] 139. [url=]Fear of Blood[/url] 141. [url=]Fear of Poison[/url] 143. [url=]Fear of Committing an Unpardonable Sin[/url] 147. [url=]Fear of Nothing[/url] 151. [url=]Fear of War[/url] 152. [url=]Fear of Extraterrestrials[/url] 153. [url=]Fear of Pollution[/url] 157. [url=] Fear of Stinging Insects[/url] 158. [url=]Fear of Vulnerability[/url] 161. [url=]Fear of Sharp Objects[/url] 162. [url=]Fear of Aliens[/url] 163. [url=]Fear of Thunder[/url] 164. [url=]Fear of Invasion[/url] 168. [url=]Fear of Impermanence[/url] 170. [url=]Fear of Imprisonment[/url] 171. [url=]Fear of Disease[/url] 172. [url=]Fear of Tyranny[/url] 173. [url=]Fear of Embarassment[/url] 182. [url=]Fear of Fatherhood[/url] 184. [url=]Fear of the Truth[/url] 190. [url=]Fear of Fear[/url] 197. [url=]Fear of the Unknown[/url] 198. [url=]Fear of Hidden Things[/url] 199. [url=]Fear of Time[/url] 202. [url=]Fear of Human-Like Figures[/url] 205. [url=]Fear of Beautiful Women[/url] 211. [url=]Fear of Inevitability[/url] 220. [url=]Fear of Nothing[/url] 225. [url=]Fear of Darkness[/url] 227. [url=]Fear of Celestial Bodies[/url] 250. [url=]Fear of Darkness[/url] 251. [url=]Fear of Rejection[/url] 252. [url=]Fear of Inadequacy[/url] 253. [url=]Fear of Amnesia[/url] 255. [url=]Fear of Corruption[/url] 256. [url=]Fear of the Eldritch[/url] 259. [url=]Fear of Cartoons[/url] [b][size=4]Coatls[/size][/b] 004. [url=]Fear of Blindness[/url] 008. [url=]Fear of Suffocation[/url] 010. [url=]Fear of Natural Disasters[/url] 024. [url=]Fear of Cats[/url] 029. [url=] Fear of Stuttering[/url] 039. [url=]Fear of Knowledge[/url] 040. [url=]Fear of Wolves[/url] 046. [url=]Fear of Pain[/url] 047. [url=]Fear of Parasites[/url] 050. [url=]Fear of Depths[/url] 065. [url=]Fear of Sleep[/url] 067. [url=]Fear of War [/url] 068. [url=]Fear of Dreams[/url] 072. [url=]Fear of Waves[/url] 087. [url=]Fear of Fate[/url] 088. [url=]Fear of the Moon[/url] 099. [url=]Fear of Being Touched[/url] 113. [url=]Fear of Solitude[/url] 119. [url=]Fear of Shade[/url] 123. [url=]Fear of Sin[/url] 134. [url=]Fear of the Abyssal Plain[/url] 144. [url=]Fear of Monsters[/url] 156. [url=]Fear of Nuclear Fallout[/url] 159. [url=]Fear of Betrayal[/url] 167. [url=]Fear of the Full Moon[/url] 169. [url=]Fear of Water[/url] 183. [url=]Fear of Tsunamis[/url] 185. [url=]Fear of What's in the Dark[/url] 188. [url=]Fear of Going Insane[/url] 196. [url=]Fear of Hypnosis[/url] 203. [url=]Fear of Plants[/url] 216. [url=]Fear of Ashes[/url] 258. [url=]Fear of Stars[/url] [b][size=4]Families:[/size][/b] [center]Fear of Sunsets x Fear of Exsanguination Fear of Laughter Fear of Dawn Fear of Dancing Fear of Being Watched x Fear of People Fear of Memories Fear of Space x Fear of Time Fear of Order Fear of Oneself Fear of Insignificance [/center] [b][size=4]Registration Form[/size][/b] [code]@Tzarksra [b][size=5]I'm registering a horror![/size][/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Shape:[/b] [b]Direct link:[/b] [b]Parents:[/b][/code] [quote=Registration Example] [b]Name:[/b] Fear of Oceans (your Horror's name goes here! If there are already registered Horrors at your time of registration, please check to make sure the name you chose is not already taken!) [b]Shape:[/b] Imperial (breed of your Horror) [b]Image:[/b] (you can get this by going to your dragon > Generate Code > BBCode) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Parents:[/b] N/A (unless your Horror was bred from other Horrors. In that case: Father's Name x Mother's Name)[/quote]
Known Horrors

020. Fear of the Apocalypse
093. Fear of Pity
098. Fear of Trust
100. Fear of Judgement
101. Fear of Insight
107. Fear of Change
114. Fear of the Afterlife
126. Fear of Loneliness
128. Fear of Plague
165. Fear of Singing
166. Fear of Centipedes
177. Fear of Homelessness
180. Fear of Falling
181. Fear of Twilight
182. Fear of Wealth
195. Fear of the Color Red/Blushing
200. Fear of Blood
204. Fear of Crows
208. Fear of New Things
209. Fear of Eyes
222. Fear of Hauntings
244. Fear of Being Abandoned
248. Fear of Eyes
257. Fear of Submerged Objects

079. Fear of Ghosts
097. Fear of Ice
103. Fear of Reflections
115. Fear of Poison
122. Fear of Mist
189. Fear of Ice
191. Fear of Abduction
245. Fear of Vampires
246. Fear of Werewolves

001. Fear of Space
005. Fear of Moonless Nights
018. Fear of People
028. Fear of Extreme Cold
030. Fear of Clouds
037. Fear of the Northern Lights
050. Fear of Failure
055. Fear of Stories
090. Fear of Hope
091. Fear of Illusions
104. Fear of Fire
149. Fear of Insomnia
150. Fear of Being Lonesome
155. Fear of Mirrors
160. Fear of Drowning in Oil or Tar
174. Fear of Resentment
192. Fear of Being Imperfect
213. Fear of Despair
223. Fear of Broken Bones
228. Fear of Dogmata
254. Fear of the Number Eight

006. Fear of Voices
011. Fear of Deformity
020. Fear of the Apocalypse
021. Fear of Holes
025. Fear of Madness
027. Fear of Statues
043. Fear of Anathema
045. Fear of Germs
048. Fear of Mutations
049. Fear of Running Out of Time
052. Fear of Stasis
065. Fear of Being Trapped
066. Fear of Doctors
073. Fear of Torture
074. Fear of Assassination
077. Fear of the Dark
078. Fear of Oneself
080. Fear of Order
083. Fear of Insignificance
094. Fear of Science
102. Fear of Injury
106. Fear of Spiders
109. Fear of Justice
124. Fear of Sunlight
125. Fear of Passing Seasons
127. Fear of Dogs
129. Fear of Buttons
130. Fear of Cheese
131. Fear of Losing Identity
132. Fear of Loud Noises
133. Fear of Rabies
145. Fear of The Arena
146. Fear of Space Travel
148. Fear of NIghtmares
154. Fear of Lightning Storms
186. Fear of Grime
187. Fear of Motherhood
193. Fear of Crystallization
194. Fear of the Hadal Zone
207. Fear of Centipedes
212. Fear of Becoming Alive
214. Fear of the Deep Sea
224. Fear of Opinions
226. Fear of Fish
231. Fear of Shadows
233. Fear of the Color Black
234. Fear of Plagues
235. Fear of Apocalypses
236. Fear of Nightmares
237. Fear of Decay
238. Fear of the Shade
240. Fear of the Forgotten
242. Fear of Snow
243. Fear of Superstitions
249. Fear of Animals

012. Fear of Being Watched
013. Fear of Sunsets
014. Fear of Exsanguination
015. Fear of Noise
016. Fear of Screams
017. Fear of Vegetables
022. Fear of Magic
031. Fear of Infinity
032. Fear of Laughter
034. Fear of Witchcraft
035. Fear of Memories
036. Fear of Dawn
038. Fear of Dancing
051. Fear of Loss
053. Fear of Motion
054. Fear of Tentacles
061. Fear of Robbery
062. Fear of Nothingness
069. Fear of Shadows
071. Fear of Fear
075. Fear of Music
081. Fear of Chaos
082. Fear of Being Forgotten
085. Fear of Lies
096. Fear of Snakes
111. Fear of the Abyss
117. Fear of Forests at Night
140. Fear of Happiness
142. Fear of Being Possessed
175. Fear of Heartbreak
176. Fear of Equations
178. Fear of Snakes
179. Fear of Smoke
201. Fear of Rain
206. Fear of Sleep Paralysis
210. Fear of Mental Breakdowns
215. Fear of Radiation
217. Fear of Nuclear War
218. Fear of Injury
219. Fear of Names
221. Fear of Oaths
229. Fear of Puppets
230. Fear of Uncertainty
232. Fear of Hands
239. Fear of Chaos
241. Fear of Being Hunted
247. Fear of Delusion

002. Fear of Oceans
003. Fear of Combustion
007. Fear of the Unseen
009. Fear of Sirens
019. Fear of Silence
023. Fear of the Void
026. Fear of Birds
033. Fear of Flutes
041. Fear of Exposure
042. Fear of Weakness
044. Fear of Being Afraid
056. Fear of Fading Away
057. Fear of Being Lost
058. Fear of Praise
059. Fear of Heights
060. Fear of Isolation
063. Fear of Echoes
064. Fear of Hevel
070. Fear of Death
076. Fear of Ink
084. Fear of Demons
086. Fear of Being Eaten
089. Fear of Commitment
092. Fear of Being Alone
095. Fear of Technology
102. Fear of Decay
104. Fear of Asymmetrical Things
105. Fear of Storms
108. Fear of Flowers
110. Fear of Empty Promises
112. Fear of Love
116. Fear of Demons
118. Fear of Light
120. Fear of Extinction
121. Fear of Creation
135. Fear of Cannibalism
136. Fear of Night
137. Fear of Forests
138. Fear of Damnation
139. Fear of Blood
141. Fear of Poison
143. Fear of Committing an Unpardonable Sin
147. Fear of Nothing
151. Fear of War
152. Fear of Extraterrestrials
153. Fear of Pollution
157. Fear of Stinging Insects
158. Fear of Vulnerability
161. Fear of Sharp Objects
162. Fear of Aliens
163. Fear of Thunder
164. Fear of Invasion
168. Fear of Impermanence
170. Fear of Imprisonment
171. Fear of Disease
172. Fear of Tyranny
173. Fear of Embarassment
182. Fear of Fatherhood
184. Fear of the Truth
190. Fear of Fear
197. Fear of the Unknown
198. Fear of Hidden Things
199. Fear of Time
202. Fear of Human-Like Figures
205. Fear of Beautiful Women
211. Fear of Inevitability
220. Fear of Nothing
225. Fear of Darkness
227. Fear of Celestial Bodies
250. Fear of Darkness
251. Fear of Rejection
252. Fear of Inadequacy
253. Fear of Amnesia
255. Fear of Corruption
256. Fear of the Eldritch
259. Fear of Cartoons

004. Fear of Blindness
008. Fear of Suffocation
010. Fear of Natural Disasters
024. Fear of Cats
029. Fear of Stuttering
039. Fear of Knowledge
040. Fear of Wolves
046. Fear of Pain
047. Fear of Parasites
050. Fear of Depths
065. Fear of Sleep
067. Fear of War
068. Fear of Dreams
072. Fear of Waves
087. Fear of Fate
088. Fear of the Moon
099. Fear of Being Touched
113. Fear of Solitude
119. Fear of Shade
123. Fear of Sin
134. Fear of the Abyssal Plain
144. Fear of Monsters
156. Fear of Nuclear Fallout
159. Fear of Betrayal
167. Fear of the Full Moon
169. Fear of Water
183. Fear of Tsunamis
185. Fear of What's in the Dark
188. Fear of Going Insane
196. Fear of Hypnosis
203. Fear of Plants
216. Fear of Ashes
258. Fear of Stars

Fear of Sunsets x Fear of Exsanguination
Fear of Laughter
Fear of Dawn
Fear of Dancing

Fear of Being Watched x Fear of People
Fear of Memories

Fear of Space x Fear of Time
Fear of Order
Fear of Oneself
Fear of Insignificance

Registration Form
@Tzarksra [b][size=5]I'm registering a horror![/size][/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Shape:[/b] [b]Direct link:[/b] [b]Parents:[/b]
Registration Example wrote:
Name: Fear of Oceans (your Horror's name goes here! If there are already registered Horrors at your time of registration, please check to make sure the name you chose is not already taken!)
Shape: Imperial (breed of your Horror)
Image: (you can get this by going to your dragon > Generate Code > BBCode)

Parents: N/A (unless your Horror was bred from other Horrors. In that case: Father's Name x Mother's Name)

Kit | she/them
FR +2
coatl connossieur
[left][color=Darkslateblue][font=Georgia][size=7]Your Horror[/size][/font][/color][/left] [left][size=4][b]Acquiring a Horror[/b][/size] [size=3]There are a number of ways greater horrors come into being. If you're interested in having one in your lair, any of these are a viable way to get one:[/size][/left] [size=2] - [b]Offspring of an existing breeding pair[/b] -- Horrors summoned into the waking world can reproduce as dragons do, after a fashion, by combining their substance to bring forth offspring with a mix of their traits and inherited memories. The Names of these new horrors are often, but not always, related to their parents' Names. - [b]Spontaneous generation[/b] -- Even an unhatched elemental egg brought forth by the gods themselves may sometimes fail to hatch. Fortunately for these little spirits, the investiture of raw elemental magic they take with them into the Void gives them a better chance than average of surviving and becoming a sapient greater horror. Unfortunately, they become as twisted and lonely as any other horror when trapped out there... [[b]Note[/b]: If you come into possession of a First Generation dragon with horror-appropriate colors and want to gene it up, congratulations! You have a spontaneously generated horror.] - [b]Summon a new horror[/b] -- Dragon mages skilled in oneiromancy—the magic of dreams—know spells to summon nightmare beasts into the waking world, and so can call greater horrors to do their bidding. The trick is getting one that still has a spark of Mind in it, so it doesn't dissolve shortly after summoning. Sympathetic magic worked on the shell of a hatchling that has died in the egg allows a truly skilled mage to find the residue of that hatchling in the Void, and potentially summon forth any horror that might have come of it. [[b]Note[/b]: Found a hatchling on the AH with all a horror's attributes? Declare it a newly summoned horror and off you go!] - [b]Consumption[/b] -- Sometimes, dragons find their way into the nightmare realm—either deliberately or accidentally—where they may be caught and consumed entirely by a greater horror. A horror who does so assumes the dragon's memories and personality—and even, in rare cases, its mind. If they can get over the trauma of their own creation, of their horror part utterly subsuming their dragon part, these horrors tend to be somewhat better adjusted than their counterparts who came into their minds out in the cold dark of the nightmare realm. [[b]Note[/b]: This is a valid option if you'd like to make an older dragon with existing lore or non-horror offspring into a horror.] [left][size=4][b]Naming a Horror[/b][/size] A greater horror's Name defines the root of its power and the seed of its character. It also defines the sort of fear it feeds off of, and the kind of dreamer it will end up attracted to. Horrors with true consciousness, of course, are free to choose their own path through life and may end up being nothing like their Name would imply, but their unconscious kinfolk are bound to act in a way that befits their Names. In a very real way, a horror's Name is its soul, and the more universal the fear a horror is Named for, the larger and more powerful it is. The proper way to refer to a horror is "the Fear of <Name>". It's how they speak of themselves (even the unconscious ones have a semblance of draconic speech, and identify themselves this way). Greater horrors living among dragon clans are frequently referred to simply by their Name, and many often acquire nicknames as well. [b]Note[/b]: If you'd like to keep your horror in-theme, name them after whatever they're the Fear of. Thus the Fear of Death would be Death, the Fear of Bees would be Bees, and so on. Of course a horror could take a nickname that has nothing to do with its Name, but if you'd like to establish a breeding pair, please name them appropriately. Slight variations on the name (Bee instead of Bees), related terms (Celestial for Stars) or variants in other languages (Glosso for Glossophobia, the Fear of Public Speaking) are also acceptable ways to name! Horror Names should also be something that could be plausibly encountered on Sornieth or in its surrounding environs. This unfortunately rules out a lot of fandom fears, although I am always game for a creative explanation of how a certain concept or idea from a fandom could exist the Flight Rising universe! [size=4][b]Horrors Seeking Homes[/b][/size] Wildclaw-shaped: Nothing here! Bogsneak-shaped: Come back later! Spiral-shaped: Nothing currently Fae-shaped: [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [b]"Anxiety"[/b] #42806696 (June 23, 2018) Python | Toxin | Ghost Midnight | Black | Eldritch Female, Uncommon Wind eyes G2, 20kT[/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b]"Terror"[/b] #42806697 (June 23, 2018) Jupiter | Current | Ghost Midnight | Obsidian | Spruce Male, Primal Wind eyes G2, 200kT[/columns] Contact @/Confusion if interested Coatl-shaped: Nothin' here. Imperial-shaped: Nope Mirror-shaped: N/A [size=4][b]Upcoming[/b][/size] Currently None. Ping @ Tzarksra if you plan on breeding your Horrors! [left][size=4][b]Pinglists[/b][/size] [b]Sales & Announcements:[/b] @SooperLezerd @radputin @CaptainCatBug @lightningtyto @Esino @SkepticalAbyss @CaptainNessbot @CloakedDragon @mnkn10 @Siakb @Kiseikune @Shadowfire1223 @Pigeonpanhandle @Untundra @ThePhantomRose @RingsofSaturn @SilvTheWolf @Gallant @eggod @Lonefox @MoonOkami @Blightwyrm @DemonKid @Saraceaser @PastaTea @companionwolf @Ragnell [b]Announcements Only:[/b] @Xedite @Roadkill @Carcin @Dad76 @Marilill @Redrose55x @Oxyhemoglobin @Crazyassbat @StormyDragon @Aika @Abysea @Leopardmask @KathiraNarae @AbyssalAnathema @SecondUNIT [size=4][b]Badges and Banners[/b][/size] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [code][url=] [img][/img][/url][/code]
Your Horror

Acquiring a Horror
There are a number of ways greater horrors come into being. If you're interested in having one in your lair, any of these are a viable way to get one:

- Offspring of an existing breeding pair -- Horrors summoned into the waking world can reproduce as dragons do, after a fashion, by combining their substance to bring forth offspring with a mix of their traits and inherited memories. The Names of these new horrors are often, but not always, related to their parents' Names.

- Spontaneous generation -- Even an unhatched elemental egg brought forth by the gods themselves may sometimes fail to hatch. Fortunately for these little spirits, the investiture of raw elemental magic they take with them into the Void gives them a better chance than average of surviving and becoming a sapient greater horror. Unfortunately, they become as twisted and lonely as any other horror when trapped out there... [Note: If you come into possession of a First Generation dragon with horror-appropriate colors and want to gene it up, congratulations! You have a spontaneously generated horror.]

- Summon a new horror -- Dragon mages skilled in oneiromancy—the magic of dreams—know spells to summon nightmare beasts into the waking world, and so can call greater horrors to do their bidding. The trick is getting one that still has a spark of Mind in it, so it doesn't dissolve shortly after summoning. Sympathetic magic worked on the shell of a hatchling that has died in the egg allows a truly skilled mage to find the residue of that hatchling in the Void, and potentially summon forth any horror that might have come of it. [Note: Found a hatchling on the AH with all a horror's attributes? Declare it a newly summoned horror and off you go!]

- Consumption -- Sometimes, dragons find their way into the nightmare realm—either deliberately or accidentally—where they may be caught and consumed entirely by a greater horror. A horror who does so assumes the dragon's memories and personality—and even, in rare cases, its mind. If they can get over the trauma of their own creation, of their horror part utterly subsuming their dragon part, these horrors tend to be somewhat better adjusted than their counterparts who came into their minds out in the cold dark of the nightmare realm. [Note: This is a valid option if you'd like to make an older dragon with existing lore or non-horror offspring into a horror.]

Naming a Horror

A greater horror's Name defines the root of its power and the seed of its character. It also defines the sort of fear it feeds off of, and the kind of dreamer it will end up attracted to. Horrors with true consciousness, of course, are free to choose their own path through life and may end up being nothing like their Name would imply, but their unconscious kinfolk are bound to act in a way that befits their Names. In a very real way, a horror's Name is its soul, and the more universal the fear a horror is Named for, the larger and more powerful it is.

The proper way to refer to a horror is "the Fear of <Name>". It's how they speak of themselves (even the unconscious ones have a semblance of draconic speech, and identify themselves this way). Greater horrors living among dragon clans are frequently referred to simply by their Name, and many often acquire nicknames as well.

Note: If you'd like to keep your horror in-theme, name them after whatever they're the Fear of. Thus the Fear of Death would be Death, the Fear of Bees would be Bees, and so on. Of course a horror could take a nickname that has nothing to do with its Name, but if you'd like to establish a breeding pair, please name them appropriately. Slight variations on the name (Bee instead of Bees), related terms (Celestial for Stars) or variants in other languages (Glosso for Glossophobia, the Fear of Public Speaking) are also acceptable ways to name!

Horror Names should also be something that could be plausibly encountered on Sornieth or in its surrounding environs. This unfortunately rules out a lot of fandom fears, although I am always game for a creative explanation of how a certain concept or idea from a fandom could exist the Flight Rising universe!

Horrors Seeking Homes

Nothing here!

Come back later!

Nothing currently

dragon?age=1&body=11&bodygene=23&breed=1&element=3&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=176&tertgene=20&winggene=12&wings=9&auth=089f532acd0dde808fe825c318867799bb5478d9&dummyext=prev.png "Anxiety"
#42806696 (June 23, 2018)
Python | Toxin | Ghost
Midnight | Black | Eldritch
Female, Uncommon Wind eyes
G2, 20kT
dragon?age=1&body=11&bodygene=14&breed=1&element=3&eyetype=6&gender=0&tert=100&tertgene=20&winggene=6&wings=10&auth=97df03e6c9c9eff165ae1551907eefafc5957274&dummyext=prev.png "Terror"
#42806697 (June 23, 2018)
Jupiter | Current | Ghost
Midnight | Obsidian | Spruce
Male, Primal Wind eyes
G2, 200kT

Contact @/Confusion if interested

Nothin' here.



Currently None. Ping @ Tzarksra if you plan on breeding your Horrors!

Kit | she/them
FR +2
coatl connossieur
[left][color=Darkslateblue][font=Georgia][size=7]Breeding Pairs[/size][/font][/color][/left] [center][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] Contact @ Bogdad76 [img][/img] Contact @ Curion [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Contact @ Tzarksra [img][/img] Contact @ mnkn10 [img][/img] Contact @ Namira [img][/img] [img][/img] Contact @ SpiritOfSakura [img][/img] Contact @ BarkBreath Bio: It was not long after the gods themselves formed that strife came into the world. Sornieth had been born of elemental magic, and magic itself was an unstable and tumultuous thing. As time passed, life rose from the gods' battlegrounds to bear the mark of its origins through its evolutionary survival of the fittest. The most vicious hunter gets the biggest meal, and the strongest tribe affirms its dominance. Yet Sornieth, for all its razor teeth and sharpened claws, was not prepared for the antithesis that was the Shade. The fear of such a great and foreign enemy remains ingrained on the minds of a multitude, as primal an urge as conflict itself. It is here this ugly pair nestles and draws sustenance. One bloodies its snout and claws, breathing smoke into the minds of those who live in terror of this global War. The other whispers Alien thoughts into the ears of those who would still dare look up at the stars. After all, how can one be expected to survive against threats both at home and beyond? Fear the enemies that surround you. Together they feed...and multiply. [img][/img] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Contact @ KathiraNarae [img][/img] [img][/img] Contact @ Confusion[/center] [url=]Breeding Card Set Up [/url] [url=]How To Set Up Your Breeding Pair[/url] [size=2]Breeding Card Colors: Arcane: #FB1EC7 Earth: #b27749 Fire: #ef5c23 Ice: #D7DDFD Light: #fff9c3 Lightning: #4ffaf6 Nature: #52c145 Plague: #b13a3a Shadow: #a261cf Water: #3481fb Wind: #dbff96[/size]
Breeding Pairs


Contact @ Bogdad76

Contact @ Curion


Contact @ Tzarksra

Contact @ mnkn10

Contact @ Namira


Contact @ SpiritOfSakura

Contact @ BarkBreath
Bio: It was not long after the gods themselves formed that strife came into the world. Sornieth had been born of elemental magic, and magic itself was an unstable and tumultuous thing. As time passed, life rose from the gods' battlegrounds to bear the mark of its origins through its evolutionary survival of the fittest. The most vicious hunter gets the biggest meal, and the strongest tribe affirms its dominance. Yet Sornieth, for all its razor teeth and sharpened claws, was not prepared for the antithesis that was the Shade. The fear of such a great and foreign enemy remains ingrained on the minds of a multitude, as primal an urge as conflict itself. It is here this ugly pair nestles and draws sustenance. One bloodies its snout and claws, breathing smoke into the minds of those who live in terror of this global War. The other whispers Alien thoughts into the ears of those who would still dare look up at the stars. After all, how can one be expected to survive against threats both at home and beyond? Fear the enemies that surround you. Together they feed...and multiply.


Contact @ KathiraNarae

Contact @ Confusion

Breeding Card Set Up

How To Set Up Your Breeding Pair

Breeding Card Colors:
Arcane: #FB1EC7
Earth: #b27749
Fire: #ef5c23
Ice: #D7DDFD
Light: #fff9c3
Lightning: #4ffaf6
Nature: #52c145
Plague: #b13a3a
Shadow: #a261cf
Water: #3481fb
Wind: #dbff96

Kit | she/them
FR +2
coatl connossieur
[left][color=Darkslateblue][font=Georgia][size=7]Affiliates[/size][/font][/color][/left] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [Url=][img][/IMG][/url] [/center]


Kit | she/them
FR +2
coatl connossieur

Kit | she/them
FR +2
coatl connossieur
@SooperLezerd @radputin @CaptainCatBug @lightningtyto @Esino @Siakb @KindnessAndBlood @AbyssalAnathema @Alliud @Bogdad76 @stardustchild @SkepticalAbyss @ReikoMango @Leopardmask @CaptainNessbot @Zenium @mnkn10
@Xedite @Roadkill @Carcin @Dad76 @Marilill @Redrose55x @Oxyhemoglobin @Crazyassbat @StormyDragon @Aika @Abysea @Kiseikune @SpiritOfSakura

Welcome to the new thread everyone! Sorry if there are any double pings, I'm still putting some stuff together ^-^ As you may have noticed, the Known Horrors list is currently empty. If you would like to keep your Horrors registered, they'll need to be re-registered to this thread (just so that I can avoid clutter and checking in on many, many, many dragons). Thank you all for understanding :)

edit: At this time I'm going through the old thread and looking for users who are not on the current pinglist and trying to ping them here. If you know anyone in the subspecies who isn't on this post, feel free to ping them :)
@SooperLezerd @radputin @CaptainCatBug @lightningtyto @Esino @Siakb @KindnessAndBlood @AbyssalAnathema @Alliud @Bogdad76 @stardustchild @SkepticalAbyss @ReikoMango @Leopardmask @CaptainNessbot @Zenium @mnkn10
@Xedite @Roadkill @Carcin @Dad76 @Marilill @Redrose55x @Oxyhemoglobin @Crazyassbat @StormyDragon @Aika @Abysea @Kiseikune @SpiritOfSakura

Welcome to the new thread everyone! Sorry if there are any double pings, I'm still putting some stuff together ^-^ As you may have noticed, the Known Horrors list is currently empty. If you would like to keep your Horrors registered, they'll need to be re-registered to this thread (just so that I can avoid clutter and checking in on many, many, many dragons). Thank you all for understanding :)

edit: At this time I'm going through the old thread and looking for users who are not on the current pinglist and trying to ping them here. If you know anyone in the subspecies who isn't on this post, feel free to ping them :)

Kit | she/them
FR +2
coatl connossieur
@Tzarksra Re-registering, huh? Fair enough. Also, could I be moved from Sales/Announcements to the Announcement Only pinglist? [b][size=5]I'm registering a horror![/size][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Fear Of Moonless Night [b]Shape:[/b] Fae [b]Direct link:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Parents:[/b] Fear of People, Fear of Being Watched
Re-registering, huh? Fair enough. Also, could I be moved from Sales/Announcements to the Announcement Only pinglist?

I'm registering a horror!
Name: Fear Of Moonless Night
Shape: Fae
Direct link:


Fear of People, Fear of Being Watched
___ [IMG][/IMG]
___ sig_button_by_soenkan-dcab06q.png ___

Sure thing ^-^

Sure thing ^-^

Kit | she/them
FR +2
coatl connossieur
@Tzarksra [b][size=5]I'm registering a horror![/size][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Voices [b]Shape:[/b] Mirror [b]Direct link:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Parents:[/b] Fear of Stasis and Fear of Motion
I'm registering a horror!
Name: Voices
Shape: Mirror
Direct link:

Fear of Stasis and Fear of Motion