Night of the Nocturne: Invasion
The lore for this theme week is not canon. Have fun!
The apprentice’s mood soured. Everyone likes to prank the apprentices but leaving them to haul an entire day’s worth of trading from outside the territory was just plain mean. And of course there would be fog rolling in as night falls.
Unbelievable. Maybe I can get one of the watchdragons to help me...I should see one soon…
Irritation soon turned to worry. The apprentice was almost halfway home and not a single dragon, let alone watchdragon, to be seen.
“Almost there,” they muttered, peering through the fog. “Then I’m going to the Master. I don’t care if I’m tattling, pranks aren’t supposed to interfere with Clan busin--SHARDS!” The fog was so thick they didn’t see the tree. Specifically the tree branch that just smacked the treasure bag off their belt. The apprentice tried to catch the falling bag but couldn’t. They were carrying too much. The day’s earnings vanished into the thickening fog.
“Great, just great,” they grumbled. “How in the Eleven am I supposed to find it now! I can’t even fly down this fog is so thick. Why is this blasted fog so thick!? It’s not even the right season…”
The apprentice froze. It’s not the right season. This fog isn’t natural, it’s magical! It’s magical, it feels wrong, and it’s coming from the direction of the Lair!
“What do I do. What do I do. I can barely see. I can’t fly in this. My packs are too heavy. Something is wrong, something is wrong with the Lair. What do I do -” The light of a watchdragon’s orb pierced through the fog. “HEY. I’M OVER HERE. OVER HERE. HELP ME.”
They’ll have to come back to find the treasure another day but now there’s a watchdragon and everything is going to be okay. Sure, the light looks a little off but this fog is thick, right? The apprentice took a deep breath, ready to call out again when something reached up from below and pulled them down into the fog.
The apprentice stood in complete darkness. I can’t see my claw in front of my own face. I can’t see anything. “Am I dead...did I die?”
“No. You are very much alive and for the time being, safe.” A faint light appeared in front of them, revealing a Nocturne female. The apprentice stared in awe as they realized the light came from the runes covering her body.

“Who are you, why am I here?” The apprentice tried to sound big and intimidating but all that came out was a terrified squeak.
“Her name is Shadowsong and we’re in her shelter.” A young dragon stepped out from behind the Nocturne.
The apprentice squealed. “I know you! You’re one of the new watchdragons!”
The watchdragon nodded. “Yes, and we don’t have a lot of time. Shadowsong’s cover won’t last much longer. Its territory is expanding, whatever it is." A growl escaped from the young watchdragon. “We’re the only ones who haven’t been infected. You left before sunrise for the Trading Post, before it arrived and if it wasn’t for Shadowsong, I’d be one of them. I was performing a perimeter check when I felt strange magic coming from the Lair. I flew back as fast as I could straight to my Master but something was wrong. With the Lair. With my Master..." Grief briefly crossed their face before continuing. "When the fog started pouring out of the main entrance, I tried to run but the other watchdragons blocked me. That’s when Shadowsong showed up.”
“And time is running out,” Shadowsong hissed. “Your lair isn’t the only one in need. My clan only awakens when they do and we are few. If my clan cannot turn them back within a fortnight, Sornieth is doomed. ”
Shadowsong stared at the two dragons, her eyes filled with cold fury. “Your Lair has been invaded by an Imposter and their companion Mimic. Their magic has tainted and now controls your clan.”
“But you are younglings," she said as her expression became one of regret. "What I’m about to ask of you will be the most difficult task of your lives. You must identify the Imposter and their companion before it is too late.”
Shadowsong approached the two and placed a claw on each dragon. She whispered something, too quiet for either to hear. “I have placed a ward on you both. It will provide you with some protection as long as you are not caught and brought to the Imposter…” She sighed. “You are not of my clan. The ward will not hold. Do not get caught.”
Shadowsong looked up, her eyes narrowing, “We’re almost out of time. Apprentice, they did not see me take you. When they find you, you will be on the ground with your packs, your treasure bag five feet in front of you. You will return to the Lair and act as if you know nothing.”
She removed her claw from the apprentice and turned to the watchdragon, “You will come with me. They saw you vanish in mid-air. I will take you around and behind your lair. You must find your way in from there. Your work will be in the shadows.”
“Work together, work quickly, do not get caught. You only have to identify them. We will handle the rest.” The glow from Shadowsong’s runes flared, blinding the apprentice. When their vision returned, the Nocturne was gone and the apprentice was alone in the fog.
The treasure bag! The apprentice slowly shuffled forward feeling the ground for the bag when something big landed behind them.
”Apprentice. You are late.You will return with me now.”
The apprentice froze. The watchdragon from earlier! “Right! Yes! I ran into a tree on the way here and lost our earnings for the day and...oh! I just found it!”
Who is The Apprentice?
Who is The Watchdragon?
Who is The Imposter (dragon)?
What is The Mimic (familiar)?
Do they save their clan? Or is all hope lost, as they fall under the control of the Imposter?
Click here for this week's discussion thread!