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TOPIC | The Great Genealogical Undertaking!
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@8bitmanifesto @Blitzstrike if it comes to it, I can get my hands on the full version of excel and then I can put them in order before I go to bed :o it'd just be a matter of copying and pasting, and remembering to do that every night.
@8bitmanifesto @Blitzstrike if it comes to it, I can get my hands on the full version of excel and then I can put them in order before I go to bed :o it'd just be a matter of copying and pasting, and remembering to do that every night.

What sort of function would you want me to be adding to this spreadsheet? xD

What sort of function would you want me to be adding to this spreadsheet? xD
B6CFWfS.pngSWGDvZl.pngColi Refactor Mass Opening!
If only there was a way to use the Dragon Search to find all the G1s...
If only there was a way to use the Dragon Search to find all the G1s...
Nina and Ziv Go Adventuring!
16 April Progress Report
Hey, folks! So we started a spreadsheet and set to with a will, but unfortunately we've hit a snag: the sheer number of dragons. Twelve million is a whole lot of dragons, and a basic calculation shows that if we recorded a thousand dragons per day every day into a family tree, it would take us about thirty-two years to complete... and that's not counting the dragons that come into existence from this point forward.
BUT! I for one am not ready to give up! As far as I can tell right now, there are two ways to go about this that would make a sitewide family tree possible. The first is the full cooperation of a significant majority of FR users. If everyone or almost everyone on the site recorded all of their dragons and maybe the dragons of one or two other users, there's a chance we could get this done. However, names would have to keep getting recorded, either by users or a smaller staff of volunteers, because of course thousands of new dragons are born every day. It would be doable, with a lot of luck, although still very difficult.
The other option is devising a code or program that would extract the information from the site and record it in a family tree for us. This would, I think, be a more efficient way of going about it, and one that would be much less stressful for everyone involved. As @Honintoman pointed out, bot activity has been banned by FR admin--such a code would be against the rules. I hope that if we gained enough support from the FR community and brought our case to the FR admin--if we could really show that this would benefit the game--we might be able to work with them in some way to make this happen.
I'm putting it before you, my lovelies, so that we can talk about how to go forward with this together. So, what do y'all think?
@8BitManifesto @Blitzstrike @Vinny69 @Honintoman @Shulek @KachiriSobhiam @Butterfree
16 April Progress Report
Hey, folks! So we started a spreadsheet and set to with a will, but unfortunately we've hit a snag: the sheer number of dragons. Twelve million is a whole lot of dragons, and a basic calculation shows that if we recorded a thousand dragons per day every day into a family tree, it would take us about thirty-two years to complete... and that's not counting the dragons that come into existence from this point forward.
BUT! I for one am not ready to give up! As far as I can tell right now, there are two ways to go about this that would make a sitewide family tree possible. The first is the full cooperation of a significant majority of FR users. If everyone or almost everyone on the site recorded all of their dragons and maybe the dragons of one or two other users, there's a chance we could get this done. However, names would have to keep getting recorded, either by users or a smaller staff of volunteers, because of course thousands of new dragons are born every day. It would be doable, with a lot of luck, although still very difficult.
The other option is devising a code or program that would extract the information from the site and record it in a family tree for us. This would, I think, be a more efficient way of going about it, and one that would be much less stressful for everyone involved. As @Honintoman pointed out, bot activity has been banned by FR admin--such a code would be against the rules. I hope that if we gained enough support from the FR community and brought our case to the FR admin--if we could really show that this would benefit the game--we might be able to work with them in some way to make this happen.
I'm putting it before you, my lovelies, so that we can talk about how to go forward with this together. So, what do y'all think?
@8BitManifesto @Blitzstrike @Vinny69 @Honintoman @Shulek @KachiriSobhiam @Butterfree
Nina and Ziv Go Adventuring!
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