
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Prettiest Dragon Above You!
[center]@Ichorous there was so many pretty dragons! i left likes for Clarence and Keket but my favorite was... [url=][img][/img][/url] War! the skin and apparel are awesome and i really loved the lore you had written for him :) you have overall such a cool lair!

there was so many pretty dragons! i left likes for Clarence and Keket but my favorite was...


War! the skin and apparel are awesome and i really loved the lore you had written for him :) you have overall such a cool lair!
i love when tragedies are like “the love was there. it didnt change anything.
it didnt save anyone. there were just too many forces against it.
but it still matters that the love was there.”
keelah se'lai
@/imhappyboy I choose Victor! I love the oranges! Also bogsneaks are one of my new obsessions. Also I love his lore! Nice bard! [url=][img][/img][/url] Edit: next I have dragon in my hibden too!
@/imhappyboy I choose Victor! I love the oranges! Also bogsneaks are one of my new obsessions. Also I love his lore! Nice bard!
Edit: next I have dragon in my hibden too!
9EHwGiP.png tDYJ6OG.png wAUss1x.png Celeana.gif 71XQEox.png
@Hollythedragon Love the overall vibe they give off! [url=][img][/img][/url]
Love the overall vibe they give off!
2023 Art Gallery-Adopts

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[url=][img][/img][/url] @esotericallous normally I don't enjoy fans at all, but man oh man do they look good on Voddrsli! Such pretty colours that match her skin perfectly too [emoji=familiar heart size=1]

@esotericallous normally I don't enjoy fans at all, but man oh man do they look good on Voddrsli! Such pretty colours that match her skin perfectly too
@steddie [center][url=][img][/img][/url] I had a hard time picking between Spinmetal and Dovewing! But the skin on Spinmetal just really won me over. Pairing it with the flowerfalls was a beautiful way to really bring out those Plague eyes.

I had a hard time picking between Spinmetal and Dovewing! But the skin on Spinmetal just really won me over. Pairing it with the flowerfalls was a beautiful way to really bring out those Plague eyes.
Oliver or Void

@Voidendron Stran, she’s amazing. i’m so so biased towards natural toned female sd posed dragons + mother’s trinkets is such a banger skin + she reminds me a lot of one of my dragons and savannah is GORGEOUS i would steal her in a heartbeat. i love the overcast forest type vibe going on, and the summer swelter looks perfect? it ties the whole outfit together flawlessly [url=][img][/img][/url]

Stran, she’s amazing. i’m so so biased towards natural toned female sd posed dragons + mother’s trinkets is such a banger skin + she reminds me a lot of one of my dragons and savannah is GORGEOUS

i would steal her in a heartbeat. i love the overcast forest type vibe going on, and the summer swelter looks perfect? it ties the whole outfit together flawlessly

Art shop.

Free Genes.
@Erisdar wahh this guardian looks so cool !! i like the red and the magenta(?), they really work well together. :o he's an oldie for sure, but has a lot of personality in the apparel alone. and the lore in his bio??? chefs kiss [url=][img][/img][/url]
wahh this guardian looks so cool !! i like the red and the magenta(?), they really work well together. :o he's an oldie for sure, but has a lot of personality in the apparel alone. and the lore in his bio??? chefs kiss


they/them ♦ previously rouue
dark academia lover

like quest & hatchery
@rouue I love your lair's aesthetic and organization! I'm inspired haha. I really enjoyed looking through your lair, especially the way you've used skins and apparel so tastefully. In the end I had to go with dusa, for a few different reasons. Jaguar is one of my favorite genes on the site, and I especially enjoy how it looks on female bogs! The "eyeliner" effect around the eyes always gets me. I looooove the color tarnish, and I think it looks best in alloy, so that was another huge pro! The way it goes with the camo primary and tertiary is amazing. Finally, female bogs are so cute to me and capsule is another of my favorite genes (mostly for the accent colors). Dusa is a very pretty dragon! [url=][img][/img][/url]

I love your lair's aesthetic and organization! I'm inspired haha. I really enjoyed looking through your lair, especially the way you've used skins and apparel so tastefully. In the end I had to go with dusa, for a few different reasons. Jaguar is one of my favorite genes on the site, and I especially enjoy how it looks on female bogs! The "eyeliner" effect around the eyes always gets me. I looooove the color tarnish, and I think it looks best in alloy, so that was another huge pro! The way it goes with the camo primary and tertiary is amazing. Finally, female bogs are so cute to me and capsule is another of my favorite genes (mostly for the accent colors). Dusa is a very pretty dragon!

@NightmareGiraffe [center][url=][img][/img][/url] The lair is stunning, I love it, but I principally like this one because the genes and colors make a great mix and the Opal gene looks really great, I love Imperials with a passion.[/center]

The lair is stunning, I love it, but I principally like this one because the genes and colors make a great mix and the Opal gene looks really great, I love Imperials with a passion.
> Art Gallery (Digital)
> G1 dragon list
+5 hours ahead of FR time
He/They menace
[center]@Ba1ja [img][/img] I might have a weak spot for dragons that are pink and have anything to do with water. The accent and colours work together so well and the minimal apparel items allows her to shine! Truly lovely! Next user: my Hibden is allowed to be chosen from![/center]


I might have a weak spot for dragons that are pink and have anything to do with water. The accent and colours work together so well and the minimal apparel items allows her to shine! Truly lovely!

Next user: my Hibden is allowed to be chosen from!
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