
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | tell me 'bout your dragons owo
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i know that i've made up complete personalities and backstories for almost all of the dragons in my lair, and i LOOOOOVE talking about them to my bestie, @Benvolio, who is patient and affectionately long-suffering.

but i also LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE hearing other people talk about their OCs because seeing people being creative and passionate about this kind of thing just makes me incredibly happy ok and i haven't seen a thread quite like this one (if there already is one pleeeassseee direct me to it!!!)

so basically i want you to dump off and unload everything about your favorite dragon: their personality, their past, their love interest(s), their favorite food, mannerisms, habits, triumphs and failures, EVERYTHING, and i'll read anything and everything that's posted because i genuinely love story-sharing so plz indulge me ; u ;
i know that i've made up complete personalities and backstories for almost all of the dragons in my lair, and i LOOOOOVE talking about them to my bestie, @Benvolio, who is patient and affectionately long-suffering.

but i also LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE hearing other people talk about their OCs because seeing people being creative and passionate about this kind of thing just makes me incredibly happy ok and i haven't seen a thread quite like this one (if there already is one pleeeassseee direct me to it!!!)

so basically i want you to dump off and unload everything about your favorite dragon: their personality, their past, their love interest(s), their favorite food, mannerisms, habits, triumphs and failures, EVERYTHING, and i'll read anything and everything that's posted because i genuinely love story-sharing so plz indulge me ; u ;
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@Grifter Oh man is this the thread for me! Okay, so most of my lair is obviously fandom dragons, so I won't mess with them since they're literally dragon representations of actual characters, but I have some non-fandom dragons I can talk about! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Notus here looks terrifying, but is actually a big baby x3 His bio has lots of cool stuff on it about him, so please go look at it! ^^ Notus has a mate named Hesperis. She's the motherly one of the clan who doesn't put up with shenanigans at all. She's sassy and often speaks her mind, even if she's blunt and comes off as a bit rude. She's constantly cheerful and is a bit like sunshine in the clan. :3 Her bio has a bit about her as well. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Apeliotes here is literally super dad. He is dad to EVERYONE. EVERY. ONE. You need a cheerleader for something hard? Otes is there. Someone need a butt whoopin'? Otes is there. Need someone to kiss and lick wounds and soothe nightmares? Otes is there. Hunting? ... well he's not so good with that because he doesn't like to hurt things, but he'll give you moral support for sure. His bio has a story on it if you'd like to read! Every clan has a peacemaker, right? Well this clan's peacemaker is Hestia. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She's not against being forceful to keep the peace if need be. She'll knock heads together and offer good scoldings when necessary, but usually she's pretty chill overall. Just don't get her angry. As a Light dragon, she can magnify sun rays and utilize them to create small fires that pack a wicked burn. She also has a bit on her bio. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Anteros here is the baby-baby of the clan. As a perma-hatchie, all the other dragons take turns babysitting and playing with him. He doesn't talk much except to let out weird coos and screeches. He's pretty happy as long as he's biting something or someone. :D [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As matriarch of the clan, Gladewing makes the big decisions. She's a great leader and is a team mom for everyone as well. She's really good at making sure that everyone has a place in the clan no matter how new they are. She can also make dragons and new familiars welcome and comfortable even if they're just guests. Really, she's just awesome. Check out her bio! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Seabreeze started this crazy clan, but don't let that fool you. He's a terrible leader. He makes for a cute mascot though! :D He's air-headed, talks fast, and is as expression filled as a Fae can manage. He's learned how to handle emotions like other dragon breeds so he's not as stoic and hard to read as other Faes. He's also super hyper to balance Gladewing's perpetual calm. He has some stuff on his bio~ [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Elysium here is quiet and acts as the clan's defender. He's not terribly big, but his presence is scary. He's extremely loving and protective! There's a bit about him on his bio. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Elysium's mate Calypso is a literal whirlwind of energy and liveliness. She's the public speaker for the clan and is often the dragon that makes contact and negotiations with other clans. She's charming and very bubbly. Her bio has more info about her. ;3 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] While Aurai is a Wind dragon at heart, she is proud of her Shadow heritage and isn't afraid to show it. She's flighty and fickle and flirty. She often winds up in bad situations but she'll work together with others to solve any and all issues. Her bio has a fun story on it! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Phantasos here is mute. He keeps to himself, but when you get to know him, he's a total softie teddy bear. Really, he just likes attention and hugs. He dreams big too and often helps in planning future events and moves for the clan with Gladewing. :DD
Oh man is this the thread for me! Okay, so most of my lair is obviously fandom dragons, so I won't mess with them since they're literally dragon representations of actual characters, but I have some non-fandom dragons I can talk about!


Notus here looks terrifying, but is actually a big baby x3 His bio has lots of cool stuff on it about him, so please go look at it! ^^

Notus has a mate named Hesperis. She's the motherly one of the clan who doesn't put up with shenanigans at all. She's sassy and often speaks her mind, even if she's blunt and comes off as a bit rude. She's constantly cheerful and is a bit like sunshine in the clan. :3 Her bio has a bit about her as well.



Apeliotes here is literally super dad. He is dad to EVERYONE. EVERY. ONE. You need a cheerleader for something hard? Otes is there. Someone need a butt whoopin'? Otes is there. Need someone to kiss and lick wounds and soothe nightmares? Otes is there. Hunting? ... well he's not so good with that because he doesn't like to hurt things, but he'll give you moral support for sure. His bio has a story on it if you'd like to read!

Every clan has a peacemaker, right? Well this clan's peacemaker is Hestia.


She's not against being forceful to keep the peace if need be. She'll knock heads together and offer good scoldings when necessary, but usually she's pretty chill overall. Just don't get her angry. As a Light dragon, she can magnify sun rays and utilize them to create small fires that pack a wicked burn. She also has a bit on her bio.


Anteros here is the baby-baby of the clan. As a perma-hatchie, all the other dragons take turns babysitting and playing with him. He doesn't talk much except to let out weird coos and screeches. He's pretty happy as long as he's biting something or someone. :D


As matriarch of the clan, Gladewing makes the big decisions. She's a great leader and is a team mom for everyone as well. She's really good at making sure that everyone has a place in the clan no matter how new they are. She can also make dragons and new familiars welcome and comfortable even if they're just guests. Really, she's just awesome. Check out her bio!


Seabreeze started this crazy clan, but don't let that fool you. He's a terrible leader. He makes for a cute mascot though! :D He's air-headed, talks fast, and is as expression filled as a Fae can manage. He's learned how to handle emotions like other dragon breeds so he's not as stoic and hard to read as other Faes. He's also super hyper to balance Gladewing's perpetual calm. He has some stuff on his bio~


Elysium here is quiet and acts as the clan's defender. He's not terribly big, but his presence is scary. He's extremely loving and protective! There's a bit about him on his bio.


Elysium's mate Calypso is a literal whirlwind of energy and liveliness. She's the public speaker for the clan and is often the dragon that makes contact and negotiations with other clans. She's charming and very bubbly. Her bio has more info about her. ;3


While Aurai is a Wind dragon at heart, she is proud of her Shadow heritage and isn't afraid to show it. She's flighty and fickle and flirty. She often winds up in bad situations but she'll work together with others to solve any and all issues. Her bio has a fun story on it!


Phantasos here is mute. He keeps to himself, but when you get to know him, he's a total softie teddy bear. Really, he just likes attention and hugs. He dreams big too and often helps in planning future events and moves for the clan with Gladewing.

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Some current special interests: Dokibird, Fuwamoco, magical girls, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation.. more here!
Previous usernames: MystaRias, dokidokibunni, Sylphiette, Toothless
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] This is Vastatio! He came to my lair as a hatchling, sad and alone; he left the Windsinger's domain at a young age, because he didn't feel like he fit in with his family. His bright colors were a surprise to his parents, but they enjoyed his vibrant and bubbly personality. Vastatio has always been sensitive, though, and his siblings liked to make fun of him and tease him about his bright Sunshine body that made it impossible for him to hide in the tall grass and hunt like the rest of them. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The clan leader, Excursio, was at first reluctant to accept Vastatio as a resident because her clan's supplies were limited and Excursio felt that she had to look after her own before she took care of others' needs. Eventually she allowed Vastatio to stay on in hopes that he would catch the eye of her daughter Auster. Unfortunately, Auster wasn't interested in him; feeling rejected and alone once again, Vastatio nearly left the clan for good. Luckily, two of Excursio's closest advisors, Incursio and Pulchrior, interceded on his behalf. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Before Incursio joined Excursio's clan for good, he too was a wandering interloper, bouncing from place to place and never feeling like he belonged. Helping his old friend Excursio as she founded her clan gave him a sense of purpose, and he eventually found his true calling fighting monsters in the wilds surrounding the lair. He sympathized with Vastatio's plight and encouraged the young dragon to stay in the lair a while longer. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pulchrior, the clan's mage and healer, supported Vastatio for a very different reason - the young dragon's natural talent in battle. Vastatio may have been a terrible hunter, but he quickly proved his worth while he was clearing the monsters from the land around the lair. Pulchrior took Vastatio aside and persuaded him to stay on as a permanent member of his team. Vastatio eventually recovered from his insecurities and settled into life around the lair. As he grew up, his once-plain hide took on a beautiful pattern of wavy ripples reminiscent of the wind and rivers of his old home. His newfound confidence and his skill in battle eventually attracted the attention of a beautiful female Skydancer named Reina, and the two of them will be expecting their first clutch of eggs tomorrow! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]


This is Vastatio! He came to my lair as a hatchling, sad and alone; he left the Windsinger's domain at a young age, because he didn't feel like he fit in with his family. His bright colors were a surprise to his parents, but they enjoyed his vibrant and bubbly personality. Vastatio has always been sensitive, though, and his siblings liked to make fun of him and tease him about his bright Sunshine body that made it impossible for him to hide in the tall grass and hunt like the rest of them.


The clan leader, Excursio, was at first reluctant to accept Vastatio as a resident because her clan's supplies were limited and Excursio felt that she had to look after her own before she took care of others' needs. Eventually she allowed Vastatio to stay on in hopes that he would catch the eye of her daughter Auster. Unfortunately, Auster wasn't interested in him; feeling rejected and alone once again, Vastatio nearly left the clan for good. Luckily, two of Excursio's closest advisors, Incursio and Pulchrior, interceded on his behalf.


Before Incursio joined Excursio's clan for good, he too was a wandering interloper, bouncing from place to place and never feeling like he belonged. Helping his old friend Excursio as she founded her clan gave him a sense of purpose, and he eventually found his true calling fighting monsters in the wilds surrounding the lair. He sympathized with Vastatio's plight and encouraged the young dragon to stay in the lair a while longer.


Pulchrior, the clan's mage and healer, supported Vastatio for a very different reason - the young dragon's natural talent in battle. Vastatio may have been a terrible hunter, but he quickly proved his worth while he was clearing the monsters from the land around the lair. Pulchrior took Vastatio aside and persuaded him to stay on as a permanent member of his team.

Vastatio eventually recovered from his insecurities and settled into life around the lair. As he grew up, his once-plain hide took on a beautiful pattern of wavy ripples reminiscent of the wind and rivers of his old home. His newfound confidence and his skill in battle eventually attracted the attention of a beautiful female Skydancer named Reina, and the two of them will be expecting their first clutch of eggs tomorrow!

AHHHH i love your dragons!! i think that my favorite is calypso, she seems incredibly sassy and fun `D` also, i love the bios and art on all of the dragons pages!!! its really obvious that a lot of thought has been put into them hee hee (also ahhh i used to be super into homestuck seeing all those familiar names on dragons that match them so perfectly nearly made my heart ache ;w; )

aww poor vastatio ;o; lil insecure baby. (i actually personally love his coloration wow ive never seen that color combo on a dragon that i liked but the ripple/current really pulls it off gosh)
AHHHH i love your dragons!! i think that my favorite is calypso, she seems incredibly sassy and fun `D` also, i love the bios and art on all of the dragons pages!!! its really obvious that a lot of thought has been put into them hee hee (also ahhh i used to be super into homestuck seeing all those familiar names on dragons that match them so perfectly nearly made my heart ache ;w; )

aww poor vastatio ;o; lil insecure baby. (i actually personally love his coloration wow ive never seen that color combo on a dragon that i liked but the ripple/current really pulls it off gosh)
aw man none of my dergs have really detailed bios yet (OC dragons, though? I would never shut up) but here is the one I'm currently working on! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Rubrum here is the clan doctor. Even though I'm Light, I like collecting sick-looking dergs, so my excuse is that the clan uses their scholarly skills to study disease. I impulse-bought Rubrum because he looks like a near-perfect albino to me; I like to imagine he's not actually Arcane but he can pass as one with his tinted eyes. His own condition made him interested in the body and its disorders, and, having no magical power of his own, he wandered around for a while patching up the odd dragon or familiar until he was finally accepted into a clan that values actual physical treatment over mystic ~healing powers~. I'd put him in a white tunic, but his Maize Iri is just too pretty D:
aw man none of my dergs have really detailed bios yet (OC dragons, though? I would never shut up) but here is the one I'm currently working on!


Rubrum here is the clan doctor. Even though I'm Light, I like collecting sick-looking dergs, so my excuse is that the clan uses their scholarly skills to study disease. I impulse-bought Rubrum because he looks like a near-perfect albino to me; I like to imagine he's not actually Arcane but he can pass as one with his tinted eyes. His own condition made him interested in the body and its disorders, and, having no magical power of his own, he wandered around for a while patching up the odd dragon or familiar until he was finally accepted into a clan that values actual physical treatment over mystic ~healing powers~. I'd put him in a white tunic, but his Maize Iri is just too pretty D:
Hoo boy here we go. SO! The story is that this guy here, Unavek- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] decided that he wanted to be a king. So he and his newly dubbed queen Alaza- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] set out to make themselves a kingdom. They began gathering wise and loyal dragons from across the lands to form their royal court, such as their strange shaman Irelia [url=] [img][/img] [/url] the gentle-natured and chaste Tidamir [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and rough-and-tumble ambassador of the wilds Kilakir. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And of course you can't have a prosperous kingdom without someone to defend it, so there is loyal captain of the royal guard Zolisk [url=] [img][/img] [/url] who holds out hope that one day Lady Tidamir will reciprocate his love. Now the story goes that when King Unavek was first establishing his kingdom, and he and Alaza watched over their first clutch of eggs, a mysterious figure came to them in the night. To them the figure gave two beautiful jewels- a rosy gemstone that shone with pure magical energies, and a shining pearl that radiated a feeling of pure love. "So long as these jewels are within the royal court, your kingdom will prosper," the figure said, and vanished into the night. To the great surprise of the King and Queen, the next morning they discovered that their new jewels had transformed into hatchlings! These hatchlings would quickly grow up to become Peliras, the Lustrous Gem [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and Seliras, the Shining Jewel [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and, betrothed to one another in infancy, would be completely inseparable their entire lives. But not all is perfect and good in the new dragon kingdom. Crime is crime, and thieves will be thieves. Enter Selssirr. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She claims she is no thief- she never "steals", only "borrows". She takes great delight in eluding Zolisk at every turn, and makes her home in abandoned guard outposts at the kingdom's edges. There is murmuring that the only reason she nearly gets caught is because she has taken some sort of fancy to the guard captain, despite his staunch dedication to Lady Tidamir. Both Zolisk and Selssirr would firmly deny such rumors should they hear of them. (my other dragons all tie into the story as well, but their roles are still under construction! All of Unavek's children also tie into the narrative as princes and princesses, all the way down to the ninth generation and the prince Nonavel. At least, that's the plan.)
Hoo boy here we go.

SO! The story is that this guy here, Unavek-


decided that he wanted to be a king. So he and his newly dubbed queen Alaza-


set out to make themselves a kingdom. They began gathering wise and loyal dragons from across the lands to form their royal court, such as their strange shaman Irelia


the gentle-natured and chaste Tidamir


and rough-and-tumble ambassador of the wilds Kilakir.


And of course you can't have a prosperous kingdom without someone to defend it, so there is loyal captain of the royal guard Zolisk


who holds out hope that one day Lady Tidamir will reciprocate his love.

Now the story goes that when King Unavek was first establishing his kingdom, and he and Alaza watched over their first clutch of eggs, a mysterious figure came to them in the night. To them the figure gave two beautiful jewels- a rosy gemstone that shone with pure magical energies, and a shining pearl that radiated a feeling of pure love. "So long as these jewels are within the royal court, your kingdom will prosper," the figure said, and vanished into the night. To the great surprise of the King and Queen, the next morning they discovered that their new jewels had transformed into hatchlings! These hatchlings would quickly grow up to become Peliras, the Lustrous Gem


and Seliras, the Shining Jewel


and, betrothed to one another in infancy, would be completely inseparable their entire lives.

But not all is perfect and good in the new dragon kingdom. Crime is crime, and thieves will be thieves. Enter Selssirr.


She claims she is no thief- she never "steals", only "borrows". She takes great delight in eluding Zolisk at every turn, and makes her home in abandoned guard outposts at the kingdom's edges. There is murmuring that the only reason she nearly gets caught is because she has taken some sort of fancy to the guard captain, despite his staunch dedication to Lady Tidamir. Both Zolisk and Selssirr would firmly deny such rumors should they hear of them.

(my other dragons all tie into the story as well, but their roles are still under construction!
All of Unavek's children also tie into the narrative as princes and princesses, all the way down to the ninth generation and the prince Nonavel. At least, that's the plan.)
gosh, that maize/coral combo is gorgeous on a PC. i mostly stick to wildies and coatls myself but rubrum is gorgey-porgey.

i love the apparel that you have on him, it perfectly fits the doctor background; bloody bandages like gloves and a handy pouch to carry supplies in!
gosh, that maize/coral combo is gorgeous on a PC. i mostly stick to wildies and coatls myself but rubrum is gorgey-porgey.

i love the apparel that you have on him, it perfectly fits the doctor background; bloody bandages like gloves and a handy pouch to carry supplies in!
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