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TOPIC | [LORE] Greenbriar's Lore Megathread
[img][/img] I don't write lore very often, but when I do I tend to write a lot. My lore might seem confusing since I format my writing in the way that makes the most sense to me. That's where this thread comes in! It allows me to put the stories in order so that people don't have to switch to a different dragon's profile just to see the next chapter. [img][/img] [LIST] [*]I will post all of my complete lore stories here from now on [*]If you are interested in any stories that I may write in the future, then feel free to sub to the thread [*]Please do NOT post in this thread (not yet anyways) [*]Don't be afraid to message me about any questions you may have regarding these stories [*]Familiars & hatchlings are non-canon unless otherwise stated [*]My lore & lair locations are often inspired by the soundtracks of Hollow Knight, any Hollow Kinght dlc, TUNIC, Shadow of the Colossus, Ori and the Blind Forest, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Ghost in the Shell, and instrumental Studio Ghibli songs. [/LIST] [img][/img] [center][u]The General Lore of My Lair:[/u][/center] Deep in a valley in the Gladeveins, Greenbriar village is led by the progen family that founded it. Every other lair location is loosely connected to it in some way. A guide to my lair's different areas is located [url=][u]here[/u][/url]. [img][/img] [center][u]Individual Stories I've Written:[/u][/center] I. The Hunt (just scroll down to the next post) II. [url=]The Harvest[/url] III. The Sun (will be about warring vampires) Will probably write another when I start having ideas again [img][/img]

I don't write lore very often, but when I do I tend to write a lot. My lore might seem confusing since I format my writing in the way that makes the most sense to me. That's where this thread comes in! It allows me to put the stories in order so that people don't have to switch to a different dragon's profile just to see the next chapter.

  • I will post all of my complete lore stories here from now on
  • If you are interested in any stories that I may write in the future, then feel free to sub to the thread
  • Please do NOT post in this thread (not yet anyways)
  • Don't be afraid to message me about any questions you may have regarding these stories
  • Familiars & hatchlings are non-canon unless otherwise stated
  • My lore & lair locations are often inspired by the soundtracks of Hollow Knight, any Hollow Kinght dlc, TUNIC, Shadow of the Colossus, Ori and the Blind Forest, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Ghost in the Shell, and instrumental Studio Ghibli songs.

The General Lore of My Lair:
Deep in a valley in the Gladeveins, Greenbriar village is led by the progen family that founded it. Every other lair location is loosely connected to it in some way. A guide to my lair's different areas is located here.

Individual Stories I've Written:
I. The Hunt (just scroll down to the next post)

II. The Harvest

III. The Sun (will be about warring vampires)

Will probably write another when I start having ideas again

[center][font=Cambria][size=7][emoji=black gem size=1] [b]The Hunt[/b] [emoji=black gem size=1][/size][/font] As night envelops the little town, something stirs in the shadows. Most don't even notice it's presence, except for these lucky few. Those who sense it have only one question left: Is this friend or foe? [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][font=Cambria][u]Characters Involved[/u]:[/font][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [LIST] [*]Natasha fights the Shade with ferocity and cunning. As long as she's lived, she has desired to eradicate the Shade from Sornieth. Now, Natasha is more determined to do so than ever before. Is she just that adamant about her work, or is there something she's not telling us? ------- [*]Hezrou is as supportive as he can be. But sometimes one's support isn't enough. When something you love is beyond your help, what else can you do but wish? ------ [*]Akeet loves her life the way it is. Everything is great... until it isn't. Fate loves to mess with content people. Things may seem far worse for some, but maybe fate is pushing us in a good direction for once. ------- [*]Zatmenyat has struggled with controlling his abilities since the day he hatched. Now that he is alone, the world seems a far bleaker and distant place. Can Zatmenyat find control over his powers, or will they tear him apart first? ------- [*]Phantasm wishes for only one thing: Freedom. Freedom from prisons, rules, and morality. Mortals cannot understand the depths of this chaotic hatred. But they could help Phantasm achieve it nonetheless. [/LIST] [/columns] [img][/img] Three of the dragons involved in this story are part of the [url=]Dark Stalkers[/url] lineage. Be sure to check it out sometime!
The Hunt

As night envelops the little town, something stirs in the shadows. Most don't even notice it's presence, except for these lucky few. Those who sense it have only one question left:

Is this friend or foe?

Characters Involved:
  • Natasha fights the Shade with ferocity and cunning. As long as she's lived, she has desired to eradicate the Shade from Sornieth. Now, Natasha is more determined to do so than ever before. Is she just that adamant about her work, or is there something she's not telling us?

  • Hezrou is as supportive as he can be. But sometimes one's support isn't enough. When something you love is beyond your help, what else can you do but wish?

  • Akeet loves her life the way it is. Everything is great... until it isn't. Fate loves to mess with content people. Things may seem far worse for some, but maybe fate is pushing us in a good direction for once.

  • Zatmenyat has struggled with controlling his abilities since the day he hatched. Now that he is alone, the world seems a far bleaker and distant place. Can Zatmenyat find control over his powers, or will they tear him apart first?

  • Phantasm wishes for only one thing: Freedom. Freedom from prisons, rules, and morality. Mortals cannot understand the depths of this chaotic hatred. But they could help Phantasm achieve it nonetheless.


Three of the dragons involved in this story are part of the Dark Stalkers lineage. Be sure to check it out sometime!
[center][font=Cambria][size=7][emoji=black gem size=1] [b]The Hunt[/b] [emoji=black gem size=1][/size][/font] [url=] [img][/img][/url] [font=Cambria][size=7][b]Arrival[/b][/size] [i]Natasha's perspective[/i][/font][/center] As the late summer rain poured down, the town was silent. It seemed almost lifeless compared to the lively commerce that filled the market only hours ago. [i]The Shade scent is even stronger here, but why? How do the residents not sense anything wrong?[/i] Natasha gazed down the empty street. Only a single lantern shone outside now, hanging from the edge of the local tavern's sign. [i][url=]Hezrou[/url] and I have been traveling for days... a good rest could sharpen my tracking senses for tomorrow.[/i] The heavy tavern door opened with a loud creak, startling the quaint Mirror behind the bar. [url=]Akeet[/url] hadn't seen any new faces in town since her mother had confronted the Advancement Guild, but that was then, and this is now. "Can I help you two?" the welcoming Mirror offered. "We don't need much," replied Natasha. "A place to stay for tonight is all." With that said, a meek "come this way" was heard and the barkeep hurried up the stairs. While the room must have been massive to a Wildclaw or Fae, Natasha and Hezrou could barely fit inside. "Are you sure that one room will be enough? I could discount the second one." Akeet chimed in. Natasha glanced towards Hezrou, quietly asking if he had an opinion on the matter. He spoke, saying, "Just one room should be plenty. We tend to travel somewhere else quite frequently, so she and I will make do for now." Not wanting to dispute with her clients, Akeet simply nodded and left the way she came. "What a strange place to build a village. This place is so densely wooded that we almost went right past it. What about this place draws people here anyways? Is it magic? Escape? Real estate?!" Natasha was going on and on about Greenbriar's odd circumstances. [i]Wait. I need to relax and save my energy. The hunt resumes first thing tomorrow, and I have to be ready to face the Shade when I find it.[/i] Hezrou blew out the candle lighting the room so that sleep might come on quicker. The rain had reduced itself to an occasional pitter-patter on the roof. Dim moonlight shone through a slit in the shabby curtains, illuminating some of Natasha's armor. Nights in the Gladeveins seemed peaceful, but Natasha could still feel the call of the Shade in the back of her mind. The Voidsoul deep within her yearned to seek the Shade, to best it. But her father Konstantin had warned Natasha to keep a tight reign on this power, lest it find the Shade favorable. [i]I want to eradicate the Shade from all of Sornieth... so why do I feel like it wants to be found?[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Arrival[/b][/size] [i]Hezrou's perspective[/i][/font][/center] Night quickly overtook the village of Greenbriar, offering much needed rest to its visitors. Hezrou had been travelling with [url=]Natasha[/url] for years now, but she had never shown this much haste in arriving anywhere. [i]She's got plenty of dedication, but Natasha always seems distracted now.[/i] Her younger brother, [url=]Zatmenyat[/url], disappeared not long ago. Now she hunts the Shade more frantically than ever, hoping that it might somehow lead her to him. [i]Zatmenyat was a friend of mine too. I can't imagine how much harder this must be for a sibling - but I can't go without rest forever and neither can you.[/i] Natasha was fast asleep for the first time in days. Hezrou glanced out the tiny window of the room, surveying the quiet town. He and Natasha could both since the presence of The Shade not far away, but nothing else in Greenbriar seemed even remotely off. [i]The hunt begins anew tomorrow, but where would we even start looking?[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Eclipse[/b][/size] [i]Zatmenyat's perspective[/i][/font][/center] Its not every day that a solar eclipse happens - and for good reason too. The Shade thrives in dark, unnatural times. The Voidsoul in Zatmenyat grew exceptionally powerful in response to these circumstances. The sky was darkened as he hatched, the light of the sun completely blotted out by the moon. Life seemed peaceful and perfect for all of 2 minutes until the sun returned. The sunlight scared Zatmenyat, stinging his eyes (which can barely see anything). His parents knew that a nearly blind hatchling, however determined, would need someone to help him along in learning how to manage the Voidsoul's power. Konstantin sent for [url=]Natasha[/url], one of his children who also possessed highly powerful Voidsoul. Zatmenyat was entrusted to her as an apprentice in the ways of Shadehunting, and he quickly became adept at it. But not all was well. While Natasha seemed to effortlessly keep her Voidsoul in check, Zatmenyat struggled to keep it from lashing out on an almost daily basis. He tried talking to [url=]Hezrou[/url] about it, but none of the strange potions and charms helped. The Voidsoul within seemed to grow ever stronger, more vicious and inciteful. It caused Zatmenyat's already sensitive vision to deteriorate beyond repair. It was like staring through a dark tunnel, only splotches of color at the end. Zatmenyat feared that the Voidsoul would overtake him soon. [center]...[/center] The Voidsoul was taking its toll, practically leaking out. [i]I don't want Natasha or Hezrou to see me like this. I need to go somewhere far enough away that no one can be hurt by my curse, at least long enough until I can find a way to reign it back in.[/i] That night, Zatmenyat departed with only a note left behind. Natasha had taught him well to cover his tracks. [i]I'm only going to be gone until the Voidsoul subsides. That's all.[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Flashback[/b][/size] [i]Natasha's perspective[/i][/font][/center] The new hatchlings played with each other within the den. Irina watched them with a loving but cautious gaze, especially [url=]Zatmenyat[/url]. She couldn't be sure of the reason, but Zatmenyat kept bumping into walls, doors, his siblings. Clumsier than hatchlings tend to be. Maybe he was just on edge because of the eclipse too. Only a few days had passed since the eclipse, the strange event that had caused surges of Shade-related activity all across Sornieth. Outside the den, Konstantin welcomed Natasha home for her short visit. The two had much to discuss regarding the start of Zatmenyat's apprenticeship. "Remember, Natasha," Konstantin said to his daughter. "Zatmenyat has incredible power inside of him, but... he's still just a hatchling. I want you to keep a close eye on him. That level of Voidsoul could become extremely volatile if he cannot gain full control of it." "It'll be alright, Dad. I'll train him everything I know to keep that from coming true." Just as the conversation ended, Zatmenyat stumbled over to Natasha. His eerie eyes stared deep into hers, not with fear or malice, but with innocent hatchling curiosity. [i]I will [b]never[/b] let that become true. Not for you, little one.[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Flashback[/b][/size] [i]Hezrou's perspective[/i][/font][/center] "I just... I just don't know what else I can do." muttered Zatmenyat. "Every day the headaches and the nightmares just get worse and worse..." Hezrou patted the little Gaoler on the shoulder. "I don't know what to tell you. My potions haven't helped you one bit, and charms can only remedy simple hexes. I've never heard of one working on ancient Shade-hunting curses." Zatmenyat dejectedly glanced down at his talons. [i]Oof. That did [b]not[/b] come out like the sage advice I thought it would be. [/i] "But hey, if I do find some kind of supercharm that can cure crazy curses like that, then you'll be the first to know. Zatmenyat looked up at Hezrou with an expression that Hezrou hadn't seen on the kid in a long time. Hope. [i]...Maybe I'm not such a bad brother-in-law after all.[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Night[/b][/size] [i]Zatmenyat's perspective[/i][/font][/center] It was only meant to be a few days to regain composure. Zatmenyat hadn't planned on being away for [b]months[/b]. [i]But what choice do I have?[/i]He had lost track of how long he had been travelling. He hadn't seen another dragon in days. [i]Not that any would want to see me. The last dragons I saw took one look and ran for the hills shouting, "Its a monster! AAAAAAAHH!!!"[/i] Parts of his fur and horns were beginning to stain inky black where they hadn't been before. To others, he must look like some kind of Shade-touched creature. [i]The exact things this curse was meant to stop. Where am I now anyways?[/i] The sounds of animals nearby had diminished; the sun had probably gone down for the night. The air smelled of heavy and dense vegetation... maybe a river nearby? And... something else. Something... unsettlingly familiar. [i]The Shade!? Why here in the literal middle of nowhere? ...It doesn't matter. I swore to hunt down the Shade and that's what I'm going to do.[/i] But that is something easier said than done. Zatmenyat had started this "extended business trip" to find some method of reigning in his Voidsoul's power. Months of searching for antidotes had passed, but none were found. The Voidsoul, once just a notion in the back of Zatmenyat's mind, was now a constant roar. It was voiceless and wordless, yet it promised him great power none the less. All he had to do was let it win. Let it have control, and he would become the perfect weapons against the Shade. [i]But I can't. I [b]won't[/b]. The Voidsoul may want The Shade destroyed as much as I do, but it doesn't have dragonkind's best interests at heart. It doesn't care how many innocent bystanders are "in the way". The Voidsoul wouldn't care if I get torn to shreds for the sake of the hunt. I can't stop now, after everything. I have a job to do.[/i] The Shade's scent rose from a small river valley hidden in the dense Gladevein forest. A quaint little village was nestled there. [i]Of course. Whenever the Shade pops up somewhere, there's always dragons nearby for it to corrupt.[/i] Zatmenyat scouted the outskirts of the village. [i]Best not to get to close in case anyone is still wandering around at this hour.[/i] But just as he walked behind a building of some kind, he heard a slight movement off to the side. He tensed and angled himself towards it, waiting for a sign of its location. Only silence remained in that tense moment. Zatmenyat waited, but whatever had made the noise must have just been an object or a small animal. [i][url=]Nothing of concern[/url].[/i] He slinked back into the trees, still listening for any noise coming from that building. [center]...[/center] Night dragged on. The Shade's scent still lingered in the air; it clouded Zatmenyat's sense of smell as it had been all night long. It remained ever present in the background... until it wasn't. There, at the mouth of a cave, shrouded behind thick vines. [i]That's where its coming from. There's no doubt about it.[/i] Zatmenyat descended into the cave, knowing that whatever Shade-touched abomination might be inside, he would stop it now and forever. [i]The Voidsoul is still as intense as ever, but I can't let this village remain in danger. I [b]will[/b] save these dragons from The Shade. If I have to become some kind of Voidsoul monster to do that, then so be it.[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Night[/b][/size] [i]Akeet's perspective[/i][/font][/center] That evening, it was quiet. Peaceful. Most of the village had settled in for the night already. Well, except for Rigel & Akeet. Come on, Rigel." Akeet said. "You know its time for me to close the doors for tonight. You've been sitting at this bar for hours; go home and get some sleep, okay?" The skydancer replied, "...Alright. You know I can't say no to you, but I'll be back tomorrow." Akeet nodded at him as he stepped out through the tavern door. [i]Rigel's a nice guy... but he shouldn't spend all day hanging out at the bar. Granted, with how much time he spends here, I'm probably making a fortune off of him. Oh well. I should probably go home for the night too. I'm sure I'm not the only one of my siblings that's wide awake right now.[/i] She lit her trusty lantern on her way to the back door. [i]Some of the townsfolk probably think I'm strange for not using the main road, but I know every hidden footpath in these woods by heart. I enjoy seeing what mysteries the night has to show me.[/i] Akeet closed the door on her way out, taking care to shut it quietly so as not to disturb those resting nearby. However, before she turned around, Akeet sensed something... wrong. Unnatural. She could sense a foul presence just behind her. Half scared, half curious, Akeet slowly turned around to face whatever [url=]nightmare[/url] was waiting for her. Nothing could have prepared her for that sight. It was a large, hulking shadow, vaguely dragon-like in shape. Easily twice Akeet's size. It was lithely slinking its way through the grass behind the tavern, taking no notice of her. Stricken by fear, she stood silently, her hand still grasping the lantern's handle. [i]Okay. OKAY. It hasn't attacked yet, so maybe it d-doesn't want to eat me? I just need to back away without provoking it... y-yeah. That might work.[/i] She put her frantic plan into action, cautiously stepping backwards. Akeet was more terrified now than she had ever been, but she wouldn't dare turn her back on a possible threat. [i]One step at a time...[/i] She slowly inched away from the horrifying creature. It still hadn't noticed her. [i]But how? I'm standing only a few paces away from this thing. It is the dead of night and I am LITERALLY holding a LANTERN next to it![/i] [center]*[b]crack[/b][/center] A twig snapped beneath her shaky talons. There was no way of knowing that it was there, and there are no words to express the sheer terror she felt in that moment. The beastly figure snapped its head around to face her. Its unmoving gaze was fixed on Akeet's location. For the first time, she saw its face. "It" was a dragon, or, at least... it used to be. As it continued staring, she stared back. Akeet timidly outstretched her free arm and waved it up and down a few times, but it didn't flinch or reach in any way. Its murky, dead eyes showed no movement. [i]That's why it didn't notice when I came out of the tavern. Its... blind.[/i] Almost as soon as she reached this realization about the shadowy dragon-beast, it resumed prowling back into the woods. [i]Why- Why is that thing here? Here of all places? Is it stalking someone else in the village? Is it stalking the whole village?![/i] She breathed a silent sigh of relief when it disappeared from her sight. [i]I'm just a little tavernkeep in the middle of nowhere! I'm not built to handle this kind of pressure! But... why is it really here? Am I sure that it's searching for someone, or it it just searching for something? Should- should I follow it in case it is here for someone?[/i] Against her better judgement, Akeet climbed into the tree canopy to tail the dragon-thing (from a safe distance, of course). It stalked through the dense underbrush with the stealth and grace of a truly expert hunter. It left inky prints in its wake, foul markings that stained the plant life a sickly shade. [i]This thing should [b]not[/b] be here. Does it even realize what it's doing?[/i] Then it abruptly stopped. [i]Stopped? Wait a minute, let me see the script... yeah, its not supposed to stop. Says right here in the very real script that it wanders straight out of the Gladeveins, never to scare any unsuspecting Mirrors ever again. Says it right there, clear as day.[/i] But what kind of narrator/writer listens to a script anyways? The beastly dragon stopped in front of a vine-covered cliff face. It took a sniff at the vines before tearing them away with its inked claws. A tunnel opening of sorts was suddenly revealed. [i]Since when were there tunnels and caves around here? I've been scouting these forests since the day I hatched![/i] The sun was beginning to rise. After a small moment of hesitation, the draconic shadow descended into the opening of the cave. Akeet waited outside for a few moments. [i]Whatever that thing was, it doesn't seem to be coming out of there anytime soon. Hopefully not.[/i] Sunlight draped over the valley in the early dawn. The darkened tracks vanished upon contact with the light, and almost all of the evidence of the creature's visit disappeared along with them. Akeet hadn't gotten any sleep last night, and it was already time to open the tavern doors again. [i]I am [b]never[/b] using that back door again. NEVER. AGAIN.[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Monster[/b][/size] [i]Natasha's perspective[/i][/font][/center] The small grassy clearing behind the tavern was occupied as usual. Natasha gathered every bit of evidence about the Shade she could find nearby and spread it all out on an old stump. No matter what way she looked at it, it was all just a bunch of random rumors. Zorrakis' crops weren't as good as last year's. Amalure's chisel was still missing. A strange skydancer frequents the bar. None of these little events had any connection to The Shade. [i]Since when has it been this hard to find something that I can literally smell from here? Most of the villagers don't have a clue what I'm talking about, and those that do just spout weird folklore at me.[/i] Once again, Natasha combed through the piles of useless information on the stump. A crumpled note fell into the grass. It was the note that Zatmenyat had written before his disappearance. [font=papyrus]Natasha & Hezrou, I know this is sudden, but I need to take a break from Shadehunting for a little bit. But don't worry about me. Once I'm feeling better, I'll be sure to catch up with you two.[/font] [right][font=papyrus]Be back soon, Zatmenyat.[/font][/right] [i]I'm doing this for you, Zatmenyat. Hezrou told me the troubles you were dealing with. You didn't have to keep it from me... I could have helped! ...Somehow. I swear, I will hunt down whatever Shade-touched creature I can if it means your condition might improve. Managing the Voidsoul isn't easy, but maybe this is how I can help you through it.[/i] "Natasha, you might want to hear this." Natasha spun around to see what Hezrou could be mentioning. He was standing next to a small Mirror dragon. The same one that runs the tavern they were staying in and gathering evidence behind. "What seems to be the matter?" Natasha asked them both. "Well," replied Hezrou, "I believe we may have just found a break in the case. Seems our host has information possibly relevant to the hunt." Akeet quickly piped up. "Yeah, about a week before you two arrived, I saw a big shadowy monster behind my tavern. It was really scary and creepy and unnatural. And the way it looked at me sent shivers down my spine. I tracked it a good distance from the village until it entered some kind of cave. I've tried retracing how I got there, but the beast's tracks had completely disappeared by morning." [i]Unnaturally shadow-like. Frightening appearance. Difficult to track. The tell-tale signs of a Shade-touched creature. I've got a lead now. If I start searching in that general area, then I should be able to pinpoint its location in no time.[/i] Natasha turned to the woods. "I'll begin searching the area right away." she said. "Wait a second," Akeet blurted out. " Whatever that thing was... I don't think it wants to be found." Natasha bluntly replied, "You don't need to worry. Hunting down monsters that don't want to be caught is my specialty. With that, she bounded away into the forest. [i]I can do this. I [b]will[/b] do this. For you, Zatmenyat.[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Monster[/b][/size] [i]Hezrou's perspective[/i][/font][/center] The sun was shining on the Gladeveins, not a cloud in the sky. Natasha continued to busy herself searching for clues amongst random rumors. [i]She barely rests any more. Ever since her brother ran off, she's been focusing all of her energy into her work. While she seems to have gotten a lot of work done, Natasha needs some time to stop and think about what she's doing. This level of avoiding difficult emotions is downright unhealthy.[/i] Oncoming footsteps snapped him of his thoughts. [url=]Akeet[/url], the young Mirror who runs the tavern, was coming to visit. Rather than through the backdoor where Hezrou would have expected, she approached from the side of the building instead. "Why don't you take the backdoor?" He questioned. "I didn't accidentally lock it from the outside, did I?" "Well... its just that..." Akeet glanced into the dense forest with a strange expression. "I- I left the tavern through that door at night not long ago and saw some pretty spooky stuff. I promised myself that I would never use that door again. Never ever never." "This spooky stuff you saw, was there a shadow-looking thing involved?" As Hezrou said that, she grew tense. "A- Actually, there was. It was this huge shadow, only... it wasn't a shadow. It stared at me with such terrifying eyes- I'm still hoping that it was just some apparition or nightmare. ...How did you know about the shadow-beast?" "That 'shadow-beast' is the reason Natasha and I are here." Hezrou shouted over his shoulder, "Natasha, you might want to hear this." Natasha glanced away from her jumble of notes in response. "What seems to be the matter?" she asked them both. "Well," replied Hezrou, "I believe we may have just found a break in the case. Seems our host has information possibly relevant to the hunt." Akeet quickly piped up. "Yeah, about a week before you two arrived, I saw a big shadowy monster behind my tavern. It was really scary, and creepy, and just... unnatural. And the way it looked at me- it sent shivers down my spine. I tracked it a good distance from the village until it entered some kind of cave. I've tried retracing how I got there, but the beast's tracks had completely disappeared by morning." Natasha turned to the woods. "I'll begin searching the area right away." she said. [i]Think for a second Natasha! We need to analyze the evidence and figure out what we are dealing with before getting overconfident.[/i] "Wait a second," Akeet blurted out. " Whatever that thing was... I don't think it wants to be found." Akeet's voice always had a cheerful quality to it, but there was something different in it this time. She sounded... afraid. Like she feared for Natasha's safety in hunting this thing. Natasha bluntly replied, "You don't need to worry. Hunting down monsters that don't want to be caught is my specialty. With that, she bounded away into the forest. Most of the information Akeet gave made sense for a Shade-touched creature, but... something didn't fit. Hezrou wasn't finished investigating yet. "You said that it had frightening eyes; could you tell me about that part?" "...Sure." The Mirror uncertainly replied. "The beast's eyes were absolutely soulless looking. When it stared directly at me, I though I was done for. But it didn't do anything. I tried waving my arm up and down, but it didn't even notice. Now that I think back on it... I'm not sure that it could see me at all. Is that really the only other thing you wanted to ask about?" "Yes, that was all. Thank you for your help." "Alright, well, I'm glad I could be of help somehow." Akeet muttered as she walked back around to the front of the tavern. Hezrou went over to the stump that Natasha had been gathering evidence on. Zatmenyat's note was lying on the top of the stack. [i]Zatmenyat had a pretty creepy stare too. I wonder what he's been doing all this time. If that "monster" that Akeet saw really was you, Zatmenyat, then I hope you find a way out of it. I think I understand why you don't want to be found. The more that comes to light about this case, the less about it I wish I knew.[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Monster[/b][/size] [i]Akeet's perspective[/i][/font][/center] It was a slow day at the tavern. Rigel was asleep at the bar midday as usual. [i]Maybe I should go check on those two out back. They said they had come on some kind of nighttime researching expedition. Pretty sure that The Viridian Labyrinth is the wrong region for that, but what do I know about night research?[/i] Akeet exited through the front door instead of the back one. Not the best route to the clearing behind the tavern, but that back door was never going to see use again. [i]Not after what happened last time.[/i] She rounded the corner of the building and locked eyes with [url=]Hezrou[/url], one of the researchers. He seemed to have just been in deep thought. "Why don't you take the backdoor?" He questioned. "I didn't accidentally lock it from the outside, did I?" "Well... its just that..." Akeet glanced into the dense forest where the nightmare creature had prowled away. "I- I left the tavern through that door at night not long ago and saw some pretty spooky stuff. I promised myself that I would never use that door again. Never ever never." "This spooky stuff you saw, was there a shadow-looking thing involved?" As Hezrou said that, Akeet grew tense. Like she could see the beast all over again. [i]He knows? He knows what that horrible thing looked like?[/i] She responded, "A- Actually, there was. It was this huge shadow, only... it wasn't a shadow. It stared at me with such terrifying eyes- I'm still hoping that it was just some apparition or nightmare. ...How did you know about the shadow-beast?" "That 'shadow-beast' is the reason [url=]Natasha[/url] and I are here." Hezrou shouted over his shoulder, "Natasha, you might want to hear this." Natasha glanced away from her jumble of notes in response. "What seems to be the matter?" she asked them both. "Well," replied Hezrou, "I believe we may have just found a break in the case. Seems our host has information possibly relevant to the hunt." [i]This is what they were researching?[/i] Akeet quickly piped up. "Yeah, about a week before you two arrived, I saw a big shadowy monster behind my tavern. It was really scary, and creepy, and just... unnatural. And the way it looked at me- it sent shivers down my spine. I tracked it a good distance from the village until it entered some kind of cave. I've tried retracing how I got there, but the beast's tracks had completely disappeared by morning." Natasha turned to the woods. "I'll begin searching the area right away." she said. [i]She's actually [b]trying[/b] to find it?![/i] "Wait a second," Akeet blurted out. " Whatever that thing was... I don't think it wants to be found." [i]Trust me, you [b]don't[/b] want to find it. Not something [b]that[/b] terrifying...[/i] Natasha bluntly replied, "You don't need to worry. Hunting down monsters that don't want to be caught is my specialty. With that, she bounded away into the forest. [i]Natasha had no hesitation whatsoever. Is she really that prepared, or does she not have a clue what she's dealing with?[/i] "You said that it had frightening eyes; could you tell me about that part?" Hezrou said. [i]Its eyes? They were creepy, just like the rest of the shadow-beast. Why does he sound so curious about those specifically?[/i] "...Sure." She uncertainly replied. "The beast's eyes were absolutely soulless looking. When it stared directly at me, I though I was done for. But it didn't do anything. I tried waving my arm up and down, but it didn't even notice. Now that I think back on it... I'm not sure that it could see me at all. Is that really the only other thing you wanted to ask about?" "Yes, that was all. Thank you for your help." "Alright, well, I'm glad I could be of help somehow." Akeet muttered as she walked back around to the front of the tavern. [i]These dragons were insane. To go hunting after something like that without fear- that's crazy. And of course I had to be the one to get involved. What have I gotten myself into?[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Abyss[/b][/size] [i]Zatmenyat's perspective[/i][/font][/center] The cave system seemed to stretch out infinitely. Zatmenyat felt as if he had been traveling for hours. Most caves had some kind of little critters or plants growing in them, but not this one. There were no signs of life to be found beyond its entrance. Though, every now and then he got the feeling that there were strong magics nearby. [i]With random magic hotspots and The Shade's evil influence, no wonder nothing lives down here.[/i] Zatmenyat journeyed deeper and deeper into the caverns below, each step leading him closer to the Shade scent's origin. The smell of The Shade hung thickly in the air. The lifeless caverns were silent. There was nothing for Zatmenyat to hear other than his own steps, and any scents were covered up by that of The Shade. He was left almost completely without his sense of direction. [i]...I just have to go deeper. That's my goal.[/i] [center]...[/center] [i]These tunnels are becoming harder to navigate and smaller in diameter. I'm... not sure how much deeper I can go. How long have I been down here now? Hours? [b]Days?[/b] But I have to keep going. I can't afford to stop.[/i] And he didn't stop. Zatmenyat kept searching for what seemed to be an eternity. But... something was different about this offshoot tunnel. The smell of the Shade rose from it more than any of the other caves he had searched. [i]This is it. This has to be it.[/i] He slowly descended into the narrow inlet, its loose gravel shifting beneath his talons. [i]Just need to take it one step at a time-[/i] But as this story has already shown, "taking it one step at a time" doesn't work here in Sornieth. Zatmenyat tumbled down the steep path into the darkness below. His attempts to cling to any rocky outcropping the cave offered proved futile. [i]HOW DEEP EVEN IS THIS TUNNEL?![/i] But after a longer fall than he would have liked, he eventually landed on hard stone and jagged gravel. Zatmenyat was too exhausted to get up after a fall like that. There would probably be some serious bruises from the ordeal. He then finally began to realize how tired he was. [i]I'm so close, but I can't barely move with the energy I have left. Just a little rest...[/i] [font=Cambria]"Sleep now. Take it easy. You have done well, my hero."[/font] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Abyss[/b][/size] [i]Phantasm's perspective[/i][/font][/center] [font=Cambria][i]Curse them. Curse those "Shadehunters". Those fools had no clue what kind of being they were dealing with. They sealed a shard of us within this body, trapping us in this place. But they sacrificed one of their comrades to do it. She knew the stakes, and yet she tried to hunt us down anyways. But we are The Shade. We cannot be destroyed because destruction is our very nature. We will tear down the cities of dragonkind; lay waste to the forests of old. We will wreak [b]havoc[/b] when we escape this mere pit.[/i] "All it would take is one more sacrifice."[/font] [center]...[/center] Eons passed. The sacrifice of the nameless Shadehunter faded from memory and record, but the sliver of The Shade remained where it was sealed all those lifetimes ago. In all that time, nothing had changed in the stone chamber. It remained as dark and forgotten as ever. A recent eclipse had given The Shade piece enough power to call out to those on the surface, but not enough to escape on its own. Until a noise pierced the silence of the forbidden place. A lone dragon had made his way into the very depths of Sornieth, seeking The Shade. He collapsed to the ground upon tumbling into the chamber. He was the same kind of dragon that had trapped the piece of The Shade here. However, he didn't have the same air about himself as those others did. A darkness grew within him. [font=Cambria][i]It is not us, but it is not unlike us. If we take some of its strength for ourselves, we can finally break free of this vessel. If we break its will to resist, we can rain chaos upon this world as we were always meant to.[/i][/font] The exasperated Gaoler began drifting off to an uneasy sleep. [font=Cambria][i]We've waited millennia for this day, so maybe we can wait a few hours more. We want to look it in the eyes as it realizes the power it has unleashed upon the world.[/i] "Sleep now. Take it easy. You have done well, my hero."[/font] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Deliverance[/b][/size] [i]Zatmenyat's perspective[/i][/font][/center] The power of The Voidsoul jolted Zatmenyat awake. It surged in ferocity like it never had before. A deafening roar in his mind. He was in darkness, that oppressive kind of darkness that pushes in on every side. [i]Life isn't meant to be here, and The Voidsoul knows that.[/i] It urged him to get up. To [b]fight[/b] with every fiber of his being. [i]What do I even fight? There's nothing here! I can't even sense The Shade anymore, let alone anything else.[/i] But The Voidsoul was unrelenting. Zatmenyat felt as though he was being torn apart, body and soul. [i]...This isn't it, is it? Remaining in sorrowful darkness until the curse finally overtakes me? I wish I had stayed with Natasha and Hezrou...[/i] [font=Cambria]"You poor thing. That's one nasty curse. Do you want my help?"[/font] The Voidsoul swelled in power even more as Zatmenyat heard the quiet voice. It took everything in him to not succumb to it. [i]What was that? It sounded like a calm voice, but I can't sense a presence of any kind nearby. Am I losing my mind?[/i] Zatmenyat struggled to put together words. "Wh- who i- is there?" [font=Cambria]"I am an echo. Somebody who once was, and yet still is. A somebody who can help you with your little curse problem."[/font] [i]Help with my curse? With The Voidsoul?[/i] "I- it can't be h- helped." [font=Cambria]"It can be helped. I can ease your suffering. All you have to do is take my hand, right in front of you." The voice softly spoke.[/font] [i]Just... accept it? Let the voice help? I- I have nothing left to lose now. It's either humbly accepting help or stubbornly becoming a monster. There's only one choice I can make here.[/i] Zatmenyat used the last of his strength to reach out ahead. The Voidsoul screamed in opposition, but it was to late. He extended his talons into what seemed like nothing, and they were met by the hand of another dragon that he couldn't sense. The hand was cold as ice, its claws long and sharp. [font=Cambria]"[b]Thank you for your sacrifice.[/b]"[/font] The Voidsoul was immediately drawn away by the dragon's claws digging into his talons. Zatmenyat could feel his conciousness slipping away as he collapsed once again, and could feel an unnatural presence in the chamber. It was The Shade, and he had released it from its tomb. [i]What have I done?[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Convergence[/b][/size] [i]Phantasm's perspective[/i][/font][/center] The Shade beast began tearing into trees, animals, anything it could find. But before long, a pair of dragons arrived. [font=Cambria][i]We know their species anywhere. Those are the kind that the deities sent to trap us. No matter. We will kill them as we have killed thousand of their kindred.[/i][/font] It lunged at them, but they were experienced. The light maned one threw explosive concoctions at The Shade, while the dark one drove its claws through the beast. [font=Cambria][i]We have not waited thousands of years to be vanquished by simple dragons![/i][/font] The Shade darted through the forest. It couldn't handle two Gaolers in combat, but it didn't have to stop for rest. It proceeded to outrun them, but only for so long. A large shadow pounced from the side onto The Shade, stopping its momentum. It attacked with unnatural strength and accuracy.[font=Cambria][i]The dragon from the caves! We should have killed it when we had the chance![/i][/font] It fought back against The Shade with every bit of energy it could muster. They left fallen trees in their wake, crashing into one another. With a final strike, the cursed Gaoler struck down The Shade beast, causing it to melt back into the earth. [font=Cambria][i]Curse you dragon! You and all your kin! You may think that we are defeated, but The Shade knows no defeat. We come and go, spreading misery as we always will. We are only a fraction of the whole. There will always be another.[/i][/font] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Convergence[/b][/size] [i]Hezrou's perspective[/i][/font][/center] Hezrou and Natasha had completely searched another swath of woodland. The third one today. The scent of The Shade still rose from the ground, even this far away from the village. Hezrou sniffed the air, checking for any slight change. Trees, animals, rivers, and... something familiar? He only caught a hint of it for a split second, but it was like the smell that Natasha gave off when she drew on The Voidsoul's power. Hezrou asked her, "Do you sense anything different, Natasha?" "As a matter of fact, I do." She said in response. " I can't be sure, but something seems off. My hairs are standing on end. Suddenly The Shade's scent grew in potency. [i]It's nearby![/i] The two Gaolers locked eyes in agreement. They dashed towards the source of the smell, being led to a large patch of trees that had been torn down. A huge Shade-touched creature was responsible. One that looked eager to create chaos. [i]Let's do this.[/i] The fight had begun. Hezrou threw flashbangs at the creature. The light magic he had infused them with did some serious damage. The Shade retreated into the forest to escape its hunters. [i]Not good. At this rate, It'll outrun us![/i] Natasha and Hezrou quickly lost sight of it between the dense undergrowth. Its presence got a sizeable distance away before suddenly stopping. They ran as fast as they could to its location, but upon arrival there was nothing to be found. There were signs of a struggle, but The Shade was nowhere to be seen. [i]I can still smell it; It can't be far now.[/i] All of Hezrou's senses were on full alert. Nothing could sneak past him. [i]There! I sense its presence behind that underbrush. Once it shows its face, nothing can prevent us from stopping it.[/i] The beast stepped from out of the bush towards the hunters. It has a different air about it than before. A... familiar aspect to it. The shadowy creature looked into Hezrou's eyes with its own murky ones. The sudden realization of what he was facing dawned upon Hezrou. Natasha lunged at the shadow-beast, going in for the kill. [i]NO![/i] Natasha's claws had made contact. A sharp pain extended the length of Hezrou's shoulder where he had blocked her strike. The fresh wound left blood on her claws. She stared at Hezrou with a shocked expression, horrified by what she had done and furious because of what he had stopped her from doing. Hezrou choked out the only words he could think to say. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner, Zatmenyat." [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Convergence[/b][/size] [i]Natasha's perspective[/i][/font][/center] The two Shadehunters had been scouring the woods for signs of The Shade for hours. Its scent was all around, yet there was no other evidence to be found. [i]You'd think we would have discovered something by now. All we have to go on is a single eyewitness account.[/i] But as more time passed, something began to feel off. Natasha's Voidsoul became more active, having sensed The Shade nearby. The Shade's smell was becoming harder to sense. Likely noticing her reaction, Hezrou asked her, "Do you sense anything different, Natasha?" "As a matter of fact, I do." She said in response. " I can't be sure, but something seems off. My hairs are standing on end. [i]Whatever is coming can't be good.[/i] Suddenly The Shade's scent grew in potency. The two Gaolers locked eyes in agreement. They dashed towards the source of the smell, being led to a large patch of trees that had been torn down. A huge Shade-touched creature at the center of the clearing was responsible. It radiated malice and resentment towards all life. [i]At last, you've finally shown yourself. Time to end this.[/i] The fight had begun. Natasha ducked behind it and slashed with her claws. The Voidsoul inside guided her strikes, allowing her to hit with the force of ten Gaolers. The Shade beast quickly retreated to the thick forest, hoping to outrun its hunters. Hezrou and Natasha gave chase, but they lost sight of it between the dense undergrowth. Its presence got a sizeable distance away before suddenly stopping. They ran as fast as they could to its location, but upon arrival there was nothing to be found. There were signs of a struggle, but The Shade was nowhere to be seen. [i]Where are you, coward? You can't run forever! You will atone for the suffering you have caused![/i] She caught a hint of its presence only a few paces away, behind the underbrush. She prepared herself to attack as it emerged from the bushes. The beast was a great shadow, its murk defiling every plant it touched. Natasha fully channeled The Voidsoul's power into her claws, getting ready to put an end to another Shade-touched abomination. She lunged at the creature, only for her claws to make contact with something else instead. Hezrou had jumped into the path of her strike, taking the blow to the shoulder. Natasha pulled back her bloodied talons with dismay and disbelief. [i]WHY DID HE DO THAT?! WE WERE SO CLOSE![/i] He was struck with incredible force, yet managed to barely stay standing. His shoulder received a severe gash. Hezrou struggled with what he said next, genuine guilt in his voice. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner, Zatmenyat." As he spoke his sincere message, Hezrou fell to the ground. Behind him, the beast stood. It was horrific, dripping, unnatural, and... a dragon. Natasha couldn't process what was happening. The creature looked nothing like Zatmenyat. It rushed towards Hezrou, but Natasha blocked its path. She had the perfect chance to attack, and yet... she didn't. The shadowy beast stopped only a few steps away from her, giving her a chance to look it in the eyes. Those teary, dusky eyes reflected what the monster saw: Natasha's own fearful expression. They reflected all of the emotions that she had been running away from. Natasha felt tears run down her face as she finally accepted who she had really been hunting for. Zatmenyat had come back to help in more ways than one. The siblings used some of Hezrou's healing salves and bandages on his shoulder wound. That would stop the bleeding, but only time would tell if it would ever fully heal. Natasha had trouble finding the words to say to her brother. She thought and thought, but no words could describe her emotions in that moment. Zatmenyat gazed into her eyes (the ones on her face) and said the unthinkable. "It had been so long- I had almost forgotten what you looked like." [i]...Maybe I don't need to put this moment into words.[/i] Natasha hugged her brother. He had grown up so much in the past few months. "If only I had been their for you when you really needed me..." she said through her tears. "You did everything you could. I couldn't have asked for a better sister." [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Convergence[/b][/size] [i]Zatmenyat's perspective[/i][/font][/center] Zatmenyat awoke in the stone chamber. The Voidsoul hadn't completely disappeared, but there was only a small remnant of its power left. He stumbled to his feet. [i]I need to stop that Shade monster. I can't let it go free after this.[/i] He clambered his way back into the cave systems. Without the overpowering scent of The Shade in the tunnels, Zatmenyat found the exit within a matter of minutes. Sunlight streamed through the passage to the surface. [i]I haven't seen anything in weeks! How much was The Voidsoul's power affecting me?[/i] He walked into the light of day. The sun was bright, but it couldn't hurt him anymore. He could see every leaf on the trees, shimmering in detail. [i]I've never seen anything this well, this beautiful... but don't forget why you're here.[/i] Zatmenyat ran through the forest growth to catch up with The Shade. It was fast, but its presence was still nearby. It came into view as it was racing past the trees. Zatmenyat called on the bit of The Voidsoul that was left in him, feeling its power surge at his clawtips. He pounced on it from the top, causing it to stop dead in its tracks. It put up a ferocious fight, but Zatmenyat struck it down with every chance he got. Finally, he clawed it back with such force that it couldn't hold its form anymore. It melted into the ground, leaving only downed trees and shriveled plants as evidence it was there. The sliver of The Shade from the caves was defeated at last. The fight was over, but Zatmenyat could hear other dragons approaching. He hid behind the dense woodland plants. [i]Wouldn't want civilians freaking out about a monster in the woods[/i] Two Gaolers ran to the spot where The Shade had melted away. [i]Those aren't civilians! I'd recognize those steps anywhere! That's Natasha and Hezrou! Did they come here on a Shade hunt too?[/i] He stepped out of the bushes to see them, but as he locked eyes with Hezrou for the first time, Natasha pounced towards Zatmenyat. He didn't have time to react, but Hezrou did. Zatmenyat shut his eyes in anticipation for her attack. But nothing happened to him. When he opened his eyes, Hezrou was standing a few paces in front of him. The smell of freshly drawn blood was in the air. [i]W- what did he do?[/i] Hezrou spoke out of true guilt. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner, Zatmenyat." With that, Hezrou fell, showing Natasha on the other side. Hezrou's shoulder was seriously wounded; Zatmenyat had to do something. He rushed forward, having remembered that Hezrou would often carry around healing medicines. But Natasha jumped between him and his uncle, blocking the path. Natasha looked into his eyes with a fearful expression. [i]She's... scared of me. I must look terrifying right now-[/i] She silently began to cry. Natasha realized that her brother had finally come back. Not to hurt, but to help. Stepping aside, she allowed Zatmenyat to help her bandage Hezrou's bleeding shoulder. She locked eyes with him, but didn't know what to say. He realized that this is the first time he had clearly seen her face since he was a hatchling. She was tired, sorrowful, happy, and anxious all at the same time. Zatmenyat couldn't think of mush else to say to her. "It had been so long- I had almost forgotten what you looked like." Without a word, Natasha hugged her brother. "If only I had been their for you when you really needed me..." she said through her tears. "You did everything you could. I couldn't have asked for a better sister." [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Departure[/b][/size] [i]Akeet's perspective[/i][/font][/center] [i]Those Gaolers are leaving Greenbriar today. They say that they've finished their monster hunting expedition and are heading off to hunt monsters somewhere else. I'm glad they came, but I'm glad they're leaving too.[/i] Hezrou left what he saw as a small pouch of treasure on the bar. "This should pay for the room we rented. Oh, and thank you for letting us use the area behind the tavern. It was very hospitable of you." He said. No problem!" Akeet cheerfully replied. [i]THAT IS A HUGE POUCH OF TREASURE![/i] "And if you ever come back, you can have two rooms for the price of one. Consider it as thanks for everything." [i]And as thanks for that HUGE POUCH OF TREASURE.[/i] As Hezrou turned around to leave, Akeet saw that a large section of his shoulder was bandaged. Natasha came down the stairs with [url=]another Gaoler[/url], also about to leave. [i]I don't recognize that other dragon behind her... who is that?[/i] The second Gaoler made eye contact with Akeet. A familiar shiver ran down her spine. "You haven't been prowling around the forest at night time lately, have you?" She asked him. "Actually, I have been. How did- I don't recognize you, have we met before?" He curiously replied. "Well, we haven't met officially. You were slinking through the woods a while back, and I happened to catch your attention. Scariest staring contest of my life. Of course, you were a lot scarier that night than you are now." "Yeah... sorry about that, Akeet." He apologized. "At that point I couldn't see much of anything, so I didn't mean to stare you down." So he [b]was[/b] blind. "Its alright, really. Its good to know that your life is going in a better direction now. Take care!" "I will." [i]Wait a minute- he said "Sorry about that, Akeet", how did he know what my name was?[/i] The Gaoler left as quickly as he had arrived. Akeet opened up that HUGE POUCH OF TREASURE and spread its contents on the bar. There was easily enough there to pay for the room and the rest of the tavern and probably half of the village, along with a note. The handwriting was scribbly, but it was still legible. [font=papyrus]Akite, Natasha and Hezrou told me about what you saw. I know that must have been terrifying for you, but thanks for telling them about it. If you hadn't done that, I might have gotten killed. Seriously. I can't thank you enough. I'll never forget what you did for me. (Also sorry I have no clue how to write your name)[/font] [right][font=papyrus]Goodbye, Zatmenyat[/font][/right] [i]I- I did that? Me? Just by telling some weirdos a spooky story? I wonder what other stories I'll get to tell someday.[/i] [img][/img] [center][font=Cambria][size=7][b]Epilogue[/b][/size] [i]Zatmenyat's perspective[/i][/font][/center] [i]The Voidsoul was weakened by that whole Shade incident, but it will never really be gone. I guess I really had to see its limits to understand how to manage it. All that time struggling to control it took its toll. Since I was a hatchling, it had clouded my eyesight. But now I can see both The Voidsoul and the world for what they are. The Voidsoul is a part of me, just as I am part of the world. I can't deny that.[/i] Hezrou walked ahead on the path leading away from Greenbriar. His shoulder was already starting to heal better than expected. Natasha followed him, smiling back at her younger brother. "You ready for the next hunt, Zatmenyat?" She questioned him. [center][i]For the first time, I finally understand where I'm meant to be. Who I am meant to be.[/i] "I think I am." [morphology=4427327] [url=] [img][/img][/url]
The Hunt


Natasha's perspective
As the late summer rain poured down, the town was silent. It seemed almost lifeless compared to the lively commerce that filled the market only hours ago. The Shade scent is even stronger here, but why? How do the residents not sense anything wrong? Natasha gazed down the empty street. Only a single lantern shone outside now, hanging from the edge of the local tavern's sign. Hezrou and I have been traveling for days... a good rest could sharpen my tracking senses for tomorrow. The heavy tavern door opened with a loud creak, startling the quaint Mirror behind the bar. Akeet hadn't seen any new faces in town since her mother had confronted the Advancement Guild, but that was then, and this is now.

"Can I help you two?" the welcoming Mirror offered.

"We don't need much," replied Natasha. "A place to stay for tonight is all." With that said, a meek "come this way" was heard and the barkeep hurried up the stairs.

While the room must have been massive to a Wildclaw or Fae, Natasha and Hezrou could barely fit inside.

"Are you sure that one room will be enough? I could discount the second one." Akeet chimed in.

Natasha glanced towards Hezrou, quietly asking if he had an opinion on the matter. He spoke, saying, "Just one room should be plenty. We tend to travel somewhere else quite frequently, so she and I will make do for now." Not wanting to dispute with her clients, Akeet simply nodded and left the way she came.

"What a strange place to build a village. This place is so densely wooded that we almost went right past it. What about this place draws people here anyways? Is it magic? Escape? Real estate?!" Natasha was going on and on about Greenbriar's odd circumstances. Wait. I need to relax and save my energy. The hunt resumes first thing tomorrow, and I have to be ready to face the Shade when I find it.

Hezrou blew out the candle lighting the room so that sleep might come on quicker. The rain had reduced itself to an occasional pitter-patter on the roof. Dim moonlight shone through a slit in the shabby curtains, illuminating some of Natasha's armor. Nights in the Gladeveins seemed peaceful, but Natasha could still feel the call of the Shade in the back of her mind. The Voidsoul deep within her yearned to seek the Shade, to best it. But her father Konstantin had warned Natasha to keep a tight reign on this power, lest it find the Shade favorable. I want to eradicate the Shade from all of Sornieth... so why do I feel like it wants to be found?

Hezrou's perspective
Night quickly overtook the village of Greenbriar, offering much needed rest to its visitors. Hezrou had been travelling with Natasha for years now, but she had never shown this much haste in arriving anywhere. She's got plenty of dedication, but Natasha always seems distracted now. Her younger brother, Zatmenyat, disappeared not long ago. Now she hunts the Shade more frantically than ever, hoping that it might somehow lead her to him. Zatmenyat was a friend of mine too. I can't imagine how much harder this must be for a sibling - but I can't go without rest forever and neither can you.

Natasha was fast asleep for the first time in days. Hezrou glanced out the tiny window of the room, surveying the quiet town. He and Natasha could both since the presence of The Shade not far away, but nothing else in Greenbriar seemed even remotely off. The hunt begins anew tomorrow, but where would we even start looking?

Zatmenyat's perspective
Its not every day that a solar eclipse happens - and for good reason too. The Shade thrives in dark, unnatural times. The Voidsoul in Zatmenyat grew exceptionally powerful in response to these circumstances. The sky was darkened as he hatched, the light of the sun completely blotted out by the moon. Life seemed peaceful and perfect for all of 2 minutes until the sun returned. The sunlight scared Zatmenyat, stinging his eyes (which can barely see anything). His parents knew that a nearly blind hatchling, however determined, would need someone to help him along in learning how to manage the Voidsoul's power. Konstantin sent for Natasha, one of his children who also possessed highly powerful Voidsoul. Zatmenyat was entrusted to her as an apprentice in the ways of Shadehunting, and he quickly became adept at it.

But not all was well. While Natasha seemed to effortlessly keep her Voidsoul in check, Zatmenyat struggled to keep it from lashing out on an almost daily basis. He tried talking to Hezrou about it, but none of the strange potions and charms helped. The Voidsoul within seemed to grow ever stronger, more vicious and inciteful. It caused Zatmenyat's already sensitive vision to deteriorate beyond repair. It was like staring through a dark tunnel, only splotches of color at the end. Zatmenyat feared that the Voidsoul would overtake him soon.

The Voidsoul was taking its toll, practically leaking out.

I don't want Natasha or Hezrou to see me like this. I need to go somewhere far enough away that no one can be hurt by my curse, at least long enough until I can find a way to reign it back in.

That night, Zatmenyat departed with only a note left behind. Natasha had taught him well to cover his tracks. I'm only going to be gone until the Voidsoul subsides. That's all.

Natasha's perspective
The new hatchlings played with each other within the den. Irina watched them with a loving but cautious gaze, especially Zatmenyat. She couldn't be sure of the reason, but Zatmenyat kept bumping into walls, doors, his siblings. Clumsier than hatchlings tend to be. Maybe he was just on edge because of the eclipse too. Only a few days had passed since the eclipse, the strange event that had caused surges of Shade-related activity all across Sornieth.

Outside the den, Konstantin welcomed Natasha home for her short visit. The two had much to discuss regarding the start of Zatmenyat's apprenticeship.

"Remember, Natasha," Konstantin said to his daughter. "Zatmenyat has incredible power inside of him, but... he's still just a hatchling. I want you to keep a close eye on him. That level of Voidsoul could become extremely volatile if he cannot gain full control of it."

"It'll be alright, Dad. I'll train him everything I know to keep that from coming true."

Just as the conversation ended, Zatmenyat stumbled over to Natasha. His eerie eyes stared deep into hers, not with fear or malice, but with innocent hatchling curiosity.

I will never let that become true. Not for you, little one.

Hezrou's perspective
"I just... I just don't know what else I can do." muttered Zatmenyat. "Every day the headaches and the nightmares just get worse and worse..."

Hezrou patted the little Gaoler on the shoulder. "I don't know what to tell you. My potions haven't helped you one bit, and charms can only remedy simple hexes. I've never heard of one working on ancient Shade-hunting curses."

Zatmenyat dejectedly glanced down at his talons. Oof. That did not come out like the sage advice I thought it would be.

"But hey, if I do find some kind of supercharm that can cure crazy curses like that, then you'll be the first to know.

Zatmenyat looked up at Hezrou with an expression that Hezrou hadn't seen on the kid in a long time. Hope.

...Maybe I'm not such a bad brother-in-law after all.

Zatmenyat's perspective
It was only meant to be a few days to regain composure. Zatmenyat hadn't planned on being away for months. But what choice do I have?He had lost track of how long he had been travelling. He hadn't seen another dragon in days. Not that any would want to see me. The last dragons I saw took one look and ran for the hills shouting, "Its a monster! AAAAAAAHH!!!"

Parts of his fur and horns were beginning to stain inky black where they hadn't been before. To others, he must look like some kind of Shade-touched creature. The exact things this curse was meant to stop.

Where am I now anyways?
The sounds of animals nearby had diminished; the sun had probably gone down for the night. The air smelled of heavy and dense vegetation... maybe a river nearby? And... something else. Something... unsettlingly familiar.

The Shade!? Why here in the literal middle of nowhere? ...It doesn't matter. I swore to hunt down the Shade and that's what I'm going to do.

But that is something easier said than done. Zatmenyat had started this "extended business trip" to find some method of reigning in his Voidsoul's power. Months of searching for antidotes had passed, but none were found. The Voidsoul, once just a notion in the back of Zatmenyat's mind, was now a constant roar. It was voiceless and wordless, yet it promised him great power none the less. All he had to do was let it win. Let it have control, and he would become the perfect weapons against the Shade.

But I can't. I won't. The Voidsoul may want The Shade destroyed as much as I do, but it doesn't have dragonkind's best interests at heart. It doesn't care how many innocent bystanders are "in the way". The Voidsoul wouldn't care if I get torn to shreds for the sake of the hunt. I can't stop now, after everything. I have a job to do.

The Shade's scent rose from a small river valley hidden in the dense Gladevein forest. A quaint little village was nestled there. Of course. Whenever the Shade pops up somewhere, there's always dragons nearby for it to corrupt.

Zatmenyat scouted the outskirts of the village. Best not to get to close in case anyone is still wandering around at this hour. But just as he walked behind a building of some kind, he heard a slight movement off to the side. He tensed and angled himself towards it, waiting for a sign of its location. Only silence remained in that tense moment. Zatmenyat waited, but whatever had made the noise must have just been an object or a small animal. Nothing of concern. He slinked back into the trees, still listening for any noise coming from that building.

Night dragged on. The Shade's scent still lingered in the air; it clouded Zatmenyat's sense of smell as it had been all night long. It remained ever present in the background... until it wasn't. There, at the mouth of a cave, shrouded behind thick vines. That's where its coming from. There's no doubt about it.

Zatmenyat descended into the cave, knowing that whatever Shade-touched abomination might be inside, he would stop it now and forever. The Voidsoul is still as intense as ever, but I can't let this village remain in danger. I will save these dragons from The Shade.

If I have to become some kind of Voidsoul monster to do that, then so be it.

Akeet's perspective
That evening, it was quiet. Peaceful. Most of the village had settled in for the night already. Well, except for Rigel & Akeet.

Come on, Rigel." Akeet said. "You know its time for me to close the doors for tonight. You've been sitting at this bar for hours; go home and get some sleep, okay?"

The skydancer replied, "...Alright. You know I can't say no to you, but I'll be back tomorrow."

Akeet nodded at him as he stepped out through the tavern door. Rigel's a nice guy... but he shouldn't spend all day hanging out at the bar. Granted, with how much time he spends here, I'm probably making a fortune off of him. Oh well. I should probably go home for the night too. I'm sure I'm not the only one of my siblings that's wide awake right now.

She lit her trusty lantern on her way to the back door. Some of the townsfolk probably think I'm strange for not using the main road, but I know every hidden footpath in these woods by heart. I enjoy seeing what mysteries the night has to show me.

Akeet closed the door on her way out, taking care to shut it quietly so as not to disturb those resting nearby. However, before she turned around, Akeet sensed something... wrong. Unnatural. She could sense a foul presence just behind her. Half scared, half curious, Akeet slowly turned around to face whatever nightmare was waiting for her.

Nothing could have prepared her for that sight. It was a large, hulking shadow, vaguely dragon-like in shape. Easily twice Akeet's size. It was lithely slinking its way through the grass behind the tavern, taking no notice of her. Stricken by fear, she stood silently, her hand still grasping the lantern's handle.

Okay. OKAY. It hasn't attacked yet, so maybe it d-doesn't want to eat me? I just need to back away without provoking it... y-yeah. That might work. She put her frantic plan into action, cautiously stepping backwards. Akeet was more terrified now than she had ever been, but she wouldn't dare turn her back on a possible threat. One step at a time...

She slowly inched away from the horrifying creature. It still hadn't noticed her. But how? I'm standing only a few paces away from this thing. It is the dead of night and I am LITERALLY holding a LANTERN next to it!


A twig snapped beneath her shaky talons. There was no way of knowing that it was there, and there are no words to express the sheer terror she felt in that moment. The beastly figure snapped its head around to face her. Its unmoving gaze was fixed on Akeet's location. For the first time, she saw its face. "It" was a dragon, or, at least... it used to be. As it continued staring, she stared back.

Akeet timidly outstretched her free arm and waved it up and down a few times, but it didn't flinch or reach in any way. Its murky, dead eyes showed no movement.

That's why it didn't notice when I came out of the tavern. Its... blind.

Almost as soon as she reached this realization about the shadowy dragon-beast, it resumed prowling back into the woods. Why- Why is that thing here? Here of all places? Is it stalking someone else in the village? Is it stalking the whole village?!

She breathed a silent sigh of relief when it disappeared from her sight. I'm just a little tavernkeep in the middle of nowhere! I'm not built to handle this kind of pressure! But... why is it really here? Am I sure that it's searching for someone, or it it just searching for something? Should- should I follow it in case it is here for someone?

Against her better judgement, Akeet climbed into the tree canopy to tail the dragon-thing (from a safe distance, of course). It stalked through the dense underbrush with the stealth and grace of a truly expert hunter. It left inky prints in its wake, foul markings that stained the plant life a sickly shade. This thing should not be here. Does it even realize what it's doing?

Then it abruptly stopped. Stopped? Wait a minute, let me see the script... yeah, its not supposed to stop. Says right here in the very real script that it wanders straight out of the Gladeveins, never to scare any unsuspecting Mirrors ever again. Says it right there, clear as day.

But what kind of narrator/writer listens to a script anyways? The beastly dragon stopped in front of a vine-covered cliff face. It took a sniff at the vines before tearing them away with its inked claws. A tunnel opening of sorts was suddenly revealed.

Since when were there tunnels and caves around here? I've been scouting these forests since the day I hatched!

The sun was beginning to rise. After a small moment of hesitation, the draconic shadow descended into the opening of the cave. Akeet waited outside for a few moments. Whatever that thing was, it doesn't seem to be coming out of there anytime soon. Hopefully not.

Sunlight draped over the valley in the early dawn. The darkened tracks vanished upon contact with the light, and almost all of the evidence of the creature's visit disappeared along with them. Akeet hadn't gotten any sleep last night, and it was already time to open the tavern doors again.

I am never using that back door again. NEVER. AGAIN.

Natasha's perspective
The small grassy clearing behind the tavern was occupied as usual. Natasha gathered every bit of evidence about the Shade she could find nearby and spread it all out on an old stump. No matter what way she looked at it, it was all just a bunch of random rumors. Zorrakis' crops weren't as good as last year's. Amalure's chisel was still missing. A strange skydancer frequents the bar. None of these little events had any connection to The Shade.

Since when has it been this hard to find something that I can literally smell from here? Most of the villagers don't have a clue what I'm talking about, and those that do just spout weird folklore at me.

Once again, Natasha combed through the piles of useless information on the stump. A crumpled note fell into the grass. It was the note that Zatmenyat had written before his disappearance.

Natasha & Hezrou,

I know this is sudden, but I need to take a break from Shadehunting for a little bit. But don't worry about me. Once I'm feeling better, I'll be sure to catch up with you two.

Be back soon,

I'm doing this for you, Zatmenyat. Hezrou told me the troubles you were dealing with. You didn't have to keep it from me... I could have helped! ...Somehow. I swear, I will hunt down whatever Shade-touched creature I can if it means your condition might improve. Managing the Voidsoul isn't easy, but maybe this is how I can help you through it.

"Natasha, you might want to hear this."

Natasha spun around to see what Hezrou could be mentioning. He was standing next to a small Mirror dragon. The same one that runs the tavern they were staying in and gathering evidence behind.

"What seems to be the matter?" Natasha asked them both.

"Well," replied Hezrou, "I believe we may have just found a break in the case. Seems our host has information possibly relevant to the hunt."

Akeet quickly piped up. "Yeah, about a week before you two arrived, I saw a big shadowy monster behind my tavern. It was really scary and creepy and unnatural. And the way it looked at me sent shivers down my spine. I tracked it a good distance from the village until it entered some kind of cave. I've tried retracing how I got there, but the beast's tracks had completely disappeared by morning."

Unnaturally shadow-like. Frightening appearance. Difficult to track. The tell-tale signs of a Shade-touched creature. I've got a lead now. If I start searching in that general area, then I should be able to pinpoint its location in no time.

Natasha turned to the woods. "I'll begin searching the area right away." she said.

"Wait a second," Akeet blurted out. " Whatever that thing was... I don't think it wants to be found."

Natasha bluntly replied, "You don't need to worry. Hunting down monsters that don't want to be caught is my specialty.

With that, she bounded away into the forest. I can do this. I will do this.

For you, Zatmenyat.

Hezrou's perspective
The sun was shining on the Gladeveins, not a cloud in the sky. Natasha continued to busy herself searching for clues amongst random rumors. She barely rests any more. Ever since her brother ran off, she's been focusing all of her energy into her work. While she seems to have gotten a lot of work done, Natasha needs some time to stop and think about what she's doing. This level of avoiding difficult emotions is downright unhealthy.

Oncoming footsteps snapped him of his thoughts. Akeet, the young Mirror who runs the tavern, was coming to visit. Rather than through the backdoor where Hezrou would have expected, she approached from the side of the building instead.

"Why don't you take the backdoor?" He questioned. "I didn't accidentally lock it from the outside, did I?"

"Well... its just that..." Akeet glanced into the dense forest with a strange expression. "I- I left the tavern through that door at night not long ago and saw some pretty spooky stuff. I promised myself that I would never use that door again. Never ever never."

"This spooky stuff you saw, was there a shadow-looking thing involved?"

As Hezrou said that, she grew tense. "A- Actually, there was. It was this huge shadow, only... it wasn't a shadow. It stared at me with such terrifying eyes- I'm still hoping that it was just some apparition or nightmare. ...How did you know about the shadow-beast?"

"That 'shadow-beast' is the reason Natasha and I are here." Hezrou shouted over his shoulder, "Natasha, you might want to hear this."

Natasha glanced away from her jumble of notes in response. "What seems to be the matter?" she asked them both.

"Well," replied Hezrou, "I believe we may have just found a break in the case. Seems our host has information possibly relevant to the hunt."

Akeet quickly piped up. "Yeah, about a week before you two arrived, I saw a big shadowy monster behind my tavern. It was really scary, and creepy, and just... unnatural. And the way it looked at me- it sent shivers down my spine. I tracked it a good distance from the village until it entered some kind of cave. I've tried retracing how I got there, but the beast's tracks had completely disappeared by morning."

Natasha turned to the woods. "I'll begin searching the area right away." she said. Think for a second Natasha! We need to analyze the evidence and figure out what we are dealing with before getting overconfident.

"Wait a second," Akeet blurted out. " Whatever that thing was... I don't think it wants to be found." Akeet's voice always had a cheerful quality to it, but there was something different in it this time. She sounded... afraid. Like she feared for Natasha's safety in hunting this thing.

Natasha bluntly replied, "You don't need to worry. Hunting down monsters that don't want to be caught is my specialty.

With that, she bounded away into the forest.

Most of the information Akeet gave made sense for a Shade-touched creature, but... something didn't fit. Hezrou wasn't finished investigating yet. "You said that it had frightening eyes; could you tell me about that part?"

"...Sure." The Mirror uncertainly replied. "The beast's eyes were absolutely soulless looking. When it stared directly at me, I though I was done for. But it didn't do anything. I tried waving my arm up and down, but it didn't even notice. Now that I think back on it... I'm not sure that it could see me at all. Is that really the only other thing you wanted to ask about?"

"Yes, that was all. Thank you for your help."

"Alright, well, I'm glad I could be of help somehow." Akeet muttered as she walked back around to the front of the tavern.

Hezrou went over to the stump that Natasha had been gathering evidence on. Zatmenyat's note was lying on the top of the stack. Zatmenyat had a pretty creepy stare too. I wonder what he's been doing all this time.

If that "monster" that Akeet saw really was you, Zatmenyat, then I hope you find a way out of it. I think I understand why you don't want to be found.

The more that comes to light about this case, the less about it I wish I knew.

Akeet's perspective
It was a slow day at the tavern. Rigel was asleep at the bar midday as usual. Maybe I should go check on those two out back. They said they had come on some kind of nighttime researching expedition. Pretty sure that The Viridian Labyrinth is the wrong region for that, but what do I know about night research?

Akeet exited through the front door instead of the back one. Not the best route to the clearing behind the tavern, but that back door was never going to see use again. Not after what happened last time. She rounded the corner of the building and locked eyes with Hezrou, one of the researchers. He seemed to have just been in deep thought.

"Why don't you take the backdoor?" He questioned. "I didn't accidentally lock it from the outside, did I?"

"Well... its just that..." Akeet glanced into the dense forest where the nightmare creature had prowled away. "I- I left the tavern through that door at night not long ago and saw some pretty spooky stuff. I promised myself that I would never use that door again. Never ever never."

"This spooky stuff you saw, was there a shadow-looking thing involved?"

As Hezrou said that, Akeet grew tense. Like she could see the beast all over again. He knows? He knows what that horrible thing looked like? She responded, "A- Actually, there was. It was this huge shadow, only... it wasn't a shadow. It stared at me with such terrifying eyes- I'm still hoping that it was just some apparition or nightmare. ...How did you know about the shadow-beast?"

"That 'shadow-beast' is the reason Natasha and I are here." Hezrou shouted over his shoulder, "Natasha, you might want to hear this."

Natasha glanced away from her jumble of notes in response. "What seems to be the matter?" she asked them both.

"Well," replied Hezrou, "I believe we may have just found a break in the case. Seems our host has information possibly relevant to the hunt."

This is what they were researching? Akeet quickly piped up. "Yeah, about a week before you two arrived, I saw a big shadowy monster behind my tavern. It was really scary, and creepy, and just... unnatural. And the way it looked at me- it sent shivers down my spine. I tracked it a good distance from the village until it entered some kind of cave. I've tried retracing how I got there, but the beast's tracks had completely disappeared by morning."

Natasha turned to the woods. "I'll begin searching the area right away." she said. She's actually trying to find it?!

"Wait a second," Akeet blurted out. " Whatever that thing was... I don't think it wants to be found." Trust me, you don't want to find it. Not something that terrifying...

Natasha bluntly replied, "You don't need to worry. Hunting down monsters that don't want to be caught is my specialty.

With that, she bounded away into the forest.

Natasha had no hesitation whatsoever. Is she really that prepared, or does she not have a clue what she's dealing with?

"You said that it had frightening eyes; could you tell me about that part?" Hezrou said. Its eyes? They were creepy, just like the rest of the shadow-beast. Why does he sound so curious about those specifically?

"...Sure." She uncertainly replied. "The beast's eyes were absolutely soulless looking. When it stared directly at me, I though I was done for. But it didn't do anything. I tried waving my arm up and down, but it didn't even notice. Now that I think back on it... I'm not sure that it could see me at all. Is that really the only other thing you wanted to ask about?"

"Yes, that was all. Thank you for your help."

"Alright, well, I'm glad I could be of help somehow." Akeet muttered as she walked back around to the front of the tavern. These dragons were insane. To go hunting after something like that without fear- that's crazy. And of course I had to be the one to get involved.

What have I gotten myself into?

Zatmenyat's perspective
The cave system seemed to stretch out infinitely. Zatmenyat felt as if he had been traveling for hours. Most caves had some kind of little critters or plants growing in them, but not this one. There were no signs of life to be found beyond its entrance. Though, every now and then he got the feeling that there were strong magics nearby. With random magic hotspots and The Shade's evil influence, no wonder nothing lives down here.

Zatmenyat journeyed deeper and deeper into the caverns below, each step leading him closer to the Shade scent's origin. The smell of The Shade hung thickly in the air. The lifeless caverns were silent. There was nothing for Zatmenyat to hear other than his own steps, and any scents were covered up by that of The Shade. He was left almost completely without his sense of direction.

...I just have to go deeper. That's my goal.

These tunnels are becoming harder to navigate and smaller in diameter. I'm... not sure how much deeper I can go. How long have I been down here now? Hours? Days? But I have to keep going. I can't afford to stop.

And he didn't stop. Zatmenyat kept searching for what seemed to be an eternity. But... something was different about this offshoot tunnel. The smell of the Shade rose from it more than any of the other caves he had searched. This is it. This has to be it.

He slowly descended into the narrow inlet, its loose gravel shifting beneath his talons. Just need to take it one step at a time- But as this story has already shown, "taking it one step at a time" doesn't work here in Sornieth.

Zatmenyat tumbled down the steep path into the darkness below. His attempts to cling to any rocky outcropping the cave offered proved futile. HOW DEEP EVEN IS THIS TUNNEL?!

But after a longer fall than he would have liked, he eventually landed on hard stone and jagged gravel. Zatmenyat was too exhausted to get up after a fall like that. There would probably be some serious bruises from the ordeal. He then finally began to realize how tired he was. I'm so close, but I can't barely move with the energy I have left. Just a little rest...

"Sleep now. Take it easy. You have done well, my hero."

Phantasm's perspective
Curse them. Curse those "Shadehunters". Those fools had no clue what kind of being they were dealing with. They sealed a shard of us within this body, trapping us in this place. But they sacrificed one of their comrades to do it. She knew the stakes, and yet she tried to hunt us down anyways. But we are The Shade. We cannot be destroyed because destruction is our very nature. We will tear down the cities of dragonkind; lay waste to the forests of old. We will wreak havoc when we escape this mere pit.

"All it would take is one more sacrifice."


Eons passed. The sacrifice of the nameless Shadehunter faded from memory and record, but the sliver of The Shade remained where it was sealed all those lifetimes ago. In all that time, nothing had changed in the stone chamber. It remained as dark and forgotten as ever. A recent eclipse had given The Shade piece enough power to call out to those on the surface, but not enough to escape on its own.

Until a noise pierced the silence of the forbidden place.

A lone dragon had made his way into the very depths of Sornieth, seeking The Shade. He collapsed to the ground upon tumbling into the chamber. He was the same kind of dragon that had trapped the piece of The Shade here. However, he didn't have the same air about himself as those others did. A darkness grew within him. It is not us, but it is not unlike us. If we take some of its strength for ourselves, we can finally break free of this vessel. If we break its will to resist, we can rain chaos upon this world as we were always meant to.

The exasperated Gaoler began drifting off to an uneasy sleep. We've waited millennia for this day, so maybe we can wait a few hours more. We want to look it in the eyes as it realizes the power it has unleashed upon the world.

"Sleep now. Take it easy. You have done well, my hero."

Zatmenyat's perspective
The power of The Voidsoul jolted Zatmenyat awake. It surged in ferocity like it never had before. A deafening roar in his mind. He was in darkness, that oppressive kind of darkness that pushes in on every side. Life isn't meant to be here, and The Voidsoul knows that.

It urged him to get up. To fight with every fiber of his being. What do I even fight? There's nothing here! I can't even sense The Shade anymore, let alone anything else.

But The Voidsoul was unrelenting. Zatmenyat felt as though he was being torn apart, body and soul. ...This isn't it, is it? Remaining in sorrowful darkness until the curse finally overtakes me?

I wish I had stayed with Natasha and Hezrou...

"You poor thing. That's one nasty curse. Do you want my help?"

The Voidsoul swelled in power even more as Zatmenyat heard the quiet voice. It took everything in him to not succumb to it. What was that? It sounded like a calm voice, but I can't sense a presence of any kind nearby. Am I losing my mind?

Zatmenyat struggled to put together words. "Wh- who i- is there?"

"I am an echo. Somebody who once was, and yet still is. A somebody who can help you with your little curse problem."

Help with my curse? With The Voidsoul?

"I- it can't be h- helped."

"It can be helped. I can ease your suffering. All you have to do is take my hand, right in front of you." The voice softly spoke.

Just... accept it? Let the voice help? I- I have nothing left to lose now. It's either humbly accepting help or stubbornly becoming a monster. There's only one choice I can make here.

Zatmenyat used the last of his strength to reach out ahead. The Voidsoul screamed in opposition, but it was to late. He extended his talons into what seemed like nothing, and they were met by the hand of another dragon that he couldn't sense. The hand was cold as ice, its claws long and sharp.

"Thank you for your sacrifice."

The Voidsoul was immediately drawn away by the dragon's claws digging into his talons. Zatmenyat could feel his conciousness slipping away as he collapsed once again, and could feel an unnatural presence in the chamber. It was The Shade, and he had released it from its tomb.

What have I done?

Phantasm's perspective
The Shade beast began tearing into trees, animals, anything it could find. But before long, a pair of dragons arrived. We know their species anywhere. Those are the kind that the deities sent to trap us. No matter. We will kill them as we have killed thousand of their kindred.

It lunged at them, but they were experienced. The light maned one threw explosive concoctions at The Shade, while the dark one drove its claws through the beast. We have not waited thousands of years to be vanquished by simple dragons!

The Shade darted through the forest. It couldn't handle two Gaolers in combat, but it didn't have to stop for rest. It proceeded to outrun them, but only for so long. A large shadow pounced from the side onto The Shade, stopping its momentum. It attacked with unnatural strength and accuracy.The dragon from the caves! We should have killed it when we had the chance!

It fought back against The Shade with every bit of energy it could muster. They left fallen trees in their wake, crashing into one another. With a final strike, the cursed Gaoler struck down The Shade beast, causing it to melt back into the earth. Curse you dragon! You and all your kin! You may think that we are defeated, but The Shade knows no defeat. We come and go, spreading misery as we always will.

We are only a fraction of the whole. There will always be another.

Hezrou's perspective
Hezrou and Natasha had completely searched another swath of woodland. The third one today. The scent of The Shade still rose from the ground, even this far away from the village. Hezrou sniffed the air, checking for any slight change. Trees, animals, rivers, and... something familiar? He only caught a hint of it for a split second, but it was like the smell that Natasha gave off when she drew on The Voidsoul's power.

Hezrou asked her, "Do you sense anything different, Natasha?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." She said in response. " I can't be sure, but something seems off. My hairs are standing on end.

Suddenly The Shade's scent grew in potency. It's nearby!

The two Gaolers locked eyes in agreement. They dashed towards the source of the smell, being led to a large patch of trees that had been torn down. A huge Shade-touched creature was responsible. One that looked eager to create chaos. Let's do this.

The fight had begun. Hezrou threw flashbangs at the creature. The light magic he had infused them with did some serious damage. The Shade retreated into the forest to escape its hunters. Not good. At this rate, It'll outrun us!

Natasha and Hezrou quickly lost sight of it between the dense undergrowth. Its presence got a sizeable distance away before suddenly stopping. They ran as fast as they could to its location, but upon arrival there was nothing to be found. There were signs of a struggle, but The Shade was nowhere to be seen. I can still smell it; It can't be far now.

All of Hezrou's senses were on full alert. Nothing could sneak past him. There! I sense its presence behind that underbrush. Once it shows its face, nothing can prevent us from stopping it.

The beast stepped from out of the bush towards the hunters. It has a different air about it than before. A... familiar aspect to it. The shadowy creature looked into Hezrou's eyes with its own murky ones. The sudden realization of what he was facing dawned upon Hezrou.

Natasha lunged at the shadow-beast, going in for the kill.


Natasha's claws had made contact. A sharp pain extended the length of Hezrou's shoulder where he had blocked her strike. The fresh wound left blood on her claws. She stared at Hezrou with a shocked expression, horrified by what she had done and furious because of what he had stopped her from doing.

Hezrou choked out the only words he could think to say.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner, Zatmenyat."

Natasha's perspective
The two Shadehunters had been scouring the woods for signs of The Shade for hours. Its scent was all around, yet there was no other evidence to be found. You'd think we would have discovered something by now. All we have to go on is a single eyewitness account.

But as more time passed, something began to feel off. Natasha's Voidsoul became more active, having sensed The Shade nearby. The Shade's smell was becoming harder to sense.

Likely noticing her reaction, Hezrou asked her, "Do you sense anything different, Natasha?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." She said in response. " I can't be sure, but something seems off. My hairs are standing on end. Whatever is coming can't be good.

Suddenly The Shade's scent grew in potency.

The two Gaolers locked eyes in agreement. They dashed towards the source of the smell, being led to a large patch of trees that had been torn down. A huge Shade-touched creature at the center of the clearing was responsible. It radiated malice and resentment towards all life. At last, you've finally shown yourself. Time to end this.

The fight had begun. Natasha ducked behind it and slashed with her claws. The Voidsoul inside guided her strikes, allowing her to hit with the force of ten Gaolers. The Shade beast quickly retreated to the thick forest, hoping to outrun its hunters.

Hezrou and Natasha gave chase, but they lost sight of it between the dense undergrowth. Its presence got a sizeable distance away before suddenly stopping. They ran as fast as they could to its location, but upon arrival there was nothing to be found. There were signs of a struggle, but The Shade was nowhere to be seen. Where are you, coward? You can't run forever! You will atone for the suffering you have caused!

She caught a hint of its presence only a few paces away, behind the underbrush. She prepared herself to attack as it emerged from the bushes. The beast was a great shadow, its murk defiling every plant it touched. Natasha fully channeled The Voidsoul's power into her claws, getting ready to put an end to another Shade-touched abomination.

She lunged at the creature, only for her claws to make contact with something else instead.

Hezrou had jumped into the path of her strike, taking the blow to the shoulder. Natasha pulled back her bloodied talons with dismay and disbelief. WHY DID HE DO THAT?! WE WERE SO CLOSE!

He was struck with incredible force, yet managed to barely stay standing. His shoulder received a severe gash. Hezrou struggled with what he said next, genuine guilt in his voice.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner, Zatmenyat."

As he spoke his sincere message, Hezrou fell to the ground. Behind him, the beast stood. It was horrific, dripping, unnatural, and... a dragon. Natasha couldn't process what was happening. The creature looked nothing like Zatmenyat. It rushed towards Hezrou, but Natasha blocked its path. She had the perfect chance to attack, and yet... she didn't. The shadowy beast stopped only a few steps away from her, giving her a chance to look it in the eyes. Those teary, dusky eyes reflected what the monster saw: Natasha's own fearful expression.

They reflected all of the emotions that she had been running away from. Natasha felt tears run down her face as she finally accepted who she had really been hunting for. Zatmenyat had come back to help in more ways than one.

The siblings used some of Hezrou's healing salves and bandages on his shoulder wound. That would stop the bleeding, but only time would tell if it would ever fully heal.

Natasha had trouble finding the words to say to her brother. She thought and thought, but no words could describe her emotions in that moment.

Zatmenyat gazed into her eyes (the ones on her face) and said the unthinkable. "It had been so long- I had almost forgotten what you looked like."

...Maybe I don't need to put this moment into words.

Natasha hugged her brother. He had grown up so much in the past few months. "If only I had been their for you when you really needed me..." she said through her tears.

"You did everything you could. I couldn't have asked for a better sister."

Zatmenyat's perspective
Zatmenyat awoke in the stone chamber. The Voidsoul hadn't completely disappeared, but there was only a small remnant of its power left. He stumbled to his feet. I need to stop that Shade monster. I can't let it go free after this.

He clambered his way back into the cave systems. Without the overpowering scent of The Shade in the tunnels, Zatmenyat found the exit within a matter of minutes. Sunlight streamed through the passage to the surface. I haven't seen anything in weeks! How much was The Voidsoul's power affecting me?

He walked into the light of day. The sun was bright, but it couldn't hurt him anymore. He could see every leaf on the trees, shimmering in detail. I've never seen anything this well, this beautiful... but don't forget why you're here.

Zatmenyat ran through the forest growth to catch up with The Shade. It was fast, but its presence was still nearby. It came into view as it was racing past the trees. Zatmenyat called on the bit of The Voidsoul that was left in him, feeling its power surge at his clawtips. He pounced on it from the top, causing it to stop dead in its tracks. It put up a ferocious fight, but Zatmenyat struck it down with every chance he got. Finally, he clawed it back with such force that it couldn't hold its form anymore. It melted into the ground, leaving only downed trees and shriveled plants as evidence it was there. The sliver of The Shade from the caves was defeated at last.

The fight was over, but Zatmenyat could hear other dragons approaching. He hid behind the dense woodland plants. Wouldn't want civilians freaking out about a monster in the woods

Two Gaolers ran to the spot where The Shade had melted away. Those aren't civilians! I'd recognize those steps anywhere! That's Natasha and Hezrou! Did they come here on a Shade hunt too?

He stepped out of the bushes to see them, but as he locked eyes with Hezrou for the first time, Natasha pounced towards Zatmenyat. He didn't have time to react, but Hezrou did. Zatmenyat shut his eyes in anticipation for her attack. But nothing happened to him.

When he opened his eyes, Hezrou was standing a few paces in front of him. The smell of freshly drawn blood was in the air. W- what did he do?

Hezrou spoke out of true guilt.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner, Zatmenyat."

With that, Hezrou fell, showing Natasha on the other side. Hezrou's shoulder was seriously wounded; Zatmenyat had to do something. He rushed forward, having remembered that Hezrou would often carry around healing medicines. But Natasha jumped between him and his uncle, blocking the path.

Natasha looked into his eyes with a fearful expression. She's... scared of me. I must look terrifying right now-

She silently began to cry. Natasha realized that her brother had finally come back. Not to hurt, but to help.

Stepping aside, she allowed Zatmenyat to help her bandage Hezrou's bleeding shoulder. She locked eyes with him, but didn't know what to say. He realized that this is the first time he had clearly seen her face since he was a hatchling. She was tired, sorrowful, happy, and anxious all at the same time.

Zatmenyat couldn't think of mush else to say to her. "It had been so long- I had almost forgotten what you looked like."

Without a word, Natasha hugged her brother. "If only I had been their for you when you really needed me..." she said through her tears.

"You did everything you could. I couldn't have asked for a better sister."

Akeet's perspective
Those Gaolers are leaving Greenbriar today. They say that they've finished their monster hunting expedition and are heading off to hunt monsters somewhere else. I'm glad they came, but I'm glad they're leaving too.

Hezrou left what he saw as a small pouch of treasure on the bar. "This should pay for the room we rented. Oh, and thank you for letting us use the area behind the tavern. It was very hospitable of you." He said.

No problem!" Akeet cheerfully replied. THAT IS A HUGE POUCH OF TREASURE! "And if you ever come back, you can have two rooms for the price of one. Consider it as thanks for everything." And as thanks for that HUGE POUCH OF TREASURE.

As Hezrou turned around to leave, Akeet saw that a large section of his shoulder was bandaged. Natasha came down the stairs with another Gaoler, also about to leave. I don't recognize that other dragon behind her... who is that?

The second Gaoler made eye contact with Akeet. A familiar shiver ran down her spine.

"You haven't been prowling around the forest at night time lately, have you?" She asked him.

"Actually, I have been. How did- I don't recognize you, have we met before?" He curiously replied.

"Well, we haven't met officially. You were slinking through the woods a while back, and I happened to catch your attention. Scariest staring contest of my life. Of course, you were a lot scarier that night than you are now."

"Yeah... sorry about that, Akeet." He apologized. "At that point I couldn't see much of anything, so I didn't mean to stare you down." So he was blind.

"Its alright, really. Its good to know that your life is going in a better direction now. Take care!"

"I will." Wait a minute- he said "Sorry about that, Akeet", how did he know what my name was?

The Gaoler left as quickly as he had arrived. Akeet opened up that HUGE POUCH OF TREASURE and spread its contents on the bar. There was easily enough there to pay for the room and the rest of the tavern and probably half of the village, along with a note. The handwriting was scribbly, but it was still legible.


Natasha and Hezrou told me about what you saw. I know that must have been terrifying for you, but thanks for telling them about it. If you hadn't done that, I might have gotten killed. Seriously. I can't thank you enough. I'll never forget what you did for me. (Also sorry I have no clue how to write your name)


I- I did that? Me? Just by telling some weirdos a spooky story?

I wonder what other stories I'll get to tell someday.

Zatmenyat's perspective
The Voidsoul was weakened by that whole Shade incident, but it will never really be gone. I guess I really had to see its limits to understand how to manage it. All that time struggling to control it took its toll. Since I was a hatchling, it had clouded my eyesight. But now I can see both The Voidsoul and the world for what they are. The Voidsoul is a part of me, just as I am part of the world. I can't deny that.

Hezrou walked ahead on the path leading away from Greenbriar. His shoulder was already starting to heal better than expected. Natasha followed him, smiling back at her younger brother. "You ready for the next hunt, Zatmenyat?" She questioned him.

For the first time, I finally understand where I'm meant to be. Who I am meant to be.

"I think I am."

The End

Story 2 is still wip. Come back later! [center][font=Garamond][size=7][emoji=deer skull size=1] [b]The Harvest[/b] [emoji=deer skull size=1][/size][/font] The annual Harvest Festival is on its way. Everything would be perfect if there weren't psychic dream werewolves stalking people. [url=][img][/img][/url] [font=Garamond][u]Characters involved[/u]:[/font][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [LIST] [*]Zorrakis has a farm. She likes the Harvest Festival & her former penpal -------- [*]Spirit of the forest that is the actual harvest spirit -------- [*]Calathean is a psychic dream werewolf ------- [*]Mydryn is jealous for attention ------- [*]Onixus is still a breeding project right now. Also Zorrakis' former penpal [/LIST] [/columns] [img][/img] This story includes four dragons related to the [url=]Barghest Lore and Lineage Project[/url] and one related to the [url=]Pearl Cerdae[/url] subspecies. Feel free to check those out sometime!
Story 2 is still wip. Come back later!
The Harvest

The annual Harvest Festival is on its way. Everything would be perfect if there weren't psychic dream werewolves stalking people.


Characters involved:
  • Zorrakis has a farm. She likes the Harvest Festival & her former penpal

  • Spirit of the forest that is the actual harvest spirit

  • Calathean is a psychic dream werewolf

  • Mydryn is jealous for attention

  • Onixus is still a breeding project right now. Also Zorrakis' former penpal


This story includes four dragons related to the Barghest Lore and Lineage Project and one related to the Pearl Cerdae subspecies. Feel free to check those out sometime!