
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | town hall
[center][url=]town (town)[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]welcome to the town (town)'s town (town) hall. here you can participate in community events, write notes on the message board, and sit in the time out chair if you've committed any wrong-doings.[/center] [center][emoji=rhino beetle size=1][/center] [center][b][u]message board[/u][/b][/center] [center]to write a message on the message board, reply following this format:[/center] [center]MSG: [text][/center] [center]if message is sent by one of your dragons, add at the end:[/center] [center][-name/link][/center] [center][i][url=]hi -oz[/url][/i][/center] [center][i][url=]Hello! Hope you have a lovely year, with great company and cheer. Wish for dragons to be fed, receive warm pats on the head, with rich style, stories and lair, and all the love you can spare. Above these cool in-game claims, I want you to have the same and more so: Please be well, amazing, delightful, swell, and have room to think, try, grow, fail, change, learn and chase your dreams. Farewell, again, until then: Take care of your year my friend. -by Islet #582838[/url][/i][/center] [center][emoji=rhino beetle size=1][/center] [center][b][u]community events[/u][/b][/center] [center]tea time[/center] [center][emoji=rhino beetle size=1][/center] [center][b][u]tea time[/u][/b][/center] [center]have tea with the townsfolk to get to know them better.[/center] [center]for addition conversation, reply following this format:[/center] [center]tea/[character]: [text][/center] [center]if message is sent by one of your dragons, add at the end:[/center] [center][-name/link][/center] [center][emoji=comment size=1][/center] [center][b][u][url=]oz[/url][/u][/b][/center] [center]preferences:[/center] [center]matcha / heavy whipping cream / 5 sugars[/center] [center][b]<oz> : i love tea when it's steaming hot! if it doesn't physically burn me on the way down, i don't want it. call me old fashioned.[/b][/center] [center][b]<you> : that's quite an indulgent drink you have.[/b][/center] [center][b]<oz> : it helps with growth! not just physical, either—treating yourself to something truly delicious helps keep the soul happy, and the body ultimately healthier. [center][emoji=comment size=1][/center] [center][b][u][url=]the botanist[/url][/u][/b][/center] [center]preferences:[/center] [center]sage / no milk / honey[/center] [center][b]<you> : how's the tea?[/b][/center] [center][b]<the botanist> : good.[/b][/center] [center][b]<you> : you harvest the leaves yourself, don't you?[/b][/center] [center][b]<the botanist> : of course.[/b][/center] [center][b]<you> : it's delicious.[/b][/center] [center][b]<the botanist> : ...[/b][/center] [center][b]<the botanist> : i typically prefer tea in solitude, but i do enjoy the company of a friend on occasion.[/b][/center] [center][emoji=comment size=1][/center] [center][b][u][url=]timother[/url][/u][/b][/center] [center]preferences:[/center] [center]ginger / no milk / no sugar[/center] [center][b]<timother> : ah, ginger. oz put me on this recently; says it's just like bark.[/b][/center] [center][b]<you> : spicy bark.[/b][/center] [center][b]<timother> : yes, well, i've been building up a tolerance for it recently. i have been feeling a little weak, though...[/b][/center] [center][b]<you> : i hear it has healing elements. perhaps you should try doubling your intake?[/b][/center] [center][b]<timother> : uhhhrhmnhhnhmggfgffg[/b][/center] [center][emoji=rhino beetle size=1][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]

welcome to the town (town)'s town (town) hall. here you can participate in community events, write notes on the message board, and sit in the time out chair if you've committed any wrong-doings.

message board
to write a message on the message board, reply following this format:
MSG: [text]
if message is sent by one of your dragons, add at the end:

community events
tea time

tea time
have tea with the townsfolk to get to know them better.
for addition conversation, reply following this format:
tea/[character]: [text]
if message is sent by one of your dragons, add at the end:
matcha / heavy whipping cream / 5 sugars
<oz> : i love tea when it's steaming hot! if it doesn't physically burn me on the way down, i don't want it. call me old fashioned.
<you> : that's quite an indulgent drink you have.
<oz> : it helps with growth! not just physical, either—treating yourself to something truly delicious helps keep the soul happy, and the body ultimately healthier.
sage / no milk / honey
<you> : how's the tea?
<the botanist> : good.
<you> : you harvest the leaves yourself, don't you?
<the botanist> : of course.
<you> : it's delicious.
<the botanist> : ...
<the botanist> : i typically prefer tea in solitude, but i do enjoy the company of a friend on occasion.
ginger / no milk / no sugar
<timother> : ah, ginger. oz put me on this recently; says it's just like bark.
<you> : spicy bark.
<timother> : yes, well, i've been building up a tolerance for it recently. i have been feeling a little weak, though...
<you> : i hear it has healing elements. perhaps you should try doubling your intake?
<timother> : uhhhrhmnhhnhmggfgffg

unique and quirky signature
MSG: [

Hope you have a lovely year,
with great company and cheer.
Wish for dragons to be fed,
receive warm pats on the head,
with rich style, stories and lair,
and all the love you can spare.
Above these cool in-game claims,
I want you to have the same
and more so: Please be well,
amazing, delightful, swell,
and have room to think, try, grow,
fail, change, learn and chase your dreams.
Farewell, again, until then:
Take care of your year my friend.

-by Islet #582838
MSG: [

Hope you have a lovely year,
with great company and cheer.
Wish for dragons to be fed,
receive warm pats on the head,
with rich style, stories and lair,
and all the love you can spare.
Above these cool in-game claims,
I want you to have the same
and more so: Please be well,
amazing, delightful, swell,
and have room to think, try, grow,
fail, change, learn and chase your dreams.
Farewell, again, until then:
Take care of your year my friend.

-by Islet #582838
Duanwu will shamelessly eat your likes. Art by celaine.
Some day, there will be art here.
Wishlist | Lore [WIP] | Gallery | Archive
G1 sales thread here.
Harvest RaffleKeikoKat's Raffe
tea/Timother: Have you tried, perhaps, adding fresh lemons. Peel and all. Ginger and lemon is my favorite, smile.
tea/Timother: Have you tried, perhaps, adding fresh lemons. Peel and all. Ginger and lemon is my favorite, smile.
Come check out Morning glory! (currently under repairs)

@syffeine <timother> : lemon trees are some of my favorites! hopefully it will mask the pain of the ginger... oz says cinnamon might help.
@syffeine <timother> : lemon trees are some of my favorites! hopefully it will mask the pain of the ginger... oz says cinnamon might help.
unique and quirky signature
tea/Oz: What an interesting town. I'll be telling Thistle all about town (town) when I get home! (I do wonder how I'll preserve this swamp rat in the meantime..) -Carrie
tea/Oz: What an interesting town. I'll be telling Thistle all about town (town) when I get home! (I do wonder how I'll preserve this swamp rat in the meantime..) -Carrie
Come check out Morning glory! (currently under repairs)

@syffeine <oz> : i suggest encasing it in resin. that's what i do to all the swamp rats i find who, of course, die of natural causes...!
@syffeine <oz> : i suggest encasing it in resin. that's what i do to all the swamp rats i find who, of course, die of natural causes...!
unique and quirky signature
Tea/Oz: That's surely a suggestion! (I'd rather not give our clan leader food poisoning though..) -Carrie
Tea/Oz: That's surely a suggestion! (I'd rather not give our clan leader food poisoning though..) -Carrie
Come check out Morning glory! (currently under repairs)