
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | the foxfire fortune lorebook
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[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5]. anauel .[/size][/font][/color] [size=2]#82555[/size][/center] [indent][ title ] | [ role ] keyword keyword keyword faction: connections: x [/indent][/columns] [LIST] [*]a very, very old mirror who has seen much more than she can ever let on, but is keen to watch "the children" do their own thing. However, everyone comes to Anauel for support or advice, despite her being a relatively new addition to the clan. [*] [/LIST]
. anauel .
[ title ] | [ role ]
keyword keyword keyword

connections: x
  • a very, very old mirror who has seen much more than she can ever let on, but is keen to watch "the children" do their own thing. However, everyone comes to Anauel for support or advice, despite her being a relatively new addition to the clan.
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[right][url=][img][/img][/url] [/right] [columns][item=Charged Rhinohide] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5][/size][/font][/color] [/columns] [i]Organic - aspirations and goals e.g., What is it trying to accomplish right now? Where does it want to be and what does it want to be doing years down the road? Does it have any heroes? Role models? An epic foe to defeat? Is there someone or something it wants to distance itself from? Is it running toward the future or away from the past?[/i]
Charged Rhinohide
Organic - aspirations and goals
e.g., What is it trying to accomplish right now? Where does it want to be and what does it want to be doing years down the road? Does it have any heroes? Role models? An epic foe to defeat? Is there someone or something it wants to distance itself from? Is it running toward the future or away from the past?
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5]. gabriel .[/size][/font][/color] [size=2]#84569279[/size][/center] [indent][ title ] | [ familiar trainer ] keyword keyword keyword faction: connections: x [/indent][/columns] [LIST] [*]Gabriel loves animals. Like, [b]LOVES ANIMALS[/b], especially familiars. He is a savant when it comes to training, bringing beautifully obedient and well-mannered familiars to the Foxfire Fortune clan. They're good familiars, Brent! [*] [/LIST]
. gabriel .
[ title ] | [ familiar trainer ]
keyword keyword keyword

connections: x
  • Gabriel loves animals. Like, LOVES ANIMALS, especially familiars. He is a savant when it comes to training, bringing beautifully obedient and well-mannered familiars to the Foxfire Fortune clan. They're good familiars, Brent!
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[right][url=][img][/img][/url] [/right] [columns][item=Disintegrating Runescroll] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5][/size][/font][/color] [/columns] [i]Assorted small facts and notes e.g., personality traits, quirks and flaws, likes and dislikes, familiar, favorite item(s). Do as many or as few of these as you like—you can always come back and add more later.[/i]
Disintegrating Runescroll
Assorted small facts and notes
e.g., personality traits, quirks and flaws, likes and dislikes, familiar, favorite item(s). Do as many or as few of these as you like—you can always come back and add more later.
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5]. zeno .[/size][/font][/color] [size=2]#91925114[/size][/center] [indent][ title ] | [ role ] keyword keyword keyword faction: connections: x [/indent][/columns] [LIST] [*] [*] [/LIST]
. zeno .
[ title ] | [ role ]
keyword keyword keyword

connections: x
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[right][url=][img][/img][/url] [/right] [columns][item=pond plates] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5][/size][/font][/color] [/columns] [i]Plants - the dragon’s origin e.g., Who are its parents? Where did it come from, if not hatched in the clan? Is it even a dragon at all?[/i]
Pond Plates
Plants - the dragon’s origin
e.g., Who are its parents? Where did it come from, if not hatched in the clan? Is it even a dragon at all?
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5]. opalescent .[/size][/font][/color] [size=2]#6872198[/size][/center] [indent][ title ] | [ role ] keyword keyword keyword faction: connections: x [/indent][/columns] [LIST] [*] [*] [/LIST]
. opalescent .
[ title ] | [ role ]
keyword keyword keyword

connections: x
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[right][url=][img][/img][/url] [/right] [columns][item=white king] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5][/size][/font][/color] [/columns] [i]Assorted small facts and notes e.g., personality traits, quirks and flaws, likes and dislikes, familiar, favorite item(s). Do as many or as few of these as you like—you can always come back and add more later.[/i]
White King
Assorted small facts and notes
e.g., personality traits, quirks and flaws, likes and dislikes, familiar, favorite item(s). Do as many or as few of these as you like—you can always come back and add more later.
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5]. ahliean .[/size][/font][/color] [size=2]#8801260[/size][/center] [indent][ title ] | [ water representative ] keyword keyword keyword faction: connections: x [/indent][/columns] [LIST] [*]Ahliean is a new transplant to the Foxfire Fortune clan but is quickly making herself a valuable member of the clan [*]She joined from the noble [url=]Gemfyre clan[/url] with her adopted sister, [url=]Opalescent[/url] [*]An elder, she has wisdom she shares freely and a serenity around her that soothes those who sit with her for a time [*]The Foxfire Fortune clan has deep ties to the Water flight, as it was their home for quite a long time, and will always be a comfort and beloved second home for the clan [*]Ahliean wields a powerful necklace that holds the spirit of an orca inside it, her animal companion and guide [/LIST]
. ahliean .
[ title ] | [ water representative ]
keyword keyword keyword

connections: x
  • Ahliean is a new transplant to the Foxfire Fortune clan but is quickly making herself a valuable member of the clan
  • She joined from the noble Gemfyre clan with her adopted sister, Opalescent
  • An elder, she has wisdom she shares freely and a serenity around her that soothes those who sit with her for a time
  • The Foxfire Fortune clan has deep ties to the Water flight, as it was their home for quite a long time, and will always be a comfort and beloved second home for the clan
  • Ahliean wields a powerful necklace that holds the spirit of an orca inside it, her animal companion and guide
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
[right][url=][img][/img][/url] [/right] [columns][item=celestial horn] [nextcol][center][color=salmon][font=georgia][size=5]shoredeep presage[/size][/font][/color] [/columns] [i]Organic - aspirations and goals e.g., What is it trying to accomplish right now? Where does it want to be and what does it want to be doing years down the road? Does it have any heroes? Role models? An epic foe to defeat? Is there someone or something it wants to distance itself from? Is it running toward the future or away from the past?[/i]
Celestial Horn
shoredeep presage
Organic - aspirations and goals
e.g., What is it trying to accomplish right now? Where does it want to be and what does it want to be doing years down the road? Does it have any heroes? Role models? An epic foe to defeat? Is there someone or something it wants to distance itself from? Is it running toward the future or away from the past?
qXSwF3U.png233SM6q.png Jay (she/her)

Tortoiseshell Tea Haus (a hatchery)
The Foxfire Fortune Clan (a biolocke)

The Melting Pot
Baldwin Manufacturing Plant
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