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TOPIC | old dragon lore/bio folder
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Place to keep dragons' old bio formatting without clogging up my clan lore thread.

  1. Traveling Dragon List
  2. Plasmid's original bio
  3. Spellstream's old bio
  4. Shattered Construct couple's bios
  5. Sky's original bio formatting
Place to keep dragons' old bio formatting without clogging up my clan lore thread.

  1. Traveling Dragon List
  2. Plasmid's original bio
  3. Spellstream's old bio
  4. Shattered Construct couple's bios
  5. Sky's original bio formatting
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List of Traveling dragons I'm personally invested in. Instead of copy/pasting their story in this thread, I'm just gonna periodically save their pages to webarchive. [b]Current travelers:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [quote][b]Long-term hiatus:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote] [quote][b]Retired Elsewhere:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote] [quote][b]Dead Lair Travelers:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/quote]
List of Traveling dragons I'm personally invested in. Instead of copy/pasting their story in this thread, I'm just gonna periodically save their pages to webarchive.

Current travelers:

Long-term hiatus:

Retired Elsewhere:
72712084.png70065721.png58318464.png 87998552.png

Dead Lair Travelers:
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Justin Case
Justin Case
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[columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=4][FONT=TimesNewRoman]P L A S M I D[sup][url=][color=#bcbcbc]?[/color][/url][/sup][/font][/size] [center][size=2][FONT=TimesNewRoman][color=#c5ad73]ENGINEER[/color][/font][/size][/center] [center][color=#bcbcbc]??????????[/color] [size=2][font=calibri][color=#69605d] [size=2][font=calibri]R E L A T I O N S[/font][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][font=calibri]MENTOR[/font][/size] [/font][/color][/size][color=#bcbcbc]??????????[/color] [size=2][font=calibri][/font][/size] [/center] [nextcol][center][color=#bcbcbc]?????????????????????????????[/color] [font=baskerville][size=3][i]". . ."[/i][/size][/font] [color=#bcbcbc]?????????????????????????????[/color][/center] [COLOR=BLACK][FONT=TimesNewRoman]Luck is a gamble, one that Plasmid never seems to win. Even as the dragon grew to achieve sentience, Lady Luck was not on his side. Struck by lightning, His egg crackled with energy, ironic considering his father was struck as well. His parents had told him that his egg was like the stormy skies of the shifting expanse, winds that sliced like swords and lightning that cracked like a whip. When his egg broke open all appeared to be fine, at least until he was picked up. Static raced through the midwife's arms, causing the muscles to spasm, and dropping the newborn. His childhood was littered with the same events, static that made the hair on some dragons stand on end, buffets of wind knocking back dragons, to even causing full out den fires. He was given into service to the Grand Mage to try and control this power. It could [b]NOT[/b] be controlled, and even she could not help him. In apology, the small sage gave him a gift. A Storm Seeker, of whom he dubbed Molan. As if to ruin the day and spite the unlucky dragon further, that was the day an opalescent dragon appeared within Escalon Tower. He dubbed himself 'Hades' and that he was a messenger. Plasmid though, had just enough [i]luck[/i] to figure out what he was. A spy, An Assassin, A prince of the fae court. Hades figured it out quickly, and put a plan into motion. 'Plasmid' was killed by a beastclan raid party, his parents and friends mourned his death. But in truth, Hades had cursed the Wildclaw, that he may never been seen by his birth clan from now...Till his death. And it seemed the only thing from his birth clan that could see him was the familiar he had gotten as an apology. The young wildclaw was heartbroken and wandered the desert alone for days upon end, until he got to the sea. He glanced back at the desert he called home one last time before lifting off and leaving it forever. The winds seemed to shift the moment Plasmid touched them, turning coarse and rough instantaneously. The electricity running though his skin clashed with the natural storm, and before long Plasmid plummeted into the sea. The next memory Plasmid has is a sterile white room, and a white imperial dressed in a medical garb. Once he saw the face, so nostalgic to the wildclaw, that he broke down in front of the imperial. He learned that the Imperial's name was Hemostat, and he was a Surgeon. He asked of his story, and reluctantly Plasmid told him. Hemostat seemed to be shocked, a Clan Escalonian? They seemed so at peace in their home. When Hades came up, Hemostat knew what had happened. He wiped the tears from the young male's face, and asked if he wished to stay with him. Plasmid was shocked? A place after having nothing. A home after all those months of wandering. He desperately took the bargain under the deal that he must leave the medical wing when Hemostat's patients arrived. Per their arrangement, Plasmid upgrades Hemostat's machines and tells him about what he knew about his daughter as payment for his entrance into the Cathedral and a job he could enjoy. His [i]gifts[/i] of luck still occur, harming his machines and other items around him. but oddly, the azure wildclaw does not seem to mind. Yes he misses the Shifting Expanse, but he now has a home. He has companionship again. He has his stability once more. It gives him the strength to play with Lady Luck day in and day out. A gamble he will have to make until the day he dies. [size=2][color=#69605d][font=calibri] [right][font=calibri][size=2][color=#bcbcbc]Written by [url=]NickelDragons[/url][/font][/color][/size] [right][font=calibri][size=2][color=#bcbcbc]Layout by [url=]Kintsy[/url][/font][/color][/size] [nextcol][center] [size=2][font=calibri]I N V E N T O R Y[/font][/size] [item=multi-lens magnifier][item=stormcatcher scrap metal welding][item=borer scrapmetal] [/columns]

P L A S M I D?





". . ."

Luck is a gamble, one that Plasmid never seems to win. Even as the dragon grew to achieve sentience, Lady Luck was not on his side. Struck by lightning, His egg crackled with energy, ironic considering his father was struck as well. His parents had told him that his egg was like the stormy skies of the shifting expanse, winds that sliced like swords and lightning that cracked like a whip. When his egg broke open all appeared to be fine, at least until he was picked up. Static raced through the midwife's arms, causing the muscles to spasm, and dropping the newborn.

His childhood was littered with the same events, static that made the hair on some dragons stand on end, buffets of wind knocking back dragons, to even causing full out den fires. He was given into service to the Grand Mage to try and control this power. It could NOT be controlled, and even she could not help him. In apology, the small sage gave him a gift. A Storm Seeker, of whom he dubbed Molan. As if to ruin the day and spite the unlucky dragon further, that was the day an opalescent dragon appeared within Escalon Tower. He dubbed himself 'Hades' and that he was a messenger.

Plasmid though, had just enough luck to figure out what he was. A spy, An Assassin, A prince of the fae court. Hades figured it out quickly, and put a plan into motion. 'Plasmid' was killed by a beastclan raid party, his parents and friends mourned his death. But in truth, Hades had cursed the Wildclaw, that he may never been seen by his birth clan from now...Till his death. And it seemed the only thing from his birth clan that could see him was the familiar he had gotten as an apology.

The young wildclaw was heartbroken and wandered the desert alone for days upon end, until he got to the sea. He glanced back at the desert he called home one last time before lifting off and leaving it forever. The winds seemed to shift the moment Plasmid touched them, turning coarse and rough instantaneously. The electricity running though his skin clashed with the natural storm, and before long Plasmid plummeted into the sea.

The next memory Plasmid has is a sterile white room, and a white imperial dressed in a medical garb. Once he saw the face, so nostalgic to the wildclaw, that he broke down in front of the imperial. He learned that the Imperial's name was Hemostat, and he was a Surgeon. He asked of his story, and reluctantly Plasmid told him. Hemostat seemed to be shocked, a Clan Escalonian? They seemed so at peace in their home.

When Hades came up, Hemostat knew what had happened. He wiped the tears from the young male's face, and asked if he wished to stay with him. Plasmid was shocked? A place after having nothing. A home after all those months of wandering. He desperately took the bargain under the deal that he must leave the medical wing when Hemostat's patients arrived.

Per their arrangement, Plasmid upgrades Hemostat's machines and tells him about what he knew about his daughter as payment for his entrance into the Cathedral and a job he could enjoy.

His gifts of luck still occur, harming his machines and other items around him. but oddly,
the azure wildclaw does not seem to mind. Yes he misses the Shifting Expanse, but he now has a home. He has companionship again. He has his stability once more. It gives him the strength to play with Lady Luck day in and day out. A gamble he will have to make until the day he dies.

Written by NickelDragons
Layout by Kintsy

Multi-Lens Magnifier Stormcatcher Scrap Metal Welding Borer Scrapmetal
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Spellstream's old digs. [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][font=perpetua][size=6][b]S P E L L S T R E A M[/b][/size] [size=5]Hatchling Caretaker[/size][/font] [/center] ----- [size=2]Spellstream is an upright character. She's self-disciplined, organized, and hardworking, not speaking much during work unless spoken to. She tends to be hard on herself when she fails to successfully do something, so she likes reassurance that she's doing the right thing. She doesn't wear her emotions on her sleeve. Despite this, she is surprisingly outgoing and enjoys dragon-watching. Quite the eloquent speaker, her voice is is calm, chill, what some may find soothing. Spellstream likes architecture; one of her passions is building and designing rooms and living spaces. She has an eye for matching colors and decor to make a space really shine. A longtime security guard, Spellstream isn't afraid to fight, but she also isn't reckless and knows when to make a tactical retreat. She also knows how to use nonlethal force if necessary. Even so, she dislikes combat.[nextcol][center][url=][img][/img][/url][br][br][font=perpetua][size=4]“There is always room for improvement.”[/size][/font] [/center] ----- [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][url=][img][/img][/url][BR][url=][img][/img][/url][br][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [size=2]Spellstream underwent warrior training as a young adult in her Icefield homeland. Her proper adult life began when she was hired by a Lightning clan nestled in the Carrion Canyon. They frequently had trouble with a band of Carmine Serthis. The Serthis were no match for her strength, to say nothing of her advantageous Ice powers. While her clanmates built spires on the canyon lip, she scouted the area by day. By night, she retreated to a cave which she'd carved by herself -- a cave which she'd declared her charge, her primary reason for fighting. A group of young males vied for her protection and offered her gifts and praise. Flattered, Spellstream roomed with each of them over a period of a decade. They generally got along until an inevitable jealous spat, after which they would be temporarily evicted to avoid damage to Spellstream's cave. Just before her fiftieth birthday, a devastating Serthis attack ravaged her clan. They were a formidable army, flooding caves and slaughtering the weaker dragons. Spellstream had only one goal: protect her charge. She succeeded... at the cost of the rest of her clan. Among the survivors were a few of her suitors who, realizing their family members were dead, blamed Spellstream. They drove her out and ordered her to bury the dead. It took several heavy-hearted days to give a proper burial to each one. When she finished, she found her private space -- her charge -- a lonely, caved-in wreck. [i]I failed...[/i] Lost, without purpose, Spellstream soared in a random direction until exhaustion grounded her. She came across a newspaper fragment in her search for food and followed its directions to the Cloakscreen Company's work building. The Company Heads saw her eagerness to work and hired her on as a Distro Dragon, in exchange for food and a place to stay.[/size][/columns] [columns][size=2]Time dulled the pain of losing her Lightning clan. Spellstream carried newspapers across the land in hot air balloons for a hundred years. She ate, drank, made friends with the ragtag Shadow clan. For a short while, she adopted a [url=]young, Shadebound Wildclaw[/url] as a son- or little brother-figure, protecting him until he was cured. Spellstream never cried more than when he moved on from the lair for a fresh start. A hundred years is a long time to keep such a heavy secret. Over the next decade, the Cloakscreen dragons would move to the Wispwillow Grove, run a day spa, [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [center][font=perpetua][size=4][b]A B O U T[/b][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][columns][size=2][b]Name meaning:[/b] fantasy name [b]Mate:[/b] n/a [b]Familiar/Pet:[/b] n/a [b]Friends:[/b] Cobalt, Lior [nextcol] [size=2][b]Job Desc:[/b] guards, plays with, and babysits hatchlings while parents are busy [b]Fave food:[/b] [b]Hobbies:[/b] [b]Charge:[/b] soon her Pearlcatcher pearl [/size][/columns] ----- [center][font=perpetua][size=4][b]T R E A S U R E S[/b][/size][/font] [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=salt][item=salt] [img][/img] [/center] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Spellstream's old digs.
Hatchling Caretaker

Spellstream is an upright character. She's self-disciplined, organized, and hardworking, not speaking much during work unless spoken to. She tends to be hard on herself when she fails to successfully do something, so she likes reassurance that she's doing the right thing.

She doesn't wear her emotions on her sleeve. Despite this, she is surprisingly outgoing and enjoys dragon-watching. Quite the eloquent speaker, her voice is is calm, chill, what some may find soothing. Spellstream likes architecture; one of her passions is building and designing rooms and living spaces. She has an eye for matching colors and decor to make a space really shine.

A longtime security guard, Spellstream isn't afraid to fight, but she also isn't reckless and knows when to make a tactical retreat. She also knows how to use nonlethal force if necessary. Even so, she dislikes combat.

“There is always room for improvement.”

Spellstream underwent warrior training as a young adult in her Icefield homeland. Her proper adult life began when she was hired by a Lightning clan nestled in the Carrion Canyon. They frequently had trouble with a band of Carmine Serthis. The Serthis were no match for her strength, to say nothing of her advantageous Ice powers. While her clanmates built spires on the canyon lip, she scouted the area by day. By night, she retreated to a cave which she'd carved by herself -- a cave which she'd declared her charge, her primary reason for fighting.

A group of young males vied for her protection and offered her gifts and praise. Flattered, Spellstream roomed with each of them over a period of a decade. They generally got along until an inevitable jealous spat, after which they would be temporarily evicted to avoid damage to Spellstream's cave.

Just before her fiftieth birthday, a devastating Serthis attack ravaged her clan. They were a formidable army, flooding caves and slaughtering the weaker dragons. Spellstream had only one goal: protect her charge.

She succeeded... at the cost of the rest of her clan. Among the survivors were a few of her suitors who, realizing their family members were dead, blamed Spellstream. They drove her out and ordered her to bury the dead. It took several heavy-hearted days to give a proper burial to each one. When she finished, she found her private space -- her charge -- a lonely, caved-in wreck. I failed...

Lost, without purpose, Spellstream soared in a random direction until exhaustion grounded her. She came across a newspaper fragment in her search for food and followed its directions to the Cloakscreen Company's work building. The Company Heads saw her eagerness to work and hired her on as a Distro Dragon, in exchange for food and a place to stay.
Time dulled the pain of losing her Lightning clan. Spellstream carried newspapers across the land in hot air balloons for a hundred years. She ate, drank, made friends with the ragtag Shadow clan. For a short while, she adopted a young, Shadebound Wildclaw as a son- or little brother-figure, protecting him until he was cured. Spellstream never cried more than when he moved on from the lair for a fresh start.

A hundred years is a long time to keep such a heavy secret.

Over the next decade, the Cloakscreen dragons would move to the Wispwillow Grove, run a day spa,

Name meaning: fantasy name

Mate: n/a

Familiar/Pet: n/a

Friends: Cobalt, Lior

Job Desc: guards, plays with, and babysits hatchlings while parents are busy

Fave food:


Charge: soon her Pearlcatcher pearl


Salt Salt
Anim-spiral.gifx lore clan
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xcorgi with feather pen
[center][font=Georgia][size=6][color=#7A2900][b]Saestis[/b][/color][/size][/font] [img][/img][/center] [columns][color=#7A2929][size=2][b]Mate[/b] • [url=]Mandurugo[/url] [b]Informal Name[/b] • Siss [b]Subspecies[/b] • Saestis isn't a [url=]Shattered Construct[/url], but he creates them with his mate. [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol][color=#7A2929][font=Tahoma][b]Courier[/b][/font] Saestis long served as the [url=]Clan of Singing Blood[/url]'s courier, until he was ambushed by hostile beastclan while running a delivery for the caravan. He was badly wounded and only just managed to crawl back to the clan. His injuries stripped him of his speed and strength, even after he had recovered. In a plague clan, such a condition is even more dire than in other lands. [color=#7A2929][font=Tahoma][b]Shattered Construct[/b][/font] Saestis began to search for ways that he might regain his former prowess and eventually came to [url=]Verthandi Wyrdworm[/url]. She refused to turn him into a Shattered Construct. "That is now how things are done. You are not dead, and willingly giving up life to become a construct would be a dire insult to the sensibilities of your plague brethren." The Shattered Constructs are dragons that are made of bone and blood. They contain the soul of a deceased dragon in the skull that acts as their head and foci. Because of this if they are destroyed, the dragon can be brought back into existence so long as the skull remains intact. The result is a dragon that needs no sleep, no food, and has relatively few weaknesses. Some plague dragons view them as undead abominations, though this is technically incorrect.[/columns] [columns][color=#7A2929][font=Tahoma][b]Mandurugo[/b][/font] Though the Wyrdworm refused his request, the time he spent with her- trying to convince her or learn her secrets- brought him into frequent meetings with Mandurugo. She was one of the clan's Shattered Constructs. Eventually, he came into the workshop less to see the Artisan, and more to visit Ruga. As their relationship developed, it became easy for the Wyrdworm to convince Saestis to stop his pursuit of becoming a Construct. Instead she took him on as an apprentice. [font=Tahoma][b]Design Lineage[/b][/font] Saestis came to aid the Artisan in the creation of new Shattered Constructs for the clan, particularly from the design blueprints established in Ruga's creation. Most often these would eventually be sold or loaned into service for other clans, and the Wyrdworm had no end of work in repairing old constructs whose clans had no artisan skilled enough to repair their injuries. Saestis's skill as an artisan grew such that the Wyrdworm trusted him to complete tasks on his own, both in creation and repairs. He loved to make new dragons with Ruga, and would often sentimentally view them as their children, though most would have their own memories of their past life... occasionally there were a few which had little or no memories, and Saestis was happy to raise these ones anew with his mate. [font=Tahoma][b]Departure[/b][/font] Ruga expressed a desire to venture beyond the Bloodsinger's territory, and explore new lands. That was all the more she needed to say for Saestis to set himself to the task. He spent weeks making arrangements and negotiations for Ruga and him to be released from the clan. It was difficult, as the blueprints Ruga provided were extremely valuable. He did manage eventually and was sure that no matter what he would be able to care for Ruga. [color=transparent]Bought for 30g from HappyFox on Oct 9, 2021[/color] ----- [center][font=Georgia][size=6][color=#7A2900][b]Mandurugo[/b][/color][/size][/font] [img][/img][/center] [columns][color=#7A2929][size=2][b]Artisan & Mate[/b] • [url=]Saestis[/url] [b]Informal Name[/b] • Ruga [b]Subspecies[/b] • [url=]Shattered Construct[/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol][color=#7A2929][font=Tahoma][b]Shattered Construct[/b][/font] These are dragons that are constructed from bone and blood. They contain the soul of a deceased dragon in the skull that acts as their head- nestled atop of a neck of blood. These dragons exist in an unusual state - as though they can be destroyed, the dragon can be brought back to existence so long as the skull remains intact by simply remaking a body and placing the skull upon it. The result is a dragon that needs no sleep, no food, and has few weaknesses. [font=Tahoma][b]Design Lineage[/b][/font] Mandurugo was created by the [url=]Artisan[/url] in the [url=]Clan of Singing Blood[/url]. The artisan has long used the design blueprints from Ruga's creation to make more Shattered Constructs, along with aid from Ruga's mate, [url=]Saestis[/url]. Unlike Ruga, Saestis is a living dragon, but he has come to care deeply for Ruga. Working with the Wyrdworm has allowed him to become Ruga's primary artisan. As such he works to, protect, improve, and repair her. It has also allowed him to take over the construction of new Shattered Constructs, without the need for Wyrdworm's intervention, though he would usually accept her aid anyway.[/columns][columns][color=#7A2929][font=Tahoma][b]Departure[/b][/font] Ruga expressed a desire to venture beyond the Bloodsinger's territory, and explore new lands. For so long she had been confined to this place. She was not a prisoner per-se, not a slave, but also not quite a true dragon. She did not have the high rank of many of the other constructs, with afforded them significant respect and freedom. Saestis made her feel like a true and living dragon again, more than anyone else in the clan did. Learning of her desire Saestis was quick to set himself to make it a reality. He spent weeks making arrangements and negotiations for Ruga and him to be released from the clan. It was difficult, as the blueprints Ruga provided were extremely valuable. He did manage eventually and was sure that no matter what he would be able to care for her.

Informal Name
• Siss
• Saestis isn't a Shattered Construct, but he creates them with his mate.

Saestis long served as the Clan of Singing Blood's courier, until he was ambushed by hostile beastclan while running a delivery for the caravan. He was badly wounded and only just managed to crawl back to the clan. His injuries stripped him of his speed and strength, even after he had recovered. In a plague clan, such a condition is even more dire than in other lands.

Shattered Construct
Saestis began to search for ways that he might regain his former prowess and eventually came to Verthandi Wyrdworm. She refused to turn him into a Shattered Construct. "That is now how things are done. You are not dead, and willingly giving up life to become a construct would be a dire insult to the sensibilities of your plague brethren."

The Shattered Constructs are dragons that are made of bone and blood. They contain the soul of a deceased dragon in the skull that acts as their head and foci. Because of this if they are destroyed, the dragon can be brought back into existence so long as the skull remains intact. The result is a dragon that needs no sleep, no food, and has relatively few weaknesses. Some plague dragons view them as undead abominations, though this is technically incorrect.
Though the Wyrdworm refused his request, the time he spent with her- trying to convince her or learn her secrets- brought him into frequent meetings with Mandurugo. She was one of the clan's Shattered Constructs. Eventually, he came into the workshop less to see the Artisan, and more to visit Ruga. As their relationship developed, it became easy for the Wyrdworm to convince Saestis to stop his pursuit of becoming a Construct. Instead she took him on as an apprentice.

Design Lineage
Saestis came to aid the Artisan in the creation of new Shattered Constructs for the clan, particularly from the design blueprints established in Ruga's creation. Most often these would eventually be sold or loaned into service for other clans, and the Wyrdworm had no end of work in repairing old constructs whose clans had no artisan skilled enough to repair their injuries.

Saestis's skill as an artisan grew such that the Wyrdworm trusted him to complete tasks on his own, both in creation and repairs. He loved to make new dragons with Ruga, and would often sentimentally view them as their children, though most would have their own memories of their past life... occasionally there were a few which had little or no memories, and Saestis was happy to raise these ones anew with his mate.

Ruga expressed a desire to venture beyond the Bloodsinger's territory, and explore new lands. That was all the more she needed to say for Saestis to set himself to the task. He spent weeks making arrangements and negotiations for Ruga and him to be released from the clan. It was difficult, as the blueprints Ruga provided were extremely valuable. He did manage eventually and was sure that no matter what he would be able to care for Ruga.

Bought for 30g from HappyFox on Oct 9, 2021

Artisan & Mate
Informal Name
• Ruga
Shattered Construct

Shattered Construct
These are dragons that are constructed from bone and blood. They contain the soul of a deceased dragon in the skull that acts as their head- nestled atop of a neck of blood. These dragons exist in an unusual state - as though they can be destroyed, the dragon can be brought back to existence so long as the skull remains intact by simply remaking a body and placing the skull upon it. The result is a dragon that needs no sleep, no food, and has few weaknesses.

Design Lineage
Mandurugo was created by the Artisan in the Clan of Singing Blood. The artisan has long used the design blueprints from Ruga's creation to make more Shattered Constructs, along with aid from Ruga's mate, Saestis.

Unlike Ruga, Saestis is a living dragon, but he has come to care deeply for Ruga. Working with the Wyrdworm has allowed him to become Ruga's primary artisan. As such he works to, protect, improve, and repair her. It has also allowed him to take over the construction of new Shattered Constructs, without the need for Wyrdworm's intervention, though he would usually accept her aid anyway.
Ruga expressed a desire to venture beyond the Bloodsinger's territory, and explore new lands. For so long she had been confined to this place. She was not a prisoner per-se, not a slave, but also not quite a true dragon. She did not have the high rank of many of the other constructs, with afforded them significant respect and freedom. Saestis made her feel like a true and living dragon again, more than anyone else in the clan did.

Learning of her desire Saestis was quick to set himself to make it a reality. He spent weeks making arrangements and negotiations for Ruga and him to be released from the clan. It was difficult, as the blueprints Ruga provided were extremely valuable. He did manage eventually and was sure that no matter what he would be able to care for her.
Anim-spiral.gifx lore clan
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xcorgi with feather pen
[url=]Sky's[/url] original formatting: [code][right][img][/img][/right] [columns][center] [size=2][color=#848b8f]Guardian Traveling Dragon Older Dragon (Please do not exalt. many will take her in and I will take her back) Please don't breed just to exalt the hatchlings, it would be nice if they were cared for too. [i]Uh-oh, looks like this soft friend wandered a little too far from his/her home lair [url=]120076, IriosAtelis[/url], and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, [url=]here.[/url] This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful![/i][/color][/size][/center] [nextcol] [size=5][color=#443b3e]Sky[/color][/size] [color=#242d34]?[/color] [color=#292f35]?[/color] [color=#2d3137]?[/color] [color=#323338]?[/color] [color=#36353a]?[/color] [color=#3b373b]?[/color] [color=#3f393d]?[/color] [color=#443b3e]?[/color] [color=#443d3f]?[/color] [color=#453e3f]?[/color] [color=#454040]?[/color] [color=#454240]?[/color] [color=#454441]?[/color] [color=#464541]?[/color] [color=#464742]?[/color] [color=#4a4d48]?[/color] [color=#535653]?[/color] [color=#5c605e]?[/color] [color=#656a69]?[/color] [color=#6e7374]?[/color] [color=#777d7f]?[/color] [color=#80868a]?[/color] [color=#879093]?[/color] [color=#8e999c]?[/color] [color=#95a2a5]?[/color] [color=#9cabae]?[/color] [color=#a3b4b7]?[/color] [color=#aabebf]?[/color] [color=#b1c7c8]?[/color] [color=#b8d0d1]?[/color] [color=#bed2d3]?[/color] [color=#c5d5d5]?[/color] [color=#cbd7d7]?[/color] [color=#d2dad8]?[/color] [color=#d8dcda]?[/color] [color=#dfdfdc]?[/color] [color=#e5e1de]?[/color] [color=#67666c][size=3][font=Arial]This older girl has seen many a year and still the world calls for her. While many don't see much in her patterns or her colours just yet, there's potential inside of her that one day might come forth. She is at peace with herself, however, and understands that the world might not see her as she truly is. For those that take the time to get to know her, she's an increadibly sweet dragon who often provides a kind word or a listening ear to those she comes across. She makes friends easily and can have quite the tongue if you do manage to earn a telling-off, but really she simply enjoys being able to see the world while her old bones will still carry her. [i]> Add Lore Here[/i][/font][/size][/color] [nextcol] [/columns] [color=transparent]/ /[/color] [indent][color=#848b8f][b]Lairs I Have Visited:[/b][/color] > [url=]IriosAtelis - 120076 (Home)[/url] > [url=]Slatinus - 549575 [/url] > >[/indent][/code] new formatting [code][columns][font=consolas][color=#67666c]This older girl has seen many a year and still the world calls for her. While many don't see much in her patterns or her colours just yet, there's potential inside of her that one day might come forth. She is at peace with herself, however, and understands that the world might not see her as she truly is. For those that take the time to get to know her, she's an incredibly sweet dragon who often provides a kind word or a listening ear to those she comes across. She makes friends easily and can have quite the tongue if you do manage to earn a telling-off, but really she simply enjoys being able to see the world while her old bones will still carry her. [b]Luggage:[/b] None yet[/color][/font][nextcol][morphology=2410160] [size=1][url=][original formatting][/url][/size] [/columns] [font=palatino linotype][color=5d6468][i][u]Aeranautics, Terrathorn Station:[/u][/i] Sky stopped first in Dragonhome. She enjoyed the museum in Terraclae's bustling city, but she stayed on the city outskirts, in a surface motel run by the Terrathorn dragons. Her room, roomy and plush, had all the simple amenities she wanted. During the last days of her stay, she found a bird's nest on a cliff with[url=] [b]two[/b][/url] small [url=][b]eggs[/b][/url]. By evening, there was no bird to sit on them, so she took them to her motel room to try to incubate them with a warm towel. The eggs were so delicate. After several days of her efforts, they hatched into baby rock doves. Sky quickly purchased some tiny bugs from Terrathorn Station and used tweezers to feed the birds. Sky rented her motel room long-term, so she could raise the doves in one place. They went from small and alien to puffballs with beaks. Sky was as a proud mother when the twins finally learned to fly, and to forage. She gave them plenty of sunflower seeds to show her love, a treasure trove for hungry birds! An urban legend says that a bird that sits on a mighty treasure could turn into a dragon... but it's just a story, right? On her last night, Sky went to sleep with her doves sitting on a pile of seeds in a skinny tree outside. In the morning, she saw no sign of them. Like a prayer, she wished them well and all her love, then went on her way again. [color=transparent](4/13/22)[/color] [s]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/s] [i][u]Username, Clan name:[/u][/i] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim, lorem sed pellentesque vehicula, sapien dui accumsan diam, vel lobortis risus nulla sed erat. Suspendisse varius nunc at tincidunt ultrices. Praesent mattis, risus id mollis pellentesque, ipsum lorem posuere massa, id dictum lectus magna vitae risus. Etiam imperdiet lectus eu nisl iaculis consectetur. Sed efficitur elit diam, id mattis elit auctor sit amet. Suspendisse in ligula eleifend, blandit orci non, vestibulum velit. Donec vitae turpis laoreet, consectetur velit et, viverra nunc. Vivamus ullamcorper ultrices semper. Morbi scelerisque commodo arcu a elementum [s]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/s] [i][u]Username, Clan name:[/u][/i] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim, lorem sed pellentesque vehicula, sapien dui accumsan diam, vel lobortis risus nulla sed erat. Suspendisse varius nunc at tincidunt ultrices. Praesent mattis, risus id mollis pellentesque, ipsum lorem posuere massa, id dictum lectus magna vitae risus. Etiam imperdiet lectus eu nisl iaculis consectetur. Sed efficitur elit diam, id mattis elit auctor sit amet. Suspendisse in ligula eleifend, blandit orci non, vestibulum velit. Donec vitae turpis laoreet, consectetur velit et, viverra nunc. Vivamus ullamcorper ultrices semper. Morbi scelerisque commodo arcu a elementum [s]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/s] [/color][/font][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [columns][size=2][color=#848b8f][i]Uh-oh, looks like this soft friend wandered a little too far from his/her home lair [url=]120076, IriosAtelis[/url], and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, [url=]here.[/url] This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful![/i] [b]Older Dragon[/b] (Please do not exalt. many will take her in and I will take her back) Please don't breed just to exalt the hatchlings, it would be nice if they were cared for too.[/color] [b]Lairs Visited:[/b] [url=]IriosAtelis - 120076 (Home)[/url] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [url=]Slatinus - 549575 [/url] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Aeranautics [emoji=earth rune size=1] (Mar/21/22 thru XX/YY/ZZ) username [emoji=earth rune size=1] (XX/YY/ZZ thru XX/YY/ZZ) [nextcol][url=][img][/img] [img][/img][/url][/columns][/code]
Sky's original formatting:
[right][img][/img][/right] [columns][center] [size=2][color=#848b8f]Guardian Traveling Dragon Older Dragon (Please do not exalt. many will take her in and I will take her back) Please don't breed just to exalt the hatchlings, it would be nice if they were cared for too. [i]Uh-oh, looks like this soft friend wandered a little too far from his/her home lair [url=]120076, IriosAtelis[/url], and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, [url=]here.[/url] This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful![/i][/color][/size][/center] [nextcol] [size=5][color=#443b3e]Sky[/color][/size] [color=#242d34]?[/color] [color=#292f35]?[/color] [color=#2d3137]?[/color] [color=#323338]?[/color] [color=#36353a]?[/color] [color=#3b373b]?[/color] [color=#3f393d]?[/color] [color=#443b3e]?[/color] [color=#443d3f]?[/color] [color=#453e3f]?[/color] [color=#454040]?[/color] [color=#454240]?[/color] [color=#454441]?[/color] [color=#464541]?[/color] [color=#464742]?[/color] [color=#4a4d48]?[/color] [color=#535653]?[/color] [color=#5c605e]?[/color] [color=#656a69]?[/color] [color=#6e7374]?[/color] [color=#777d7f]?[/color] [color=#80868a]?[/color] [color=#879093]?[/color] [color=#8e999c]?[/color] [color=#95a2a5]?[/color] [color=#9cabae]?[/color] [color=#a3b4b7]?[/color] [color=#aabebf]?[/color] [color=#b1c7c8]?[/color] [color=#b8d0d1]?[/color] [color=#bed2d3]?[/color] [color=#c5d5d5]?[/color] [color=#cbd7d7]?[/color] [color=#d2dad8]?[/color] [color=#d8dcda]?[/color] [color=#dfdfdc]?[/color] [color=#e5e1de]?[/color] [color=#67666c][size=3][font=Arial]This older girl has seen many a year and still the world calls for her. While many don't see much in her patterns or her colours just yet, there's potential inside of her that one day might come forth. She is at peace with herself, however, and understands that the world might not see her as she truly is. For those that take the time to get to know her, she's an increadibly sweet dragon who often provides a kind word or a listening ear to those she comes across. She makes friends easily and can have quite the tongue if you do manage to earn a telling-off, but really she simply enjoys being able to see the world while her old bones will still carry her. [i]> Add Lore Here[/i][/font][/size][/color] [nextcol] [/columns] [color=transparent]/ /[/color] [indent][color=#848b8f][b]Lairs I Have Visited:[/b][/color] > [url=]IriosAtelis - 120076 (Home)[/url] > [url=]Slatinus - 549575 [/url] > >[/indent]

new formatting
[columns][font=consolas][color=#67666c]This older girl has seen many a year and still the world calls for her. While many don't see much in her patterns or her colours just yet, there's potential inside of her that one day might come forth. She is at peace with herself, however, and understands that the world might not see her as she truly is. For those that take the time to get to know her, she's an incredibly sweet dragon who often provides a kind word or a listening ear to those she comes across. She makes friends easily and can have quite the tongue if you do manage to earn a telling-off, but really she simply enjoys being able to see the world while her old bones will still carry her. [b]Luggage:[/b] None yet[/color][/font][nextcol][morphology=2410160] [size=1][url=][original formatting][/url][/size] [/columns] [font=palatino linotype][color=5d6468][i][u]Aeranautics, Terrathorn Station:[/u][/i] Sky stopped first in Dragonhome. She enjoyed the museum in Terraclae's bustling city, but she stayed on the city outskirts, in a surface motel run by the Terrathorn dragons. Her room, roomy and plush, had all the simple amenities she wanted. During the last days of her stay, she found a bird's nest on a cliff with[url=] [b]two[/b][/url] small [url=][b]eggs[/b][/url]. By evening, there was no bird to sit on them, so she took them to her motel room to try to incubate them with a warm towel. The eggs were so delicate. After several days of her efforts, they hatched into baby rock doves. Sky quickly purchased some tiny bugs from Terrathorn Station and used tweezers to feed the birds. Sky rented her motel room long-term, so she could raise the doves in one place. They went from small and alien to puffballs with beaks. Sky was as a proud mother when the twins finally learned to fly, and to forage. She gave them plenty of sunflower seeds to show her love, a treasure trove for hungry birds! An urban legend says that a bird that sits on a mighty treasure could turn into a dragon... but it's just a story, right? On her last night, Sky went to sleep with her doves sitting on a pile of seeds in a skinny tree outside. In the morning, she saw no sign of them. Like a prayer, she wished them well and all her love, then went on her way again. [color=transparent](4/13/22)[/color] [s]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/s] [i][u]Username, Clan name:[/u][/i] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim, lorem sed pellentesque vehicula, sapien dui accumsan diam, vel lobortis risus nulla sed erat. Suspendisse varius nunc at tincidunt ultrices. Praesent mattis, risus id mollis pellentesque, ipsum lorem posuere massa, id dictum lectus magna vitae risus. Etiam imperdiet lectus eu nisl iaculis consectetur. Sed efficitur elit diam, id mattis elit auctor sit amet. Suspendisse in ligula eleifend, blandit orci non, vestibulum velit. Donec vitae turpis laoreet, consectetur velit et, viverra nunc. Vivamus ullamcorper ultrices semper. Morbi scelerisque commodo arcu a elementum [s]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/s] [i][u]Username, Clan name:[/u][/i] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim, lorem sed pellentesque vehicula, sapien dui accumsan diam, vel lobortis risus nulla sed erat. Suspendisse varius nunc at tincidunt ultrices. Praesent mattis, risus id mollis pellentesque, ipsum lorem posuere massa, id dictum lectus magna vitae risus. Etiam imperdiet lectus eu nisl iaculis consectetur. Sed efficitur elit diam, id mattis elit auctor sit amet. Suspendisse in ligula eleifend, blandit orci non, vestibulum velit. Donec vitae turpis laoreet, consectetur velit et, viverra nunc. Vivamus ullamcorper ultrices semper. Morbi scelerisque commodo arcu a elementum [s]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/s] [/color][/font][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [columns][size=2][color=#848b8f][i]Uh-oh, looks like this soft friend wandered a little too far from his/her home lair [url=]120076, IriosAtelis[/url], and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, [url=]here.[/url] This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful![/i] [b]Older Dragon[/b] (Please do not exalt. many will take her in and I will take her back) Please don't breed just to exalt the hatchlings, it would be nice if they were cared for too.[/color] [b]Lairs Visited:[/b] [url=]IriosAtelis - 120076 (Home)[/url] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [url=]Slatinus - 549575 [/url] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Aeranautics [emoji=earth rune size=1] (Mar/21/22 thru XX/YY/ZZ) username [emoji=earth rune size=1] (XX/YY/ZZ thru XX/YY/ZZ) [nextcol][url=][img][/img] [img][/img][/url][/columns]
Anim-spiral.gifx lore clan
spiral fan
rp friendly
avatar dragon
for sale
free tiny buttons
xcorgi with feather pen
Niku's traveler bio: ----- ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [columns][font=consolas][color=#5f5f5f]Niku loves writing songs and singing for her band, but she's missing a drummer and some backup vocals. Plus, she could always do more sightseeing to get her songwriting juices flowing for more songs. Her clan's mailroom needed fast dragons deliver mail to faraway places. Niku jumped at the excuse to go traveling again. Her charisma was sure to convince other dragons to join her crew, or at least teach her how to play drums. Packing more snacks in with her sack of mail, she took off again![/color][/font] [quote=sgkat][font=Times New Roman]Niku flew from her home in Terraclae to Lanternlea Port... and she may have underestimated the length of her journey, and how much energy it'd take: she crashed unceremoniously in the courtyard of the Sunbeam Lanternhouse, spilling her mail everywhere and startling its residents. After she'd been checked out by [url=]Nerva[/url] and declared unhurt, [url=]Melantha[/url] swooped upon her: the Guardian gave her a blistering lecture on her carelessness with her cargo. Niku fended her off by surrendering her mail for inspection and fleeing to safety in the [url=]artists' commune[/url]. She was disappointed, however: none of them were musicians. The [url=]dance troupe[/url] was not in residence at the moment, out on tour, but still - how did they have a [i]full-fledged dance troupe[/i] with no musical talent to back them up? She tried talking to [url=]Rordan[/url] about her writer's block - songs were a kind of poetry, right? - but the problems created by the epic poem's format did not really translate into the same problems as she'd encountered writing sung lyrics. She felt they were talking at cross-purposes. Frustrated, she went back to Melantha to ask for her mail back so that she could move on. She got another lecture for her trouble and a command to talk to [url=]Haneul[/url]. The Skydancer was just as annoyed with her as Melantha - apparently they'd already talked; Niku wondered what was between them - and told her flat-out that speed was not the highest duty of a courier. Her own safety came first, followed by the safety of her cargo; speed was a distant third. Hanuel's lecture made her feel abashed in a way Melantha's had not: Niku promised to be more careful in the future. Only then did they return her mail to her.[/font][/quote][nextcol][font=lucida calligraphy][b]Friends + Luggage[/b][/font] [item=burlap sack] [sup]Bag of mail[/sup] [/columns] [quote=Ithaca][font=times new roman]After her mistakes in the last clan, Niku was extra careful when she made her next descent. This time, she found herself in The Observatory section of the Starfall Isles. It was her first time in Arcane territory, and she was mesmerized by all the surrounding magic. Despite being extra careful to not repeat the mistakes from her first landing, being distracted she accidentally slammed into another dragon. Luckily for her, she'd slammed into [url=]Rave[/url], another Mirror. She apologized profusely, but he was already shaking his head reassuringly. "Don't even worry about it; you'd think with so many eyes I would've been able to see you coming!" She chuckled and realized he did have Multi-Gaze eyes. They chatted shortly, but then he tried dismissing himself saying that he was on his way to a big after-party he'd planned for their resident clan band. But at the mention of a 'clan band', her eyes lit up. "I'm so sorry, I know this might be rude as I'm not from your clan and really a total stranger to you, but did you just say that there's a band in this clan?" She then quickly explained how she was a lyricist who left her clan for inspiration, and he smiled widely. He invited her to follow him and reassured her once again that she was no bother, but rather it was serendipitous for them to have met. He introduced her to their clan band--[i]Punk'd to Cuddle[/i]. Although they usually wrote their own songs, they were more than willing to let another have a go. So after hanging out casually at the party, [url=]Boaz[/url], the Lead Singer and [url=]Blacklights[/url], the DJ/Producer, worked with her to make a song together. They invited her to crash at their place in the [i]River Lands [/i]region of their clan during this time, assuring her that travelers were always welcome in their clan. For the next concert, their collaborative song was performed. They even invited her to party on stage with them! She sheepishly turned down the offer, but was thankful for them to think of her. She attended that after-party and had a wonderful time with all her new friends. It was hard to say goodbye, but she promised to keep in touch. She left feeling invigorated and optimistic![/font][/quote] [quote=Aeranautics][font=times new roman]When Niku returned home after an extended vacation, she found out a lot had changed. Because she'd been gone for so long, she and her coworkers in the mailroom spent two days sorting through all the mail she'd picked up. Thankfully the Gaolers would deliver to the Terraclae addresses. The postmistress didn't need Niku's help for another delivery right away, so Niku remained on standby while she was home. The biggest change was the band. The drummer had left soon after Niku had. Bassist Elegant was a dad now; guitarist [url=]Vanderlei[/url] helped grow food crops in the subterranean caves. The band had considered themselves officially split apart, though Vanderlei was happy to take his guitar and sing with Niku for a small audience. Niku huffed. "This stinks, though. What's a band without a drummer?" "You could learn how to play the drums," suggested Vanderlei. "Or if you do another long mail run, you could try to get a drummer to come back here." "Hm... those aren't bad ideas. Or, I could even hire on some backup vocals!" Niku grinned. "Let's revive this wild outfit, awoo!" After just under a month at home, Niku approached the postmistress for another assignment. She said a tearful goodbye to her friends and sprinted off with her sack of mail in tow.[/font][/quote] [quote][font=times new roman]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim, lorem sed pellentesque vehicula, sapien dui accumsan diam, vel lobortis risus nulla sed erat. Suspendisse varius nunc at tincidunt ultrices. Praesent mattis, risus id mollis pellentesque, ipsum lorem posuere massa, id dictum lectus magna vitae risus. Etiam imperdiet lectus eu nisl iaculis consectetur. Sed efficitur elit diam, id mattis elit auctor sit amet. Suspendisse in ligula eleifend, blandit orci non, vestibulum velit. Donec vitae turpis laoreet, consectetur velit et, viverra nunc. Vivamus ullamcorper ultrices semper. Morbi scelerisque commodo arcu a elementum.[/font][/quote] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [columns][size=2]If it's time for this dragon to leave, consider sending her [url=][b]back to Aeranautics[/b][/url], out traveling again, or [url=][b]to the traveler's rest hub[/b][/url] instead of exalting. She's yours to do with as you please, though. [b]Lairs Visited:[/b] Aeranautics [emoji=earth rune size=1] sgkat, 158838 [emoji=light rune size=1] Ithaca, 37298 [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Zarteicha, 527680 [emoji=shadow rune size=1] Aeranautics [emoji=earth rune size=1] (returned Apr/1, left Apr/2) username [emoji=earth rune size=1] [nextcol][url=][img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Niku's traveler bio:

Niku loves writing songs and singing for her band, but she's missing a drummer and some backup vocals. Plus, she could always do more sightseeing to get her songwriting juices flowing for more songs.

Her clan's mailroom needed fast dragons deliver mail to faraway places. Niku jumped at the excuse to go traveling again. Her charisma was sure to convince other dragons to join her crew, or at least teach her how to play drums. Packing more snacks in with her sack of mail, she took off again!

sgkat wrote:
Niku flew from her home in Terraclae to Lanternlea Port... and she may have underestimated the length of her journey, and how much energy it'd take: she crashed unceremoniously in the courtyard of the Sunbeam Lanternhouse, spilling her mail everywhere and startling its residents. After she'd been checked out by Nerva and declared unhurt, Melantha swooped upon her: the Guardian gave her a blistering lecture on her carelessness with her cargo.

Niku fended her off by surrendering her mail for inspection and fleeing to safety in the artists' commune. She was disappointed, however: none of them were musicians. The dance troupe was not in residence at the moment, out on tour, but still - how did they have a full-fledged dance troupe with no musical talent to back them up?

She tried talking to Rordan about her writer's block - songs were a kind of poetry, right? - but the problems created by the epic poem's format did not really translate into the same problems as she'd encountered writing sung lyrics. She felt they were talking at cross-purposes.

Frustrated, she went back to Melantha to ask for her mail back so that she could move on. She got another lecture for her trouble and a command to talk to Haneul.

The Skydancer was just as annoyed with her as Melantha - apparently they'd already talked; Niku wondered what was between them - and told her flat-out that speed was not the highest duty of a courier. Her own safety came first, followed by the safety of her cargo; speed was a distant third.

Hanuel's lecture made her feel abashed in a way Melantha's had not: Niku promised to be more careful in the future. Only then did they return her mail to her.
Friends + Luggage
Burlap Sack
Bag of mail
Ithaca wrote:
After her mistakes in the last clan, Niku was extra careful when she made her next descent. This time, she found herself in The Observatory section of the Starfall Isles. It was her first time in Arcane territory, and she was mesmerized by all the surrounding magic. Despite being extra careful to not repeat the mistakes from her first landing, being distracted she accidentally slammed into another dragon.

Luckily for her, she'd slammed into Rave, another Mirror. She apologized profusely, but he was already shaking his head reassuringly. "Don't even worry about it; you'd think with so many eyes I would've been able to see you coming!" She chuckled and realized he did have Multi-Gaze eyes. They chatted shortly, but then he tried dismissing himself saying that he was on his way to a big after-party he'd planned for their resident clan band.

But at the mention of a 'clan band', her eyes lit up. "I'm so sorry, I know this might be rude as I'm not from your clan and really a total stranger to you, but did you just say that there's a band in this clan?" She then quickly explained how she was a lyricist who left her clan for inspiration, and he smiled widely. He invited her to follow him and reassured her once again that she was no bother, but rather it was serendipitous for them to have met.

He introduced her to their clan band--Punk'd to Cuddle. Although they usually wrote their own songs, they were more than willing to let another have a go. So after hanging out casually at the party, Boaz, the Lead Singer and Blacklights, the DJ/Producer, worked with her to make a song together. They invited her to crash at their place in the River Lands region of their clan during this time, assuring her that travelers were always welcome in their clan.

For the next concert, their collaborative song was performed. They even invited her to party on stage with them! She sheepishly turned down the offer, but was thankful for them to think of her. She attended that after-party and had a wonderful time with all her new friends. It was hard to say goodbye, but she promised to keep in touch. She left feeling invigorated and optimistic!
Aeranautics wrote:
When Niku returned home after an extended vacation, she found out a lot had changed.

Because she'd been gone for so long, she and her coworkers in the mailroom spent two days sorting through all the mail she'd picked up. Thankfully the Gaolers would deliver to the Terraclae addresses. The postmistress didn't need Niku's help for another delivery right away, so Niku remained on standby while she was home.

The biggest change was the band. The drummer had left soon after Niku had. Bassist Elegant was a dad now; guitarist Vanderlei helped grow food crops in the subterranean caves. The band had considered themselves officially split apart, though Vanderlei was happy to take his guitar and sing with Niku for a small audience.

Niku huffed. "This stinks, though. What's a band without a drummer?"

"You could learn how to play the drums," suggested Vanderlei. "Or if you do another long mail run, you could try to get a drummer to come back here."

"Hm... those aren't bad ideas. Or, I could even hire on some backup vocals!" Niku grinned. "Let's revive this wild outfit, awoo!"

After just under a month at home, Niku approached the postmistress for another assignment. She said a tearful goodbye to her friends and sprinted off with her sack of mail in tow.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim, lorem sed pellentesque vehicula, sapien dui accumsan diam, vel lobortis risus nulla sed erat. Suspendisse varius nunc at tincidunt ultrices. Praesent mattis, risus id mollis pellentesque, ipsum lorem posuere massa, id dictum lectus magna vitae risus. Etiam imperdiet lectus eu nisl iaculis consectetur. Sed efficitur elit diam, id mattis elit auctor sit amet. Suspendisse in ligula eleifend, blandit orci non, vestibulum velit. Donec vitae turpis laoreet, consectetur velit et, viverra nunc. Vivamus ullamcorper ultrices semper. Morbi scelerisque commodo arcu a elementum.
If it's time for this dragon to leave, consider sending her back to Aeranautics, out traveling again, or to the traveler's rest hub instead of exalting. She's yours to do with as you please, though.

Lairs Visited:
sgkat, 158838
Ithaca, 37298
Zarteicha, 527680
Aeranautics (returned Apr/1, left Apr/2)
Anim-spiral.gifx lore clan
spiral fan
rp friendly
avatar dragon
for sale
free tiny buttons
xcorgi with feather pen
Juki's bio [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][font=Garamond][size=6]Juki[/center][nextcol] [font=Garamond][size=6]Well-loved Balloon Mascot[/size] If it's time for him to leave your lair, - [url=][b]sending him back to Aeranautics[/b] with the crossroads button on the right[/url], - posting him in the [url=][b]traveling dragon thread[/b][/url], or - giving him to [url=][b]the rest hub[/b][/url] is much preferred to exalting. He's yours to do with as you please, though. [url=][b]Tell Aeranautics[/b][/url] if you love this dragon enough to keep him forever. :D [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [rule] [columns][font=garamond][size=4]The owner of a craft shop, who named an Imperial-shaped balloon after a popular brand of sewing machine, tied Juki on a long string so that curious passersby would notice and stop by the shop. Business was steady, though Juki's days were not: whipped by winds into crashing on the shopfront, little patches sewn on kept the balloon afloat. It gave him character, the shop owner insisted. Years of love and care caused the balloon mascot to come to life. Juki, now conscious, enjoyed looking over the land as he floated, though he wished he could travel. After years of advertising, Juki was put into storage, until someone new tied him to the top of a colorful bus. Juki enjoyed new life as a bus mascot. Finally, he could see the world! ...Until the bus had a breakdown at a transit station. Realizing he could move about on his own, Juki untied his bonds and floated away, ready to taste more life experiences and have even more adventures! [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [rule] [font=Garamond][size=5]Juki's Log: [quote=Username, Clan name][font=Garamond][size=4]Write down Juki's adventures here! [/size][/font][/quote] [quote=Username, Clan name][font=Garamond][size=4]Write down Juki's adventures here! [/size][/font][/quote] [rule] [font=garamond][size=5][b]Owners I've Had:[/b][/size] [url=]Aeranautics, 80182[/url] - Terrathorn Station [rule]
Juki's bio

Well-loved Balloon Mascot

If it's time for him to leave your lair,
- sending him back to Aeranautics with the crossroads button on the right,
- posting him in the traveling dragon thread, or
- giving him to the rest hub
is much preferred to exalting. He's yours to do with as you please, though.

Tell Aeranautics if you love this dragon enough to keep him forever. :D


The owner of a craft shop, who named an Imperial-shaped balloon after a popular brand of sewing machine, tied Juki on a long string so that curious passersby would notice and stop by the shop. Business was steady, though Juki's days were not: whipped by winds into crashing on the shopfront, little patches sewn on kept the balloon afloat. It gave him character, the shop owner insisted.

Years of love and care caused the balloon mascot to come to life. Juki, now conscious, enjoyed looking over the land as he floated, though he wished he could travel.

After years of advertising, Juki was put into storage, until someone new tied him to the top of a colorful bus. Juki enjoyed new life as a bus mascot. Finally, he could see the world! ...Until the bus had a breakdown at a transit station. Realizing he could move about on his own, Juki untied his bonds and floated away, ready to taste more life experiences and have even more adventures!

Juki's Log:

Username, Clan name wrote:
Write down Juki's adventures here!
Username, Clan name wrote:
Write down Juki's adventures here!

Owners I've Had:

Aeranautics, 80182 - Terrathorn Station

Anim-spiral.gifx lore clan
spiral fan
rp friendly
avatar dragon
for sale
free tiny buttons
xcorgi with feather pen
Europa's story [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [item=sunspot clouddancer] [size=2]If it's time for her to leave, consider [url=][b]sending her back to Aeranautics[/b][/url], or posting her in the [url=][b] 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread[/b][/url] instead of exalting. She's yours to do with as you please, though. [b]Owners I've Had:[/b] Aeranautics [emoji=earth rune size=1] Pesky [emoji=shadow rune size=1] Hyzenthlaay [emoji=earth rune size=1] Zikul [emoji=lightning rune size=1] WurldPeaz [emoji=ice rune size=1][/size] Username [emoji=flight rune size=1] [nextcol][font=calibri]When her home clan was attacked by soldiers from a rival clan, Europa fled to the skies. She flew and flew over the sloping valleys between the Ashfall Waste and the Windswept Plateau until she ran out of energy and landed, passing out. She woke up in a rocky outcrop, surrounded by Sunspot Clouddancers, who offered her lemmings they had hunted. For a year and a half, Europa lived among the rockylands of Clouddancer territory, hunting with her flock (even though she preferred bugs), grooming their fur while they groomed her in return, and defending their caves they called home. She nearly forgot about her birthclan — she was sure there would be no one left to welcome her home. No point in leaving her flock behind. A band of Harpy scouts found her in their patrols and hurried away to report her. Europa was afraid of the Beastclans. She didn't have a choice, she start off again to escape an impending attack. One of the Sunspots she had bonded to most followed her with concern. Europa is grateful not to have to travel alone. During the chaos of the dustcarve excavation that had all of Sornieth abuzz, she had lost sight of her fellow clansmen that we’re assisting with the supplies. Lost and frightened with so many new dragons from other clans all around her she began to panic herself to tears. A friendly midnight blue patchwork guardian named CrispRun saw her there looking terrified and offered her to come along with her and her clan until she could find someone she recognized from home. That never happened she didn’t see anyone that she knew anywhere and the journey home all Alone she doubted she could survive it or find where home was exactly. For now she would stay with the warrior ice clan at least here she would be well protected. ----- [font=calibri][i]Europa is one of the more peculiar dragons I've seen fall into [url=]Valor[/url]'s care, along with her Beastclan partner. Valor admitted to initially mistaking the clouddancer for the cause of her wounds, which led them on a rocky start, but it seems that his charismatic empathy smoothed it over. The two got along quite well. The clouddancer, on the other hand, is hard to read. I believe he is wary of us. He appears to be some sort of guardian figure to Europa, perhaps the one who looked after her the most? Europa was willing to share her story with us; a rather tragic tale, but she doesn't seem to mind it. She left as soon as her wounds were healed. The longer they stayed, the more unsettled the clouddancer had become, and some in the Clans were not so pleased with his presence either.[/i] [right]-[url=]Ghoul[/url][/right] After a very extended stay with an ice clan she decided to move on. Her stay had been restful even though it was freezing cold outside. Indoors though was it kept comfortable so the walk from one place to another in the small city was a little unpleasant. It may have been why she was in no hurry to leave. Going out in the freezing cold far from where it was easy to drink back inside and get warm was a little discouraging ----- [/font] [/columns]
Europa's story
traveler_button.png Sunspot Clouddancer

If it's time for her to leave, consider sending her back to Aeranautics, or posting her in the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread instead of exalting. She's yours to do with as you please, though.

Owners I've Had:

When her home clan was attacked by soldiers from a rival clan, Europa fled to the skies. She flew and flew over the sloping valleys between the Ashfall Waste and the Windswept Plateau until she ran out of energy and landed, passing out. She woke up in a rocky outcrop, surrounded by Sunspot Clouddancers, who offered her lemmings they had hunted.

For a year and a half, Europa lived among the rockylands of Clouddancer territory, hunting with her flock (even though she preferred bugs), grooming their fur while they groomed her in return, and defending their caves they called home. She nearly forgot about her birthclan — she was sure there would be no one left to welcome her home. No point in leaving her flock behind.

A band of Harpy scouts found her in their patrols and hurried away to report her. Europa was afraid of the Beastclans. She didn't have a choice, she start off again to escape an impending attack. One of the Sunspots she had bonded to most followed her with concern. Europa is grateful not to have to travel alone.

During the chaos of the dustcarve excavation that had all of Sornieth abuzz, she had lost sight of her fellow clansmen that we’re assisting with the supplies. Lost and frightened with so many new dragons from other clans all around her she began to panic herself to tears. A friendly midnight blue patchwork guardian named CrispRun saw her there looking terrified and offered her to come along with her and her clan until she could find someone she recognized from home. That never happened she didn’t see anyone that she knew anywhere and the journey home all Alone she doubted she could survive it or find where home was exactly. For now she would stay with the warrior ice clan at least here she would be well protected.

Europa is one of the more peculiar dragons I've seen fall into Valor's care, along with her Beastclan partner. Valor admitted to initially mistaking the clouddancer for the cause of her wounds, which led them on a rocky start, but it seems that his charismatic empathy smoothed it over. The two got along quite well. The clouddancer, on the other hand, is hard to read. I believe he is wary of us. He appears to be some sort of guardian figure to Europa, perhaps the one who looked after her the most? Europa was willing to share her story with us; a rather tragic tale, but she doesn't seem to mind it.
She left as soon as her wounds were healed. The longer they stayed, the more unsettled the clouddancer had become, and some in the Clans were not so pleased with his presence either.

After a very extended stay with an ice clan she decided to move on. Her stay had been restful even though it was freezing cold outside. Indoors though was it kept comfortable so the walk from one place to another in the small city was a little unpleasant. It may have been why she was in no hurry to leave. Going out in the freezing cold far from where it was easy to drink back inside and get warm was a little discouraging
Anim-spiral.gifx lore clan
spiral fan
rp friendly
avatar dragon
for sale
free tiny buttons
xcorgi with feather pen
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