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[columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][size=4][b]Welcome to The Wealth![/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [i]Who are you?[/i] [color=#cd7a00]> Well, aren't we to the point! My name is [url=]Ilwyrev[/url]. However you're pronouncing it in your head is probably correct- I've grown to forget the ways the word rolls off of the modern tongue. I am the archivist of The Wealth, and alongside collecting the information within, keep its' magickal wards sustained with my own lifeforce. Though why you need to know this is beyond me. Do you have any other questions?[/color] [i]What is The Wealth?[/i] [color=#cd7a00]> The Wealth is a meticulously crafted vault of information that I have collected during my time working on the Icescale and examining the surrounding Icefields. Think of it as a library of sorts- it's a collection of knowledge from every corner of Sornieth- information that's interesting enough for me to write down, of course! It's full name is [i]technically[/i] The Wealth of Knowledge and Font of Curiosity... but bureau names are a bit of a mouthful, aren't they?[/color] [i]The Icescale? What's that?[/i] [color=#cd7a00]> I'll get to that- slow down! Wait- how did you [i]get[/i] here if you don't know what the Icescale is...? Nevertheless. I have business to attend to. I hope I can trust you in my archives- alas, if you meddle with any of the information within, you'll learn soon enough not to.[nextcol]
Welcome to The Wealth!

Who are you?

> Well, aren't we to the point! My name is Ilwyrev. However you're pronouncing it in your head is probably correct- I've grown to forget the ways the word rolls off of the modern tongue. I am the archivist of The Wealth, and alongside collecting the information within, keep its' magickal wards sustained with my own lifeforce. Though why you need to know this is beyond me. Do you have any other questions?

What is The Wealth?

> The Wealth is a meticulously crafted vault of information that I have collected during my time working on the Icescale and examining the surrounding Icefields. Think of it as a library of sorts- it's a collection of knowledge from every corner of Sornieth- information that's interesting enough for me to write down, of course! It's full name is technically The Wealth of Knowledge and Font of Curiosity... but bureau names are a bit of a mouthful, aren't they?

The Icescale? What's that?

> I'll get to that- slow down! Wait- how did you get here if you don't know what the Icescale is...? Nevertheless. I have business to attend to. I hope I can trust you in my archives- alas, if you meddle with any of the information within, you'll learn soon enough not to.



have U Girls hard of spice
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Repository Archive Log[/b][/center] [center] [columns] [img][/img][nextcol][b]Information Hosted Within The Wealth [/b] [LIST] [*] [url=]On the Nature of Soul Displacement - Abridged Ver.[/url] [*] [url=]Journal of J.E. Coelwyss[/url] [*] [url=]Notes on the Cairnrest Automaton[/url] [*] [url=]What is a Sentient?[/url] [/LIST] [b]Other Sources [/b] [LIST] [*] [url=]Excerpt from a report on the exploratory mission to recover possible artefacts from the W.F.S.S Icescale.[/url] [*] [url=]Reports on Subject D-22113LS - "Immortality"[/url] [*] [url=]Report on Prisoner WC-1395RB[/url] [/LIST][nextcol][img][/img][/columns][/center]
Repository Archive Log



have U Girls hard of spice
[img][/img] > Your searches have led you to a well-kept shelf containing a series of documents on the phenomena of [b]Sentients[/b]. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]On the Nature of Soul Displacement - Abridged Ver.[/b] [i]Penned by Heraal VI - Eighth Watch of Zharmen Laboratories[/center] The process of soul displacement is an easy one- assuming that your chosen host is both willing and capable of carrying out the necessary preparations. Though some will argue that it's easier to collect a soul after its' host has passed- the transmutation of soul from body to body is far less inclined to fail when the host is still in full control of their mental and physical facilities- as the subject [i]must[/i] be willing for all to go well. For the process to work, you must first have prepared a [i]soul vessel[/i], often referred to in crude terms as a "homunculus". This will be the focus of the first of the tasks, which is, in essence, using all of one's magicks to dispel the physical body and enter a state of "ethereality". While these terms may read as ones of abstracts, this is no mere theory- we only yet lack the words to describe such a process. It is well known that if a magickal being such as a dragon draws too much from their wellspring of power that their physical body may cease to be- a process often referred to in previously published texts as "dissolution" in which the body fades and the soul remains. While in the past, this was considered to be the source of spiritual anomalies such as "ghosts"- we know now this to be merely that- the shedding of one's body to become a solely magickal being. One must amount a significant force of will to follow through with the process- from this point on what will be referred to as [i]dissolution[/i], and to hold one's soul tethered in one place to keep it from drifting off back to the wellspring from which all power flows. This is where the soul vessel comes into play. A vessel wanting for a soul to occupy it- not far from creating a habitable environment for a familiar to move into- must be procured, and your participant must be of a mind to keep their soul attached to the material plane, if only for a short time. If all succeeds, in the end, the soul will take up residence inside the "new" body, and use it as if it were their own. What may be done with this is as of yet seen, though the premise- say many other scholars, seems promising. [center] [img][/img][/center] [center][b]Journal of J.E. Coelwyss[/b] [i]Approximately two years before the advent of the Icescale Project[/i][/center] I have been commissioned to build a great flying craft for his Eminence, the Icewarden, this time not to house his finest men and scholars, no- but to go to war. The General- Versaad- he has informed me of these plans, and that they fall to me to exact. He says that his Eminence is pleased with my work on the Enchiridion, and that this will be the crown jewel of my life's achievements. I do not take this task lightly, as I know that those on the Continent proper tax our men ever further with every passing month- the fights against those of Lightning and Fire as of yet unjoined by our allies. The Arcanist, on his seat at the Observatory, has as of yet offered us no aid- and the Tidelord remains silent- more willing to offer prophesy than to aid us in our struggles for the land we hold most dear. Being requisitioned to create such a craft is not beyond me- yet I tremble at the thought of creating a weapon suitable for the Gods' Hands. Though in truth, I tire of war, I know that this must be done. In truth, I fear what may happen if I decline the General's offer... > The page is blank for a few lines, and then picks up again at the bottom, scribbled as an afterthought. I will call it the Icescale, and it will be beautiful. [center] [img][/img][/center] [center][b]Notes on the Cairnrest Automaton[/b] [i]Report from the Fortress of Ends, penned by Overseer Theron, confiscated from the offices of J.E. Coelwyss[/i][/center] > The following report is clipped to the top of the first page in the log. The subject recovered from Cairnrest (heretofore referred to as subject AV32-C) seems to be a fully functioning automaton of unknown make, about the size of the average adult Imperial dragon, and is crafted from what appears to be a series of tapering segments carved of smooth white stone that give it a "serpentine" appearance. It has a "head", fashioned out of roughly two metres of solid crystal, come to a naturally terminated point[1], and an array of spine-like features that breach from its' back, seemingly made of the same crystalline material, though it appears they have naturally "grown" on the subject. AV32-C shows marked intellect and the capability of free thought- something heretofore undiscovered in any modern automatons of draconic make. Due to its' lack of mouth or vocal structures, it opts to connect telepathically with those it wishes to speak with, transmitting color and thought to them while emitting a low, resonating hum. Subject also shows the ability to "hear", despite being seemingly bereft of any auditory organs- or any organs at all. The purpose of AV32-C is unknown. It has not yet responded to any questions regarding its' creation or duty, and seems to show slight agitation at any inquiries into how it came to possess a sentient mind, stating that its' memories are "too faded to recall" and emitting a louder, lower tone from its' "head" that caused minor headaches and nausea in the Overseers present. [1] Crystalline material was later discovered to be a [url=]depleted form of Sacridite[/url]. > Underneath the report, there is a note penned in the hand of Overseer Theron. I am formally requesting clearances to further study the Cairnrest Automaton. The information release stating that the material that grows upon it along with the crystal at it's front is Sacridite- a mineral that shows well-documented properties and interactions with the soul and latent magicks of living things- implies that it not only was likely made by dragonkind- but possibly served as a vessel of some sort. With this, I ask you to consider if it's classing as an "Automaton" or "Non-Sentient Ambulatory Entity" is, in fact, correct. The intellect it shows directly implies its' sentience, along with its' ability to form conversation- if not verbal- with your fellow researchers. If my suspicions are correct, which I am fairly confident in, the Cairnrest Anomaly is, in fact, a housing for a living soul- whether it knows it or not. The poor quality of the Sacridite along with its' mention of its' memories being too faded to recall- I cannot consider this coincidence. I would not have you house a living being with unthinking machines, and pray you rethink your classification to allow further study of the subject. > Another supplementary document is beneath this one, seemingly a reply. Overseer, I believe that you may be correct- though the only way to prove the merit of your claim is through further study, which I grant you. I hold no mans' word higher than you and yours when it comes to the handling of those we house within the Fortress, and I trust your judgement in this case. A new classification has been granted, in the case that you are proven correct, and we have allotted datacells to a new category of ward: the Sentients. If your investigation proves fruitful, I hope to see the Anomaly logged from my office soon. Consider your proposition approved. Misj, attendant to the Office of the Oculus. > The final scrap of paper is a carbon-copy of a log confirming that the Cairnrest Anomaly is, indeed, possessed of a living mind, and is officially the first Sentient-Class being held within the Fortress of Ends. [center] [img][/img][/center] [center][b]Journal of J.E. Coelwyss[/b] [i]Approximately one year before the advent of the Icescale Project[/i][/center] Work on my project- the Icescale, proceeds apace. It is with great happiness that I write this- as my best-laid plans are falling into place, and supplies arriving entirely on schedule. The bulk of the ship is complete- brass overlaid with tension wires and great, beating wings. With this, we certainly will prove that the denizens of the Icefields are too made for the skies. Walking within the machinery feels like walking within a great, living city- the sections already finished far surpassing any vision I had for them. The weapons fittings should be arriving in the coming days- and I await the day that I may place them in their housings and give the Icescale means to defend herself... Pray, forgive my sentimentality. I simply have not taken on such a passion project in so long. I believe his Eminence will be pleased with my work, in the least. Never before have I worked with such fervor, it is a miracle I am able to sleep! [center] [img][/img][/center] [center][b]What is a Sentient?[/b] [i]Documentation by the Office of the Oculus[/i][/center] In essence, Sentients are non-organic bodies possessed of organic souls, specifically Draconic in nature. Oftentimes they are in the form of what appear to be Automatons- though near anything can be possessed of a soul if it holds the capability to house them. Far different from a simple haunting, the Sentient often is in conscious control of its' actions- and therefore is capable of complex thought that other machines cannot achieve. The ability for Sentients to exert their will upon their "bodies" once again brings into question the concept of Immortality- though as of yet, it seems impossible for a sentient to persist if the host soul is damaged or expunged from its' housing, unless implanted with a surfeit of magic or another soul as replacement- though it will not function as it had prior, due to the replacement of its' "mind". Because of this, all Sentients [i]must[/i] be handled as if they are a living subject, even if their bodies appear inorganic or inanimate. Unlike machines, they are capable of experiencing the breadth of emotion- fear, anger, sorrow, and joy- as us Dragonkin do. Due to this, it is imperative to treat those that were implanted into vessels without their will or through nefarious means with extreme caution and dignity- as many of them are capable of becoming dangerous if mistreated or frightened due to their amplified presence and existence. For further reading on [i]Sentients[/i], and for further detail of those housed within the fortress, please read the following appendices. [LIST] [*] The Cairnrest Anomaly [*] Subject [url=]D-22113LS[/url] [REQUIRES CLERANCES] [*] The [url=]Gigas[/url] of Westbreak [*] The death and/or disappearance of [url=]Heraal VI[/url] [*] The folly of [url=]Caithegeis[/url] [*] [url=]The Sylph[/url], protectorate of the Enchiridion [*] [url=]The creations of Ultima Thule[/url] [/LIST] [center] [img][/img][/center] [center][b]Journal of J.E. Coelwyss[/b] [i]Approximately three weeks before the advent of the Icescale Project[/i][/center] She is beautiful. This I promised, and this much is true. Every day I marvel at what my mortal hands have created- a ship worthy of such merit that I cannot possibly believe my own eyes when I look upon her. This much is my folly... and my reason for writing such an entry. When I walk her halls, or stand upon Her bridge, facing down the endless sky, feeling her hum with life from within, breathing as if a living being- I cannot help but be overwhelmed. My life's work, my jewel. To think that this may be my footnote in the annals of history- creating such a glorious, perfect thing. Every intricacy of Her design I know from memory- in my dreams I walk these corridors of brass and steel- breathing as She does. Such a beautiful thing... it should not be made complicit to the horrors of war. We are her Blood, her very soul. I will not let the Citaidel's war hounds nor the Fortress' wardens poison it. This I swear. They would replace us- her skeleton crew. They would replace me, the very mind who brought such a work to fruition. None know her like we do, and none could hope to. None could love her as I do. This I know. And in all of my musing, I believe I have come to a solution. During my work on my beloved Icescale, I have been requesting supplementary readings to further my skill and ability to create such a masterpiece. Among these, I have been discreetly requesting other texts- those that mention anything on the subject of Soul Transferrence. I believe that I know now, what I must do. I will take the crew with me if they seek to stop my ambitions. We will be forever as one- my beautiful creation and I- and we shall never again be parted by war nor cold nor sleep. I will breathe as she Breathes, go where she goes. We [i]will[i] be one. This I must say to inform whoever inherits my journals- this was not a decision made of hatred or disdain for his Eminence. It was made solely of Love, the Love I hold in my heart in every waking moment for this brilliant machine I have created. With my metamorphosis, I will share this Love with her. We will feel it together, eternally- and be forever free of those that wish us apart.[/i] > When you finish reading, a voice seems to emanate from the walls around you. "Reading my diary, are we? Nosy things, you scholars are." [img][/img]

> Your searches have led you to a well-kept shelf containing a series of documents on the phenomena of Sentients.
On the Nature of Soul Displacement - Abridged Ver.
Penned by Heraal VI - Eighth Watch of Zharmen Laboratories

The process of soul displacement is an easy one- assuming that your chosen host is both willing and capable of carrying out the necessary preparations. Though some will argue that it's easier to collect a soul after its' host has passed- the transmutation of soul from body to body is far less inclined to fail when the host is still in full control of their mental and physical facilities- as the subject must be willing for all to go well.
For the process to work, you must first have prepared a soul vessel, often referred to in crude terms as a "homunculus". This will be the focus of the first of the tasks, which is, in essence, using all of one's magicks to dispel the physical body and enter a state of "ethereality". While these terms may read as ones of abstracts, this is no mere theory- we only yet lack the words to describe such a process.
It is well known that if a magickal being such as a dragon draws too much from their wellspring of power that their physical body may cease to be- a process often referred to in previously published texts as "dissolution" in which the body fades and the soul remains. While in the past, this was considered to be the source of spiritual anomalies such as "ghosts"- we know now this to be merely that- the shedding of one's body to become a solely magickal being.
One must amount a significant force of will to follow through with the process- from this point on what will be referred to as dissolution, and to hold one's soul tethered in one place to keep it from drifting off back to the wellspring from which all power flows.
This is where the soul vessel comes into play. A vessel wanting for a soul to occupy it- not far from creating a habitable environment for a familiar to move into- must be procured, and your participant must be of a mind to keep their soul attached to the material plane, if only for a short time. If all succeeds, in the end, the soul will take up residence inside the "new" body, and use it as if it were their own. What may be done with this is as of yet seen, though the premise- say many other scholars, seems promising.
Journal of J.E. Coelwyss
Approximately two years before the advent of the Icescale Project

I have been commissioned to build a great flying craft for his Eminence, the Icewarden, this time not to house his finest men and scholars, no- but to go to war. The General- Versaad- he has informed me of these plans, and that they fall to me to exact. He says that his Eminence is pleased with my work on the Enchiridion, and that this will be the crown jewel of my life's achievements.
I do not take this task lightly, as I know that those on the Continent proper tax our men ever further with every passing month- the fights against those of Lightning and Fire as of yet unjoined by our allies. The Arcanist, on his seat at the Observatory, has as of yet offered us no aid- and the Tidelord remains silent- more willing to offer prophesy than to aid us in our struggles for the land we hold most dear. Being requisitioned to create such a craft is not beyond me- yet I tremble at the thought of creating a weapon suitable for the Gods' Hands.
Though in truth, I tire of war, I know that this must be done. In truth, I fear what may happen if I decline the General's offer...

> The page is blank for a few lines, and then picks up again at the bottom, scribbled as an afterthought.

I will call it the Icescale, and it will be beautiful.
Notes on the Cairnrest Automaton
Report from the Fortress of Ends, penned by Overseer Theron, confiscated from the offices of J.E. Coelwyss

> The following report is clipped to the top of the first page in the log.

The subject recovered from Cairnrest (heretofore referred to as subject AV32-C) seems to be a fully functioning automaton of unknown make, about the size of the average adult Imperial dragon, and is crafted from what appears to be a series of tapering segments carved of smooth white stone that give it a "serpentine" appearance. It has a "head", fashioned out of roughly two metres of solid crystal, come to a naturally terminated point[1], and an array of spine-like features that breach from its' back, seemingly made of the same crystalline material, though it appears they have naturally "grown" on the subject.
AV32-C shows marked intellect and the capability of free thought- something heretofore undiscovered in any modern automatons of draconic make. Due to its' lack of mouth or vocal structures, it opts to connect telepathically with those it wishes to speak with, transmitting color and thought to them while emitting a low, resonating hum. Subject also shows the ability to "hear", despite being seemingly bereft of any auditory organs- or any organs at all.
The purpose of AV32-C is unknown. It has not yet responded to any questions regarding its' creation or duty, and seems to show slight agitation at any inquiries into how it came to possess a sentient mind, stating that its' memories are "too faded to recall" and emitting a louder, lower tone from its' "head" that caused minor headaches and nausea in the Overseers present.

[1] Crystalline material was later discovered to be a depleted form of Sacridite.

> Underneath the report, there is a note penned in the hand of Overseer Theron.

I am formally requesting clearances to further study the Cairnrest Automaton. The information release stating that the material that grows upon it along with the crystal at it's front is Sacridite- a mineral that shows well-documented properties and interactions with the soul and latent magicks of living things- implies that it not only was likely made by dragonkind- but possibly served as a vessel of some sort.
With this, I ask you to consider if it's classing as an "Automaton" or "Non-Sentient Ambulatory Entity" is, in fact, correct. The intellect it shows directly implies its' sentience, along with its' ability to form conversation- if not verbal- with your fellow researchers. If my suspicions are correct, which I am fairly confident in, the Cairnrest Anomaly is, in fact, a housing for a living soul- whether it knows it or not. The poor quality of the Sacridite along with its' mention of its' memories being too faded to recall- I cannot consider this coincidence.
I would not have you house a living being with unthinking machines, and pray you rethink your classification to allow further study of the subject.

> Another supplementary document is beneath this one, seemingly a reply.

I believe that you may be correct- though the only way to prove the merit of your claim is through further study, which I grant you. I hold no mans' word higher than you and yours when it comes to the handling of those we house within the Fortress, and I trust your judgement in this case.
A new classification has been granted, in the case that you are proven correct, and we have allotted datacells to a new category of ward: the Sentients. If your investigation proves fruitful, I hope to see the Anomaly logged from my office soon. Consider your proposition approved.

Misj, attendant to the Office of the Oculus.

> The final scrap of paper is a carbon-copy of a log confirming that the Cairnrest Anomaly is, indeed, possessed of a living mind, and is officially the first Sentient-Class being held within the Fortress of Ends.
Journal of J.E. Coelwyss
Approximately one year before the advent of the Icescale Project

Work on my project- the Icescale, proceeds apace. It is with great happiness that I write this- as my best-laid plans are falling into place, and supplies arriving entirely on schedule. The bulk of the ship is complete- brass overlaid with tension wires and great, beating wings. With this, we certainly will prove that the denizens of the Icefields are too made for the skies. Walking within the machinery feels like walking within a great, living city- the sections already finished far surpassing any vision I had for them.
The weapons fittings should be arriving in the coming days- and I await the day that I may place them in their housings and give the Icescale means to defend herself...
Pray, forgive my sentimentality. I simply have not taken on such a passion project in so long. I believe his Eminence will be pleased with my work, in the least. Never before have I worked with such fervor, it is a miracle I am able to sleep!
What is a Sentient?
Documentation by the Office of the Oculus

In essence, Sentients are non-organic bodies possessed of organic souls, specifically Draconic in nature. Oftentimes they are in the form of what appear to be Automatons- though near anything can be possessed of a soul if it holds the capability to house them. Far different from a simple haunting, the Sentient often is in conscious control of its' actions- and therefore is capable of complex thought that other machines cannot achieve.
The ability for Sentients to exert their will upon their "bodies" once again brings into question the concept of Immortality- though as of yet, it seems impossible for a sentient to persist if the host soul is damaged or expunged from its' housing, unless implanted with a surfeit of magic or another soul as replacement- though it will not function as it had prior, due to the replacement of its' "mind". Because of this, all Sentients must be handled as if they are a living subject, even if their bodies appear inorganic or inanimate.
Unlike machines, they are capable of experiencing the breadth of emotion- fear, anger, sorrow, and joy- as us Dragonkin do. Due to this, it is imperative to treat those that were implanted into vessels without their will or through nefarious means with extreme caution and dignity- as many of them are capable of becoming dangerous if mistreated or frightened due to their amplified presence and existence.

For further reading on Sentients, and for further detail of those housed within the fortress, please read the following appendices.
Journal of J.E. Coelwyss
Approximately three weeks before the advent of the Icescale Project

She is beautiful. This I promised, and this much is true. Every day I marvel at what my mortal hands have created- a ship worthy of such merit that I cannot possibly believe my own eyes when I look upon her. This much is my folly... and my reason for writing such an entry.
When I walk her halls, or stand upon Her bridge, facing down the endless sky, feeling her hum with life from within, breathing as if a living being- I cannot help but be overwhelmed. My life's work, my jewel. To think that this may be my footnote in the annals of history- creating such a glorious, perfect thing. Every intricacy of Her design I know from memory- in my dreams I walk these corridors of brass and steel- breathing as She does. Such a beautiful thing... it should not be made complicit to the horrors of war.
We are her Blood, her very soul. I will not let the Citaidel's war hounds nor the Fortress' wardens poison it. This I swear. They would replace us- her skeleton crew. They would replace me, the very mind who brought such a work to fruition. None know her like we do, and none could hope to. None could love her as I do. This I know. And in all of my musing, I believe I have come to a solution.
During my work on my beloved Icescale, I have been requesting supplementary readings to further my skill and ability to create such a masterpiece. Among these, I have been discreetly requesting other texts- those that mention anything on the subject of Soul Transferrence.
I believe that I know now, what I must do. I will take the crew with me if they seek to stop my ambitions. We will be forever as one- my beautiful creation and I- and we shall never again be parted by war nor cold nor sleep. I will breathe as she Breathes, go where she goes. We will be one. This I must say to inform whoever inherits my journals- this was not a decision made of hatred or disdain for his Eminence. It was made solely of Love, the Love I hold in my heart in every waking moment for this brilliant machine I have created. With my metamorphosis, I will share this Love with her. We will feel it together, eternally- and be forever free of those that wish us apart.

> When you finish reading, a voice seems to emanate from the walls around you.

"Reading my diary, are we? Nosy things, you scholars are."




have U Girls hard of spice



have U Girls hard of spice



have U Girls hard of spice



have U Girls hard of spice



have U Girls hard of spice



have U Girls hard of spice



have U Girls hard of spice



have U Girls hard of spice