
Creative Corner

Share your own art and stories, or ask for critique.
TOPIC | milk's codes // clan & dragon bios
[color=transparent]o[/color] -----[columns][nextcol]     [nextcol][font=segoe ui][size=5][b][color=#c69877]milk's[/color] [color=#8c5935]codes[/color][/size][/font][/b] [img][/img][nextcol]     [/columns]----- [columns][nextcol] [nextcol][font=segoe ui][size=4][color=#c69877][b] [emoji=crescent moon 2 size=1] welcome[/b][/color][/size][/font] [color=#ccc][sup]________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [columns][nextcol]     [nextcol] [font=arial]hi hello it's been a long time since i've been here. my username used to be Kintsy. i've been formatting for a while, starting out after being inspired by the minimalistic codes of epher and zarane. my codes used to be on tumblr a long time ago, but now i'm posting them here in case anyone would like to use them. if you are inspired, i am honored! (and i do love hearing about it / seeing what you make) but directly copying or taking code without credit makes me a sad bean. some of the nice things i make for myself end up copied, so i'd rather just release my stuff. [u]please don't make me regret sharing with you[/u]. [color=#c69877]—[/color] my codes are made on/for pc & they usually look weird on mobile. [color=#c69877]—[/color] i'm subscribed - no need to ping, but i don't mind if you do.[/font] [nextcol]     [/columns] [size=4][font=segoe ui][color=#c69877][b] [emoji=comment size=1] rules[/b][/color][/font][/size] [color=#ccc][sup]_____________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [columns][nextcol]     [nextcol] [font=arial]please note that i do follow-up with regard to my rules. [color=#c69877]—[/color] [b]do not remove the credit from the codes[/b]. i have placed a small triangle that links back to this thread. you may replace the provided triangle with another form of credit if you wish, but [b]a link back to this thread (or my profile) is required[/b]. [color=#c69877]—[/color] feel free to modify my codes to suit your needs, but do not claim them as your own. [b]keep the credit in place, even after modification[/b]. i can tell. [color=#c69877]—[/color] do not use my codes as a template & release them as your own codes after modifying them. [color=#c69877]—[/color] these are only to be used on Flight Rising and [i]not[/i] to be made into a generator, compiled in a resource thread, etc. linking to my thread is okay! reposting the code itself is not.[/font] [nextcol]     [/columns] [size=4][font=segoe ui][color=#c69877][b] [emoji=ping 2 size=1] pinglist for updates[/b][/color][/font][/size] [color=#ccc][sup]_____________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [center][pinglist=1752][/center] [size=4][font=segoe ui][color=#c69877][b] [emoji=ping size=1] last 5 updates[/b][/color][/font][/size] [color=#ccc][sup]___________________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [columns][nextcol]     [nextcol] [font=arial]2023.10.26 [size=4][color=#c69877]» [/color][/size][i]added the new pinglist thingy[/i] 2023.08.03 [size=4][color=#c69877]» [/color][/size][i]removed [b]warden (expanded)[/b] & [b](vista art)[/b], added [b]warden (alt)[/b] and refreshed the original[/i] 2023.08.02 [size=4][color=#c69877]» [/color][/size][i]replaced most unicode symbols, tidied all codes, added new preview imgs[/i] 2022.05.12 [size=4][color=#c69877]» [/color][/size][i]added [b]pitch[/b] and [b]cyclic[/b] dragon bios[/i] 2022.05.11 [size=4][color=#c69877]» [/color][/size][i]added [b]sovereign[/b] clan bio[/i][/font] [nextcol]     [/columns] [size=4][font=segoe ui][color=#c69877][b] [emoji=paintbrush size=1] assets[/b][/color][/font][/size] [color=#ccc][sup]____________________________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [columns][nextcol]     [nextcol] [font=arial][size=4][color=#c69877]—[/color][/size] new to BBcode? get started at [url=]Crowe's BBcode Compedium[/url] [size=4][color=#c69877]—[/color][/size] [url=]100x100 Round Bio Icons[/url] / [url=]Vista Round Icons 75x75[/url] / [url=]Scene Round Icons 75x75[/url] [size=4][color=#c69877]—[/color][/size] [url=]Serpy+Natron's Bio Buttons[/url] / [url=]osiem's assets[/url] / [url=]BetaOrionis' F2U Image Assets[/url] [nextcol]     [/columns][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][/columns] -----[center][size=2][font=arial][color=#915240][s]welcome[/s][/color] / [url=]dragon bios[/url] / [url=]clan bios[/url] / [url=]misc[/url] [/font][/size][/center]----- [color=transparent]o[/color]
      milk's codestriangle.png      


      hi hello it's been a long time since i've been here. my username used to be Kintsy. i've been formatting for a while, starting out after being inspired by the minimalistic codes of epher and zarane. my codes used to be on tumblr a long time ago, but now i'm posting them here in case anyone would like to use them.

if you are inspired, i am honored! (and i do love hearing about it / seeing what you make) but directly copying or taking code without credit makes me a sad bean. some of the nice things i make for myself end up copied, so i'd rather just release my stuff. please don't make me regret sharing with you.

 my codes are made on/for pc & they usually look weird on mobile.
 i'm subscribed - no need to ping, but i don't mind if you do.


      please note that i do follow-up with regard to my rules.

do not remove the credit from the codes. i have placed a small triangle that links back to this thread. you may replace the provided triangle with another form of credit if you wish, but a link back to this thread (or my profile) is required.
 feel free to modify my codes to suit your needs, but do not claim them as your own. keep the credit in place, even after modification. i can tell.
 do not use my codes as a template & release them as your own codes after modifying them.
 these are only to be used on Flight Rising and not to be made into a generator, compiled in a resource thread, etc. linking to my thread is okay! reposting the code itself is not.

 pinglist for updates_____________________________________________________________

 last 5 updates___________________________________________________________________

      2023.10.26 » added the new pinglist thingy
2023.08.03 » removed warden (expanded) & (vista art), added warden (alt) and refreshed the original
2023.08.02 » replaced most unicode symbols, tidied all codes, added new preview imgs
2022.05.12 » added pitch and cyclic dragon bios
2022.05.11 » added sovereign clan bio


       new to BBcode? get started at Crowe's BBcode Compedium
100x100 Round Bio Icons / Vista Round Icons 75x75 / Scene Round Icons 75x75
Serpy+Natron's Bio Buttons / osiem's assets / BetaOrionis' F2U Image Assets

welcome / dragon bios / clan bios / misc

[color=transparent]o[/color] -----[columns][nextcol]     [nextcol][font=segoe ui][size=5][b][color=#8c5935]dragon bios[/color][/font][/size][nextcol]     [/columns]-----[center][size=2][font=arial][url=]welcome[/url] / [color=#915240][s]dragon bios[/s][/color] / [url=]clan bios[/url] / [url=]misc[/url][/font][/size][/center]----- [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]cyclic ( [url=]live preview[/url] )[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] « [size=2](get gene color hexes [url=]here[/url])[/size][/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]pitch[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]stygian[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]liminal[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]warden[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]warden (alt)[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]warden (tiny)[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]warden (vista-compatible)[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]warden (vista-compatible, tiny)[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font] [/center]
      dragon bios      

welcome / dragon bios / clan bios / misc

 » cyclic ( live preview )

» get the code «
(get gene color hexes here)

 » pitch

» get the code «

 » stygian

» get the code «

 » liminal

» get the code «

 » warden

» get the code «

 » warden (alt)

» get the code «

 » warden (tiny)

» get the code «

 » warden (vista-compatible)

» get the code «

 » warden (vista-compatible, tiny)

» get the code «

[color=transparent]o[/color] -----[columns][nextcol]     [nextcol][font=segoe ui][size=5][b][color=#8c5935]clan bios[/color][/font][/size][nextcol]     [/columns]-----[center][size=2][font=arial][url=]welcome[/url] / [url=]dragon bios[/url] / [color=#915240][s]clan bios[/s][/color] / [url=]misc[/url][/font][/size][/center]----- [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]sovereign[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] « [size=2](get round icons [url=]here[/url])[/size][/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]carbon[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font][/center] [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]diamond[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font] [/center]
      clan bios      

welcome / dragon bios / clan bios / misc

 » sovereign
» get the code «
(get round icons here)

 » carbon
» get the code «

 » diamond
» get the code «

[color=transparent]o[/color] -----[columns][nextcol]     [nextcol][font=segoe ui][size=5][b][color=#8c5935]misc[/color][/font][/size][nextcol]     [/columns]-----[center][size=2][font=arial][url=]welcome[/url] / [url=]dragon bios[/url] / [url=]clan bios[/url] / [color=#915240][s]misc[/s][/color] [/font][/size][/center]----- [font=segoe ui][color=#c69877] » [b]quote[/b][/color][/font] [center][img][/img] [font=segoe ui]» [url=]get the code[/url] «[/font] [/center]

welcome / dragon bios / clan bios / misc

 » quote

» get the code «

[center] [emoji=hourglass size=1][/center]

[center] [emoji=hourglass size=1][/center]

[center] [emoji=hourglass size=1][/center]

[center] [emoji=hourglass size=1][/center]

[center] [emoji=hourglass size=1][/center]

[center] [emoji=hourglass size=1][/center]
