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TOPIC | free art advice, from moi
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thank! and yee omg you were!! someone actually also brought up the fact that imps are a way more solitary species so the environment would fit them a ton more and I was like "imps have been mentioned twice, its a sign, I should make an imp base"
thank! and yee omg you were!! someone actually also brought up the fact that imps are a way more solitary species so the environment would fit them a ton more and I was like "imps have been mentioned twice, its a sign, I should make an imp base"

@rinrar - Okay, so prices and tiering stuff. I do tend to ramble on, but hopefully there'll be some points here that help you along your way to making another shop! [quote= Things] - Starting with the prices this time round. In your previous thread, I'm sure you know already, but 200g is $2, so you're massively undercharging for those big, full-coloured fullbodies you have on show there! Which is No Good, because man, your art is so pretty?? [s]I love how you render wing patterns with such disgustingly good detail, I appreciate rosette so much more now hhhhh[/s] - Yeah though - I think you have a good range of dragon breeds and patterns on show here, so my main advice to you is really just Raise Your Prices. See my first post in this thread for Why Undercharging Doesn't Help You, but the cliff notes is that very very low prices make commissioners suspicious, it increases the risk of you getting flooded and suffering a massive backlog or burnout, [i]and[/i] uber-low prices also don't help you get commissioners who will respect your rules/time/whatever else. - Personally, I'd start commissions with these fullbodies for 2500g ($25 USD), and then have a 500g-1000g ($5-10 USD) fee for more than x number of apparel pieces, wild genes, and adding a familiar to the piece. I feel that's a bit low, personally, but you can always raise it if you see a lot of demand for these! - Consider making a list of genes you feel are complicated and would incur the extra fee, so your commissioners know exactly how much the total will be when they ask for a piece. - As far as tiers go, there's lots of ways you can do 'em. Personally, I think the most important thing to think about is 'will this option compete with my other options?' As an example, if I was selling coloured and shaded busts and also flat-coloured busts that were a lot cheaper, the two options would compete as 'coloured bust options'. - All options are going to compete to some extent - they're all art, after all - but the idea is to try and separate them as much as possible from each other, so the commissioner has one clear choice for that impulse buy idea sitting in their head. - A simple set of tiers that I think would work for you would be the tried and tested Headshot, Bust (with wings and forelimbs), Fullbody. - All the tiers are coloured the same way, but you can market them with different uses - headshots make great icons for small bios, twitters, or discords. Busts work really well in dragon bio formats (and would be what I'd recommend if you wanted to either offer a banner option or just have a banner in your shop!), and fullbodies are great for references, places like Toyhub or Charahouse, or just as big sumptuous pieces just 'cos. (I personally like to give commissioned fullbody art to my friends, haha.) - Headshots should absolutely not be lower than 700g ($7 USD), and for busts you can probably get away with 1200g ($12 USD). I'd consider offering a 2-pack or 4-pack of the headshots for a bit less, in case people want to commission matching icons for themselves and a friend or whatever. [/quote]
@rinrar - Okay, so prices and tiering stuff. I do tend to ramble on, but hopefully there'll be some points here that help you along your way to making another shop!
Things wrote:
- Starting with the prices this time round. In your previous thread, I'm sure you know already, but 200g is $2, so you're massively undercharging for those big, full-coloured fullbodies you have on show there! Which is No Good, because man, your art is so pretty?? I love how you render wing patterns with such disgustingly good detail, I appreciate rosette so much more now hhhhh

- Yeah though - I think you have a good range of dragon breeds and patterns on show here, so my main advice to you is really just Raise Your Prices. See my first post in this thread for Why Undercharging Doesn't Help You, but the cliff notes is that very very low prices make commissioners suspicious, it increases the risk of you getting flooded and suffering a massive backlog or burnout, and uber-low prices also don't help you get commissioners who will respect your rules/time/whatever else.

- Personally, I'd start commissions with these fullbodies for 2500g ($25 USD), and then have a 500g-1000g ($5-10 USD) fee for more than x number of apparel pieces, wild genes, and adding a familiar to the piece. I feel that's a bit low, personally, but you can always raise it if you see a lot of demand for these!

- Consider making a list of genes you feel are complicated and would incur the extra fee, so your commissioners know exactly how much the total will be when they ask for a piece.

- As far as tiers go, there's lots of ways you can do 'em. Personally, I think the most important thing to think about is 'will this option compete with my other options?' As an example, if I was selling coloured and shaded busts and also flat-coloured busts that were a lot cheaper, the two options would compete as 'coloured bust options'.

- All options are going to compete to some extent - they're all art, after all - but the idea is to try and separate them as much as possible from each other, so the commissioner has one clear choice for that impulse buy idea sitting in their head.

- A simple set of tiers that I think would work for you would be the tried and tested Headshot, Bust (with wings and forelimbs), Fullbody.

- All the tiers are coloured the same way, but you can market them with different uses - headshots make great icons for small bios, twitters, or discords. Busts work really well in dragon bio formats (and would be what I'd recommend if you wanted to either offer a banner option or just have a banner in your shop!), and fullbodies are great for references, places like Toyhub or Charahouse, or just as big sumptuous pieces just 'cos. (I personally like to give commissioned fullbody art to my friends, haha.)

- Headshots should absolutely not be lower than 700g ($7 USD), and for busts you can probably get away with 1200g ($12 USD). I'd consider offering a 2-pack or 4-pack of the headshots for a bit less, in case people want to commission matching icons for themselves and a friend or whatever.
Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

@Spooner thank you for all the advice! really helpful to get some feedback on pricing - really appreciate it & will definitely keep in mind for any future revamps. :D
@Spooner thank you for all the advice! really helpful to get some feedback on pricing - really appreciate it & will definitely keep in mind for any future revamps. :D
current mood - [img][/img]
current mood -

Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

Hello !

May I get some of your advices on my artshop ? I struggle to find some commissioners so some tips would be great ! :D

I have more examples here ^^

Thank you in advance and have a nice day ~
Hello !

May I get some of your advices on my artshop ? I struggle to find some commissioners so some tips would be great ! :D

I have more examples here ^^

Thank you in advance and have a nice day ~

English is not my mother tongue, sorry for unnatural sentences ~
Hello! I've been trying to figure out how to set up an art shop for awhile now, and I've got a layout and some examples, but I have no idea how to price my works. I'd also really appreciate it if you could look over my artshop and maybe give me some advice there. Maral's got my artshop in her bio.

Hello! I've been trying to figure out how to set up an art shop for awhile now, and I've got a layout and some examples, but I have no idea how to price my works. I'd also really appreciate it if you could look over my artshop and maybe give me some advice there. Maral's got my artshop in her bio.

hii.... i've been running art shops intermittently for at least like 3 years at this point but despite that i still have no idea what i'm doing </3

i'm a little stumped on prices/ price tiers (?), i've got a few examples here :S

my old prices (which were for human characters only i believe?) were as follows (they were still using 1:1000 ratio):
full body → 650g/kt
half body (i think this meant to the waist???) → 400g/kt
head shot → 250g/kt
sketch → pwyw headshot, minimum of 100g/kt half body, 200g/kt fullbody

if there is anything you think needs to be fixed about my shop layout as well, it's over here. i've been editing it a bit but i'm still a little like... i have no idea what was i trying to say here when i wrote it </3

thank you for any advice!!
hii.... i've been running art shops intermittently for at least like 3 years at this point but despite that i still have no idea what i'm doing </3

i'm a little stumped on prices/ price tiers (?), i've got a few examples here :S

my old prices (which were for human characters only i believe?) were as follows (they were still using 1:1000 ratio):
full body → 650g/kt
half body (i think this meant to the waist???) → 400g/kt
head shot → 250g/kt
sketch → pwyw headshot, minimum of 100g/kt half body, 200g/kt fullbody

if there is anything you think needs to be fixed about my shop layout as well, it's over here. i've been editing it a bit but i'm still a little like... i have no idea what was i trying to say here when i wrote it </3

thank you for any advice!!
fsjgklggk.png hjkkk.gif slowly going through posts to replace broken images. if i upload the wrong image feel free to let me know
this is exactly the thread i need but i haven’t even set up an art shop yet and i don’t even know what type of art exactly i wanna do here, because i mostly do realistic human portraits but i’d like to paint dergs, i’m sure i’d do slots because otherwise i know i’ll get overwhelmed, but other than that i have no idea how to go about it

(btw unrelated but i’m in love with your lair)

edited for typo
this is exactly the thread i need but i haven’t even set up an art shop yet and i don’t even know what type of art exactly i wanna do here, because i mostly do realistic human portraits but i’d like to paint dergs, i’m sure i’d do slots because otherwise i know i’ll get overwhelmed, but other than that i have no idea how to go about it

(btw unrelated but i’m in love with your lair)

edited for typo
@Newni- Hey there! It's a crowded market, and it can be tough to stand out and get those customers, but don't lose heart! Sometimes it just comes down to persistent advertising. Still, we can all improve, so here's a few things I think you can do to try and maximize traffic through your shop. I noticed English isn't your first language, so feel free to ask any questions you may have - I am Australian and I tend to lapse into slang sometimes. :0 [quote=Shop Things] - First and foremost, you might wanna look at having bigger examples that show off your work without making people click on it. I have astigmatism, so I'm often looking at FR at 110%-125% - and I'm having trouble seeing the details on your examples! You gotta go bigger. - You definitely want to have a fully-coloured image at the start of the thread, like a banner image, that shows off the full extent of what you can do! When people click on your shop, you've generally got about six seconds to impress, and humans tend to be very very visual. To maximise your chances of impressing people, you want to try and hit them fast with amazing finished art straight out the gate! - Shorten your commission descriptions for extra impact. If you were buying a hamburger from a menu, the menu would say something like HAMBURGER (WITH CHEESE) - ONE MILLION DOLLARS. So, you want your art tiers to be more simple. For instance: [i]I'm offering full body for 12 EUR (1.440 gems). This will be full coloured and shaded ! I can draw anthropomorphic, human and feral characters ! No FR dragons please. I can also make a sketchy full body for 5 EUR (600 gems).[/i] becomes [i]Shaded fullbody - 12 EUR (1440g).[/i] - Your coloured examples show that the fullbodies will be shaded already, so you don't need to put that in. Don't put rules on the tiers themselves - have a seperate section just for rules! - Lastly, if you wanna do sketchy fullbodies, that will have to be a seperate tier with its own examples, to show everyone what exactly a sketchy fullbody looks like (is it coloured, is it partially shaded, etc etc). Commissioners aren't mind readers, so it's really important to show folks visually what they are going to get. - As an animator who has done animation commissions: Animation commissions are a whole minefield of their own, because typically commissioners don't understand what will fit into however many frames you're offering. When commissioners don't know what they are ordering, they will either order things that are too much for your restrictions (so you have to say no to them), or they will just not order at all because they are worried of asking too much of you. - So, my advice on offering animation commissions is to only offer a certain type of animation, like 'breathing fire' or 'walk cycle'! That way, you can show a relevant example and the commissioner will understand what they can ask for. [/quote] (Also, as a fellow bird artist, I approve greatly of ur birds. More birds plz.)

Hey there! It's a crowded market, and it can be tough to stand out and get those customers, but don't lose heart! Sometimes it just comes down to persistent advertising.

Still, we can all improve, so here's a few things I think you can do to try and maximize traffic through your shop. I noticed English isn't your first language, so feel free to ask any questions you may have - I am Australian and I tend to lapse into slang sometimes. :0
Shop Things wrote:

- First and foremost, you might wanna look at having bigger examples that show off your work without making people click on it. I have astigmatism, so I'm often looking at FR at 110%-125% - and I'm having trouble seeing the details on your examples! You gotta go bigger.

- You definitely want to have a fully-coloured image at the start of the thread, like a banner image, that shows off the full extent of what you can do! When people click on your shop, you've generally got about six seconds to impress, and humans tend to be very very visual. To maximise your chances of impressing people, you want to try and hit them fast with amazing finished art straight out the gate!

- Shorten your commission descriptions for extra impact. If you were buying a hamburger from a menu, the menu would say something like HAMBURGER (WITH CHEESE) - ONE MILLION DOLLARS. So, you want your art tiers to be more simple. For instance:

I'm offering full body for 12 EUR (1.440 gems). This will be full coloured and shaded !
I can draw anthropomorphic, human and feral characters ! No FR dragons please.
I can also make a sketchy full body for 5 EUR (600 gems).


Shaded fullbody - 12 EUR (1440g).

- Your coloured examples show that the fullbodies will be shaded already, so you don't need to put that in. Don't put rules on the tiers themselves - have a seperate section just for rules!

- Lastly, if you wanna do sketchy fullbodies, that will have to be a seperate tier with its own examples, to show everyone what exactly a sketchy fullbody looks like (is it coloured, is it partially shaded, etc etc). Commissioners aren't mind readers, so it's really important to show folks visually what they are going to get.

- As an animator who has done animation commissions: Animation commissions are a whole minefield of their own, because typically commissioners don't understand what will fit into however many frames you're offering. When commissioners don't know what they are ordering, they will either order things that are too much for your restrictions (so you have to say no to them), or they will just not order at all because they are worried of asking too much of you.

- So, my advice on offering animation commissions is to only offer a certain type of animation, like 'breathing fire' or 'walk cycle'! That way, you can show a relevant example and the commissioner will understand what they can ask for.

(Also, as a fellow bird artist, I approve greatly of ur birds. More birds plz.)
Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

@ShadowsInTheMist I've not seen a dragon holding an art shop template before; that's pretty cool, now I think about it. Just be careful with it - forum posts on here are narrower than dragon bios, iirc. [quote=Pricing] - Firstly, I'd recommend moving all rules so that they're under the headshots. First impressions are important, you want people to see the art and make up their minds right away. - Secondly, my feeling with these is that they are too... large for the amount of detail they have. Weird thing to say, I know, but try resizing your images to 25% or even 15% of the original size. I had a play with it myself, and I think those sizes make more sense for small headshots, while also masking somewhat the fact that these are indeed super simple. - The main uses for headshots like these will be with icons and bios anyway, so the small size is something you can get away with. - As far as pricing goes - just by saying these pieces are 'simple', you're telling people they're 'easy to make' or 'cheap', so the bar with the price expectations is kinda set low. That being said - even if you avoided that word, I can't really deny that these ain't detailed, haha. So I'm sort of on the fence - do you set up shop now and charge a low price and potentially get overwhelmed, or do you work on these more and charge a higher price down the line? - I think at the moment, you could charge somewhere around the 150kt mark, but I also feel that if you could offer more rendering and detail, you could see better sales at higher prices, haha. It's up to you! [/quote]

I've not seen a dragon holding an art shop template before; that's pretty cool, now I think about it. Just be careful with it - forum posts on here are narrower than dragon bios, iirc.
Pricing wrote:
- Firstly, I'd recommend moving all rules so that they're under the headshots. First impressions are important, you want people to see the art and make up their minds right away.

- Secondly, my feeling with these is that they are too... large for the amount of detail they have. Weird thing to say, I know, but try resizing your images to 25% or even 15% of the original size. I had a play with it myself, and I think those sizes make more sense for small headshots, while also masking somewhat the fact that these are indeed super simple.

- The main uses for headshots like these will be with icons and bios anyway, so the small size is something you can get away with.

- As far as pricing goes - just by saying these pieces are 'simple', you're telling people they're 'easy to make' or 'cheap', so the bar with the price expectations is kinda set low. That being said - even if you avoided that word, I can't really deny that these ain't detailed, haha. So I'm sort of on the fence - do you set up shop now and charge a low price and potentially get overwhelmed, or do you work on these more and charge a higher price down the line?

- I think at the moment, you could charge somewhere around the 150kt mark, but I also feel that if you could offer more rendering and detail, you could see better sales at higher prices, haha. It's up to you!
Dear IKTR: Fandragons are in my den! Sometimes there's a few stragglers in my lair.

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