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TOPIC | Free Writing for your Dragons~
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For @TheTigersDen
Note: There's violence in this piece. Just a quick warning for those who get upset by that.

Kerbasi blinked. The jungle was too still. He had been in the Rainsong Jungle many times before, and there were always insects buzzing and birds screeching in the trees above. The trail the hunting Nocturne followed was curiously void of these sounds. From his experience this always meant trouble was nearby. That, or it was becoming dark, which definitely wasn't the case as the sun's rays lit up the greenery all around him.

After minutes had ticked by, Kerbasi saw it. Two glowing eyes, although well disguised, were piercing through a thicket directly at him. Licking his lips, Kerbasi smirked and crouched onto his hind legs, muscles tense. His eyes narrowed at the target.

A squeal shattered the silence and the bush charged forwards. It was then that the wooden head and legs were glaringly obvious against the natural landscape - something that Kerbasi should've noticed if he ever wanted to complete the trial. The trampling of hooves against the uneven ground activated the warrior's senses.

Dashing to the side, his tail just avoiding the deadly tusks, Kerbasi swung around to watch the beast attempt to stop. It slowed down, but it wasn't enough to stop its side from crashing into a tree, leaves and branches from both the boar and the tree falling. It was his time to strike.

Kerbasi pounced onto the monster, runes ablaze. Using his arcane magic to empower his strikes, Kerbasi's claws and fangs glowed a deep red as he latched onto the boar. A scratch on the back. A bite into the leafy sides. Kerbasi instinctively attacked the creature repeatedly, clutching on like a mite on a wolf.

The animal had now recovered from its fatal mistake. It began to rear up and buck, trying to fling off the dragon shredding his leaves. Kerbasi's view of the world began to fly up and down. He still held on and tore off bark from the boar with impressive strength.

A loose branch dislodged from the canopy overhead from the shaking of the trees. It fell down, and Kerbasi was too slow to dodge it as its serrated edges scratched his side. He winced, but he did not falter. The boar was close to dying.

It ran directly into a bush, thinking that Kerbasi would jump off to avoid being further hurt. Instead, the nimble Nocturne flattened his body against the boar and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for the multiple injuries he was about to get. The two tore through the bush while the bush tore at them.

Finally the boar burst out of the bush. The dragon knew he had to finish the job soon. He was getting tired, and if he let go of the animal he would most likely be gored by its tusks. So, Kerbasi charged his magic, his fangs beginning to flare with intense red light. Just before he dropped off in exhaustion Kerbasi crunched the boar's head, the magic discharging into the creature, causing a fatal wound.

Tumbling off, Kerbasi intensely watched the creature stumble and fall, the clatter of wood and leaves pleasing him. He waited. The boar did not twitch. Glee surged through Kerbasi, the victor of the battle.

Kerbasi had finally completed the challenge.

And voila! That's your piece for Kerbasi becoming level 20~ It was fun making this, I always enjoy writing fight scenes. I hope you're happy with this!
For @TheTigersDen
Note: There's violence in this piece. Just a quick warning for those who get upset by that.

Kerbasi blinked. The jungle was too still. He had been in the Rainsong Jungle many times before, and there were always insects buzzing and birds screeching in the trees above. The trail the hunting Nocturne followed was curiously void of these sounds. From his experience this always meant trouble was nearby. That, or it was becoming dark, which definitely wasn't the case as the sun's rays lit up the greenery all around him.

After minutes had ticked by, Kerbasi saw it. Two glowing eyes, although well disguised, were piercing through a thicket directly at him. Licking his lips, Kerbasi smirked and crouched onto his hind legs, muscles tense. His eyes narrowed at the target.

A squeal shattered the silence and the bush charged forwards. It was then that the wooden head and legs were glaringly obvious against the natural landscape - something that Kerbasi should've noticed if he ever wanted to complete the trial. The trampling of hooves against the uneven ground activated the warrior's senses.

Dashing to the side, his tail just avoiding the deadly tusks, Kerbasi swung around to watch the beast attempt to stop. It slowed down, but it wasn't enough to stop its side from crashing into a tree, leaves and branches from both the boar and the tree falling. It was his time to strike.

Kerbasi pounced onto the monster, runes ablaze. Using his arcane magic to empower his strikes, Kerbasi's claws and fangs glowed a deep red as he latched onto the boar. A scratch on the back. A bite into the leafy sides. Kerbasi instinctively attacked the creature repeatedly, clutching on like a mite on a wolf.

The animal had now recovered from its fatal mistake. It began to rear up and buck, trying to fling off the dragon shredding his leaves. Kerbasi's view of the world began to fly up and down. He still held on and tore off bark from the boar with impressive strength.

A loose branch dislodged from the canopy overhead from the shaking of the trees. It fell down, and Kerbasi was too slow to dodge it as its serrated edges scratched his side. He winced, but he did not falter. The boar was close to dying.

It ran directly into a bush, thinking that Kerbasi would jump off to avoid being further hurt. Instead, the nimble Nocturne flattened his body against the boar and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for the multiple injuries he was about to get. The two tore through the bush while the bush tore at them.

Finally the boar burst out of the bush. The dragon knew he had to finish the job soon. He was getting tired, and if he let go of the animal he would most likely be gored by its tusks. So, Kerbasi charged his magic, his fangs beginning to flare with intense red light. Just before he dropped off in exhaustion Kerbasi crunched the boar's head, the magic discharging into the creature, causing a fatal wound.

Tumbling off, Kerbasi intensely watched the creature stumble and fall, the clatter of wood and leaves pleasing him. He waited. The boar did not twitch. Glee surged through Kerbasi, the victor of the battle.

Kerbasi had finally completed the challenge.

And voila! That's your piece for Kerbasi becoming level 20~ It was fun making this, I always enjoy writing fight scenes. I hope you're happy with this!
I like it! :D Thanks you! I never thought of making becoming lvl 20 a trail, that was a nice idea. Also incorporating the Rainsong Jungle was a nice detail.
I like it! :D Thanks you! I never thought of making becoming lvl 20 a trail, that was a nice idea. Also incorporating the Rainsong Jungle was a nice detail.
For @Juri01

Soren lugged a cast iron cauldron across the grassy plateau towards her riverside workplace, a pungent smell of dirt and river water filling the air as she came closer. Great grooves scarred the earth where the Bogsneak always dragged her pot along, a sore sight compared to the soft grass and daisies that tufted the lair's domain. Whenever it rained these grooves would fill up with water, creating little streams that trickled slowly down towards the dragon-made marsh. It was a lot colder down there compared to the main plaza of the clan. Unfortunately, this meant that Soren was typically alone whenever she had to work, as not a lot of other dragons enjoyed the wet environment as much as she did.

The reed platform was finally in sight and the ground was suddenly a lot less solid. Grinding her scaly hind legs into the mud to root herself in place, the sparkling salamander hauled up the empty cauldron with a grunt. The mulberry rubber gloves she had on protected her hands from getting rashes from the multiple mysterious multi-coloured stains that blotted the cauldron, a result of Soren's experiments that went awry. Three glass baubles that contained an odd purple liquid clinked against each other as she stepped onto the reed floor. Cool mud dripped off of her metallic tail.

Pulling down her white goggles, Soren waddled over to the bulky wooden chest that was hidden underneath the platform, literally. With a flick of a hatch and a bit of fumbling around with the contents of the chest, Soren returned back to the yawning cauldron with an armful of bits and bobs, as well as a bucket of pure lake water from the lair's waterhole carried by her tail. She didn't enjoy making more than one trip to the chest. There were berries, vials of whiskers, bottles of fluids, and herbs in her arms. The Bogsneak's wings flashed purple against the morning sun.

Setting each individual item beside her in a crude crate, Soren gave herself the bucket of water and carefully poured it all into the cauldron, not spilling a single drop. Since her time at the clan she had vastly improved her alchemy skills and was the go-to dragon for brewing up a concoction for your needs. She was always happy to complete assignments given to her by customers, but she also enjoyed throwing a bunch of items together in hopes that they would combine to make something useful.

The cauldron began to heat up magically. Soon enough the water was bubbling, spits of scalding hot liquid harmlessly landing on Soren's leather neck. As the water had been warming up, the alchemist had been crushing all of the berries and most of the herbs together with a pestle and mortar., creating a gooey substance that was the colour of red clay. She poured it in, the mushed berries glopping into the pot. Without even a second thought Soren plunged her hand in, mixing it all in while her glove protected her hand from being cooked.

A pleasant smell wafted up. After a while Soren randomly threw in the herbs, sprinkling the top like a soup. Then the weird things came in. Popping off the cork plugged in the vial with her thumb, the Bogsneak tore up the wisps of hair and tossed them in. She then did the same with the green whiskers and the black tufts of fur, all materials that the hunters deemed useless to them. Once again, Soren stirred up the cauldron with great effort. The muscles in her arm began to ache, but she tried to not let it slow her down.

The smell of burnt hair wafted into her nose. Soren's face scrunched up - never a good sign. Hoping that one of the two liquids she brought would help, she unscrewed the lid off of a cylindrical bottle that had a buttercup yellow sludge inside. The lid clattered to the floor as Soren measured out a certain amount in a glass cup. She poured it in.

Before the cup even finished pouring the bubbling brew began to cough and splutter. A stench of rotten oranges filled the air and foam began to form at the edges. Soren gagged at the stench, her head turning away as she took in a deep breath of somewhat clean air. Something had gone wrong.

There are a few safety rules to alchemy, and one of them was to never open your mouth while at the cauldron. Soren had forgotten this and paid her price. A gargantuan bubble formed in the very middle of the disgusting potion and it simply grew. However, all bubbles are meant to pop at some point. It reached the brim of the cauldron as Soren was trying to breathe something other than rotten fruit, and then burst. The unfortunate Bogsneak became drenched from head to tail in sticky goop.

"Oh wind crickets!" Soren clamped her mouth shut and her eyes widened behind the purple lens goggles. The potion had trickled into her mouth. Shucking off her rubber gloves, Soren clawed at her tongue as she tried to get rid of the horrible, horrible taste clogging her mouth and nose. She hiccuped, but instead of a normal sound a chirrup tweeted out of her mouth.

The poor Bogsneak then began wandering away from her ruined marsh, a trail of murky brown ooze following the chirping dragon.

Wow this took a while. I spent a lot longer on this than I have on my other little stories. As in two hours(ish) longer. I tried to go for more chunky paragraphs instead of the 3 to 4 lines I did before, so this was a sort of experiment like Soren did in her little accident~

I hope you like it, because I definitely had fun making the ending!
For @Juri01

Soren lugged a cast iron cauldron across the grassy plateau towards her riverside workplace, a pungent smell of dirt and river water filling the air as she came closer. Great grooves scarred the earth where the Bogsneak always dragged her pot along, a sore sight compared to the soft grass and daisies that tufted the lair's domain. Whenever it rained these grooves would fill up with water, creating little streams that trickled slowly down towards the dragon-made marsh. It was a lot colder down there compared to the main plaza of the clan. Unfortunately, this meant that Soren was typically alone whenever she had to work, as not a lot of other dragons enjoyed the wet environment as much as she did.

The reed platform was finally in sight and the ground was suddenly a lot less solid. Grinding her scaly hind legs into the mud to root herself in place, the sparkling salamander hauled up the empty cauldron with a grunt. The mulberry rubber gloves she had on protected her hands from getting rashes from the multiple mysterious multi-coloured stains that blotted the cauldron, a result of Soren's experiments that went awry. Three glass baubles that contained an odd purple liquid clinked against each other as she stepped onto the reed floor. Cool mud dripped off of her metallic tail.

Pulling down her white goggles, Soren waddled over to the bulky wooden chest that was hidden underneath the platform, literally. With a flick of a hatch and a bit of fumbling around with the contents of the chest, Soren returned back to the yawning cauldron with an armful of bits and bobs, as well as a bucket of pure lake water from the lair's waterhole carried by her tail. She didn't enjoy making more than one trip to the chest. There were berries, vials of whiskers, bottles of fluids, and herbs in her arms. The Bogsneak's wings flashed purple against the morning sun.

Setting each individual item beside her in a crude crate, Soren gave herself the bucket of water and carefully poured it all into the cauldron, not spilling a single drop. Since her time at the clan she had vastly improved her alchemy skills and was the go-to dragon for brewing up a concoction for your needs. She was always happy to complete assignments given to her by customers, but she also enjoyed throwing a bunch of items together in hopes that they would combine to make something useful.

The cauldron began to heat up magically. Soon enough the water was bubbling, spits of scalding hot liquid harmlessly landing on Soren's leather neck. As the water had been warming up, the alchemist had been crushing all of the berries and most of the herbs together with a pestle and mortar., creating a gooey substance that was the colour of red clay. She poured it in, the mushed berries glopping into the pot. Without even a second thought Soren plunged her hand in, mixing it all in while her glove protected her hand from being cooked.

A pleasant smell wafted up. After a while Soren randomly threw in the herbs, sprinkling the top like a soup. Then the weird things came in. Popping off the cork plugged in the vial with her thumb, the Bogsneak tore up the wisps of hair and tossed them in. She then did the same with the green whiskers and the black tufts of fur, all materials that the hunters deemed useless to them. Once again, Soren stirred up the cauldron with great effort. The muscles in her arm began to ache, but she tried to not let it slow her down.

The smell of burnt hair wafted into her nose. Soren's face scrunched up - never a good sign. Hoping that one of the two liquids she brought would help, she unscrewed the lid off of a cylindrical bottle that had a buttercup yellow sludge inside. The lid clattered to the floor as Soren measured out a certain amount in a glass cup. She poured it in.

Before the cup even finished pouring the bubbling brew began to cough and splutter. A stench of rotten oranges filled the air and foam began to form at the edges. Soren gagged at the stench, her head turning away as she took in a deep breath of somewhat clean air. Something had gone wrong.

There are a few safety rules to alchemy, and one of them was to never open your mouth while at the cauldron. Soren had forgotten this and paid her price. A gargantuan bubble formed in the very middle of the disgusting potion and it simply grew. However, all bubbles are meant to pop at some point. It reached the brim of the cauldron as Soren was trying to breathe something other than rotten fruit, and then burst. The unfortunate Bogsneak became drenched from head to tail in sticky goop.

"Oh wind crickets!" Soren clamped her mouth shut and her eyes widened behind the purple lens goggles. The potion had trickled into her mouth. Shucking off her rubber gloves, Soren clawed at her tongue as she tried to get rid of the horrible, horrible taste clogging her mouth and nose. She hiccuped, but instead of a normal sound a chirrup tweeted out of her mouth.

The poor Bogsneak then began wandering away from her ruined marsh, a trail of murky brown ooze following the chirping dragon.

Wow this took a while. I spent a lot longer on this than I have on my other little stories. As in two hours(ish) longer. I tried to go for more chunky paragraphs instead of the 3 to 4 lines I did before, so this was a sort of experiment like Soren did in her little accident~

I hope you like it, because I definitely had fun making the ending!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Her personality is in her bio and so is background information. As for a scenario, I'd love a story about her and [url=] [img][/img] [/url] looking for plants and discovering a grove of maple trees.


Her personality is in her bio and so is background information. As for a scenario, I'd love a story about her and
looking for plants and discovering a grove of maple trees.

OMG! I absolutely love it!

You did such an amazing job smoothly building up the story; by first describing the overall setting before leading the reader to the (funny/hilarious) climax at the end. Describing Soren and including her outfit into the story was so nicely done! Thanks to your writing, I now got an even better idea of Soren's character and her ('working') place!

Thank you so so much for it!!! *.*


OMG! I absolutely love it!

You did such an amazing job smoothly building up the story; by first describing the overall setting before leading the reader to the (funny/hilarious) climax at the end. Describing Soren and including her outfit into the story was so nicely done! Thanks to your writing, I now got an even better idea of Soren's character and her ('working') place!

Thank you so so much for it!!! *.*

@puffyruffy Do you think you could write something small for my derg[url=] [img][/img] [/url]? She was one of the first in our colony, and has quite a close relationship with the alpha, Lilith. You can make up a personality for her, she's nice though. ;w;
Do you think you could write something small for my derg
She was one of the first in our colony, and has quite a close relationship with the alpha, Lilith. You can make up a personality for her, she's nice though. ;w;
-click my eggs/dragons to make them grow!-
RgIPQ.gifJu82l.gifPolCU.gifEgXA3.gif CDErb.gif0J2Yn.gifVWf6D.gifGNb1w.gifYkGAt.gif
For @fluffyfurbal

Dragging himself down the stairs, Daniel yawned and rubbed his eye. His tail, wrapped in a cozy lavender with a pink tuft covering the very tip, thumped from step to step as he descended. His onyx claws clacked against the wooden boarding. It was a Saturday morning. Well, it was a Saturday afternoon, but the sleepy Wildclaw considered one o'clock as morning. To him eight in the morning was as ridiculous as waking up in the middle of the night to start a brand new day. Nobody did that, nobody Daniel knew at least.

The navy carpet muffled his feet when he reached the ground floor. Tugging at his fluffy collar, Daniel perked up when he realised something. When he woke up, Phil, his adoring mate, wasn't next to him and drooling all over the pillow. That never happened. It was like having a dog run away from home, a home that was loving and caring to it. It was heartbreaking and terrifying. Daniel shoved the thought aside. Phil would never randomly leave, he just wouldn't. It wasn't like the lovable goofball he was. He felt ashamed even thinking about it. Deciding that Phil was hiding and preparing to jump him, and ignoring he ever thought about what could've happened, Daniel set off.

"Phil?" he tread carefully along the hallway as he called out. The lack of Phil's black boots by the front door caught his eye. 'He probably put them in that weird floor cupboard' Daniel excused as he tugged his sight away from the missing shoes. Tiptoeing towards the living room doorway, he smirked. Hands wrapping around the corner, Daniel crouched as he prepared to jump first.

"BOO!" He was met with an empty room. The saggy couch wasn't occupied, the TV wasn't on, and the curtains weren't open. Heart falling, Daniel fiddled with the pink bow on his wrist as he wandered over to the cream sofa.

The black dragon paused as he thought where Phil could have went, the wall clock pecking his ears with each tick. There weren't any unnatural sound around the house, so his partner clearly wasn't inside. He barely went outside into the garden during this time of day, so it was extremely unlikely that Phil would be there. If Phil wanted to go outside somewhere he surely would've woken him up. Unless...

Gasping, Daniel scurried off to the kitchen, crystalline wings sparkling as he raised the ever so slightly. However, before the worried Wildclaw could enter the place his tail bumped against a tall potted plant. It swung wildly round and round and threatened to tip over, spilling soil all across the carpet. Not in the mood to do some housecleaning, not that he ever was, Daniel steadied the plant on the floor. Immediately after that he carried on his hasty path to the kitchen.

Daniel halted by the fridge and flung it open. It was just as he had feared. There was no milk. He shuffled food and drink to the side as he tried to find maybe just a tiny bottle of milk he could use. No such luck. Feathers drooping, he pulled the door shut and looked around the kitchen in dismay. It was impossible to enjoy a crunchy bowl of cereal now. Sure, there were plenty of other options he could have, but the satisfying bite into those dry cornflakes with milk topping the flavour was something Daniel was begging to have.

A click. The droopy Wildclaw turned around with curiosity, confused on where the sound came from. Then the door swung open. Hearing the outside traffic, Daniel almost instantly forgot about the tragedy. The rustling of plastic bags could be heard as the door, once again, clicked closed. A breathy sigh followed the heavy drop of the bags. It was Phil's voice.

"Phil!" Daniel's mouth was open with joy when he entered the hallway, his eyes automatically resting on his mate. There was a slight chill in the air from the outside air, but Daniel felt warm from both his fuzzy jumper and the sight of the gorgeously marked Wildclaw, his black glasses slowly sliding along his nose.

"Oh, jeez!" Phil jumped back with a startled look "Why are you so happy to see me? I thought that you wouldn't care that I left without even saying anything to you," he joked, pushing his glasses back up to where they should be.

"Of course I don't care, I just want to know what you got," Daniel huffed, putting on a false front. He turned his head to the side, folding his arms to pretend that he really didn't care. However, he had a nervous quake of concern in his voice when he said it. Phil chuckled, glad to see that his disappearance worried his mate so much.

"Aw, I'm sorry Dan. If it'll make you feel better I bought some chocolate." Phil hopped over to Daniel, blue feathers quivering slightly. He tenderly hugged him, resting his head on Daniel's warm neck as he did so. The black Wildclaw pulled him closer in, his face struggling to keep the apathetic look he had on before.

"You better have bought milk too."

"Don't worry, I did."

Hopefully I managed to capture the adorable moment at the end. I tried to keep it lighthearted throughout the piece. Thought it might be nice to do so. Also, this is the first time I've ever written about gay dragons. It's so sweet~
For @fluffyfurbal

Dragging himself down the stairs, Daniel yawned and rubbed his eye. His tail, wrapped in a cozy lavender with a pink tuft covering the very tip, thumped from step to step as he descended. His onyx claws clacked against the wooden boarding. It was a Saturday morning. Well, it was a Saturday afternoon, but the sleepy Wildclaw considered one o'clock as morning. To him eight in the morning was as ridiculous as waking up in the middle of the night to start a brand new day. Nobody did that, nobody Daniel knew at least.

The navy carpet muffled his feet when he reached the ground floor. Tugging at his fluffy collar, Daniel perked up when he realised something. When he woke up, Phil, his adoring mate, wasn't next to him and drooling all over the pillow. That never happened. It was like having a dog run away from home, a home that was loving and caring to it. It was heartbreaking and terrifying. Daniel shoved the thought aside. Phil would never randomly leave, he just wouldn't. It wasn't like the lovable goofball he was. He felt ashamed even thinking about it. Deciding that Phil was hiding and preparing to jump him, and ignoring he ever thought about what could've happened, Daniel set off.

"Phil?" he tread carefully along the hallway as he called out. The lack of Phil's black boots by the front door caught his eye. 'He probably put them in that weird floor cupboard' Daniel excused as he tugged his sight away from the missing shoes. Tiptoeing towards the living room doorway, he smirked. Hands wrapping around the corner, Daniel crouched as he prepared to jump first.

"BOO!" He was met with an empty room. The saggy couch wasn't occupied, the TV wasn't on, and the curtains weren't open. Heart falling, Daniel fiddled with the pink bow on his wrist as he wandered over to the cream sofa.

The black dragon paused as he thought where Phil could have went, the wall clock pecking his ears with each tick. There weren't any unnatural sound around the house, so his partner clearly wasn't inside. He barely went outside into the garden during this time of day, so it was extremely unlikely that Phil would be there. If Phil wanted to go outside somewhere he surely would've woken him up. Unless...

Gasping, Daniel scurried off to the kitchen, crystalline wings sparkling as he raised the ever so slightly. However, before the worried Wildclaw could enter the place his tail bumped against a tall potted plant. It swung wildly round and round and threatened to tip over, spilling soil all across the carpet. Not in the mood to do some housecleaning, not that he ever was, Daniel steadied the plant on the floor. Immediately after that he carried on his hasty path to the kitchen.

Daniel halted by the fridge and flung it open. It was just as he had feared. There was no milk. He shuffled food and drink to the side as he tried to find maybe just a tiny bottle of milk he could use. No such luck. Feathers drooping, he pulled the door shut and looked around the kitchen in dismay. It was impossible to enjoy a crunchy bowl of cereal now. Sure, there were plenty of other options he could have, but the satisfying bite into those dry cornflakes with milk topping the flavour was something Daniel was begging to have.

A click. The droopy Wildclaw turned around with curiosity, confused on where the sound came from. Then the door swung open. Hearing the outside traffic, Daniel almost instantly forgot about the tragedy. The rustling of plastic bags could be heard as the door, once again, clicked closed. A breathy sigh followed the heavy drop of the bags. It was Phil's voice.

"Phil!" Daniel's mouth was open with joy when he entered the hallway, his eyes automatically resting on his mate. There was a slight chill in the air from the outside air, but Daniel felt warm from both his fuzzy jumper and the sight of the gorgeously marked Wildclaw, his black glasses slowly sliding along his nose.

"Oh, jeez!" Phil jumped back with a startled look "Why are you so happy to see me? I thought that you wouldn't care that I left without even saying anything to you," he joked, pushing his glasses back up to where they should be.

"Of course I don't care, I just want to know what you got," Daniel huffed, putting on a false front. He turned his head to the side, folding his arms to pretend that he really didn't care. However, he had a nervous quake of concern in his voice when he said it. Phil chuckled, glad to see that his disappearance worried his mate so much.

"Aw, I'm sorry Dan. If it'll make you feel better I bought some chocolate." Phil hopped over to Daniel, blue feathers quivering slightly. He tenderly hugged him, resting his head on Daniel's warm neck as he did so. The black Wildclaw pulled him closer in, his face struggling to keep the apathetic look he had on before.

"You better have bought milk too."

"Don't worry, I did."

Hopefully I managed to capture the adorable moment at the end. I tried to keep it lighthearted throughout the piece. Thought it might be nice to do so. Also, this is the first time I've ever written about gay dragons. It's so sweet~
This is so cute
I will definitely find a place to put it in their bios!
Thank you!
This is so cute
I will definitely find a place to put it in their bios!
Thank you!
Yuck for Maladroid
For @crazyraspberry
Warning: Violence & blood ahead. You have been warned~

"What's the matter? Can't beat your own student, Ash?" A cloaked Mirror spat, his coal eyes glinting with glee. His claws and teeth dripped with a sanguine liquid, and his once perfectly white scales were stained red from battles won with savagery. Bat-like wings kept the dragon from plunging down to the ground that seemed ever so far away, tiny trees dotting the ground with green.

Ash hovered mid air, sweaty claws struggling to keep a good grip on her trident. Her chest heaved in and out with great effort as the Guardian strained to keep afloat. There were scratches here and there on her body, but nothing deep enough to be fatal. Muscles burned with fatigue from the duel that at first had no clear victor, but was now obvious when comparing the lithe Mirror to the shuddering Guardian. The only thing that was keeping Ash from giving up and letting gravity do its job was the fighter spirit that still was lit inside of her.

Summoning up her elemental magic once more, Ash tried to drag the clouds that circled them inwards to use them to her advantage. As soon as tiny fingers of fog began to roll inwards the bloodthirsty Mirror made an otherworldly screech and leapt from an invisible platform towards her. There was nothing natural about the dragon. Nothing natural at all when his eyes screamed death when they once whispered peace, when the razor-sharp fangs that lined his mouth were once smaller than a saber-tooth tiger's, and when he acted like a panther when he was once a kitten.

Before Ash could lift her weapon to block the feral dragon her weary eyes locked into his crazed gaze. It was a mistake. The fire that ran her body was suddenly extinguished, and almost all at once the crushing weight of sadness yanked her down. The Mirror slashed at her face, and it would have been a life-ending blow if it hadn't been for the boulder that tugged at Ash's leg. Ash saw her right eye's vision go crimson and a searing pain entered through her battered wings.

The Guardian finally began falling. Body going limp and her trident, once her most prized possession, fell away from her loose hands. Cool air soothed her wounds as she plummeted through the sky. The Mirror far above her roared in celebration, his voice echoing throughout Ash's head even as he disappeared from her sight, clouds hiding the tainted dragon. She sighed and closed her eyes, waiting for the floor she would inevitably crash into.

Leaves slowed her down. Ash tumbled through the canopy of oak trees, birds and critters scurrying away with haste and panic. The ground shuddered when her hefty body landed on the forest floor. Twigs and dirt sprinkled on top of her, the black dragon now like a meteor that had smashed into the earth. Green shadows danced on top of her as she breathed, although very lightly. The forest was silent after the rock fell from the sky. Not even a frog croaked from the nearby pond. However, before long the place returned back to its state before the event, squirrels bounding up and down as butterflies fluttered from daisy to daisy.

Ash's fall did not go unnoticed. In her half-asleep daze her eyes flicked open towards a yellow blur that grew closer, grabbing her hazy attention. Vision splotched with black and red, she lifted a claw when the blob grew too close to her liking, making one last feeble attempt at intimidating something before finally fainting, the sweet relief of sleep cradling her like a Coatl with her children.


When Ash finally came to, she did not immediately open her eyes. All of her senses were numb. Despite that, the fighter knew that she was still in the middle of the forest she had shamefully collapsed in, something Ash knew she would have to scold herself for later. A dull throbbing spread around her body. It was at first within her hind legs, but then it crept up her tail and abdomen before it was drumming on the inside of her skull and stretching the folds in her wings. Shifting her neck ever so slightly, her muscles shrieked and punished her for disturbing their rest. She groaned involuntarily.

A revolting smell of rotting eggs filled her nose. Coughing and spluttering, Ash snapped her eyes open and began trying to get up. Her legs gave way before she even lifted up her forearm.

"Up yet?" A yellow Guardian joked. He was kneeling in front of Ash and held a gooey blue substance in his hands.

"Sorry, that was a bit mean of me. I was getting bored. Here, let me help you. My name's Ember, in case you're curious."

And there's Ash's backstory as to how she met Ember, the love of her unfortunate life. I loved making the beginning of this. I always enjoy writing a bit of gore. I hope you don't mind it~ It's just to make Ash's story a bit more interesting. Enjoy!
For @crazyraspberry
Warning: Violence & blood ahead. You have been warned~

"What's the matter? Can't beat your own student, Ash?" A cloaked Mirror spat, his coal eyes glinting with glee. His claws and teeth dripped with a sanguine liquid, and his once perfectly white scales were stained red from battles won with savagery. Bat-like wings kept the dragon from plunging down to the ground that seemed ever so far away, tiny trees dotting the ground with green.

Ash hovered mid air, sweaty claws struggling to keep a good grip on her trident. Her chest heaved in and out with great effort as the Guardian strained to keep afloat. There were scratches here and there on her body, but nothing deep enough to be fatal. Muscles burned with fatigue from the duel that at first had no clear victor, but was now obvious when comparing the lithe Mirror to the shuddering Guardian. The only thing that was keeping Ash from giving up and letting gravity do its job was the fighter spirit that still was lit inside of her.

Summoning up her elemental magic once more, Ash tried to drag the clouds that circled them inwards to use them to her advantage. As soon as tiny fingers of fog began to roll inwards the bloodthirsty Mirror made an otherworldly screech and leapt from an invisible platform towards her. There was nothing natural about the dragon. Nothing natural at all when his eyes screamed death when they once whispered peace, when the razor-sharp fangs that lined his mouth were once smaller than a saber-tooth tiger's, and when he acted like a panther when he was once a kitten.

Before Ash could lift her weapon to block the feral dragon her weary eyes locked into his crazed gaze. It was a mistake. The fire that ran her body was suddenly extinguished, and almost all at once the crushing weight of sadness yanked her down. The Mirror slashed at her face, and it would have been a life-ending blow if it hadn't been for the boulder that tugged at Ash's leg. Ash saw her right eye's vision go crimson and a searing pain entered through her battered wings.

The Guardian finally began falling. Body going limp and her trident, once her most prized possession, fell away from her loose hands. Cool air soothed her wounds as she plummeted through the sky. The Mirror far above her roared in celebration, his voice echoing throughout Ash's head even as he disappeared from her sight, clouds hiding the tainted dragon. She sighed and closed her eyes, waiting for the floor she would inevitably crash into.

Leaves slowed her down. Ash tumbled through the canopy of oak trees, birds and critters scurrying away with haste and panic. The ground shuddered when her hefty body landed on the forest floor. Twigs and dirt sprinkled on top of her, the black dragon now like a meteor that had smashed into the earth. Green shadows danced on top of her as she breathed, although very lightly. The forest was silent after the rock fell from the sky. Not even a frog croaked from the nearby pond. However, before long the place returned back to its state before the event, squirrels bounding up and down as butterflies fluttered from daisy to daisy.

Ash's fall did not go unnoticed. In her half-asleep daze her eyes flicked open towards a yellow blur that grew closer, grabbing her hazy attention. Vision splotched with black and red, she lifted a claw when the blob grew too close to her liking, making one last feeble attempt at intimidating something before finally fainting, the sweet relief of sleep cradling her like a Coatl with her children.


When Ash finally came to, she did not immediately open her eyes. All of her senses were numb. Despite that, the fighter knew that she was still in the middle of the forest she had shamefully collapsed in, something Ash knew she would have to scold herself for later. A dull throbbing spread around her body. It was at first within her hind legs, but then it crept up her tail and abdomen before it was drumming on the inside of her skull and stretching the folds in her wings. Shifting her neck ever so slightly, her muscles shrieked and punished her for disturbing their rest. She groaned involuntarily.

A revolting smell of rotting eggs filled her nose. Coughing and spluttering, Ash snapped her eyes open and began trying to get up. Her legs gave way before she even lifted up her forearm.

"Up yet?" A yellow Guardian joked. He was kneeling in front of Ash and held a gooey blue substance in his hands.

"Sorry, that was a bit mean of me. I was getting bored. Here, let me help you. My name's Ember, in case you're curious."

And there's Ash's backstory as to how she met Ember, the love of her unfortunate life. I loved making the beginning of this. I always enjoy writing a bit of gore. I hope you don't mind it~ It's just to make Ash's story a bit more interesting. Enjoy!
For @sleepytroll
Warning: War, blood & death ahead. I put it in bold because it's pretty intense~

In front of the clan entrance Ethereal stood, her lilac body like a statue. The patterns that decorated her scales matched the few flowers that had begun to sprout. Spring sunshine reflected off of her armour and warmed her butterfly wings, tucked into her sides. A path made of hard-packed snow led up towards the gate. Short poles lined the trail every so often, and a red flag fluttered off of each one. They were put up to help guide dragons who were caught in a snowstorm to stay on the path towards safety, preventing many possible deaths. Luckily, there was no storm going on at that moment. In fact, the skies were as clear as a freshly cleaned window. The last storm had been over a week ago, and from then on the sun had been shining down almost constantly. It was peaceful.

Down the hill Ethereal's trained eyes spotted a pack of Tundras. From where she was she could tell that they pulled a cart that most likely held goods. Merchants, that's what they were. The Imperial was proven right when the group of three dragons, one a hatchling, came close enough for her ears to pick up the squeak of the wheels. An icy blue male, a maize female, and a grey boy. Something seemed off about them. They looked nervous, afraid. The mother kept on looking behind them, wings partially lifted. From the group's body language Ethereal could tell that something was wrong. The father, dragging the wagon behind him, trudged up to her and began talking.

"Hello there, I am Shard. This is my mate, Aurora, and this is my son Blizzard. Is it possible for my family to stay in your clan's walls for the night?" He spoke quickly, as if he wanted himself and his family to get inside as soon as possible.

"Before I let you in I need to ask why you all look worried. Is there something wrong?" Ethereal asked, blocking them from entering the clan. She didn't think that they were malicious, but she had to make sure. If they weren't wrong-doers she needed to know what was concerning them all.

"Well... we recently had to leave another clan because of a raid on it. We managed to escape with most of our goods, but we're mostly worried that something else will attack us. I suggest that you look out for any armies of dragons. They could be coming here for all we know." Shard explained as Aurora came next to him.

"Thank you for this information. Please, enter. You are safe here." Ethereal welcomed them into the clan, now more alert from the news she had just heard. She was now more grim, knowing that if she saw anything suspiciously like a hoard of dragons, or anything dangerous, she would have to be the first to rally the warriors together. She was a watchman, and her job was vital to the safety of the clan.

It wasn't long before Ethereal saw something. Far off in the distance, although small, there was a multicoloured cloud that was steadily growing bigger. There was no doubt. It was an army of dragons flying directly towards the clan. Not wanting to risk it just being her eyes playing tricks on her, the Imperial scurried inside the clan walls. She had to be quick. Knowing the place like the back of her hand, Ethereal took the shortest route to the captain. Snow powdering her mane, she burst open the wooden door. A white Guardian was discussing something with an armed Pearlcatcher, presumably a guard. They both turned their heads in confusion towards Ethereal.

"Sorry to interrupt so rudely, sir, but I have an urgent report to make," she panted heavily "There are dragons. I don't know how many, coming straight for us."


Ethereal was only one dragon flying among her countless comrades towards the enemy. There was no doubt that they had the intention to attack, especially when one could hear the roars and yells coming from them. It was intimidating, but it didn't faze the Imperial. She had been in plenty of battles before, and this was simply another one of them. It was simply luck that Ethereal had met the travelling Tundras who warned her about the army. It seemed like the deities were on her side that day, therefore she had nothing to fear. She and her fellow warriors could easily fend off the outlaws.

Within a couple of minutes she was fighting in the arctic skies. Her years of training aided her immensely in her battle, helping her duck and dodge the swipes and bloodthirsty bites from her enemies, as well as to retaliate back. Although she was typically pleasant to be around she was now solemn, her eyes showing no joy but the cold calculation of attacking. From curling through the air to spiraling to confuse the Skydancer in front of her, Ethereal tactically attacked with her allies.

"Ethereal! Go to the outskirts, stop anybody from getting past us!" A Coatl barked next to her, obviously relaying the words of the captain from before.

Flying below the cloud of mass murdering, Ethereal sped towards the side. She was intercepted by a black Pearlcatcher crashing into her side, throwing the both of them off course. Quickly recovering, Ethereal flipped around to the unfortunate dragon and jumped onto her, jaws snapping. After a few seconds of forgotten slashing, the Pearlcatcher dropped from the Imperial's grasp like a stone. She would be forgotten within the next coming year. Ethereal then finally popped out of the fight, free to rest for a few seconds as she surveyed the dragons surrounding the battlefield.

It was a fatal mistake.

Before the stained butterfly could even turn around, a maroon Nocturne pounced onto her neck. Bucking and flailing around, Ethereal felt panic begin to infect her mind and body. A white-hot pain entered her spine and she began to screech. She couldn't go out like this, not when she made just one mistake. But it was one mistake that made her a sitting duck. Ethereal began hurtling down towards the ground, deciding that it could somehow throw off the Nocturne that was tearing into her flesh. Her frazzled mind could not think straight.

The wolf on her back saw what she was doing. Taking one last chunk out of her with his jaw, he sprang off of the Imperial and steadied himself in the air before flapping off back into the fray. Ethereal couldn't tell that her attacker had left, the pain was too much. It fogged all of her senses and directed her body to continue falling; falling directly into the rock-hard snow.

Before Ethereal collided into the ground she caught a glimpse of something; it was her mate, Regulus, diving for her.

And there, the story of how Ethereal died. I'll be honest, I became real sad when I wrote the final line. I like to attach myself to the characters I'm writing about, and to write her mate trying to save her but failing was just so upsetting for me. ;~;

I hope you don't get too upset from the gore in this piece, nor the very final scene~

(just want to say I spent like 6 hours on this. i loved making it)
For @sleepytroll
Warning: War, blood & death ahead. I put it in bold because it's pretty intense~

In front of the clan entrance Ethereal stood, her lilac body like a statue. The patterns that decorated her scales matched the few flowers that had begun to sprout. Spring sunshine reflected off of her armour and warmed her butterfly wings, tucked into her sides. A path made of hard-packed snow led up towards the gate. Short poles lined the trail every so often, and a red flag fluttered off of each one. They were put up to help guide dragons who were caught in a snowstorm to stay on the path towards safety, preventing many possible deaths. Luckily, there was no storm going on at that moment. In fact, the skies were as clear as a freshly cleaned window. The last storm had been over a week ago, and from then on the sun had been shining down almost constantly. It was peaceful.

Down the hill Ethereal's trained eyes spotted a pack of Tundras. From where she was she could tell that they pulled a cart that most likely held goods. Merchants, that's what they were. The Imperial was proven right when the group of three dragons, one a hatchling, came close enough for her ears to pick up the squeak of the wheels. An icy blue male, a maize female, and a grey boy. Something seemed off about them. They looked nervous, afraid. The mother kept on looking behind them, wings partially lifted. From the group's body language Ethereal could tell that something was wrong. The father, dragging the wagon behind him, trudged up to her and began talking.

"Hello there, I am Shard. This is my mate, Aurora, and this is my son Blizzard. Is it possible for my family to stay in your clan's walls for the night?" He spoke quickly, as if he wanted himself and his family to get inside as soon as possible.

"Before I let you in I need to ask why you all look worried. Is there something wrong?" Ethereal asked, blocking them from entering the clan. She didn't think that they were malicious, but she had to make sure. If they weren't wrong-doers she needed to know what was concerning them all.

"Well... we recently had to leave another clan because of a raid on it. We managed to escape with most of our goods, but we're mostly worried that something else will attack us. I suggest that you look out for any armies of dragons. They could be coming here for all we know." Shard explained as Aurora came next to him.

"Thank you for this information. Please, enter. You are safe here." Ethereal welcomed them into the clan, now more alert from the news she had just heard. She was now more grim, knowing that if she saw anything suspiciously like a hoard of dragons, or anything dangerous, she would have to be the first to rally the warriors together. She was a watchman, and her job was vital to the safety of the clan.

It wasn't long before Ethereal saw something. Far off in the distance, although small, there was a multicoloured cloud that was steadily growing bigger. There was no doubt. It was an army of dragons flying directly towards the clan. Not wanting to risk it just being her eyes playing tricks on her, the Imperial scurried inside the clan walls. She had to be quick. Knowing the place like the back of her hand, Ethereal took the shortest route to the captain. Snow powdering her mane, she burst open the wooden door. A white Guardian was discussing something with an armed Pearlcatcher, presumably a guard. They both turned their heads in confusion towards Ethereal.

"Sorry to interrupt so rudely, sir, but I have an urgent report to make," she panted heavily "There are dragons. I don't know how many, coming straight for us."


Ethereal was only one dragon flying among her countless comrades towards the enemy. There was no doubt that they had the intention to attack, especially when one could hear the roars and yells coming from them. It was intimidating, but it didn't faze the Imperial. She had been in plenty of battles before, and this was simply another one of them. It was simply luck that Ethereal had met the travelling Tundras who warned her about the army. It seemed like the deities were on her side that day, therefore she had nothing to fear. She and her fellow warriors could easily fend off the outlaws.

Within a couple of minutes she was fighting in the arctic skies. Her years of training aided her immensely in her battle, helping her duck and dodge the swipes and bloodthirsty bites from her enemies, as well as to retaliate back. Although she was typically pleasant to be around she was now solemn, her eyes showing no joy but the cold calculation of attacking. From curling through the air to spiraling to confuse the Skydancer in front of her, Ethereal tactically attacked with her allies.

"Ethereal! Go to the outskirts, stop anybody from getting past us!" A Coatl barked next to her, obviously relaying the words of the captain from before.

Flying below the cloud of mass murdering, Ethereal sped towards the side. She was intercepted by a black Pearlcatcher crashing into her side, throwing the both of them off course. Quickly recovering, Ethereal flipped around to the unfortunate dragon and jumped onto her, jaws snapping. After a few seconds of forgotten slashing, the Pearlcatcher dropped from the Imperial's grasp like a stone. She would be forgotten within the next coming year. Ethereal then finally popped out of the fight, free to rest for a few seconds as she surveyed the dragons surrounding the battlefield.

It was a fatal mistake.

Before the stained butterfly could even turn around, a maroon Nocturne pounced onto her neck. Bucking and flailing around, Ethereal felt panic begin to infect her mind and body. A white-hot pain entered her spine and she began to screech. She couldn't go out like this, not when she made just one mistake. But it was one mistake that made her a sitting duck. Ethereal began hurtling down towards the ground, deciding that it could somehow throw off the Nocturne that was tearing into her flesh. Her frazzled mind could not think straight.

The wolf on her back saw what she was doing. Taking one last chunk out of her with his jaw, he sprang off of the Imperial and steadied himself in the air before flapping off back into the fray. Ethereal couldn't tell that her attacker had left, the pain was too much. It fogged all of her senses and directed her body to continue falling; falling directly into the rock-hard snow.

Before Ethereal collided into the ground she caught a glimpse of something; it was her mate, Regulus, diving for her.

And there, the story of how Ethereal died. I'll be honest, I became real sad when I wrote the final line. I like to attach myself to the characters I'm writing about, and to write her mate trying to save her but failing was just so upsetting for me. ;~;

I hope you don't get too upset from the gore in this piece, nor the very final scene~

(just want to say I spent like 6 hours on this. i loved making it)
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