
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Free Writing for your Dragons~
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For @squishysoo (Tellerus)

"Where do you think you're going?"

The mighty Imperial turned his head around to find out who said that, tail dragging along the rocky floor. His jewellery twinkled like stars in the midnight moon, scattering light across his maroon wings and onto his bloody cleaver. The feathers that cloaked him ruffled in the movement. A single drop of blood splatted onto the floor from his blade.

"Away." he grumbled once he saw who it was. It was Medeina, his twin sister. There was no time for Tellurus to bristle his whiskers against her, he had to leave.

"Let me come with you. I can't survive in this place without you. You know that, right?" Medeina begged, slowly creeping closer to her brother. Tellerus scoffed at the thought of her sister following. He had enough things to worry about, and his sister would not be pleased with any of his problems. Another drop.

"Don't. I'm going somewhere far from here, somewhere dangerous." Tellerus warned. And with that he unfurled his matt wings and soared, not looking back even once. The wind lifted him higher and carried him north like a caring lioness would carry her cubs.

The two crimson drops melted into one as Medeina's shadow passed over them.

It was a challenge to think of something that would combine the two dragon's into each of their lore, but I think I did it! I will do Medeina's lore next, but that will be a couple hours from now. It will basically be this story but in her point of view~
For @squishysoo (Tellerus)

"Where do you think you're going?"

The mighty Imperial turned his head around to find out who said that, tail dragging along the rocky floor. His jewellery twinkled like stars in the midnight moon, scattering light across his maroon wings and onto his bloody cleaver. The feathers that cloaked him ruffled in the movement. A single drop of blood splatted onto the floor from his blade.

"Away." he grumbled once he saw who it was. It was Medeina, his twin sister. There was no time for Tellurus to bristle his whiskers against her, he had to leave.

"Let me come with you. I can't survive in this place without you. You know that, right?" Medeina begged, slowly creeping closer to her brother. Tellerus scoffed at the thought of her sister following. He had enough things to worry about, and his sister would not be pleased with any of his problems. Another drop.

"Don't. I'm going somewhere far from here, somewhere dangerous." Tellerus warned. And with that he unfurled his matt wings and soared, not looking back even once. The wind lifted him higher and carried him north like a caring lioness would carry her cubs.

The two crimson drops melted into one as Medeina's shadow passed over them.

It was a challenge to think of something that would combine the two dragon's into each of their lore, but I think I did it! I will do Medeina's lore next, but that will be a couple hours from now. It will basically be this story but in her point of view~
@PuffyRuffy If you could make a little couple fluffle for these two [img][/img] [size=2] He's a sweet pastel boi that recently hatched out of his emo stage but he still has a little in him, he's quite cold, but he's sweet once known[/size] Daniel [img][/img] [size=2] Sweet innocent little bean that lost his brother to a gifting ceremony after being bought off the AH. Very loving to mate, and often loses surroundings to what he's doing so he has a tendency to get caught doing things he wasn't supposed to be doing in the first place[/size] Phil (or Phillip if you want) Thank you! They the first two dregs of my lair I'll put those links in later
If you could make a little couple fluffle for these two
34701786_350.png He's a sweet pastel boi that recently hatched out of his emo stage but he still has a little in him, he's quite cold, but he's sweet once known
35532435_350.png Sweet innocent little bean that lost his brother to a gifting ceremony after being bought off the AH. Very loving to mate, and often loses surroundings to what he's doing so he has a tendency to get caught doing things he wasn't supposed to be doing in the first place
Phil (or Phillip if you want)
Thank you!
They the first two dregs of my lair I'll put those links in later
Yuck for Maladroid
@PuffyRuffy Could you do one for this gal? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ash is a former general, who stumbled into our clan. She's very gruff and grumpy, but probably has some sort of dark past behind that,as she was in the war for a while. She has the mysterious ability to manipulate and control smoke as well, if that adds on to anything. It could be a backstory or a current story, but just for reference, this is her mate, Ember: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He's more of a jokester type, and loves the wilderness. He spends days on end exploring the woods, which can sometimes worry everyone as he's gone for so long. He's also extremely clumsy and uncoordinated. Nobody is quite sure why Ash is his mate, out of all the dragons in the clan, but she loves him, for whatever reason.

Could you do one for this gal?


Ash is a former general, who stumbled into our clan. She's very gruff and grumpy, but probably has some sort of dark past behind that,as she was in the war for a while. She has the mysterious ability to manipulate and control smoke as well, if that adds on to anything.

It could be a backstory or a current story, but just for reference, this is her mate, Ember:


He's more of a jokester type, and loves the wilderness. He spends days on end exploring the woods, which can sometimes worry everyone as he's gone for so long. He's also extremely clumsy and uncoordinated. Nobody is quite sure why Ash is his mate, out of all the dragons in the clan, but she loves him, for whatever reason.
For @squishysoo (Medeina)

Carefully treading across the dusty ground, Medeina came closer to her silhouette that was her twin brother. The fear in her mind was confirmed when she spotted the blood on the cleaver glint in the moonlight.

"Where do you think you're going?" her heart thumped in her ears when the figure turned around. This... thing was not like her sibling at all. The bangles on her decorated tail shifted as she crept closer, trying to find the true brother within.

"Away." Medeina froze, the weight of that statement slowly resting on top of her. She couldn't be out there with the other clan members after what Tellerus had done, or rather what it had done.

"Let me come with you. I can't survive in this place without you. You know that, right?" she pleaded, knowing that it wouldn't affect the creature in front of her.

"Don't. I'm going somewhere far from here, somewhere dangerous." A deep voice rumbled, igniting something within Medeina's soul. As her brother leapt into the air and upwards she made a decision. Muscles stiff in opposition, the stubborn Imperial walked forwards.

Her past dropped away like shackles as she took chase after her lost twin.

Aaaand there's your other dragon done! It ended up being a mystery of some sort, which I think will add to the fun of thinking stuff up for your siblings. I thought it would be a fun little concept for the two to be non-identical twins.

It was surprisingly difficult to write something shorter than what I usually do, so thanks for the challenge~
For @squishysoo (Medeina)

Carefully treading across the dusty ground, Medeina came closer to her silhouette that was her twin brother. The fear in her mind was confirmed when she spotted the blood on the cleaver glint in the moonlight.

"Where do you think you're going?" her heart thumped in her ears when the figure turned around. This... thing was not like her sibling at all. The bangles on her decorated tail shifted as she crept closer, trying to find the true brother within.

"Away." Medeina froze, the weight of that statement slowly resting on top of her. She couldn't be out there with the other clan members after what Tellerus had done, or rather what it had done.

"Let me come with you. I can't survive in this place without you. You know that, right?" she pleaded, knowing that it wouldn't affect the creature in front of her.

"Don't. I'm going somewhere far from here, somewhere dangerous." A deep voice rumbled, igniting something within Medeina's soul. As her brother leapt into the air and upwards she made a decision. Muscles stiff in opposition, the stubborn Imperial walked forwards.

Her past dropped away like shackles as she took chase after her lost twin.

Aaaand there's your other dragon done! It ended up being a mystery of some sort, which I think will add to the fun of thinking stuff up for your siblings. I thought it would be a fun little concept for the two to be non-identical twins.

It was surprisingly difficult to write something shorter than what I usually do, so thanks for the challenge~

By 'couple fluffle' do you mean romance? I'm just checking in advance so I know for sure what to write. I'm not the best at these terms, heh.

By 'couple fluffle' do you mean romance? I'm just checking in advance so I know for sure what to write. I'm not the best at these terms, heh.
Hello! If you're still open to requests, I'd love a piece for my ghost dragon :D [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Personality: Once a amiable and spirited (heh) dragon in life, a tragic accident snuffed out the light of this brave warrior. She was brought back from death by her mate (Regulus) but she's not the dragon she used to be. Cold, humorlessness, and rather intimidating, most clan members avoid her like the plague. What sorta writing ya want: your choice :) Other characters you want in the writing: You could add Regulus if you'd like! Basic traits: Mage/Soothsayer, Solemn, Secretive, and used necromancy to revive Ethereal. Scenario: If it's not to dark, maybe you could write the scenario in which Ethereal died? I haven't thought of a way her death took place, maybe in combat. Or you could write the scene where Regulus revives her, your choice!
Hello! If you're still open to requests, I'd love a piece for my ghost dragon :D


Personality: Once a amiable and spirited (heh) dragon in life, a tragic accident snuffed out the light of this brave warrior. She was brought back from death by her mate (Regulus) but she's not the dragon she used to be. Cold, humorlessness, and rather intimidating, most clan members avoid her like the plague.

What sorta writing ya want: your choice :)

Other characters you want in the writing: You could add Regulus if you'd like! Basic traits: Mage/Soothsayer, Solemn, Secretive, and used necromancy to revive Ethereal.

Scenario: If it's not to dark, maybe you could write the scenario in which Ethereal died? I haven't thought of a way her death took place, maybe in combat. Or you could write the scene where Regulus revives her, your choice!

aaahhhh i love them both <3333

thank you so much!!

same though, i always struggle with writing shorter stuff since i always ramble on and on...

aaahhhh i love them both <3333

thank you so much!!

same though, i always struggle with writing shorter stuff since i always ramble on and on...

I don't quite know what that was, but i meant to say do what ya' want. As long as they're a couple in it.
Make it spicy
Pfft nevermind

I don't quite know what that was, but i meant to say do what ya' want. As long as they're a couple in it.
Make it spicy
Pfft nevermind
Yuck for Maladroid
For @Sciles301

Istala watched the snowstorm whirl around outside from the safety of her den, arms wrapped around her pearl. Her white eyes flicked back and forth as she tried to follow the path of a snowflake zipping past amid the thousands of other identical looking flakes. Straw tickled her feet, but it didn't bother the worried Pearlcatcher. Snow was slowly creeping in as time went on, like a predator hunted its prey. Soon the entire entrance would be dusted with it.

If she was born into a different element she would be shivering both in cold and in fear, but that was not the case. Instead Istala was shivering from a sense of foreboding. It was a sense of somebody dragging themselves into the shelter to protect themselves, and it was a sense that the somebody was someone Istala did not want to meet. It was why she sat staring vacantly into the white sheet that blocked the outside. Her heart began to beat faster.

A foot stepped in. Gasping in shock, she almost let the flawless pearl crack on the ground. Although the frightened dragon had felt this visitor coming she did not expect them to come so soon. For a few seconds Istala fumbled with the smooth ball, ignoring the spectre that had just materialised from the storm.

"Pleasant day, isn't it?" It was a friendly voice. A voice that was calm considering that they had just walked through a snowstorm that had no signs of stopping. There was something wrong about it though, something off.

Istala, now extremely flustered, finally got her pearl under control. With extreme care she placed it behind her on a bed of white down and wool, a place specifically made for her pearl. She rose up and turned to face the stranger. Opening her mouth to utter a reply, she paused when she saw the visitor, mouth still agape.

It was a Skydancer, nothing unusual. However, what was unusual was the fact that he was translucent. Istala could see that snow did not stick to his feathers, nor did the straw rustle when he came closer. A curious smoke floated off of his claws, mixing into his pale blue body. His fur had no details but the snow that fluttered through him, slowing down inside of his body.

"Are, uhm, are you a-alright? Will you be st-stay-staying? Sorry if th-that, uhm, offended you..." Istala stammered, voice trailing off as the mystical Skydancer spread his wings. She flattened her ears back in fear, afraid whether the dragon will curse her for her words or actions.

"Am I alright? Why, I should be asking you that question. You look awfully pale. Can I help you? Ah, forgive me, I've foprgotten my manners. My name is Ermin." The twinkling Skydancer introduced, a concerned look on his featureless face.

Istala merely gaped. Ermin carried on stepping towards her, the mist wafting off behind him. The sky blue wings that stretched out from wall to wall were his cape, and his antennae his crown.She felt like she was before a god of ice, the snowstorm wailing outside being his doing.

"Do not be afraid, Istala. You have been born with a special gift my dear. Use it to help rest the unfortunate, it is not a curse." The Skydancer suddenly changed demeanor, going from a worried gentleman to a caring, all-knowing being. He knelt in front of Istala, looking directly into her eyes.

"Let me assist you on your journey through life," and the spectre tapped her nose with one claw, dissipating into thin air. There was no trace of him ever being there, and Istala felt as if she had a new voice in her mind.

The storm outside had cleared, and it was as if it was never there in the first place.

This one a long one to write. I could only think of graveyards when trying to think of a scenario, but I knew that would be too cliche. I hope you like this one, I feel like it gives Istala a nice background~
For @Sciles301

Istala watched the snowstorm whirl around outside from the safety of her den, arms wrapped around her pearl. Her white eyes flicked back and forth as she tried to follow the path of a snowflake zipping past amid the thousands of other identical looking flakes. Straw tickled her feet, but it didn't bother the worried Pearlcatcher. Snow was slowly creeping in as time went on, like a predator hunted its prey. Soon the entire entrance would be dusted with it.

If she was born into a different element she would be shivering both in cold and in fear, but that was not the case. Instead Istala was shivering from a sense of foreboding. It was a sense of somebody dragging themselves into the shelter to protect themselves, and it was a sense that the somebody was someone Istala did not want to meet. It was why she sat staring vacantly into the white sheet that blocked the outside. Her heart began to beat faster.

A foot stepped in. Gasping in shock, she almost let the flawless pearl crack on the ground. Although the frightened dragon had felt this visitor coming she did not expect them to come so soon. For a few seconds Istala fumbled with the smooth ball, ignoring the spectre that had just materialised from the storm.

"Pleasant day, isn't it?" It was a friendly voice. A voice that was calm considering that they had just walked through a snowstorm that had no signs of stopping. There was something wrong about it though, something off.

Istala, now extremely flustered, finally got her pearl under control. With extreme care she placed it behind her on a bed of white down and wool, a place specifically made for her pearl. She rose up and turned to face the stranger. Opening her mouth to utter a reply, she paused when she saw the visitor, mouth still agape.

It was a Skydancer, nothing unusual. However, what was unusual was the fact that he was translucent. Istala could see that snow did not stick to his feathers, nor did the straw rustle when he came closer. A curious smoke floated off of his claws, mixing into his pale blue body. His fur had no details but the snow that fluttered through him, slowing down inside of his body.

"Are, uhm, are you a-alright? Will you be st-stay-staying? Sorry if th-that, uhm, offended you..." Istala stammered, voice trailing off as the mystical Skydancer spread his wings. She flattened her ears back in fear, afraid whether the dragon will curse her for her words or actions.

"Am I alright? Why, I should be asking you that question. You look awfully pale. Can I help you? Ah, forgive me, I've foprgotten my manners. My name is Ermin." The twinkling Skydancer introduced, a concerned look on his featureless face.

Istala merely gaped. Ermin carried on stepping towards her, the mist wafting off behind him. The sky blue wings that stretched out from wall to wall were his cape, and his antennae his crown.She felt like she was before a god of ice, the snowstorm wailing outside being his doing.

"Do not be afraid, Istala. You have been born with a special gift my dear. Use it to help rest the unfortunate, it is not a curse." The Skydancer suddenly changed demeanor, going from a worried gentleman to a caring, all-knowing being. He knelt in front of Istala, looking directly into her eyes.

"Let me assist you on your journey through life," and the spectre tapped her nose with one claw, dissipating into thin air. There was no trace of him ever being there, and Istala felt as if she had a new voice in her mind.

The storm outside had cleared, and it was as if it was never there in the first place.

This one a long one to write. I could only think of graveyards when trying to think of a scenario, but I knew that would be too cliche. I hope you like this one, I feel like it gives Istala a nice background~

I absolutely LOVE this! It is so beautifully written and creative! I would never have thought of doing this kind of scene! Thank you so much :)

I absolutely LOVE this! It is so beautifully written and creative! I would never have thought of doing this kind of scene! Thank you so much :)
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