
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Nameless ~a Pinkerlocke~
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Wow, what a neat picture of Jetta! And it's bio-size already too :D
Wow, what a neat picture of Jetta! And it's bio-size already too :D
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Been wanting to do somethin' for a while now, glad you like it :D

Been wanting to do somethin' for a while now, glad you like it :D
Such a cool twist!
Such a cool twist!
Chasing Memories, a Pinkerlocke
Free Cauldron Lvl 10
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii @tigressrising @Neroli @Petall @DragonDraws @Tiirran @Emordnilap @Blackstone359 @clarax @Chelo ------ This is not a standard update - this is a rescue mission. Word in the Labyrinth is, these two dragons have been stolen from their home as eggs and are currently living with a flock of Talonok. If they aren't rescued in two weeks they will have imprinted on the Talonok and it will be too late to save them. These are images of the two hatchlings in trouble. The yellow one may have some sort of special ability that sets him apart from other dragons, but the ability is rare. His sister has an even smaller chance of having inherited this power. If either dragon is discovered not to have these special abilities before rescue, they will almost certainly be killed. [url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url] If any clan is willing to brave this mission and take in any hatchling they rescue, please let us know, before it's too late.
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii @tigressrising @Neroli @Petall @DragonDraws @Tiirran @Emordnilap @Blackstone359 @clarax @Chelo
This is not a standard update - this is a rescue mission. Word in the Labyrinth is, these two dragons have been stolen from their home as eggs and are currently living with a flock of Talonok. If they aren't rescued in two weeks they will have imprinted on the Talonok and it will be too late to save them.
These are images of the two hatchlings in trouble. The yellow one may have some sort of special ability that sets him apart from other dragons, but the ability is rare. His sister has an even smaller chance of having inherited this power. If either dragon is discovered not to have these special abilities before rescue, they will almost certainly be killed.



If any clan is willing to brave this mission and take in any hatchling they rescue, please let us know, before it's too late.
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@Leopardmask The Clan of Roaring Waters will undergo a dangerous rescue mission to save the Pearlcatcher girl from the Talonok. Assuming all negotiations have failed, our sneakiest spies will slip into the Talonok camp and rescue her. While the boy's possible power is intriguing, our clan's leaders have decided that the girl is in the most danger. Once rescued, the hatchling will live in our lair under the Sea of a Thousand Currents, where the Talonok surely cannot find her.
@Leopardmask The Clan of Roaring Waters will undergo a dangerous rescue mission to save the Pearlcatcher girl from the Talonok. Assuming all negotiations have failed, our sneakiest spies will slip into the Talonok camp and rescue her. While the boy's possible power is intriguing, our clan's leaders have decided that the girl is in the most danger. Once rescued, the hatchling will live in our lair under the Sea of a Thousand Currents, where the Talonok surely cannot find her.
@tigressRising Thank you for taking on this important mission. It sounds like she will be completely safe with the Clan of Roaring Waters.
@tigressRising Thank you for taking on this important mission. It sounds like she will be completely safe with the Clan of Roaring Waters.
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I know you've been on hiatus, but if you're really coming back soon like you keep saying, then it seems like your clan might have some interest in the news above.

I know you've been on hiatus, but if you're really coming back soon like you keep saying, then it seems like your clan might have some interest in the news above.
[center][b][i]Day 392-394 - Aiding the Sick[/i][/b] [size=1]@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii @tigressrising @Neroli @Petall @DragonDraws @Tiirran @Emordnilap @Blackstone359 @clarax @Chelo @Amongthestars[/size] [b]Pull:[/b] [item=black-lipped wolfsbane][item=boran veteran][item=tarnished steel gauntlets] [b]Sentence:[/b] 10-20 battles in the Coliseum, Adopt a Dragon, Breed/Scroll a Dragon -----[/center] A heavily-armored lizard scuttled into camp. It nosed the first dragon it found, which happened to be Miles. Miles jumped and turned around. "What-" Then he noticed the tiny figure curled up on the lizard's back. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The little Fae blinked at him, then scrunched her eyes shut again as if it hurt to look around. Miles stared for a moment before snapping to his senses. "Chi! Selk! Someone's here, and they're hurt!" he yelled across the camp. Selk was first to arrive on the scene. The lizard snapped at him threateningly. <Be calm, Boran guard,> he said in Beast Common. <I am a healer, see? I've come to help your dragon friend.> The Boran eyed him suspiciously, but allowed Selk to pull the tiny Fae off its back. Miles couldn't help but stare. "It's... tiny!" he exclaimed. "Fae are small breed," Selk replied distractedly, checking his patient for injuries. "Even full-grown this one will be looking up toward myself. Hm, no visible injuries." The Fae looked up and yawned as Selk set her down and rifled through his potions. The dragon stared at Miles for a moment, but her eyes drifted over to something to her left. She yawned again, then gazed thoughtfully at the dirt underneath her. Then she scooped up a bit, dropped it, and licked her paw. Selk snapped his fingers in realization and pulled out a vial of clear liquid. "Little one, show me your paw please." The Fae looked at Selk, cocked her head, and stuck out the paw she'd just licked. Selk flipped it over and put a few drops of the liquid on her wrist. Nothing seemed to happen, which seemed to worry Selk. He lifted her wing and put a few drops near her wing-wrist. Again, nothing. "Anemia," Selk announced. "Not enough iron in her blood." Miles frowned. "Iron? She needs metal in her body?" Selk nodded. "All creatures do. Why is blood red, Miles? This is why I cook meals in iron cookpots. Though a good diet should have enough - why is this little one so low?" He pondered this for a moment. "I will make drink for her. Miles, find food. Caterpillars if you can." Miles nodded and rushed off. After eating and drinking, the Fae was looking at them with clearer eyes, though she still seemed tired and easily distracted. It didn't seem to faze her that a masked Serthis was watching her closely. "What is your name, little one?" Selk asked kindly. "Umm..." The Fae watched a flying bug go by. "Oh. I'm Newt. This is Flower. Where am I?" "You're in the Viridian Labyrinth," Miles interjected. "Flower carried you here." Newt stared at him. "......Oh." She went back to picking at the dirt. Selk gently stopped her. "You will stay in my home until you are well. Okay?" Newt looked at him again. "Okay." ----- -I bought the Fae as triple-Basic and bought Giraffe as the apparel pull. I'm (relatively) low on money and pulled most of what I needed out of my Vault. It hurts. -It's... surprisingly hard to write with slightly off grammar for Selk. -Miles is relatively small for a Pearlcatcher, and Selk at rest probably comes up to about his shoulder. Though Selk can raise or lower his head height quite a bit, being a snake and all. -I did way too much research for this XD Yes, all of Newt's behavior is actual symptoms of anemia, and caterpillars are in fact a bug that is high in iron.
Day 392-394 - Aiding the Sick
@Kyrinasha @KCSquib @Caelyn @Tadi @AnnaStar353 @Silverhame @Ximena @MoonlitMage @Deathwolf555 @Nekasrof @Muddledsketches @luckgandor @Violetah @Ezmara @xxWolfii @tigressrising @Neroli @Petall @DragonDraws @Tiirran @Emordnilap @Blackstone359 @clarax @Chelo @Amongthestars
Black-lipped Wolfsbane Boran Veteran Tarnished Steel Gauntlets
Sentence: 10-20 battles in the Coliseum, Adopt a Dragon, Breed/Scroll a Dragon
A heavily-armored lizard scuttled into camp. It nosed the first dragon it found, which happened to be Miles. Miles jumped and turned around.
"What-" Then he noticed the tiny figure curled up on the lizard's back.


The little Fae blinked at him, then scrunched her eyes shut again as if it hurt to look around.
Miles stared for a moment before snapping to his senses. "Chi! Selk! Someone's here, and they're hurt!" he yelled across the camp.
Selk was first to arrive on the scene. The lizard snapped at him threateningly.
<Be calm, Boran guard,> he said in Beast Common. <I am a healer, see? I've come to help your dragon friend.>
The Boran eyed him suspiciously, but allowed Selk to pull the tiny Fae off its back. Miles couldn't help but stare.
"It's... tiny!" he exclaimed.
"Fae are small breed," Selk replied distractedly, checking his patient for injuries. "Even full-grown this one will be looking up toward myself. Hm, no visible injuries."
The Fae looked up and yawned as Selk set her down and rifled through his potions. The dragon stared at Miles for a moment, but her eyes drifted over to something to her left. She yawned again, then gazed thoughtfully at the dirt underneath her. Then she scooped up a bit, dropped it, and licked her paw. Selk snapped his fingers in realization and pulled out a vial of clear liquid.
"Little one, show me your paw please." The Fae looked at Selk, cocked her head, and stuck out the paw she'd just licked. Selk flipped it over and put a few drops of the liquid on her wrist. Nothing seemed to happen, which seemed to worry Selk. He lifted her wing and put a few drops near her wing-wrist. Again, nothing.
"Anemia," Selk announced. "Not enough iron in her blood."
Miles frowned. "Iron? She needs metal in her body?"
Selk nodded. "All creatures do. Why is blood red, Miles? This is why I cook meals in iron cookpots. Though a good diet should have enough - why is this little one so low?" He pondered this for a moment. "I will make drink for her. Miles, find food. Caterpillars if you can."
Miles nodded and rushed off.

After eating and drinking, the Fae was looking at them with clearer eyes, though she still seemed tired and easily distracted. It didn't seem to faze her that a masked Serthis was watching her closely.
"What is your name, little one?" Selk asked kindly.
"Umm..." The Fae watched a flying bug go by. "Oh. I'm Newt. This is Flower. Where am I?"
"You're in the Viridian Labyrinth," Miles interjected. "Flower carried you here."
Newt stared at him. "......Oh." She went back to picking at the dirt. Selk gently stopped her.
"You will stay in my home until you are well. Okay?"
Newt looked at him again. "Okay."
-I bought the Fae as triple-Basic and bought Giraffe as the apparel pull. I'm (relatively) low on money and pulled most of what I needed out of my Vault. It hurts.
-It's... surprisingly hard to write with slightly off grammar for Selk.
-Miles is relatively small for a Pearlcatcher, and Selk at rest probably comes up to about his shoulder. Though Selk can raise or lower his head height quite a bit, being a snake and all.
-I did way too much research for this XD Yes, all of Newt's behavior is actual symptoms of anemia, and caterpillars are in fact a bug that is high in iron.
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@NetShy You know very well that I'm working on it :P

Can I go on the ping list please? And yes, clan Stoneguard would be willing to take on a rescue mission. They could hardly get on worse terms with the talonock, anyway, and taking in lost orphans is kind of our Thing. Well, that and magical research, but we're an arcane clan, so that almost goes without saying ;)
@NetShy You know very well that I'm working on it :P

Can I go on the ping list please? And yes, clan Stoneguard would be willing to take on a rescue mission. They could hardly get on worse terms with the talonock, anyway, and taking in lost orphans is kind of our Thing. Well, that and magical research, but we're an arcane clan, so that almost goes without saying ;)
Newt is gorgeous, ahh!
And finally, a new breed joins the clan!
Newt is gorgeous, ahh!
And finally, a new breed joins the clan!
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