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TOPIC | The Zephyr: Issue 35
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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] This year something strange happened during the Crystalline Gala. Strange creatures seemed to appear out of nowhere, but luckily they were harmless. They were found appearing in many different Gala gathering places, and soon clans found a way to capture these creatures. Eventually, catching these creatures turned into a game. Who could catch them first? The Crystalline Gala has been an exciting festival, full of games, events and contests. There were so many that it’s hard to list all of them, but by following the directions on the image above, you can reread those and recall some nice memories. Beside these, eternal snows could again be exchanged in Joxar’s shop, and many clans earned themselves one or more of the recurring emblems, an elemental crown, an icy Custodian familiar, or a chillspike crown, which greatly fits last year’s chillspike collar. The Gala itself may be over, but stay tuned for the results of its contests! These can be found in their respective gathering places found by following the directions on the image above! ----- [b]Clan Interview[/b] Hello everyone! Peroxide Prince here,back again after a somewhat long and unplanned hiatus! I’m...terribly sorry about that. I’ll assure you however that I’ll be back again as often as I can,to bring you more interviews about our unique clans all over the Plateau! Today I’m here with the lovely Arden, who has kindly agreed to tell us about his clan! [img][/img][b] What is your clan's name -if you have one- and where exactly do you live?[/b] [img][/img] "We're called the Deep Wind Clan, named for our flight and to honor the star in deep space our honored Matriarch followed when searching for a place to call home. Our lair is located in the cliffs above the small bay between Wind and FIre territory. It's mostly a system of caves, but with many outcrops and ledges for our nests, and a small pond on the land above our caves where we meet outsiders and hold gatherings. The pond is fed by a small spring that also feeds the waterfall inside our caves." [img][/img][b] Your Matriarch, is she the only leader of your clan?[/b] [img][/img] "Yes, and no. She's the final word on everything, but often her final word is "Talk to Mana." As one of the few in the clan who understand Colette fully, and as the one who has been in the clan the longest (not including Colette and Moren, of course), Mana is often tasked with leading the clan. But we're also quite independent, as well. Our alchemist, for example, rarely mentions what he's doing, and no one tells him what to do. There are requests, of course, but he's free to practice his arts as he wishes as long as no harm comes to the clan. I think the only one who is truly governed in any way is Ianto. He's the matchmaker, and self-appointed clan dresser. It's this last profession that he's often counseled on, as he has a bit of a spending problem. So our clan is only led in the loosest sense. It used to be more strict with things, reporting to whomever about whatever your job is, etc. But once the exodus happened, leaving the few more trustworthy and responsible, we've been allowed great freedom with what we do and when. And I believe Colette finds this a great relief. She's truly not the leading type, and would rather gently guide if anything. But before you ask, no one would take her position away from her as leader! Perhaps before the exodus, but us few left have no desire to. She'll always be the matriarch, the founder of our clan. And so until she decides to join Windsinger himself, she'll always have the last word on everything." [img][/img][b] Exodus? May I ask what happened there?[/b] [img][/img] "It was just a large portion of the clan leaving, for various reasons. Some wished to serve the Windsinger, some wished to join other clans. But it was notable mostly for being nearly all at once. I wasn't here then, but my predecessor was, and she explained her thoughts behind it to me. She believed that it was mostly innocuous, that a few left for their own reasons, and those left behind who were really only close to those who left decided that they'd go as well. And some of them leaving caused others to think on their happiness in the clan, and decide to leave or stay as well. My mentor herself left after training me, along with her mate. She craved knowledge and wished to see Sornieth, and all he wanted was to be with her. I wish I knew the cause of the initial few leaving. I suppose it could have just been a desire to go, but sometimes I wonder if it wasn't something more. If I ask Mana or Fiona, they just shrug and say they don't know. I do know that most of them were of Wind, and Wind is flighty and curious, so it truly could have just been wanderlust that started it all. Regardless, it happened, and afterwards the clan was calmer according to my mentor." [img][/img][b] I see! So,how does your clan feel towards the Windsinger?[/b] [img][/img] "Well, there's only one who is utterly devoted to him. That's Quill. Apparently he bothered Colette about being the official Wind Representative so much, that she just gave him the title. Generally it's completely unnecessary. I mean, any of those who were born here could do the job if it's needed, but as we live here it's never needed! But he just loved Windsinger so much that he absolutely had to have the title. And then he went out and bartered his way to a set of Windbound Plumage and various other items from festivals he wasn't even born for! I mean, can you believe it! Anyway, of course the clan is devoted to him, but in a sort of casual way. More of a "yeah, he's a cool guy, I like him" than a "Oh great Windsinger bless us with your presence!" type of attitude. But we gladly train those who wish to serve Windsinger, and on occasion those who wish to serve another deity or even a clan. We often get those from the Ashfall Waste who wish to devote themselves to Windsinger, as we're very close to the border." [img][/img][b] Lastly, is there a philosophy or a saying that your clan has that you could leave us with?[/b] [img][/img] "Well, Linna (Colette's oldest companion), when she first met Colette the first thing she said to her was [b]"The wind blows deeply into your heart."[/b] Which of course confuses everyone. We think it means that Wind is where your heart is, but Linna never confirms or denies it. That little sprite is so cryptic sometimes! But that phrase, while the meaning is up to interpretation, struck young Colette and led her on her way to the Windswept Plateau. Personally, I think that Linna just wanted to get back home and chose the first Wind flight dragon she saw who looked lost to assist her on her way back. In the end, though, it all worked out wonderfully, whatever "it" may be, and Linna and Colette are nearly inseparable." [size=2]"Much to Quill's chagrin."[/size] [img][/img] [b]Thank you very much for your time![/b] The Deep Wind Clan can be found with [url=]Pachirisu,ID #145699[/url]! [right]Written by Peroxide Prince,representing Heliopunk. It’s nice to be back :)[/right] ----- [b]Ask Windy[/b] [img][/img] I've been around for a couple of months now, and lately I've been getting into the idea of clan lore. My problem is that I have no idea where to start. I know a few of my dragons' personalities but that's about it. Any advice on how to get going? Thanks! - Wavy Dear Wavy, Lore is a great way to get really into your dragons’ personalities and it makes your clan shine! My advice for getting started is to get a general feel of what you want your clan to be like. Are they a clan of merchants? Rogues? Travelers? Or a mixture of different talents/jobs? Do they have a main goal in mind? What keeps them together? Are there any internal strifes? Once you establish this, you can start working on dragon bios and give them roles or traits they’d need to work into the lore you’ve outlined. It sometimes helps to get your main story started first! Or perhaps you’d like to do a history “project” like a family tree? Your main story can be as brief or detailed as you feel it needs to be. There are many ways to go about it, and I think that’s what makes lore so fun! If you think doing bios is something you like to do initially, then try and think of different roles and things your dragons would be. Once you have that established, you can create a story that builds around them. Always keep in mind that your lore can change as you create dragon bios or as you think about it more, so don’t be afraid to erase or redo parts of it! Warmest wishes, Windy --- Dear Windy, I've got this beautiful gen1 Nocturne, , and he's almost done getting gened up! I can't decide between gembond and circuit for his tertiary (mulberry). Do you have any advice? Other options I didn't think of? Also my friend from Nature has been very busy, and I don't know whether they've been able to give you their question. They did want to remain mostly anonymous, and the question was 'how do you get the most out of coliseum farming'. If they did already give you the question ignore me! :) Hi there and thanks for writing! First off, your Nocturne is extremely gorgeous; congrats on a wonderful first generation dragon! I took a peek at him in the Scrying Workshop and discovered that I quite like Gembond on him! It looks nice with his primary and secondary genes as well as his colors, plus it gives him a little extra texture! Very breezy chic! I also think Smoke would be a neat alternative to check out, too! As for your Nature friend, to get the most out of farming in the coliseum, it’s best to focus your scope on what you want the coli to give you. Many people have a team of level 25 dragons they go in with to grind for certain items like eggs, food, familiars, or other rare drops. Some people I know just like the fighting aspect of it or simply having high-levelled dragons, though that group isn’t quite as large. I believe it’s important to discover what you like doing the best and work with that! There are also plenty of wonderfully written guides and walkthroughs in the Guides section of the forums full of information on what drops where, where it’s best to grind for good items and levels, as well as how you can make your coli experience more fun and rewarding! Definitely check them out if you’re still unsure! Good luck to the both of you! Your friend, Windy (((OOC Note: If you would like to send Windy a letter asking for advice or an opinion on something, please send your messages to Heliopunk (#93471) or Toothless (#4275). To learn more about Windy, check out their bio [url=]here![/url])) ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [b]Economy Section[/b] This issue’s section will be on the Crystalline Gala items. Reminder that these are based off recent sales listings, and not exact to every sale, and the subtext is the author’s personal recommendation. G:T Ratio: 1:575 Calculated from the Wind Sales forum. Eternal Snow (1) - 702t - 1g No more than 1g and 600t. Frigid Emblem - 33.8kt - 45g No more than 50g and 30kt. Frigid Crown - 30.4kt - 47g No more than 30k and 40g. Chillspike Crown - 48.6kt - 78g No more than 44kt and 75g. Cragward Custodian - 28.5kt - 42g No more than 30kt and 50g. Like always, apologies for any mistakes. Calculators are hard to use, the auctionhouse isn’t always reliable, and math is hard. Written by Crackle, representing Yellowfangg ----- [b]Glitz N’ Glam[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hello and welcome to Glitz ’n’ Glam, our brand-new fashion segment! I’m Venus, your host, and today we're covering the fabulous new Sylvan Apparel!!! You might be having trouble finding this new fad, on account of its wild popularity- so popular it's flying off the shelves! Retailers are definitely having trouble keeping it in stock. It might be wisest to wait a couple months til the fervor dies down a bit, but if you're good at sniping, or willing to shell out big bucks, go for it! Sylvan Apparel comes in a rainbow of colors for all occasions that stock in our treasure marketplace and can also be found in the auction house, as well as a white version of the set available through the gem market, and a black version through Swipp’s Swap Stand. I can't wait to get my hands on some of the Twilight set, myself! I’'ve found some lovely models for this issue, and now it’s time to show off! Rocking the Twilight set is our lovely model Nati! Never fear to accessorize with other sets! The silk sets work very well here! Also, note the way that she's cleverly layered a flower garland, a filet, and the Sylvan headpiece here to create a very lovely and unique look! Though keep those tails in view if you want to show off those Twists to the best advantage! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Beautiful in the Silver set is the fairylike (excuse the pun, I simply had to!) Mai! He makes a downright ethereal picture, with just the right pop of color with his lovely Shadow eyes and his violet flowerfall. A+ accessorizing! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Our last stunning model reminds us that mixing and matching can be absolutely wonderful! Thyme sports a lovely mix of Grove and Diaphanous, which set off her colors to a tee! Absolutely delightful work here, especially with the addition of a celadon silk sash! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] That's all we have time for, so we'll see you in the next issue with a new set of apparel! Happy shopping! ----- [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [b]Squall Stories[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Welcome to Squall Stories, the literature and poetry of the Wind Flight. If you're interested in being featured, why not check out the [url=]Weekly Windy Writing Prompt[/url], over in the Wind Forum? Or if you don't feel that's the best for you, send a PM to Ingeniousspark, and we'll work something out. This issue’s story comes from the clan of briteoctopus, where a coatl is trying to think of a good story to write. ----- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Look, I said you could borrow some writing supplies, but I didn't know that meant you'd sit around the Records Room sighing at me all day!" "I can't help it, Sirocco! I don't know what to write!" "You're the one who signed up for that writing club, not me. Besides, I don't know anything about making up stories." "You write all the time!" "I keep records, it's different! If you can't think of anything, just write down whatever comes to mind, and sort it out later or something. Now if you'll excuse me, there's a box of Dumpling Squids that need counted, recorded and sto-" "More like taste-tested..." "Ugh, I'll never finish my work with you in here, get out! Out, out out!" [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lysenthe hurried out of the Records Room, Sirocco's angry humming still echoing in her ears. "Some Coatls can't take a joke," she muttered to herself. She checked the small bag that Sirocco had given her, making sure that she hadn't broken the small jar of ink when she'd scrambled out of the room. The feathery end of the quill was slightly bent, and she was sure she'd get a stern word when she returned it, but otherwise everything seemed to be intact. Readjusting her glasses, she made her way down the hall towards the lair entrance, trying to decide what she should write about. Maybe an epic love story about two star-crossed dragons in feuding clans... Nah, who would want to read that? She would have gone on thinking, lost in her own little world, but instead her thoughts were interrupted by "Oh, excuse me dear." [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lysenthe gave a startled jump, finally noticing Zinnia, the dragon everyone affectionately titled the Head Hatchling Wrangler, who was standing directly in front of her. "My apologies, Lysenthe, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just about to start looking for Achimenes, have you seen him? He's supposed to watch the hatchlings while I run some errands, but I can't find him anywhere, and they'll be back from their flying lesson with Tempest any minute now..." "No, I'm afraid I haven't." Which wasn't surprising, really. Zinnia's mate Achimenes had a knack for disappearing when he wanted to. To his credit though, he was usually pretty reliable...when he wasn't out pulling pranks. "Well, would you mind watching them for me? All you have to do is tell them a story. It's almost their nap time, so they should settle down after that." She hesitated. Watching hatchlings wasn't really her idea of a fun time, but after noticing the pleading look in Zinnia's eyes, Lysenthe caved in. "Oh, alright. Just try to hurry, please. I've got a story to write, and still not a single idea!" Before she knew it, she was in the nursery surrounded by whining hatchlings, each trying to decide which spot was the most comfortable, and arguing with one another when the spot they wanted was taken. She only got them to stop when she announced it was time for a story. "Now, which book does Zinnia read to you from?" "She doesn't read from any books, Miss Lysenthe," said a little Mirror hatchling snuggling with his sister, "Miss Zinnia tells us stories that she remembers hearing when she was little. Snappers are good rememberers she says!" Just great, Lysenthe thought, I don't remember anything like that, and I can't even think of a story for... Wait a minute, that's it! She took out her writing supplies and spread them across Zinnia's desk, dipped the quill into the ink pot, and cleared her throat, moving her pen slowly across the page as she spoke. "Once upon a time there was a beautiful dragon princess..." When Zinnia returned from her break, she was pleased to find all of the hatchlings fast asleep. She was about to thank Lysenthe for her help, until she noticed her furiously scribbling away on some parchment. Deciding it best not to interrupt her, Zinnia stepped outside again and found a spot to relax in the sunshine, leaving the writer to her work. ----- [u]“Parties are a whirlwind of fun, so let’s celebrate with our fellow Windbros!”[/u] [img][/img] It’s that time again! Birthday time! I hope your winter is treating you well and you’re not too cold. If you are, and you’ve got yourself a case of the Wintertime Blues, then I have the best cure: a party! Please join me in celebrating these Windy birthdays! (And hey, it’s also a Leap Year, so we have 29 days in February this year! More of a reason to party!) 1st: Roseannepage. medacris, Cronass, Pheonixia, Shakenzie, Falorni, Acturiesa 2nd: mickeyymouse, sonosels, PainfulImpact 3rd: alcemistnv, Pombei, Sylvae 4th: windsocktier, crateshya, 5th: Vigilant, HighKing, TwennytheTyrant, Lyralei, CuddlyBadger, Shinyfox, deergf 6th: carrott, ftwinny, Keylimepie, Toresyth, Ythequeris, Saikyu, eckabeck 7th: iwatobi, Azumarill, eriophora, Avenara 8th: misfitmanaged, Trenzalore, Khyn, Nhemmi 9th: LittleNerdyOTAKU, Sauce, Nonny 10th: OwlTea, hatterlet, Sheepska 11th: SaintSeb, epicginger, Kagura333, Xela, Drogohne1, Celes 12th: ekala, GryphonSoul, tickster88, Zeb 13th: MoonlightDragon, aurawind, cinnamonbird 14th: CapzacktheFirst, Megdrana, Zenersy, KnightOfKris, Verbatim 15th: mayamei, Amerretti, Fuzzyfire, zeloskun 16th: buwie, Farore, CafeCotton 17th: AubreyEli, Tamoria, Birdskull, Selfie 18th: Syrinx, Meepersa 19th: Swablu, Popette, DeeShimare 20th: vespiary, kokobean22 21st: Gwee, Leiana, Kyotosorae 22nd: dieciaem, Keiko222, ShadowDash, DiamondDragon22, Tempestral 23rd: Chronicle, Silvanuyx, KyrioB, PrinceofZephyr, Surechat, Nodame 25th: whitesheepy, Inkwell 27th: Echowish 28th: Temporaryreality 29th: Quid, Chesire I hope you have the happiest of birthdays, all of you! Windies, if you have a February birthday, but were not in this issue of the Zephyr, please contact my postmaster Toothless (#4275) saying so, and we’ll be sure to get you in the next one. Until next time, party on! ----- Last time, we asked you about the new thylacine gene. Although opinions still seem slightly divided, it’s obvious the majority of our readers (really) likes the gene! “Finally, the perfect gene for a Cheshire Cat dragon~ I am so excite!” ~ anonymous. The reason for the divided opinions has also become clear in the comments: according to Entei236 and Toothless the gene can definitely be enjoyable, but it can also easily look bad. One needs to make sure the dragon’s other colours and genes fit, but when they do, thylacine definitely has potential. [img][/img] For next time, we’d like to ask you what you think about gem-exclusive items as compared to items directly available in treasure. Does it make them special in a positive, or even a negative way? [url=]Answer the form here![/url] ----- [img][/img]


This year something strange happened during the Crystalline Gala. Strange creatures seemed to appear out of nowhere, but luckily they were harmless. They were found appearing in many different Gala gathering places, and soon clans found a way to capture these creatures. Eventually, catching these creatures turned into a game. Who could catch them first?
The Crystalline Gala has been an exciting festival, full of games, events and contests. There were so many that it’s hard to list all of them, but by following the directions on the image above, you can reread those and recall some nice memories.
Beside these, eternal snows could again be exchanged in Joxar’s shop, and many clans earned themselves one or more of the recurring emblems, an elemental crown, an icy Custodian familiar, or a chillspike crown, which greatly fits last year’s chillspike collar.
The Gala itself may be over, but stay tuned for the results of its contests! These can be found in their respective gathering places found by following the directions on the image above!

Clan Interview

Hello everyone! Peroxide Prince here,back again after a somewhat long and unplanned hiatus! I’m...terribly sorry about that. I’ll assure you however that I’ll be back again as often as I can,to bring you more interviews about our unique clans all over the Plateau! Today I’m here with the lovely Arden, who has kindly agreed to tell us about his clan!
lwCHd4T.png What is your clan's name -if you have one- and where exactly do you live?

y8FgwP2.png "We're called the Deep Wind Clan, named for our flight and to honor the star in deep space our honored Matriarch followed when searching for a place to call home. Our lair is located in the cliffs above the small bay between Wind and FIre territory. It's mostly a system of caves, but with many outcrops and ledges for our nests, and a small pond on the land above our caves where we meet outsiders and hold gatherings. The pond is fed by a small spring that also feeds the waterfall inside our caves."
lwCHd4T.png Your Matriarch, is she the only leader of your clan?

y8FgwP2.png "Yes, and no. She's the final word on everything, but often her final word is "Talk to Mana." As one of the few in the clan who understand Colette fully, and as the one who has been in the clan the longest (not including Colette and Moren, of course), Mana is often tasked with leading the clan. But we're also quite independent, as well. Our alchemist, for example, rarely mentions what he's doing, and no one tells him what to do. There are requests, of course, but he's free to practice his arts as he wishes as long as no harm comes to the clan. I think the only one who is truly governed in any way is Ianto. He's the matchmaker, and self-appointed clan dresser. It's this last profession that he's often counseled on, as he has a bit of a spending problem.
So our clan is only led in the loosest sense. It used to be more strict with things, reporting to whomever about whatever your job is, etc. But once the exodus happened, leaving the few more trustworthy and responsible, we've been allowed great freedom with what we do and when. And I believe Colette finds this a great relief. She's truly not the leading type, and would rather gently guide if anything. But before you ask, no one would take her position away from her as leader! Perhaps before the exodus, but us few left have no desire to. She'll always be the matriarch, the founder of our clan. And so until she decides to join Windsinger himself, she'll always have the last word on everything."
lwCHd4T.png Exodus? May I ask what happened there?

y8FgwP2.png "It was just a large portion of the clan leaving, for various reasons. Some wished to serve the Windsinger, some wished to join other clans. But it was notable mostly for being nearly all at once. I wasn't here then, but my predecessor was, and she explained her thoughts behind it to me. She believed that it was mostly innocuous, that a few left for their own reasons, and those left behind who were really only close to those who left decided that they'd go as well. And some of them leaving caused others to think on their happiness in the clan, and decide to leave or stay as well. My mentor herself left after training me, along with her mate. She craved knowledge and wished to see Sornieth, and all he wanted was to be with her. I wish I knew the cause of the initial few leaving. I suppose it could have just been a desire to go, but sometimes I wonder if it wasn't something more. If I ask Mana or Fiona, they just shrug and say they don't know. I do know that most of them were of Wind, and Wind is flighty and curious, so it truly could have just been wanderlust that started it all. Regardless, it happened, and afterwards the clan was calmer according to my mentor."
lwCHd4T.png I see! So,how does your clan feel towards the Windsinger?

y8FgwP2.png "Well, there's only one who is utterly devoted to him. That's Quill. Apparently he bothered Colette about being the official Wind Representative so much, that she just gave him the title. Generally it's completely unnecessary. I mean, any of those who were born here could do the job if it's needed, but as we live here it's never needed! But he just loved Windsinger so much that he absolutely had to have the title. And then he went out and bartered his way to a set of Windbound Plumage and various other items from festivals he wasn't even born for! I mean, can you believe it!
Anyway, of course the clan is devoted to him, but in a sort of casual way. More of a "yeah, he's a cool guy, I like him" than a "Oh great Windsinger bless us with your presence!" type of attitude. But we gladly train those who wish to serve Windsinger, and on occasion those who wish to serve another deity or even a clan. We often get those from the Ashfall Waste who wish to devote themselves to Windsinger, as we're very close to the border."
lwCHd4T.png Lastly, is there a philosophy or a saying that your clan has that you could leave us with?

y8FgwP2.png "Well, Linna (Colette's oldest companion), when she first met Colette the first thing she said to her was "The wind blows deeply into your heart." Which of course confuses everyone. We think it means that Wind is where your heart is, but Linna never confirms or denies it. That little sprite is so cryptic sometimes! But that phrase, while the meaning is up to interpretation, struck young Colette and led her on her way to the Windswept Plateau. Personally, I think that Linna just wanted to get back home and chose the first Wind flight dragon she saw who looked lost to assist her on her way back. In the end, though, it all worked out wonderfully, whatever "it" may be, and Linna and Colette are nearly inseparable." "Much to Quill's chagrin."
lwCHd4T.png Thank you very much for your time!
The Deep Wind Clan can be found with Pachirisu,ID #145699!
Written by Peroxide Prince,representing Heliopunk. It’s nice to be back :)

Ask Windy


I've been around for a couple of months now, and lately I've been getting into the idea of clan lore. My problem is that I have no idea where to start. I know a few of my dragons' personalities but that's about it. Any advice on how to get going?

- Wavy

Dear Wavy,

Lore is a great way to get really into your dragons’ personalities and it makes your clan shine! My advice for getting started is to get a general feel of what you want your clan to be like. Are they a clan of merchants? Rogues? Travelers? Or a mixture of different talents/jobs? Do they have a main goal in mind? What keeps them together? Are there any internal strifes? Once you establish this, you can start working on dragon bios and give them roles or traits they’d need to work into the lore you’ve outlined.

It sometimes helps to get your main story started first! Or perhaps you’d like to do a history “project” like a family tree? Your main story can be as brief or detailed as you feel it needs to be. There are many ways to go about it, and I think that’s what makes lore so fun! If you think doing bios is something you like to do initially, then try and think of different roles and things your dragons would be. Once you have that established, you can create a story that builds around them.

Always keep in mind that your lore can change as you create dragon bios or as you think about it more, so don’t be afraid to erase or redo parts of it!

Warmest wishes,


Dear Windy, I've got this beautiful gen1 Nocturne, , and he's almost done getting gened up! I can't decide between gembond and circuit for his tertiary (mulberry). Do you have any advice? Other options I didn't think of?

Also my friend from Nature has been very busy, and I don't know whether they've been able to give you their question. They did want to remain mostly anonymous, and the question was 'how do you get the most out of coliseum farming'. If they did already give you the question ignore me! :)

Hi there and thanks for writing!

First off, your Nocturne is extremely gorgeous; congrats on a wonderful first generation dragon! I took a peek at him in the Scrying Workshop and discovered that I quite like Gembond on him! It looks nice with his primary and secondary genes as well as his colors, plus it gives him a little extra texture! Very breezy chic! I also think Smoke would be a neat alternative to check out, too!

As for your Nature friend, to get the most out of farming in the coliseum, it’s best to focus your scope on what you want the coli to give you. Many people have a team of level 25 dragons they go in with to grind for certain items like eggs, food, familiars, or other rare drops. Some people I know just like the fighting aspect of it or simply having high-levelled dragons, though that group isn’t quite as large. I believe it’s important to discover what you like doing the best and work with that!

There are also plenty of wonderfully written guides and walkthroughs in the Guides section of the forums full of information on what drops where, where it’s best to grind for good items and levels, as well as how you can make your coli experience more fun and rewarding! Definitely check them out if you’re still unsure!

Good luck to the both of you!

Your friend,

(((OOC Note: If you would like to send Windy a letter asking for advice or an opinion on something, please send your messages to Heliopunk (#93471) or Toothless (#4275).

To learn more about Windy, check out their bio here!))


Economy Section

This issue’s section will be on the Crystalline Gala items. Reminder that these are based off recent sales listings, and not exact to every sale, and the subtext is the author’s personal recommendation.

G:T Ratio: 1:575
Calculated from the Wind Sales forum.

Eternal Snow (1) - 702t - 1g
No more than 1g and 600t.

Frigid Emblem - 33.8kt - 45g
No more than 50g and 30kt.

Frigid Crown - 30.4kt - 47g
No more than 30k and 40g.

Chillspike Crown - 48.6kt - 78g
No more than 44kt and 75g.

Cragward Custodian - 28.5kt - 42g
No more than 30kt and 50g.

Like always, apologies for any mistakes. Calculators are hard to use, the auctionhouse isn’t always reliable, and math is hard.

Written by Crackle, representing Yellowfangg

Glitz N’ Glam


Hello and welcome to Glitz ’n’ Glam, our brand-new fashion segment! I’m Venus, your host, and today we're covering the fabulous new Sylvan Apparel!!! You might be having trouble finding this new fad, on account of its wild popularity- so popular it's flying off the shelves! Retailers are definitely having trouble keeping it in stock. It might be wisest to wait a couple months til the fervor dies down a bit, but if you're good at sniping, or willing to shell out big bucks, go for it!

Sylvan Apparel comes in a rainbow of colors for all occasions that stock in our treasure marketplace and can also be found in the auction house, as well as a white version of the set available through the gem market, and a black version through Swipp’s Swap Stand. I can't wait to get my hands on some of the Twilight set, myself!

I’'ve found some lovely models for this issue, and now it’s time to show off!

Rocking the Twilight set is our lovely model Nati! Never fear to accessorize with other sets! The silk sets work very well here! Also, note the way that she's cleverly layered a flower garland, a filet, and the Sylvan headpiece here to create a very lovely and unique look! Though keep those tails in view if you want to show off those Twists to the best advantage!


Beautiful in the Silver set is the fairylike (excuse the pun, I simply had to!) Mai! He makes a downright ethereal picture, with just the right pop of color with his lovely Shadow eyes and his violet flowerfall. A+ accessorizing!


Our last stunning model reminds us that mixing and matching can be absolutely wonderful! Thyme sports a lovely mix of Grove and Diaphanous, which set off her colors to a tee! Absolutely delightful work here, especially with the addition of a celadon silk sash!


That's all we have time for, so we'll see you in the next issue with a new set of apparel! Happy shopping!


Squall Stories


Welcome to Squall Stories, the literature and poetry of the Wind Flight. If you're interested in being featured, why not check out the Weekly Windy Writing Prompt, over in the Wind Forum? Or if you don't feel that's the best for you, send a PM to Ingeniousspark, and we'll work something out.

This issue’s story comes from the clan of briteoctopus, where a coatl is trying to think of a good story to write.


"Look, I said you could borrow some writing supplies, but I didn't know that meant you'd sit around the Records Room sighing at me all day!"

"I can't help it, Sirocco! I don't know what to write!"

"You're the one who signed up for that writing club, not me. Besides, I don't know anything about making up stories."

"You write all the time!"

"I keep records, it's different! If you can't think of anything, just write down whatever comes to mind, and sort it out later or something. Now if you'll excuse me, there's a box of Dumpling Squids that need counted, recorded and sto-"

"More like taste-tested..."

"Ugh, I'll never finish my work with you in here, get out! Out, out out!"


Lysenthe hurried out of the Records Room, Sirocco's angry humming still echoing in her ears. "Some Coatls can't take a joke," she muttered to herself. She checked the small bag that Sirocco had given her, making sure that she hadn't broken the small jar of ink when she'd scrambled out of the room. The feathery end of the quill was slightly bent, and she was sure she'd get a stern word when she returned it, but otherwise everything seemed to be intact.

Readjusting her glasses, she made her way down the hall towards the lair entrance, trying to decide what she should write about. Maybe an epic love story about two star-crossed dragons in feuding clans... Nah, who would want to read that? She would have gone on thinking, lost in her own little world, but instead her thoughts were interrupted by "Oh, excuse me dear."


Lysenthe gave a startled jump, finally noticing Zinnia, the dragon everyone affectionately titled the Head Hatchling Wrangler, who was standing directly in front of her. "My apologies, Lysenthe, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just about to start looking for Achimenes, have you seen him? He's supposed to watch the hatchlings while I run some errands, but I can't find him anywhere, and they'll be back from their flying lesson with Tempest any minute now..."

"No, I'm afraid I haven't." Which wasn't surprising, really. Zinnia's mate Achimenes had a knack for disappearing when he wanted to. To his credit though, he was usually pretty reliable...when he wasn't out pulling pranks.

"Well, would you mind watching them for me? All you have to do is tell them a story. It's almost their nap time, so they should settle down after that."

She hesitated. Watching hatchlings wasn't really her idea of a fun time, but after noticing the pleading look in Zinnia's eyes, Lysenthe caved in. "Oh, alright. Just try to hurry, please. I've got a story to write, and still not a single idea!"

Before she knew it, she was in the nursery surrounded by whining hatchlings, each trying to decide which spot was the most comfortable, and arguing with one another when the spot they wanted was taken. She only got them to stop when she announced it was time for a story. "Now, which book does Zinnia read to you from?"

"She doesn't read from any books, Miss Lysenthe," said a little Mirror hatchling snuggling with his sister, "Miss Zinnia tells us stories that she remembers hearing when she was little. Snappers are good rememberers she says!"

Just great, Lysenthe thought, I don't remember anything like that, and I can't even think of a story for... Wait a minute, that's it! She took out her writing supplies and spread them across Zinnia's desk, dipped the quill into the ink pot, and cleared her throat, moving her pen slowly across the page as she spoke. "Once upon a time there was a beautiful dragon princess..."

When Zinnia returned from her break, she was pleased to find all of the hatchlings fast asleep. She was about to thank Lysenthe for her help, until she noticed her furiously scribbling away on some parchment. Deciding it best not to interrupt her, Zinnia stepped outside again and found a spot to relax in the sunshine, leaving the writer to her work.

“Parties are a whirlwind of fun, so let’s celebrate with our fellow Windbros!”
It’s that time again! Birthday time! I hope your winter is treating you well and you’re not too cold. If you are, and you’ve got yourself a case of the Wintertime Blues, then I have the best cure: a party! Please join me in celebrating these Windy birthdays! (And hey, it’s also a Leap Year, so we have 29 days in February this year! More of a reason to party!)

1st: Roseannepage. medacris, Cronass, Pheonixia, Shakenzie, Falorni, Acturiesa
2nd: mickeyymouse, sonosels, PainfulImpact
3rd: alcemistnv, Pombei, Sylvae
4th: windsocktier, crateshya,
5th: Vigilant, HighKing, TwennytheTyrant, Lyralei, CuddlyBadger, Shinyfox, deergf
6th: carrott, ftwinny, Keylimepie, Toresyth, Ythequeris, Saikyu, eckabeck
7th: iwatobi, Azumarill, eriophora, Avenara
8th: misfitmanaged, Trenzalore, Khyn, Nhemmi
9th: LittleNerdyOTAKU, Sauce, Nonny
10th: OwlTea, hatterlet, Sheepska
11th: SaintSeb, epicginger, Kagura333, Xela, Drogohne1, Celes
12th: ekala, GryphonSoul, tickster88, Zeb
13th: MoonlightDragon, aurawind, cinnamonbird
14th: CapzacktheFirst, Megdrana, Zenersy, KnightOfKris, Verbatim
15th: mayamei, Amerretti, Fuzzyfire, zeloskun
16th: buwie, Farore, CafeCotton
17th: AubreyEli, Tamoria, Birdskull, Selfie
18th: Syrinx, Meepersa
19th: Swablu, Popette, DeeShimare
20th: vespiary, kokobean22
21st: Gwee, Leiana, Kyotosorae
22nd: dieciaem, Keiko222, ShadowDash, DiamondDragon22, Tempestral
23rd: Chronicle, Silvanuyx, KyrioB, PrinceofZephyr, Surechat, Nodame
25th: whitesheepy, Inkwell
27th: Echowish
28th: Temporaryreality
29th: Quid, Chesire

I hope you have the happiest of birthdays, all of you!

Windies, if you have a February birthday, but were not in this issue of the Zephyr, please contact my postmaster Toothless (#4275) saying so, and we’ll be sure to get you in the next one.

Until next time, party on!

Last time, we asked you about the new thylacine gene. Although opinions still seem slightly divided, it’s obvious the majority of our readers (really) likes the gene! “Finally, the perfect gene for a Cheshire Cat dragon~ I am so excite!” ~ anonymous.
The reason for the divided opinions has also become clear in the comments: according to Entei236 and Toothless the gene can definitely be enjoyable, but it can also easily look bad. One needs to make sure the dragon’s other colours and genes fit, but when they do, thylacine definitely has potential.

For next time, we’d like to ask you what you think about gem-exclusive items as compared to items directly available in treasure. Does it make them special in a positive, or even a negative way?
Answer the form here!


@briteoctopus, @tempestuous, @patronissimo, @summerstorm
Thank you four for allowing us to feature you in this issue!!

@briteoctopus, @tempestuous, @patronissimo, @summerstorm
Thank you four for allowing us to feature you in this issue!!
@Ingeniousspark Wah, thank you! And such kind words! My Nati is radiant with delight. Thank you~~
@Ingeniousspark Wah, thank you! And such kind words! My Nati is radiant with delight. Thank you~~
Ahh what a great issue! *high fives fellow writers* LOVE the new sections, btw! I'll have to check out that writing one... I'm very interested in being featured hehe~ <3

Love your story! Your dragons are super cute!
Ahh what a great issue! *high fives fellow writers* LOVE the new sections, btw! I'll have to check out that writing one... I'm very interested in being featured hehe~ <3

Love your story! Your dragons are super cute!
84d669668790b279a1734f4a81a8e75e9ae50900.png fLdYOuE.png
Some current special interests: Dokibird, Fuwamoco, magical girls, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation.. more here!
Previous usernames: MystaRias, dokidokibunni, Sylphiette, Toothless

A new prompt is going up in the thread tomorrow, and we're always welcoming new participants!

A new prompt is going up in the thread tomorrow, and we're always welcoming new participants!
This was a great issue! Do you happen to have any kind of pinglist for interested readers? :-)
This was a great issue! Do you happen to have any kind of pinglist for interested readers? :-)
Thank you! It was awesome being asked at all, haha. ^^

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! <3
Thank you! It was awesome being asked at all, haha. ^^

Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! <3
HEEfBrK.png 6UvQBco.png WAOKY1a.png
@chardano I'm afraid our issue pinglist is wind forum exclusive right now! Perhaps our editor-in-chief @foxofwonders can remedy this? I know my husband in Shadow and my nature BF would probably like pings!

@briteoctopus yours was the most accessible, in my opinion! It was super cute. :)
@chardano I'm afraid our issue pinglist is wind forum exclusive right now! Perhaps our editor-in-chief @foxofwonders can remedy this? I know my husband in Shadow and my nature BF would probably like pings!

@briteoctopus yours was the most accessible, in my opinion! It was super cute. :)
We do, in fact, have a separate ping list for our readers from other flights! ;)
It is located here.
We do, in fact, have a separate ping list for our readers from other flights! ;)
It is located here.
foxofwonders.png __TDmCtlK.png __instagram-logo.png __Twitter_logo_bird_transparent_png.png __FR+9
P1YWd6F.png AgG97x3.png
great issue!! thank you, @Heliopunk for the interview! it was tons of fun!
great issue!! thank you, @Heliopunk for the interview! it was tons of fun!
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