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TOPIC | My take on Tundras
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[center]Iv never been a fan of Tundras since I joined, there was something off putting about their art, recently iv fallen in love with a certain tundra boy named Tyto: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (he just needs his Okapi!) So I made an attempt to redraw tundras in my own style. I kinda made him a bit more griffon-y? & beakish cause the cherub lends that effect. I still can't reconcile the design as a herbivore lol [img][/img] Im not 100% happy with the full body look which is sketched here: [img][/img] [url=]Or click here if too big for forums[/url][/center]
Iv never been a fan of Tundras since I joined, there was something off putting about their art, recently iv fallen in love with a certain tundra boy named Tyto:


(he just needs his Okapi!)

So I made an attempt to redraw tundras in my own style. I kinda made him a bit more griffon-y? & beakish cause the cherub lends that effect. I still can't reconcile the design as a herbivore lol
Im not 100% happy with the full body look which is sketched here:
Or click here if too big for forums
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@SummerStorm - Awwww, he is so cute. I love the art you did of him!!!
@SummerStorm - Awwww, he is so cute. I love the art you did of him!!!
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@HSoup Thankyoooou!
Gosh He is an expensive boy so far with that breed change and all those genes. I just wanted the perfect colors 8>
@HSoup Thankyoooou!
Gosh He is an expensive boy so far with that breed change and all those genes. I just wanted the perfect colors 8>
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@SummerStorm - Well, it was worth it. He looks amazing.
@SummerStorm - Well, it was worth it. He looks amazing.
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@HSoup Iv seen those walky tundras around in people's sigs 0v0 is there an adopts page for them? (out of curiosity?)
@HSoup Iv seen those walky tundras around in people's sigs 0v0 is there an adopts page for them? (out of curiosity?)
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I know exactly what you mean! I couldn't quite warm up to them, something about the art on the head... but cherub and peregrine are *amazing* on tundras! I'm planning to spend a lot of money on a tundra boy of my own in the near future... (Cherub/Peregrine/Glimmer. Yes, glimmer)

The bust is great! I think on the whole body art, the pieces are good but the proportions of the whole are a little off? I feel like the back, after the mane and the front limbs, is either too low or too long (or possibly both...), and the wings too small...

I know exactly what you mean! I couldn't quite warm up to them, something about the art on the head... but cherub and peregrine are *amazing* on tundras! I'm planning to spend a lot of money on a tundra boy of my own in the near future... (Cherub/Peregrine/Glimmer. Yes, glimmer)

The bust is great! I think on the whole body art, the pieces are good but the proportions of the whole are a little off? I feel like the back, after the mane and the front limbs, is either too low or too long (or possibly both...), and the wings too small...
x0CMhAc.png is5IYGR.png Ash and Dust- My Pinker-Locke
@CanisLupus03 Yes thankye! Im pretty sure its the wings being too small and covering stuff up which is throwing it off for me. I shoulda drawn them open. I struggle with wings sometimes.
Low and long like a lion was the idea though :> gryphony!
@CanisLupus03 Yes thankye! Im pretty sure its the wings being too small and covering stuff up which is throwing it off for me. I shoulda drawn them open. I struggle with wings sometimes.
Low and long like a lion was the idea though :> gryphony!
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@SummerStorm Ah, if low and long is on purpose, you did a great job, haha! Yes, I think it's the wings- it's kind of hard to imagine how bulky they'd be all folded up and how much they'd cover... But he certainly is such a gorgeous boy! I love his stripey ruff, :-)
@SummerStorm Ah, if low and long is on purpose, you did a great job, haha! Yes, I think it's the wings- it's kind of hard to imagine how bulky they'd be all folded up and how much they'd cover... But he certainly is such a gorgeous boy! I love his stripey ruff, :-)
x0CMhAc.png is5IYGR.png Ash and Dust- My Pinker-Locke

Wow, never really fancied Tundras but he's gorgeous! Your art is beautiful, very refined without excessive detailing, great eye for colors and composition.

If I may offer some advice for why I feel the full bod picture is a bit off? Please bear in mind I'm no biology nut, and I'm trying to take into account your beautiful interpretation of this species. Disregard if you aren't interested in critique, I suppose, though hopefully my points might be of use in the future.

- The forelegs seem to be set too wide apart, if we're seeing the inner side of the far foreleg. I think fluffing the area up would make sense, too - gotta keep that important chest protected and warm!

- Neck seems a little short, and if I were to draw how I think it needs to be positioned to meet the spine, there's an awfully sharp angle... ouch! The arched neck is handsome but it makes more sense if the rest of his body were angled as if he were sitting, or his back had more of a slope downwards.

- Fluffy beast deserves bigger, fluffier wings! They ought to be a bit longer, I think, and maybe hang over the side of his body a little bit. I feel like we should be able to see the top ("thumb") area of the wing around his other side.

- Teeeeny little thing... remember the perspective we're looking at him from! His body is all consistently angled as if we are looking at him from his foreleg.. but his face is in nearly perfect portrait with a slight angle as if we're looking from below, and the horn in the background shouldn't be that high up if that's the case.

Again - BEAUTIFUL art, I'm in love with the headshot, and I'm gonna go look around the AH for handsome earthy Tundra boys now...

Wow, never really fancied Tundras but he's gorgeous! Your art is beautiful, very refined without excessive detailing, great eye for colors and composition.

If I may offer some advice for why I feel the full bod picture is a bit off? Please bear in mind I'm no biology nut, and I'm trying to take into account your beautiful interpretation of this species. Disregard if you aren't interested in critique, I suppose, though hopefully my points might be of use in the future.

- The forelegs seem to be set too wide apart, if we're seeing the inner side of the far foreleg. I think fluffing the area up would make sense, too - gotta keep that important chest protected and warm!

- Neck seems a little short, and if I were to draw how I think it needs to be positioned to meet the spine, there's an awfully sharp angle... ouch! The arched neck is handsome but it makes more sense if the rest of his body were angled as if he were sitting, or his back had more of a slope downwards.

- Fluffy beast deserves bigger, fluffier wings! They ought to be a bit longer, I think, and maybe hang over the side of his body a little bit. I feel like we should be able to see the top ("thumb") area of the wing around his other side.

- Teeeeny little thing... remember the perspective we're looking at him from! His body is all consistently angled as if we are looking at him from his foreleg.. but his face is in nearly perfect portrait with a slight angle as if we're looking from below, and the horn in the background shouldn't be that high up if that's the case.

Again - BEAUTIFUL art, I'm in love with the headshot, and I'm gonna go look around the AH for handsome earthy Tundra boys now...
@SummerStorm - Khaarma has a shop in the adoptable forum. =D
@SummerStorm - Khaarma has a shop in the adoptable forum. =D
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