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TOPIC | Dragon Writers' Chat: May Edition
@LunaMouse ~ I currently envy you based on the fact that you've gotten published. XD As for solving writer's block, I like to take the advice from the character Ursula from the movie Kiki's Delivery Service: [quote]When that happens, all one can do is struggle through it. I draw and draw, and keep drawing. Then I stop drawing. I take walks, look at the scenery, take naps, do nothing. Then after a while, all of a sudden I get the urge to draw again.[/quote] So basically, take a break from writing and go do something else, keep it in the back of your mind, but don't focus on it. Better yet, just forget about it and eventually at some random moment, something will just pop into your head. I'd also recommend taking a shower or a bath to relax, it'll help loosen you up and your mind as well. XD You can also "draw" from something in real life if it's something about dialogue or something. Another user here told me that if they have a writing problem, they address their subconscious before going to bed and asking it to help them solve a problem so that when they wake up in the morning, their subconscious has perhaps found a solution. Hope this helps! :3 Anyway, in other news, I recently made some compulsive purchases: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This guy just made me think of summer. XD He was too tempting to pass up. XD And I got this girl: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She's a triple gold, I was planning on getting a male triple gold like her and naming him Midas, but I wanted a female to breed to my summer ^^; She cost me 200 gems, so she'd better make her weight in gold...or gems. XD Anyway, now I have 3 Nocturnes! :3 Also, I finally got the achievement for finding an unhatched Plague egg. XD Now I just need to find an unhatched lightning, nature, and shadow eggs and I'll have all those achievements. XD I want to hatch my egg, but my lair is full and it's going to cost me 280,250 treasure and I only have approximately 100k because I bought skins for two festivals in a row and wasn't making a lot of treasure in the meantime to make it up. XD clan has money problems. lol.
@LunaMouse ~ I currently envy you based on the fact that you've gotten published. XD
As for solving writer's block, I like to take the advice from the character Ursula from the movie Kiki's Delivery Service:
When that happens, all one can do is struggle through
it. I draw and draw, and keep drawing.

Then I stop drawing. I take walks, look at the
scenery, take naps, do nothing. Then after a while,
all of a sudden I get the urge to draw again.

So basically, take a break from writing and go do something else, keep it in the back of your mind, but don't focus on it. Better yet, just forget about it and eventually at some random moment, something will just pop into your head.
I'd also recommend taking a shower or a bath to relax, it'll help loosen you up and your mind as well. XD
You can also "draw" from something in real life if it's something about dialogue or something.
Another user here told me that if they have a writing problem, they address their subconscious before going to bed and asking it to help them solve a problem so that when they wake up in the morning, their subconscious has perhaps found a solution.
Hope this helps! :3

Anyway, in other news, I recently made some compulsive purchases:


This guy just made me think of summer. XD He was too tempting to pass up. XD

And I got this girl:


She's a triple gold, I was planning on getting a male triple gold like her and naming him Midas, but I wanted a female to breed to my summer ^^;
She cost me 200 gems, so she'd better make her weight in gold...or gems. XD

Anyway, now I have 3 Nocturnes! :3 Also, I finally got the achievement for finding an unhatched Plague egg. XD Now I just need to find an unhatched lightning, nature, and shadow eggs and I'll have all those achievements. XD
I want to hatch my egg, but my lair is full and it's going to cost me 280,250 treasure and I only have approximately 100k because I bought skins for two festivals in a row and wasn't making a lot of treasure in the meantime to make it up. XD clan has money problems. lol.
Hello! I'm an old member from 2014 who is trying to be more active again! I have ADHD and I'm in college, so we'll see how long I last lol
@Rabbithearts Lair expansion woes are a constant on Flight Rising. Woe. Woe.

Though, honestly, my lair is big enough that if I lose interest in Coli for a while, I start to worry about food.

@lunamouse If I'm suffering from block (no ideas!), I read something. That helps. Then I give myself permission to write Unimportant Things, like dragon bios. All writing is practice! Even if it's not for something that I hope to sell, it will make my Important Things better.

That's what I tell myself, anyway.

I do notice that writing block is more likely when I haven't been reading any fiction lately, and also when I'm especially stressed. Luckily, reading helps with reducing stress!
@Rabbithearts Lair expansion woes are a constant on Flight Rising. Woe. Woe.

Though, honestly, my lair is big enough that if I lose interest in Coli for a while, I start to worry about food.

@lunamouse If I'm suffering from block (no ideas!), I read something. That helps. Then I give myself permission to write Unimportant Things, like dragon bios. All writing is practice! Even if it's not for something that I hope to sell, it will make my Important Things better.

That's what I tell myself, anyway.

I do notice that writing block is more likely when I haven't been reading any fiction lately, and also when I'm especially stressed. Luckily, reading helps with reducing stress!