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TOPIC | Dragon Writers' Chat: May Edition
Thank you, ArdentGale! Yes I'm working my way slowly but surely through the site and have already made a ton of new friends :3
Oooh I like them both! I especially like the villain idea. I've always wanted a villain MC, but never knew the best way to approach it. I myself am thinking about posting a story to Creative Corner, actually, about wolves.
Thank you, ArdentGale! Yes I'm working my way slowly but surely through the site and have already made a ton of new friends :3
Oooh I like them both! I especially like the villain idea. I've always wanted a villain MC, but never knew the best way to approach it. I myself am thinking about posting a story to Creative Corner, actually, about wolves.
@micahjaguar Goodness, he looks like he fell asleep in the Miracle Grow! I used mine on this girl: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Good Morning dragon friends! I've been so absent lately. >.< I had my Endoscopy which found.... nothing. So I'm not really sure where to go from here. I don't feel well and the gastro doctor was pretty dismissive. At least I've ruled out a lot of really nasty stuff. I ended up keeping both sisters I liked, which meant I was supposed to exalt at least one of their parents. Then this accent looked so nice and meh. I guess everyone can stay. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I lair has gotten really female dominant and I don't have any spaces left to fix it. -_- Whoops.
@micahjaguar Goodness, he looks like he fell asleep in the Miracle Grow!

I used mine on this girl:


Good Morning dragon friends! I've been so absent lately. >.< I had my Endoscopy which found.... nothing. So I'm not really sure where to go from here. I don't feel well and the gastro doctor was pretty dismissive. At least I've ruled out a lot of really nasty stuff.

I ended up keeping both sisters I liked, which meant I was supposed to exalt at least one of their parents. Then this accent looked so nice and meh. I guess everyone can stay.


I lair has gotten really female dominant and I don't have any spaces left to fix it. -_- Whoops.
@micahjaguar I may end up keeping her... And Binder bless, I agree. The shrubbery is just ODD.

It's really quite nice to have a message that has nothing to do with the raffle. *shudders* Next month is Light.... It's going to be bad.
@micahjaguar I may end up keeping her... And Binder bless, I agree. The shrubbery is just ODD.

It's really quite nice to have a message that has nothing to do with the raffle. *shudders* Next month is Light.... It's going to be bad.
@Sadarievenstar That really is a wonderful skydancer accent! I think that and the wildclaw accent are my favorites.

I haven't yet gotten the shrubbery. I've barely touched the Coli so far this week, so I've only earned enough leaves for the bear so far.

I'm amused that "farming for leaves" makes sense even out of context. :D
@Sadarievenstar That really is a wonderful skydancer accent! I think that and the wildclaw accent are my favorites.

I haven't yet gotten the shrubbery. I've barely touched the Coli so far this week, so I've only earned enough leaves for the bear so far.

I'm amused that "farming for leaves" makes sense even out of context. :D
I DID IT! I actually wrote something! Dragon bios, to be precise, bios that are not utterly humiliating to show off. Granted, they could use plenty of work with setting and environment, but I'll get to it over time. It's amazing what running out of internet data does for the free time. (I'm using my mom's internet right now...don't tell her. ;) ) More actual writing about Sornieth and the applicable adventures will come around also. So yeah, here they are! Seeker[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Gale[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Reaper[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cadence[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Enjoy! Or don't. It's entirely up to you.
I DID IT! I actually wrote something! Dragon bios, to be precise, bios that are not utterly humiliating to show off. Granted, they could use plenty of work with setting and environment, but I'll get to it over time. It's amazing what running out of internet data does for the free time. (I'm using my mom's internet right now...don't tell her. ;) ) More actual writing about Sornieth and the applicable adventures will come around also.

So yeah, here they are!





Enjoy! Or don't. It's entirely up to you.
Hey all!

So I really enjoy writing. I have two novels I'm working on outside of this site and I write poems for dragons on this site... so, hello?
Hey all!

So I really enjoy writing. I have two novels I'm working on outside of this site and I write poems for dragons on this site... so, hello?
kJFl4h9.pngReminder: If you can, do not shut people out. You will have good days and they should see them.
‘Please help me. I’m dying.’

~~~Let me write poems for your dragons~~~
Welcome!! :D
Wow two novels as well? I am surprised you are not stressed!!

Awesome Bios!! (and Reaper is a beautiful dragon!)
Welcome!! :D
Wow two novels as well? I am surprised you are not stressed!!

Awesome Bios!! (and Reaper is a beautiful dragon!)

I am super stressed but writing helps with the stress. If that makes sense!


I am super stressed but writing helps with the stress. If that makes sense!

kJFl4h9.pngReminder: If you can, do not shut people out. You will have good days and they should see them.
‘Please help me. I’m dying.’

~~~Let me write poems for your dragons~~~
In a way it does actually! The way I can tell is that you feel the pressure of "What if" building knowing it needs to be done so the more you write, the more at ease you are :)
In a way it does actually! The way I can tell is that you feel the pressure of "What if" building knowing it needs to be done so the more you write, the more at ease you are :)
*drops in really quickly* Is anyone interested in an old dragon? I've been keeping him for a while, but I think I'm ready to send him on (I have a few dragons like him already). [url=] [img][/img] [/url] His ID# is 641935. I know some of you collect old IDs!
*drops in really quickly* Is anyone interested in an old dragon? I've been keeping him for a while, but I think I'm ready to send him on (I have a few dragons like him already).


His ID# is 641935. I know some of you collect old IDs!
Traveling Wind Clan! We have toured every Flight in Sornieth!
We completed our round-the-world tour on July 6th, 2020 and are once again home in Wind!

Previous Visits: Wind, Earth, Light, Shadow, Nature, Arcane, Ice, Fire, Water, Lightning, Plague