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TOPIC | Nuzlocke: The Crippled Fae
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Sure thing!

Sure thing!
My lair is a Nuzlocke Lair! Follow the story here!

This is a lovely story. Could you add me to your ping list? I would love to continue reading about Sydonia's adventures.

This is a lovely story. Could you add me to your ping list? I would love to continue reading about Sydonia's adventures.

Might I be added to the pinglist?

Might I be added to the pinglist?
nature.gif IQRodWv.png
EbUrd.gif Cjwhx.gif PpKUU.gif
@PvtPuns oh this looks interesting! please add me to the ping list! :3
@PvtPuns oh this looks interesting! please add me to the ping list! :3
Professional Grump

I live for memes
This is such an interesting story. Please add me to your pinglist!
This is such an interesting story. Please add me to your pinglist!
@haikwoshevo @magichats @argenteamoon @survivors

@haikwoshevo @magichats @argenteamoon @survivors

My lair is a Nuzlocke Lair! Follow the story here!
@Vellain @AnaliAmber @Pyromania @FlyingNorth @FiddleRiddle
@SylphofPens @Gwineira @kingofeli @ArouraBorialice @Arsi
@Solaristigres @Liatai @haikwoshevo @magichats @argenteamoon

006: Departure

Packing up the lair took several days. Though they had only lived in the entrance, there was much to prepare. Food, materials for shelter, items to trade, medicines, and of course provisions for the mouse and the moth. Neveah had made it quite clear that they would not abandon these creatures during their migration.

Sydonia had to admit that she had become rather fond of the mouse that accompanied her everywhere, waddling as fast as it could to keep up with her.

She moved one last bundle of goods to Neveah, and helped the Guardian tie them to her bulky chest with care. One thing didn't sit right with her, however. This was a lot to be carrying out of here. The winds in the Reedcleft Ascent were notoriously rough, and though Neveah was skilled for her age and had enough heft to avoid being blown completely away... Sydonia had her doubts. Nevertheless, she turned her gaze upwards, meeting Neveah's eyes.

"I believe this is the last of it," she said, checking the knots one final time.

"Good. If we are to go, it should be soon. I haven't hunted for days," Neveah grumbled, shifting her shoulders and extending her wings while the Fae surveyed the ropes.

"You are right," Sydonia replied, guiding the pocket mouse up Neveah's flank and between her shoulderblades. Neveah lifted the moth up with her tail, allowing it to alight upon the back of her head.

"I usually am," the Guardian replied, and the Fae shook her head.

"Of course."

Sydonia wrapped her tail around herself, looking over their lair for the last time as Neveah plodded towards the exit. She said her goodbyes inwardly. She hadn't had the heart to walk the lair's tunnels for a proper farewell.

Goodbye to the hatchery, home of many generations of healthy, happy dragons.

She thought of Glacies, and how he and his kin were the first to fall.

Goodbye to the mazes of cracks and crevices the Spirals had called home.

She thought of Lacaille, and her fall to the hordes.

The Fae closed her eyes tightly. Perhaps it was better to leave. No good could come from this place that had seen so much death in such a short time. Her memories were tainted with it. She would never get them back. Never feel the same happiness again. The lair would become old and decrepit, or a brief home to roaming clans. They would never know that this lair was her home. Her home.

They would never know the stories the old told to the young to frighten them into behaving. They would never know of the noise and the mess and the chaos that were horrible but in the best way, a way only attainable with family. They could never see the lair as it was. As it was meant to be seen.

It would be old, and full of cobwebs. Empty, silent, and dark.

The thought was painful.

She shook her head, allowing the winds to dry the tears that had formed along the brims of her eyelids. It was time to leave. Sydonia could not dwell in the past any longer. She would start anew. Neveah may not need her anymore, but she needed to feel as if her survival was for something. She would put her life on the line to protect her... daughter. Yes.

It was somewhat laughable, a dragon as small as she vowing to protect a Guardian 13 times her size and nearly 7.5 thousand times her weight. She didn't care. Sydonia would make her life mean something, if she was to live while her clanmates could not.

"Time to go," Neveah rumbled, gripping the edge of the cliff and opening her wings. Sydonia drew in a breath, nodding.

"Yes. It's time to go."

Neveah spread her wings and pushed off of the cliff, allowing the wind to sweep her upwards. Sydonia hunched down, gripping the ropes tied around Neveah's bulk. She wrapped her tail around the pocket mouse, trying to help it keep hold of the larger dragon as they ascended. Neveah's flight was wobbly, and that made Sydonia nervous. But surely the larger dragon could hold her own in this wind.

Even though she was untrained.

Even though she was carrying much more than she was used to.

Sydonia could feel a hard knot form in her stomach. She prayed that her paranoias were wrong, as Neveah had so often proved them.

She had no such luck.

Neveah struggled to keep herself balanced in the spiralling winds, clutching the moth close to her chest and growling with effort. Every muscle strained against the wind, but to no avail. Her left wing caught a downdraft, and she spiralled out of her flight path. Her roar was lost to the howling around them. She collided heavily with a pillar of earth, turning her body so that Sydonia and the pocket mouse would not be crushed. She hoped.

Unable to recover her balance, they spiralled downwards, at the mercy of Reedcleft Ascent's powerful gales.

Sydonia held onto the Guardian for as long as she could, holding the pocket mouse close to her with her tail. It was fine. It was fine, they could fix it. Neveah was strong and she was heavy there was no way they couldn't fix it oh god her grip was slipping--

The Fae was flung out into the open air. She couldn't hold on. The gales cast her off quickly, spiriting her even further from Neveah. She turned her head, trying to locate the mouse. She could not find it. Her heart ached as she thought of it hitting the rapids.

She could see Neveah crash into another pillar and hit the rapids below. The entire world seemed to slow down. She could feel her heart pounding wildly in her chest.


Sydonia met the rapids. The water swallowed her hastily, dragging her down. She was flung to and fro, spinning and thrashing violently. She couldn't breathe. Couldn't see past the frothing white waters. She tried to make her way upwards. Which way was that? Was she simply swimming down farther, sealing her fate? Where was Neveah? Was she alright? Her lungs ached. Air. She needed air...!

Desperately she writhed in the swirling waters, making her way for what she prayed to be the water's surface. Her muscles were weakening. Purple and green blotches speckled her vision. No, no, no... keep going. Keep going!

Her world faded out, leaving her at the mercy of the frothing ocean.
@Vellain @AnaliAmber @Pyromania @FlyingNorth @FiddleRiddle
@SylphofPens @Gwineira @kingofeli @ArouraBorialice @Arsi
@Solaristigres @Liatai @haikwoshevo @magichats @argenteamoon

006: Departure

Packing up the lair took several days. Though they had only lived in the entrance, there was much to prepare. Food, materials for shelter, items to trade, medicines, and of course provisions for the mouse and the moth. Neveah had made it quite clear that they would not abandon these creatures during their migration.

Sydonia had to admit that she had become rather fond of the mouse that accompanied her everywhere, waddling as fast as it could to keep up with her.

She moved one last bundle of goods to Neveah, and helped the Guardian tie them to her bulky chest with care. One thing didn't sit right with her, however. This was a lot to be carrying out of here. The winds in the Reedcleft Ascent were notoriously rough, and though Neveah was skilled for her age and had enough heft to avoid being blown completely away... Sydonia had her doubts. Nevertheless, she turned her gaze upwards, meeting Neveah's eyes.

"I believe this is the last of it," she said, checking the knots one final time.

"Good. If we are to go, it should be soon. I haven't hunted for days," Neveah grumbled, shifting her shoulders and extending her wings while the Fae surveyed the ropes.

"You are right," Sydonia replied, guiding the pocket mouse up Neveah's flank and between her shoulderblades. Neveah lifted the moth up with her tail, allowing it to alight upon the back of her head.

"I usually am," the Guardian replied, and the Fae shook her head.

"Of course."

Sydonia wrapped her tail around herself, looking over their lair for the last time as Neveah plodded towards the exit. She said her goodbyes inwardly. She hadn't had the heart to walk the lair's tunnels for a proper farewell.

Goodbye to the hatchery, home of many generations of healthy, happy dragons.

She thought of Glacies, and how he and his kin were the first to fall.

Goodbye to the mazes of cracks and crevices the Spirals had called home.

She thought of Lacaille, and her fall to the hordes.

The Fae closed her eyes tightly. Perhaps it was better to leave. No good could come from this place that had seen so much death in such a short time. Her memories were tainted with it. She would never get them back. Never feel the same happiness again. The lair would become old and decrepit, or a brief home to roaming clans. They would never know that this lair was her home. Her home.

They would never know the stories the old told to the young to frighten them into behaving. They would never know of the noise and the mess and the chaos that were horrible but in the best way, a way only attainable with family. They could never see the lair as it was. As it was meant to be seen.

It would be old, and full of cobwebs. Empty, silent, and dark.

The thought was painful.

She shook her head, allowing the winds to dry the tears that had formed along the brims of her eyelids. It was time to leave. Sydonia could not dwell in the past any longer. She would start anew. Neveah may not need her anymore, but she needed to feel as if her survival was for something. She would put her life on the line to protect her... daughter. Yes.

It was somewhat laughable, a dragon as small as she vowing to protect a Guardian 13 times her size and nearly 7.5 thousand times her weight. She didn't care. Sydonia would make her life mean something, if she was to live while her clanmates could not.

"Time to go," Neveah rumbled, gripping the edge of the cliff and opening her wings. Sydonia drew in a breath, nodding.

"Yes. It's time to go."

Neveah spread her wings and pushed off of the cliff, allowing the wind to sweep her upwards. Sydonia hunched down, gripping the ropes tied around Neveah's bulk. She wrapped her tail around the pocket mouse, trying to help it keep hold of the larger dragon as they ascended. Neveah's flight was wobbly, and that made Sydonia nervous. But surely the larger dragon could hold her own in this wind.

Even though she was untrained.

Even though she was carrying much more than she was used to.

Sydonia could feel a hard knot form in her stomach. She prayed that her paranoias were wrong, as Neveah had so often proved them.

She had no such luck.

Neveah struggled to keep herself balanced in the spiralling winds, clutching the moth close to her chest and growling with effort. Every muscle strained against the wind, but to no avail. Her left wing caught a downdraft, and she spiralled out of her flight path. Her roar was lost to the howling around them. She collided heavily with a pillar of earth, turning her body so that Sydonia and the pocket mouse would not be crushed. She hoped.

Unable to recover her balance, they spiralled downwards, at the mercy of Reedcleft Ascent's powerful gales.

Sydonia held onto the Guardian for as long as she could, holding the pocket mouse close to her with her tail. It was fine. It was fine, they could fix it. Neveah was strong and she was heavy there was no way they couldn't fix it oh god her grip was slipping--

The Fae was flung out into the open air. She couldn't hold on. The gales cast her off quickly, spiriting her even further from Neveah. She turned her head, trying to locate the mouse. She could not find it. Her heart ached as she thought of it hitting the rapids.

She could see Neveah crash into another pillar and hit the rapids below. The entire world seemed to slow down. She could feel her heart pounding wildly in her chest.


Sydonia met the rapids. The water swallowed her hastily, dragging her down. She was flung to and fro, spinning and thrashing violently. She couldn't breathe. Couldn't see past the frothing white waters. She tried to make her way upwards. Which way was that? Was she simply swimming down farther, sealing her fate? Where was Neveah? Was she alright? Her lungs ached. Air. She needed air...!

Desperately she writhed in the swirling waters, making her way for what she prayed to be the water's surface. Her muscles were weakening. Purple and green blotches speckled her vision. No, no, no... keep going. Keep going!

Her world faded out, leaving her at the mercy of the frothing ocean.
My lair is a Nuzlocke Lair! Follow the story here!

Oh, goodness. You're really going to leave us here?

(I loved this chapter, but you know you are evil.)

Oh, goodness. You're really going to leave us here?

(I loved this chapter, but you know you are evil.)
@PvtPuns...i waited FOREVER for another chapter, and THIS is what we get!!! I HATE YOU!!
(not really, love, just wanting to...i don't actually mind the wait...)
@PvtPuns...i waited FOREVER for another chapter, and THIS is what we get!!! I HATE YOU!!
(not really, love, just wanting to...i don't actually mind the wait...)

It's happening noooooo!! DD: Gosh that was such a great chapter but the poor dragon beebs! TheybetterallbeokayyoubuttfaceIKNOWTHEGAMESYOUPLAY.

It's happening noooooo!! DD: Gosh that was such a great chapter but the poor dragon beebs! TheybetterallbeokayyoubuttfaceIKNOWTHEGAMESYOUPLAY.
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