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TOPIC | Nuzlocke: The Crippled Fae

Yeah, I had a couple of lucky drops in the coli, but not much else since! It doesn't help that I have to flee every other battle b/c Neveah has to fight alone, haha


Yeah, getting rid of the dragons you love is the hardest part of the challenge in my opinion!! I sent my super faves to my GF's lair for the duration of the challenge lol

Yeah, I had a couple of lucky drops in the coli, but not much else since! It doesn't help that I have to flee every other battle b/c Neveah has to fight alone, haha


Yeah, getting rid of the dragons you love is the hardest part of the challenge in my opinion!! I sent my super faves to my GF's lair for the duration of the challenge lol
My lair is a Nuzlocke Lair! Follow the story here!
@PvtPuns , so, they fled and assimilated rather than being killed... :)
hmm, maybe i could pay someone to hold them for me, but i'm not a good the whole story bit would be gone, but it would be very scientific as to how i documented it...
@PvtPuns , so, they fled and assimilated rather than being killed... :)
hmm, maybe i could pay someone to hold them for me, but i'm not a good the whole story bit would be gone, but it would be very scientific as to how i documented it...

I'd read that. I like watching how other peoples' challenges are going!

I'd read that. I like watching how other peoples' challenges are going!
My lair is a Nuzlocke Lair! Follow the story here!

//boops in hello!!
I'd like to be added to the pinglist! ; w ;

//boops in hello!!
I'd like to be added to the pinglist! ; w ;
they/them please!

Alrighty! Glad you enjoy the story enough to wanna keep up with it!!

Alrighty! Glad you enjoy the story enough to wanna keep up with it!!
My lair is a Nuzlocke Lair! Follow the story here!
@Vellain @AnaliAmber @Pyromania @FlyingNorth @FiddleRiddle
@SylphofPens @Gwineira @kingofeli @ArouraBorialice @Arsi

((Sorry for the lack of an update and a bit of a short one! Nothing's been happening. Neveah still has to go the coli alone since I haven't found any eggs and Sydonia is lv 19. Reeeeeaaaaally wish dragons earned EXP separately. not to mention the coliseum wont even load most of the time why do you hate me flight rising))

005: Migration

They had fallen into a comfortable pattern. Neveah would leave to hunt during the day and return in the evening, arms filled with victories. She hadn't picked up any more friendly beastclan members, and for this Sydonia was somewhat grateful. It was difficult keeping up with the mouse. The moth, on the other hand? Not so much. It simply wanted to float about in the sunlight, and seemed to prefer Neveah's company anyway. But the mouse. More than once she'd had to track it down after it had gone deeper into the lair. It wasn't difficult. The thing glowed. But it was still a nuisance.

Even if the thing was cute.

And soft.

It liked to follow her around while she paced with worry for Neveah. She moved in a wide circle, to allow her wings room to slide. Often she would catch a glimpse of the mouse waddling behind her, almost in step. It was trying very hard. She could not fault it that. It was almost comforting, to have such a constant presence at her side, and more than once she caught herself slowing her pace to allow the mouse to keep up.

At night, after Neveah had returned, they worked on Sydonia's wings. She was not able to make them functional again. There had been too much damage, and it had set for too long. They began to try to find ways to keep the Fae's wings off of the ground, and tucked close to her body. They were large and unwieldy, which made it difficult.

Once, Neveah suggested they break them and allow them to heal in the form that Sydonia wanted, so she would not have to expend energy holding them up.

Sydonia didn't speak to her for the rest of the evening.

They eventually settled on tying them up. With scavenged fabric, Neveah fashioned a simple white wrap to hold Sydonia's wings aloft. In the air, they were less in the way, and definitely dirtied less easily than they had when they were just left to lie on the floor.

"Well. I will need to decorate them at the very least," Sydonia conceded.

Neveah hummed quietly, the noise rumbling in her massive chest. She could tell that Sydonia was pleased that her wings could be held high again, even if the Fae was somewhat discouraged by their appearance. Perhaps if she could find some silks; they would cover it appropriately.
- - - - -

"...We will need to move," Sydonia said, one evening after Neveah had returned from hunting, with various pelts in her arms.

The Guardian turned to her, her gaze questioning.

"From the day you hatched, I intended for us to move. It will be difficult to make a new lair for ourselves, but I do not wish to stay here."

That certainly didn't answer Neveah's question. Why would they move? They had everything they needed here. It was a large, spacious lair with plenty of room for growth. Their food stores were adequate, and the temperature was always pleasant.

"I do not expect you to understand why, just know that I cannot allow us to remain here," Sydonia concluded, craning her neck to look up at Neveah. The Guardian had grown even more over the past few days. She towered over the Fae.

"...Very well," Neveah said, lowering her head to the Fae's height. "When will we be migrating?"

"As soon as possible."

Neveah nodded, beginning to prepare what supplies she would be able to carry. They would not need to fly far, but navigating their way out of the Ascent and back to the plains would be a bit of a challenge, with so many supplies on board. Not to mention the moth and the mouse. And Sydonia, as well.

It would take some work.
@Vellain @AnaliAmber @Pyromania @FlyingNorth @FiddleRiddle
@SylphofPens @Gwineira @kingofeli @ArouraBorialice @Arsi

((Sorry for the lack of an update and a bit of a short one! Nothing's been happening. Neveah still has to go the coli alone since I haven't found any eggs and Sydonia is lv 19. Reeeeeaaaaally wish dragons earned EXP separately. not to mention the coliseum wont even load most of the time why do you hate me flight rising))

005: Migration

They had fallen into a comfortable pattern. Neveah would leave to hunt during the day and return in the evening, arms filled with victories. She hadn't picked up any more friendly beastclan members, and for this Sydonia was somewhat grateful. It was difficult keeping up with the mouse. The moth, on the other hand? Not so much. It simply wanted to float about in the sunlight, and seemed to prefer Neveah's company anyway. But the mouse. More than once she'd had to track it down after it had gone deeper into the lair. It wasn't difficult. The thing glowed. But it was still a nuisance.

Even if the thing was cute.

And soft.

It liked to follow her around while she paced with worry for Neveah. She moved in a wide circle, to allow her wings room to slide. Often she would catch a glimpse of the mouse waddling behind her, almost in step. It was trying very hard. She could not fault it that. It was almost comforting, to have such a constant presence at her side, and more than once she caught herself slowing her pace to allow the mouse to keep up.

At night, after Neveah had returned, they worked on Sydonia's wings. She was not able to make them functional again. There had been too much damage, and it had set for too long. They began to try to find ways to keep the Fae's wings off of the ground, and tucked close to her body. They were large and unwieldy, which made it difficult.

Once, Neveah suggested they break them and allow them to heal in the form that Sydonia wanted, so she would not have to expend energy holding them up.

Sydonia didn't speak to her for the rest of the evening.

They eventually settled on tying them up. With scavenged fabric, Neveah fashioned a simple white wrap to hold Sydonia's wings aloft. In the air, they were less in the way, and definitely dirtied less easily than they had when they were just left to lie on the floor.

"Well. I will need to decorate them at the very least," Sydonia conceded.

Neveah hummed quietly, the noise rumbling in her massive chest. She could tell that Sydonia was pleased that her wings could be held high again, even if the Fae was somewhat discouraged by their appearance. Perhaps if she could find some silks; they would cover it appropriately.
- - - - -

"...We will need to move," Sydonia said, one evening after Neveah had returned from hunting, with various pelts in her arms.

The Guardian turned to her, her gaze questioning.

"From the day you hatched, I intended for us to move. It will be difficult to make a new lair for ourselves, but I do not wish to stay here."

That certainly didn't answer Neveah's question. Why would they move? They had everything they needed here. It was a large, spacious lair with plenty of room for growth. Their food stores were adequate, and the temperature was always pleasant.

"I do not expect you to understand why, just know that I cannot allow us to remain here," Sydonia concluded, craning her neck to look up at Neveah. The Guardian had grown even more over the past few days. She towered over the Fae.

"...Very well," Neveah said, lowering her head to the Fae's height. "When will we be migrating?"

"As soon as possible."

Neveah nodded, beginning to prepare what supplies she would be able to carry. They would not need to fly far, but navigating their way out of the Ascent and back to the plains would be a bit of a challenge, with so many supplies on board. Not to mention the moth and the mouse. And Sydonia, as well.

It would take some work.
My lair is a Nuzlocke Lair! Follow the story here!
@PvtPuns it's okay, as long as you don't forget about us :P
@PvtPuns it's okay, as long as you don't forget about us :P
@PvtPuns great story so far. Add me to the ping list
@PvtPuns great story so far. Add me to the ping list
wQA8k.gif fy4en.gif


Okay! :)

Okay! :)
My lair is a Nuzlocke Lair! Follow the story here!
@PvtPuns Could I be added to the pinglist, too? My dragons and I are all interested in what's to become of this struggling lair.
@PvtPuns Could I be added to the pinglist, too? My dragons and I are all interested in what's to become of this struggling lair.
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