Please check the known issues and working-as-intended sections before making a report!

This thread is to track any gene errors that occur with the new Eclipse gene expansion.
In this thread, players may report any errors they encounter with the new genes. These can be technical errors, or consistency issues. This thread is intended to focus on these potential errors so that they can be addressed swiftly.
Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on March 9, 2025. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread or the Modern Gene Error Backlog but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.

To be notified of any gene fixes and updates, please subscribe to this Pinglist:
Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.
Corrected Issues
Known Issues
Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)
Working as intended
I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the genes released in the Eclipse Gene Expansion Update, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
This thread is accepting reports on the following genes only:

This thread is to track any gene errors that occur with the new Eclipse gene expansion.
In this thread, players may report any errors they encounter with the new genes. These can be technical errors, or consistency issues. This thread is intended to focus on these potential errors so that they can be addressed swiftly.
Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on March 9, 2025. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread or the Modern Gene Error Backlog but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.

To be notified of any gene fixes and updates, please subscribe to this Pinglist:
Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.
Corrected Issues
- All - All dragons with exposed mouth/tongue should have eclipse affect the color of the mouth. Corrected.
- Guardian - The gradient coverage was stronger than on other breeds. Corrected.
- Fae H, Guardian M - All crests should have eclipse pattern.
- Fathom F - Eclipse should not color the spines. Corrected.
- Nocturne F - There is pixel bleed on one of the horns. Corrected.
- Pearlcatcher - Eclipse should not apply pearl coverage to the dragon. Corrected.
- Spiral H, M - The inner ray color was only at 50% opacity. Corrected.
Known Issues
Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)
Working as intended
- Larvae - Veilspun - Larvae not affecting the mane is considered working as intended.
- Skydancer F - The circle shape at the top of the wing is considered correct, and the small divot that can be seen is the wing finger-claw.
- Mirror F - The eclipse pattern on the wings is not considered a clipping error
- Imperial - The nose being the horn color is considered working as intended.
I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the genes released in the Eclipse Gene Expansion Update, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
This thread is accepting reports on the following genes only: