
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | The Ember Court Hatchery - July 15 24
[center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][i][color=AA0025]Home[/color][/i] • [url=][color=629C3F]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Discounts & Sales[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Affiliates[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]For Sale[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Nesting[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pinglist[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pairs[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Showcase[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Updates[/color][/url][/center] ----- [columns]An Obelisk is galloping about, almost tripping on playing hatchlings as she darts to and fro, cleaning frantically and picking up strewn about papers, quietly running her mouth about how 'messy' everything is, but you really don't see it. "Oh!-" She comes to a skidding halt and bounds over to you, a youngster squealing with joy while clinging onto her tail, "Hello!" She sounds terribly out of breath, her glasses askew. "I'm so sorry- I wasn't expecting visitors so soon-" She clears her throat and takes a deep breath before speaking proudly, "Hello and welcome to the Ember Court Hatchery! My name is Passion," She places a paw over her heart and bows her head with a smile, "and I am the sole proprietress of this lovely establishment after purchasing it from it's previous owner. If you'd like to visit the old crew, [url=]here's where you can find them.[/url]"[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] "Being under new management can mean a lot of different things, so why don't I walk you through everything?" ----- [center][b]Primarily nests in Plague, Shadow & Wind![/b] Hatchlings usually have lored parents & come w/ formatted bios. Dragons are exalted exactly 7 days after being listed on the Auction House. Holds are accepted. Reserves not accepted. Prices are set at 50g/kt.[/center] ----- [center][b]Credits[/b][/center] My assets were made by me, backgrounds found at [url=]Unsplash[/url]. The code for my 'for sale' dragons was made by GlitchyOddy. -----

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An Obelisk is galloping about, almost tripping on playing hatchlings as she darts to and fro, cleaning frantically and picking up strewn about papers, quietly running her mouth about how 'messy' everything is, but you really don't see it. "Oh!-" She comes to a skidding halt and bounds over to you, a youngster squealing with joy while clinging onto her tail, "Hello!" She sounds terribly out of breath, her glasses askew. "I'm so sorry- I wasn't expecting visitors so soon-" She clears her throat and takes a deep breath before speaking proudly, "Hello and welcome to the Ember Court Hatchery! My name is Passion," She places a paw over her heart and bows her head with a smile, "and I am the sole proprietress of this lovely establishment after purchasing it from it's previous owner. If you'd like to visit the old crew, here's where you can find them." 86814711_350.png
"Being under new management can mean a lot of different things, so why don't I walk you through everything?"
Primarily nests in Plague, Shadow & Wind!
Hatchlings usually have lored parents & come w/ formatted bios.
Dragons are exalted exactly 7 days after being listed on the Auction House.
Holds are accepted.
Reserves not accepted.
Prices are set at 50g/kt.

My assets were made by me, backgrounds found at Unsplash.
The code for my 'for sale' dragons was made by GlitchyOddy.
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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][color=629C3F]Home[/color][/url] • [i][color=AA0025]Rules[/color][/i] • [url=][color=629C3F]Discounts & Sales[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Affiliates[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]For Sale[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Nesting[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pinglist[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pairs[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Showcase[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Updates[/color][/url][/center] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Passion walks you to a desk, motioning for you to take a seat in front of it as she pulls out a paper pamphlet, sliding it to you. "You can keep that, we're given hundreds. I'm going to assume a seasoned individual like you knows by now the basics of rules and terms of service- Once a hatchling is in your care, we here at the Ember Court no longer have any say in what goes into them, you can legally change their name and so on and so forth- What we can do however, is recommend against doing anything deemed illegal." She clears her throat and taps several sheets of paper together, "Past that, we do have some house rules I'd like you to take a look at, just some basic things, easy enough to follow."[/columns] ----- [LIST] [*]Once you buy a dragon, it is totally yours, in accordance with Flight Rising's TOS. Rename it, breed it, exalt it, gene it, I don't care. It's yours and yours alone at that point. [*][b]No haggling.[/b] [*][b]No trades.[/b] [*]I do not do freebies for newbies. [*]Ping me or I will not see you asking for dragons, [i][b]I am not subscribed.[/b][/i] [*]I do not do returns or refunds. Exalt or find a rescue. [/list] -----
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VbqOz9z.png Passion walks you to a desk, motioning for you to take a seat in front of it as she pulls out a paper pamphlet, sliding it to you. "You can keep that, we're given hundreds. I'm going to assume a seasoned individual like you knows by now the basics of rules and terms of service- Once a hatchling is in your care, we here at the Ember Court no longer have any say in what goes into them, you can legally change their name and so on and so forth- What we can do however, is recommend against doing anything deemed illegal." She clears her throat and taps several sheets of paper together, "Past that, we do have some house rules I'd like you to take a look at, just some basic things, easy enough to follow."

  • Once you buy a dragon, it is totally yours, in accordance with Flight Rising's TOS. Rename it, breed it, exalt it, gene it, I don't care. It's yours and yours alone at that point.
  • No haggling.
  • No trades.
  • I do not do freebies for newbies.
  • Ping me or I will not see you asking for dragons, I am not subscribed.
  • I do not do returns or refunds. Exalt or find a rescue.

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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][color=629C3F]Home[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Rules[/color][/url] • [i][color=AA0025]Discounts & Sales[/color][/i] • [url=][color=629C3F]Affiliates[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]For Sale[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Nesting[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pinglist[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pairs[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Showcase[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Updates[/color][/url][/center] ----- [columns]After explaining the house rules to you, Passion lights up once more. "In an attempt to help drive incentive for exalting dragons and engaging in your Flight's dominance, we have several discounts tied to which Flight has dominance at any given moment. These do not stack, but are quite nice if I do say so myself- In a best case scenario, where your Flight has dominance, you get fifteen percent off any given adoption fee!" She slides a note card towards you. It looks like if you want a dragon that coats one hundred gems, your cost drops to eighty-five, and if one costs fifty, your cost drops to fourty-two. "Additionally, during Flight Festivals, I am more than happy to offer an alternative payment in the form of that Flight's chosen currency, on top of the discount. So if you're a member of the Plague Flight during the Riot of Rot, you could in theory just pay fourty-two All-Seeing Shrooms."[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- [center][b]Plague Flight discount [i]does not[/i] stack with both dominance slots![/b][/center] [LIST][*]Top Slot Dom - 15% [*]Second Slot Dom - 7% [*]Plague Flight members - 5%[/LIST] [i]Note: To have any discounts applied, you need to go through the thread and clarify your flight. ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url] I'll be offering another means of payment the next festival! Check back during then. -----
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After explaining the house rules to you, Passion lights up once more. "In an attempt to help drive incentive for exalting dragons and engaging in your Flight's dominance, we have several discounts tied to which Flight has dominance at any given moment. These do not stack, but are quite nice if I do say so myself- In a best case scenario, where your Flight has dominance, you get fifteen percent off any given adoption fee!" She slides a note card towards you. It looks like if you want a dragon that coats one hundred gems, your cost drops to eighty-five, and if one costs fifty, your cost drops to fourty-two. "Additionally, during Flight Festivals, I am more than happy to offer an alternative payment in the form of that Flight's chosen currency, on top of the discount. So if you're a member of the Plague Flight during the Riot of Rot, you could in theory just pay fourty-two All-Seeing Shrooms." 86814711_350.png

Plague Flight discount does not stack with both dominance slots!
  • Top Slot Dom - 15%
  • Second Slot Dom - 7%
  • Plague Flight members - 5%

Note: To have any discounts applied, you need to go through the thread and clarify your flight.

I'll be offering another means of payment the next festival! Check back during then.
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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][color=629C3F]Home[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Discounts & Sales[/color][/url] • [i][color=AA0025]Affiliates[/color][/i] • [url=][color=629C3F]For Sale[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Nesting[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pinglist[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pairs[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Showcase[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Updates[/color][/url][/center] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]"Oh, you're looking to become Affiliates? Great! Here's a list of my current ones, and here's how to become one." She slides you a small contract worth of papers. "The long and short of that all is I may not always bump regularly, but I definitely try. Additionally, if you become inactive, either wholly or in part, by abandoning your lair and/or your hatchery, I will remove you as an affiliate and be very hesitant to reaffiliate with you- This decision is not personal and more from a 'I would rather not be told off because you left with no warning'* perspective."[/columns] *[This [i]has[/i] happened to me before! Please be considerate towards your affiliates and give us a heads up if you plan on quitting- I don't want to have to check if each and every one of my affiliates are a dead lair.] To affiliate: [b]Ping or DM me[/b] with a banner to your hatchery and a code for your banner. Codes look like this. [code][code][url=YOURHATCHERYTHREADURL][img]YOURBANNERSIMGLINK[/img][/url][/code`][/code] [b]I will NOT respond to pings or PMs without these.[/b] It tells me you don't care enough to even bother helping me out and are just doing it for your own gain, not mutual benefits, and are much more likely to abandon your hatchery. Show some initiative, help me out in an incredibly minimal way. Additionally, I bump affiliates once a week when I am active with my hatchery, and offer return bumps otherwise. [EG: I am not tending the hatchery because of NoTN. You bump me during that period, I return the bump, but don't bump your thread or my own otherwise.] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/code] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/url][/img][/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
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VbqOz9z.png "Oh, you're looking to become Affiliates? Great! Here's a list of my current ones, and here's how to become one." She slides you a small contract worth of papers. "The long and short of that all is I may not always bump regularly, but I definitely try. Additionally, if you become inactive, either wholly or in part, by abandoning your lair and/or your hatchery, I will remove you as an affiliate and be very hesitant to reaffiliate with you- This decision is not personal and more from a 'I would rather not be told off because you left with no warning'* perspective."
*[This has happened to me before! Please be considerate towards your affiliates and give us a heads up if you plan on quitting- I don't want to have to check if each and every one of my affiliates are a dead lair.]
To affiliate: Ping or DM me with a banner to your hatchery and a code for your banner. Codes look like this.
I will NOT respond to pings or PMs without these. It tells me you don't care enough to even bother helping me out and are just doing it for your own gain, not mutual benefits, and are much more likely to abandon your hatchery. Show some initiative, help me out in an incredibly minimal way.
Additionally, I bump affiliates once a week when I am active with my hatchery, and offer return bumps otherwise. [EG: I am not tending the hatchery because of NoTN. You bump me during that period, I return the bump, but don't bump your thread or my own otherwise.]






qBNWrht.png »About Me
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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][color=629C3F]Home[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Discounts & Sales[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Affiliates[/color][/url] • [i][color=AA0025]For Sale[/color][/i] • [url=][color=629C3F]Nesting[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pinglist[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pairs[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Showcase[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Updates[/color][/url][/center] ----- [columns]"Finally, onto the fun things!" She leads you away from the desk, a wide grin on her face as she takes you outside, where there's always a gaggle of hatchlings, and occasionally some young-teen dragons. "These are the kiddos we have for adoption right now. Go ahead and check them out when you're ready! There isn't much I can give you on these little guys past how loved they are by their parents and I- We're actually sending them to other clans specifically because they asked. The parents are a little more, ah.. Cagey, though. They might not necessarily trust strangers and ask you respect that- S'why they're not here, actually. During visiting hours, they get some much needed rest, while I tend to their little ones. And- Yes, there's an inside area for them to play, too. They just prefer being outside when they can, as we have a very strict 'no flying inside' rule."[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- [columns][br][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Casandra [size=1]Blood [color=#451717] # [/color] Fern[/size] [size=1]Obsidian [color=#1D2224] # [/color] Paisley[/size] [size=1]Cherry [color=#AA0025] # [/color] Sparkle[/size] [size=1]Uncommon [color=#BF0303]Plague[/color][/size] [size=1][b]50g/kt[/b][/size] [url=][b][color=#48a1d9]BUY[/color][/b][/url][nextcol][br][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Bayanar [size=1]Crimson [color=#850012] # [/color] Tide[/size] [size=1]Crimson [color=#850012] # [/color] Foam[/size] [size=1]Crimson [color=#850012] # [/color] Smirch[/size] [size=1]Common [color=#BF0303]Plague[/color][/size] [size=1][b]50g/kt[/b][/size] [url=][b][color=#48a1d9]BUY[/color][/b][/url][nextcol][br][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Letty [size=1]Sanguine [color=#2F0003] # [/color] Python[/size] [size=1]Sanguine [color=#2F0003] # [/color] Morph[/size] [size=1]Leaf [color=#A5E32D] # [/color] Ghost[/size] [size=1]Bright [color=#BF0303]Plague[/color][/size] [size=1][b]50g/kt[/b][/size] [url=][b][color=#48a1d9]BUY[/color][/b][/url][nextcol][br][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Witchhazel [size=1]Blood [color=#451717] # [/color] Python[/size] [size=1]Sanguine [color=#2F0003] # [/color] Morph[/size] [size=1]Radioactive [color=#C6FF00] # [/color] Gembond[/size] [size=1]Common [color=#BF0303]Plague[/color][/size] [size=1][b]50g/kt[/b][/size] [url=][b][color=#48a1d9]BUY[/color][/b][/url][nextcol][center][br][url=][img][/img][/url] Ushio [size=1]Wine [color=#4D0F29] # [/color] Petals[/size] [size=1]Wine [color=#4D0F29] # [/color] Butterfly[/size] [size=1]Wine [color=#4D0F29] # [/color] Capsule[/size] [size=1]Rare [color=#BF0303]Plague[/color][/size] [size=1][b]50g/kt[/b][/size] [url=][b][color=#48a1d9]BUY[/color][/b][/url][nextcol][br][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Haz [size=1]Wine [color=#4D0F29] # [/color] Petals[/size] [size=1]Wine [color=#4D0F29] # [/color] Butterfly[/size] [size=1]Wine [color=#4D0F29] # [/color] Capsule[/size] [size=1]Uncommon [color=#BF0303]Plague[/color][/size] [size=1][b]50g/kt[/b][/size] [url=][b][color=#48a1d9]BUY[/color][/b][/url][/columns] -----
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"Finally, onto the fun things!" She leads you away from the desk, a wide grin on her face as she takes you outside, where there's always a gaggle of hatchlings, and occasionally some young-teen dragons. "These are the kiddos we have for adoption right now. Go ahead and check them out when you're ready! There isn't much I can give you on these little guys past how loved they are by their parents and I- We're actually sending them to other clans specifically because they asked. The parents are a little more, ah.. Cagey, though. They might not necessarily trust strangers and ask you respect that- S'why they're not here, actually. During visiting hours, they get some much needed rest, while I tend to their little ones. And- Yes, there's an inside area for them to play, too. They just prefer being outside when they can, as we have a very strict 'no flying inside' rule." 86814711_350.png

Blood # Fern
Obsidian # Paisley
Cherry # Sparkle
Uncommon Plague 50g/kt

Crimson # Tide
Crimson # Foam
Crimson # Smirch
Common Plague 50g/kt

Sanguine # Python
Sanguine # Morph
Leaf # Ghost
Bright Plague 50g/kt

Blood # Python
Sanguine # Morph
Radioactive # Gembond
Common Plague 50g/kt

Wine # Petals
Wine # Butterfly
Wine # Capsule
Rare Plague 50g/kt

Wine # Petals
Wine # Butterfly
Wine # Capsule
Uncommon Plague 50g/kt

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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][color=629C3F]Home[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Discounts & Sales[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Affiliates[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]For Sale[/color][/url] • [i][color=AA0025]Nesting[/color][/i] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pinglist[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pairs[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Showcase[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Updates[/color][/url][/center] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]"We usually have one or two couples expecting hatchlings, but on very, very, special occasions, we will have a full Nesting Grounds worth of couples preparing to welcome kiddos into Sornieth. Currently, here's who's expecting- Again, don't expect much, we usually only have one or two nests worth of eggs."[/columns] ----- [center][img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] -----
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VbqOz9z.png "We usually have one or two couples expecting hatchlings, but on very, very, special occasions, we will have a full Nesting Grounds worth of couples preparing to welcome kiddos into Sornieth. Currently, here's who's expecting- Again, don't expect much, we usually only have one or two nests worth of eggs."

qBNWrht.png »About Me
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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][color=629C3F]Home[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Discounts & Sales[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Affiliates[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]For Sale[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Nesting[/color][/url] • [i][color=AA0025]Pinglist[/color][/i] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pairs[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Showcase[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Updates[/color][/url][/center] ----- [columns]"Here's where you can sign up to be notified of new hatchlings, as well as specific types of hatchlings. If they're ones that just.. Sort of appeared from.. Honestly I don't really know where, sometimes, if they're ones I'm aware of, or if they come from any special parents- Like those related to Ignis, or if I have any special announcements with regards to the hatchery and/or questions to ask those particularly interested in hatchlings from the pairs available."[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- [pinglist=7287] [New hatches, all of them. The one I use to beckon everyone to a post if it's got dragons for sale in it.] [pinglist=22737] [Only hatchlings with parents canon in my lore- Subspecies, ancients, fandragons.] [pinglist=22738] [Only subspecies, like pearl cerdae, necrowmancers, bulbasaurs and my Selchies.] [pinglist=22739] [Only hatchlings from lineages. Some mine, some other's, all canon in my lore. Includes Ignis, Starwood Seers, Talos, Naomi.] [pinglist=22740] [Fandragons, ancients. Anything that I can't deem canon in my lore.] [pinglist=22741] [If you're interested in 'let's talk' posts- Will alert you of hiatuses, updates, vacations, any issues on my end, as well as occasionally doing ICs for pairs and what priority to take for geneing them.] -----
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"Here's where you can sign up to be notified of new hatchlings, as well as specific types of hatchlings. If they're ones that just.. Sort of appeared from.. Honestly I don't really know where, sometimes, if they're ones I'm aware of, or if they come from any special parents- Like those related to Ignis, or if I have any special announcements with regards to the hatchery and/or questions to ask those particularly interested in hatchlings from the pairs available." 86814711_350.png

[New hatches, all of them. The one I use to beckon everyone to a post if it's got dragons for sale in it.]
[Only hatchlings with parents canon in my lore- Subspecies, ancients, fandragons.]
[Only subspecies, like pearl cerdae, necrowmancers, bulbasaurs and my Selchies.]
[Only hatchlings from lineages. Some mine, some other's, all canon in my lore. Includes Ignis, Starwood Seers, Talos, Naomi.]
[Fandragons, ancients. Anything that I can't deem canon in my lore.]
[If you're interested in 'let's talk' posts- Will alert you of hiatuses, updates, vacations, any issues on my end, as well as occasionally doing ICs for pairs and what priority to take for geneing them.]
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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][color=629C3F]Home[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Discounts & Sales[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Affiliates[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]For Sale[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Nesting[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pinglist[/color][/url] • [i][color=AA0025]Pairs[/color][/i] • [url=][color=629C3F]Showcase[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Updates[/color][/url][/center] ----- [center][b]Main Pairs[/b] All have lore and are canon in [i]my[/i] lore. Woah! A lot of these are experiencing ongoing construction. Please stand by! You can check the individual pairs in my lair, [url=]here[/url]! -----
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Main Pairs
All have lore and are canon in my lore.

Woah! A lot of these are experiencing ongoing construction. Please stand by! You can check the individual pairs in my lair, here!
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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][color=629C3F]Home[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Discounts & Sales[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Affiliates[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]For Sale[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Nesting[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pinglist[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pairs[/color][/url] • [i][color=AA0025]Showcase[/color][/i] • [url=][color=629C3F]Updates[/color][/url][/center] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]"These hatchlings have properly forged a path for themselves, and their parents and I couldn't be more proud of them. If you'd like to submit a hatchling you've adopted to the showcase, reach out! I'd be more than happy to take a look and have their picture put up here; it'd honestly be such a treat to see how far they've come."[/columns] ----- [center][b]Showcase[/b][/center] ----- N/A! -----
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VbqOz9z.png "These hatchlings have properly forged a path for themselves, and their parents and I couldn't be more proud of them. If you'd like to submit a hatchling you've adopted to the showcase, reach out! I'd be more than happy to take a look and have their picture put up here; it'd honestly be such a treat to see how far they've come."


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[center][img][/img] ----- [url=][color=629C3F]Home[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Rules[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Discounts & Sales[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Affiliates[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]For Sale[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Nesting[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pinglist[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Pairs[/color][/url] • [url=][color=629C3F]Showcase[/color][/url] • [i][color=AA0025]Updates[/color][/i][/center] ----- (Feb. 29, '24): Officially rebranded, old flavor text replaced. (Feb. 1 - 27, '24): Official rebrand in process. Sparrow's Splendiferous Safehouse -> The Ember Court Hatchery. Many pairs deprecated & replaced. Assets finished & ready to roll out on Leap Day. See you on leap day. [emoji=imperial winking size=1] -----
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(Feb. 29, '24): Officially rebranded, old flavor text replaced.
(Feb. 1 - 27, '24): Official rebrand in process. Sparrow's Splendiferous Safehouse -> The Ember Court Hatchery. Many pairs deprecated & replaced. Assets finished & ready to roll out on Leap Day. See you on leap day.
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