
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | .:Shadow and Bone:.
[size=1][center]New Pairs: @ChromaBoreala @darkblayd @dragonBMA @CelestialBlue @almondandapple @joolianjay @rubeusbeaky @VairaSmythe @qunaari @XAmaranthusX @Stermwind @Ardenweald @Kid @Houndstooth @Salazia @sassybat @FBI @Shenzai @Villainous @Jawesome @ringcat @SailboatSea @CeriothOfCinders @lounieticc @carnymassacre @Libi @Emberwolf @Darkness352 @iceburg770 @chilldad @sense @TurtlePrince @lastghostling @crowbartender @HypoCrow @GalaxyDino @CrimsonForecasts @ShadowLessHC98 @4E7HER @xscilabx @SindoreiPony @Snorkel @WebstickKitten @AllieLovesBrook @Panarow @pastiche @ryou @Potatoad @BurgundyQuills @seepratintti @CacklingCat @StormmFyre @gothicpen @aquilaaltair @WinterMouse[/size] Two new pairs have been added to the [url=]pinglist.[/url] [img][/img] [emoji=fire rune size=1] Fire Eyes [emoji=gem size=1]50g [emoji=treasure size=1]50kt [img][/img] [emoji=plague rune size=1] Plague Eyes [emoji=gem size=1]50g [emoji=treasure size=1]50kt
gfCdYdH.gif Ninth | She/Her
Shadow and Bone Hatchery
Skins and Accents
ooh i love these sand surges, next time a baby (male or female is fine) from rigged roulette, cyber storm, or through fire and flames hatches (if both pairs hatch hatchlings at the same time, know that more prioritized is the first two, the last is another option too, though), please reserve it for me before any one else can snatch it because my timezones are very different and when i can log into fr everythings already gone.

i'm not sure if i've asked this before, but is it possible to reserve a hatchling before it is born? well, i don't know but as long as it is on hold for a day or two maximum, i'd be able to grab it.

i have exactly enough to grab one, so i will be back asking for another reservation for a different sandsurge pair when i have enough again, if that is possible. if not, i'll try and be more timely? i'm not exactly sure if i can do that considering i'll probably be asleep when you post again, so... yeah. just asking for practicality, everybody scrambles here when they receive the ping (and for good reasons, your hatchery is miraculous) so i don't get much of a chance.

thanks a lot in advance!
ooh i love these sand surges, next time a baby (male or female is fine) from rigged roulette, cyber storm, or through fire and flames hatches (if both pairs hatch hatchlings at the same time, know that more prioritized is the first two, the last is another option too, though), please reserve it for me before any one else can snatch it because my timezones are very different and when i can log into fr everythings already gone.

i'm not sure if i've asked this before, but is it possible to reserve a hatchling before it is born? well, i don't know but as long as it is on hold for a day or two maximum, i'd be able to grab it.

i have exactly enough to grab one, so i will be back asking for another reservation for a different sandsurge pair when i have enough again, if that is possible. if not, i'll try and be more timely? i'm not exactly sure if i can do that considering i'll probably be asleep when you post again, so... yeah. just asking for practicality, everybody scrambles here when they receive the ping (and for good reasons, your hatchery is miraculous) so i don't get much of a chance.

thanks a lot in advance!
@9th ok so im having a lot of trouble catching you when you post so i was wondering if i could reserve a male from either of the 2 pairs you have on nests now. I believe that would be "eminent danger" and zebra sharks" both have color palets i love (it just happens that theyre on nests now but i have been looking at those 2 pairs hoping)
@9th ok so im having a lot of trouble catching you when you post so i was wondering if i could reserve a male from either of the 2 pairs you have on nests now. I believe that would be "eminent danger" and zebra sharks" both have color palets i love (it just happens that theyre on nests now but i have been looking at those 2 pairs hoping)
Link to my all in 1 shop!
ooh I would kinda like to get April if she's still there, for treasure ideally (also, Light has dom this week so I think your discount should apply :3)
ooh I would kinda like to get April if she's still there, for treasure ideally (also, Light has dom this week so I think your discount should apply :3)
hi! I have North on reserve, can I get her for gems?
hi! I have North on reserve, can I get her for gems?
hi i wanted to show you this lovely i bought form you! shes an absolute dear and is one of my favorite dragons [url=][img][/img][/url]
hi i wanted to show you this lovely i bought form you! shes an absolute dear and is one of my favorite dragons


have a good day!
trying to get some new dragons. my lair has a lot of dragons im trying to get rid of, so please dont mind my lair slots when deciding to send the dragons ^^

Dragon Census
Can I nab Piccolo for gems?
Can I nab Piccolo for gems?
also can i be notified when wueen of hearths goes live? i would love a hatchling
also can i be notified when wueen of hearths goes live? i would love a hatchling
have a good day!
trying to get some new dragons. my lair has a lot of dragons im trying to get rid of, so please dont mind my lair slots when deciding to send the dragons ^^

Dragon Census
That’s a relief then! VPNs are good to have c:
That’s a relief then! VPNs are good to have c: