
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue
[u][b]NOW 10g DISCOUNTED ON AH (Original prices were 10 more!)NEED TO GO[/b][/u] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Concord [b]ID:[/b] 36956521 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Oct. 28, 2017 (5 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Lightning [b]Primary:[/b] Blue Poison [b]Secondary:[/b] Violet Toxin [b]Tertiary:[/b] Grape Runes [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] None [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Pickle [b]ID:[/b] 44741980 [b]Hatchday:[/b] August 29, 2018 (4 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Silver Bar [b]Secondary:[/b] Lavender Daub [b]Tertiary:[/b] Shale Basic [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Juniper [b]ID:[/b] 45166346 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Sept. 13, 2018 (4 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow (Faceted Eyes) [b]Primary:[/b] Abyss Petals [b]Secondary:[/b] Orca Shimmer [b]Tertiary:[/b] Mint Underbelly [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]30 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 30[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Airtha [b]ID:[/b] 43937902 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Aug 1st, 2018 (4 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Arcane [b]Primary:[/b] Turquoise Petals [b]Secondary:[/b] Avocado Butterfly [b]Tertiary:[/b] Shamrock Opal [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] None [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]30 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 30[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns]
NOW 10g DISCOUNTED ON AH (Original prices were 10 more!)NEED TO GO

Name: Concord
ID: 36956521

Hatchday: Oct. 28, 2017 (5 years)

Element: Lightning
Primary: Blue Poison
Secondary: Violet Toxin
Tertiary: Grape Runes

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: None

Price: 40 000 or 40


Name: Pickle
ID: 44741980

Hatchday: August 29, 2018 (4 years)

Element: Shadow
Primary: Silver Bar
Secondary: Lavender Daub
Tertiary: Shale Basic

Bred: No
Unnamed: N/A

Price: 20 000 or 20

Name: Juniper
ID: 45166346

Hatchday: Sept. 13, 2018 (4 years)

Element: Shadow (Faceted Eyes)
Primary: Abyss Petals
Secondary: Orca Shimmer
Tertiary: Mint Underbelly

Bred: No
Unnamed: N/A

Price: 30 000 or 30


Name: Airtha
ID: 43937902

Hatchday: Aug 1st, 2018 (4 years)

Element: Arcane
Primary: Turquoise Petals
Secondary: Avocado Butterfly
Tertiary: Shamrock Opal

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: None

Price: 30 000 or 30

Some newbies are here (someone got adopted as well :D; [s]added pings for the newbies only[/s] [quote name="SassyScorpio" date="2023-03-20 22:09:41" ] [size=4]Oldies from exalt and AH rescue, some previous oldies are here at the top, and the new ones below. Feel free to ask for various discounts and/or haggles :> (for example a discount for both bogs)[/size] [s]------[/s] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Reinhardt [b]ID:[/b] 37563255 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Nov 24, 2017 (5 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Platinum Speckle [b]Secondary:[/b] Antique Basic [b]Tertiary:[/b] Sunset Basic [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]50 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 50[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Ping or PM to buy with gems [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [s]------[/s] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Astra [b]ID:[/b] 41862735 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 22, 2018 (4 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Primary:[/b] Indigo Poison [b]Secondary:[/b] Shale Toxin [b]Tertiary:[/b] Gold Smoke [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Ping or PM to buy with gems [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [s]------[/s] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Lionfish [b]ID:[/b] 46215919 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Oct 21, 2018 (4 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Light [b]Primary:[/b] Grape Lionfish [b]Secondary:[/b] Flaxen Noxtide [b]Tertiary:[/b] Cerise Basic [b]Bred:[/b] Yes (11) [b]Unnamed:[/b] 2 [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Ping or PM to buy with gems [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [s]------[/s] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] DeepBeneath [b]ID:[/b] 48845869 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 25, 2019 (4 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Sapphire Lionfish [b]Secondary:[/b] Ultramarine Noxtide [b]Tertiary:[/b] Eggplant Lace [b]Bred:[/b] Yes (3) [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Ping or PM to buy with gems [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [s]------[/s] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] George [b]ID:[/b] 49343230 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Feb 13, 2019 (4 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Arcane [b]Primary:[/b] Eldritch Pinstripe [b]Secondary:[/b] Radioactive Trail [b]Tertiary:[/b] Radioactive Ghost [b]Bred:[/b] Yes (3) [b]Unnamed:[/b] 2 [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Pink or PM to buy with gems [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [s]------[/s] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Dashing [b]ID:[/b] 42403153 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jun 11, 2018 (4 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Pumpkin Jaguar [b]Secondary:[/b] Peacock Stripes [b]Tertiary:[/b] Teal Spines [b]Bred:[/b] Yes (14) [b]Unnamed:[/b] 2 [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Ping or PM to buy with gems [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [s]------[/s] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Galaxii [b]ID:[/b] 51767012 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 12, 2019 (3 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Arcane [b]Primary:[/b] Violet Starmap [b]Secondary:[/b] Nightshade Bee [b]Tertiary:[/b] Amethyst Firefly [b]Bred:[/b] Yes (7) [b]Unnamed:[/b] 5 [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]30 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 30[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Ping or PM to buy with gems [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [s]------[/s] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Calling [b]ID:[/b] 60111343 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Mar 21, 2020 (3 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Fire [Goat Eyes] [b]Primary:[/b] Black Swirl [b]Secondary:[/b] Fog Basic [b]Tertiary:[/b] Flint Basic [b]Bred:[/b] Yes (5) [b]Unnamed:[/b] 1 [s]------[/s] Looks great in this skin: [skin=47885] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Ping or PM to buy with gems [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [s]------[/s] New Pings: schnopped [/quote]
Some newbies are here (someone got adopted as well :D; added pings for the newbies only
SassyScorpio wrote on 2023-03-20 22:09:41:
Oldies from exalt and AH rescue, some previous oldies are here at the top, and the new ones below. Feel free to ask for various discounts and/or haggles :> (for example a discount for both bogs)


Name: Reinhardt
ID: 37563255

Hatchday: Nov 24, 2017
(5 years)

Element: Shadow
Primary: Platinum Speckle
Secondary: Antique Basic
Tertiary: Sunset Basic

Bred: No

Price: 50 000 or 50
Ping or PM to buy with gems


Name: Astra
ID: 41862735

Hatchday: May 22, 2018
(4 years)

Element: Water
Primary: Indigo Poison
Secondary: Shale Toxin
Tertiary: Gold Smoke

Bred: No

Price: 40 000 or 40
Ping or PM to buy with gems


Name: Lionfish
ID: 46215919

Hatchday: Oct 21, 2018
(4 years)

Element: Light
Primary: Grape Lionfish
Secondary: Flaxen Noxtide
Tertiary: Cerise Basic

Bred: Yes (11)
Unnamed: 2

Price: 40 000 or 40
Ping or PM to buy with gems


Name: DeepBeneath
ID: 48845869

Hatchday: Jan 25, 2019
(4 years)

Element: Shadow
Primary: Sapphire Lionfish
Secondary: Ultramarine Noxtide
Tertiary: Eggplant Lace

Bred: Yes (3)
Unnamed: No

Price: 40 000 or 40
Ping or PM to buy with gems


Name: George
ID: 49343230

Hatchday: Feb 13, 2019
(4 years)

Element: Arcane
Primary: Eldritch Pinstripe
Secondary: Radioactive Trail
Tertiary: Radioactive Ghost

Bred: Yes (3)
Unnamed: 2

Price: 40 000 or 40
Pink or PM to buy with gems


Name: Dashing
ID: 42403153

Hatchday: Jun 11, 2018
(4 years)

Element: Shadow
Primary: Pumpkin Jaguar
Secondary: Peacock Stripes
Tertiary: Teal Spines

Bred: Yes (14)
Unnamed: 2

Price: 40 000 or 40
Ping or PM to buy with gems


Name: Galaxii
ID: 51767012

Hatchday: May 12, 2019
(3 years)

Element: Arcane
Primary: Violet Starmap
Secondary: Nightshade Bee
Tertiary: Amethyst Firefly

Bred: Yes (7)
Unnamed: 5

Price: 30 000 or 30
Ping or PM to buy with gems


Name: Calling
ID: 60111343

Hatchday: Mar 21, 2020
(3 years)

Element: Fire [Goat Eyes]
Primary: Black Swirl
Secondary: Fog Basic
Tertiary: Flint Basic

Bred: Yes (5)
Unnamed: 1

Looks great in this skin:

Price: 40 000 or 40
Ping or PM to buy with gems

New Pings:
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: SheThicc[/b] [b]ID: 49717530[/b] [b]Hatchday: Feb 26, 2019[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Element: Lightning[/b] [b]Primary: crystal[/b] [b]Secondary: facet[/b] [b]Tertiary: glimmer[/b] [b]Bred: no[/b] [b]Eyes: unusual[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [B]Ping list:[/b] [b]Unbred:[/b] @Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Hounds @starshiny @invaliduser232 @megamind @tthheeoo @Vrtra @Narikine @XCVN @SabrinaB @PurpleAmbience @Septica @SIlentWings @bonivich @Ayrmel @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @pantastic @PrimalGoddess @cowboycalledmal @ToothMuncher @BioLuminesence @LaSilva007 @Dubdee [b]Snappers:[/b] @Reythaak @Frisco37 @Immapie @TheFortissima @mgcltwo @Aarune @Scribbly07 @treesapperson @Lirillith [b]Lightning:[/b] @sense I checked my ping list more than once, but if I ping you more than once I apologize in advance! Thank you for looking!

Name: SheThicc
ID: 49717530

Hatchday: Feb 26, 2019

Element: Lightning
Primary: crystal
Secondary: facet
Tertiary: glimmer
Bred: no
Eyes: unusual

Price: 40 000 or 40

Ping list:

Unbred: @Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Hounds @starshiny @invaliduser232 @megamind @tthheeoo @Vrtra @Narikine @XCVN @SabrinaB @PurpleAmbience @Septica @SIlentWings @bonivich @Ayrmel @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @pantastic @PrimalGoddess @cowboycalledmal @ToothMuncher @BioLuminesence @LaSilva007 @Dubdee

Snappers: @Reythaak @Frisco37 @Immapie @TheFortissima @mgcltwo @Aarune @Scribbly07 @treesapperson @Lirillith

Lightning: @sense

I checked my ping list more than once, but if I ping you more than once I apologize in advance!

Thank you for looking!

And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all...
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Razorblade [b]ID:[/b] 34835933 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jul 31, 2017 (5 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Fire Common [b]Primary:[/b] Fuchsia Iridescent [b]Secondary:[/b] Watermelon Seraph [b]Tertiary:[/b] Lavender Spines [b]Bred:[/b] Yes (2x) [b]Unnamed:[/b] None [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]50 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 50[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [b]ALL[/b]@Blushunt @Azurenight @BunnySox @DuskAndDagger @caddyshack @ClassicToneJakal @Frisco37 @Wytche @Goerbars @Tahoma @megamind @LordRaikage @FireMoniter @Vrtra @hylics2 @Narikine @SabrinaB @Woohoorandom @sepiasenpai @bonivich @elduwen @mimirr @Vershton @Silverbolt1159 @conceptwitch @kryptonCryptic @Welcometochiliss @PrimalGoddess @DemonHearts @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @Xievos [b]5+[/b]@Scarecrows @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Teletraan @Hounds @Reythaak @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Drachenhort @Tahoma @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @megamind @selkiie @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @TheFortissima @FireMoniter @kometto @hylics2 @Narikine @XCVN @Glory @SabrinaB @PlagueR0dent @TabuTalisman @1863 @PurpleAmbience @Septica @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @Ammut @Ayrmel @Toothye @drakha @Aavinox @NightGaze @enceladust @DemonicDuchess @loach @504 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @coupdetegg @jellyfishprincex @Casilica @ANTIM0NY @Ditzy @perfectoranges @FadedDaydream @AzaRein @clockworkworm @noddddd @enevera @PlagueOfFur @cowboycalledmal @ToothMuncher @Goachie @treesapperson @Lirillith @LaSilva007 @Dubdee @toastedpencils @Veylaron [b]Fae[/b]@starshiny @mudhoney @Scribbly07 @Meriii @SassyScorpio

Name: Razorblade
ID: 34835933

Hatchday: Jul 31, 2017
(5 years)

Element: Fire Common
Primary: Fuchsia Iridescent
Secondary: Watermelon Seraph
Tertiary: Lavender Spines

Bred: Yes (2x)
Unnamed: None

Price: 50 000 or 50

ALL@Blushunt @Azurenight @BunnySox @DuskAndDagger @caddyshack @ClassicToneJakal @Frisco37 @Wytche @Goerbars @Tahoma @megamind @LordRaikage @FireMoniter @Vrtra @hylics2 @Narikine @SabrinaB @Woohoorandom @sepiasenpai @bonivich @elduwen @mimirr @Vershton @Silverbolt1159 @conceptwitch @kryptonCryptic @Welcometochiliss @PrimalGoddess @DemonHearts @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @Xievos

5+@Scarecrows @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Teletraan @Hounds @Reythaak @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Drachenhort @Tahoma @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @megamind @selkiie @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @TheFortissima @FireMoniter @kometto @hylics2 @Narikine @XCVN @Glory @SabrinaB @PlagueR0dent @TabuTalisman @1863 @PurpleAmbience @Septica @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @Ammut @Ayrmel @Toothye @drakha @Aavinox @NightGaze @enceladust @DemonicDuchess @loach @504 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @coupdetegg @jellyfishprincex @Casilica @ANTIM0NY @Ditzy @perfectoranges @FadedDaydream @AzaRein @clockworkworm @noddddd @enevera @PlagueOfFur @cowboycalledmal @ToothMuncher @Goachie @treesapperson @Lirillith @LaSilva007 @Dubdee @toastedpencils @Veylaron

Fae@starshiny @mudhoney @Scribbly07 @Meriii @SassyScorpio
marketicon.pngITs-Logo-Sm.png Logo.png
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Agarte[/b] [b]ID:#44982350[/b] [b]Hatchday: 9-7-18[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Element: Ice[/b] [b]Primary: Obsidian[/b] [b]Secondary: Copper[/b] [b]Tertiary: Silver[/b] [b]Bred: Yes[/b] [b]Unnamed: 1[/b] [b]Eyes: Uncommon[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]61 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 61[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here: [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Chiara[/b] [b]ID:#45904522[/b] [b]Hatchday: 10-10-18[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Element: Ice[/b] [b]Primary: Pearl[/b] [b]Secondary: Obsidian[/b] [b]Tertiary: Obsidian[/b] [b]XYY[/b] [b]Bred: Yes[/b] [b]Unnamed: 0[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]62 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 62[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Message me to purchase, she's in my hibernal den right now.[img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Unnamed[/b] [b]ID:##50573427[/b] [b]Hatchday: 3-29-19[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Element: Fire[/b] [b]Primary: Ultramarine[/b] [b]Secondary: Caribbean[/b] [b]Tertiary: Mist[/b] [b]Bred: No[/b] [b]Unnamed: 0[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Message me to purchase, she's in my hibernal den right now.[img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Don[/b] [b]ID:##50573427[/b] [b]Hatchday: 11-8-14[/b] 8 years old [s]------[/s] [b]Element: Fire[/b] [b]Primary: Spring[/b] [b]Secondary: Ivory[/b] [b]Tertiary: Ivory[/b] [b]XYY[/b] [b]Bred: Yes[/b] [b]Unnamed: 0[/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]90 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 90[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Message me to purchase, he's in my hibernal den right now.[img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] Pinglist All: @Blushunt @Azurenight @BunnySox @DuskAndDagger @caddyshack @ClassicToneJakal @Frisco37 @Wytche @Goerbars @Tahoma @megamind @LordRaikage @FireMoniter @Vrtra @hylics2 @Narikine @SabrinaB @Woohoorandom @sepiasenpai @bonivich @elduwen @mimirr @Vershton @Silverbolt1159 @conceptwitch @kryptonCryptic @Welcometochiliss @PrimalGoddess @DemonHearts @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @Xievos All Moderns: @Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @DuskAndDagger @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Drachenhort @Tahoma @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @FireMoniter @kometto @Vrtra @hylics2 @Narikine @XCVN @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @1863 @PurpleAmbience @Cinny @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @Ayrmel @Vershton @Aavinox @NightGaze @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @conceptwitch @kryptonCryptic @ANTIM0NY @PrimalGoddess @AzaRein @DemonHearts @clockworkworm @ToothMuncher @Veylaron Nocturnes: @PetSnail @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @XiangEr @Ammut @drakha @Silverbolt1159 @Scribbly07 @enevera Coatls: @jinu @Hounds @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @selkiie @XiangEr @Fiain @Ammut @drakha @Bradtsu @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @Scribbly07 XYY: @DamionKaneki @starshiny @styygian @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @tthheeoo @FireMoniter @kometto @Glory @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @1863 @Cinny @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @GrinningWolf24 @drakha @Aavinox @enceladust @doctorspiral @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @sense @PrimalGoddess @DemonHearts @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @Veylaron No unnamed parents/offspring: @ClassicToneJakal @Narikine @XCVN @SabrinaB @PlagueR0dent @Noshi @1863 @SIlentWings @Beliel @Vershton @drakha @NightGaze @Silverbolt1159 @loach @coupdetegg @clockworkworm @cowboycalledmal @BioLuminesence @Dubdee Unbred: @Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Hounds @starshiny @invaliduser232 @megamind @tthheeoo @Vrtra @Narikine @XCVN @SabrinaB @PurpleAmbience @Septica @SIlentWings @bonivich @Ayrmel @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @pantastic @PrimalGoddess @cowboycalledmal @ToothMuncher @BioLuminesence @LaSilva007 @Dubdee 5+ years old: @Scarecrows @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Teletraan @Hounds @Reythaak @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @Drachenhort @Tahoma @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @megamind @selkiie @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @TheFortissima @FireMoniter @kometto @hylics2 @Narikine @XCVN @Glory @SabrinaB @PlagueR0dent @TabuTalisman @1863 @PurpleAmbience @Septica @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @Ammut @Ayrmel @Toothye @drakha @Aavinox @NightGaze @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @loach @504 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @coupdetegg @jellyfishprincex @kryptonCryptic @Casilica @ANTIM0NY @Ditzy @perfectoranges @FadedDaydream @PrimalGoddess @AzaRein @clockworkworm @noddddd @enevera @PlagueOfFur @cowboycalledmal @ToothMuncher @Goachie @treesapperson @Lirillith @LaSilva007 @Dubdee @toastedpencils @Veylaron Spiral: @invaliduser232 @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @Immapie @PlagueR0dent @Ammut @drakha @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @Scribbly07 @Lirillith Fire:@Tahoma @Silverbolt1159 @coupdetegg Ice: @Askesis @1863 @Silverbolt1159 @coupdetegg

Name: Agarte

Hatchday: 9-7-18

Element: Ice
Primary: Obsidian
Secondary: Copper
Tertiary: Silver

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 1
Eyes: Uncommon

Price: 61 000 or 61
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:


Name: Chiara

Hatchday: 10-10-18

Element: Ice
Primary: Pearl
Secondary: Obsidian
Tertiary: Obsidian

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 0

Price: 62 000 or 62
Message me to purchase, she's in my hibernal den right now.button_buyauction.png[/url]


Name: Unnamed

Hatchday: 3-29-19

Element: Fire
Primary: Ultramarine
Secondary: Caribbean
Tertiary: Mist

Bred: No
Unnamed: 0

Price: 40 000 or 40
Message me to purchase, she's in my hibernal den right now.button_buyauction.png[/url]


Name: Don

Hatchday: 11-8-14
8 years old

Element: Fire
Primary: Spring
Secondary: Ivory
Tertiary: Ivory

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: 0

Price: 90 000 or 90
Message me to purchase, he's in my hibernal den right now.button_buyauction.png[/url]


All: @Blushunt @Azurenight @BunnySox @DuskAndDagger @caddyshack @ClassicToneJakal @Frisco37 @Wytche @Goerbars @Tahoma @megamind @LordRaikage @FireMoniter @Vrtra @hylics2 @Narikine @SabrinaB @Woohoorandom @sepiasenpai @bonivich @elduwen @mimirr @Vershton @Silverbolt1159 @conceptwitch @kryptonCryptic @Welcometochiliss @PrimalGoddess @DemonHearts @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @Xievos

All Moderns: @Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @DuskAndDagger @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Drachenhort @Tahoma @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @FireMoniter @kometto @Vrtra @hylics2 @Narikine @XCVN @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @1863 @PurpleAmbience @Cinny @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @Ayrmel @Vershton @Aavinox @NightGaze @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @conceptwitch @kryptonCryptic @ANTIM0NY @PrimalGoddess @AzaRein @DemonHearts @clockworkworm @ToothMuncher @Veylaron

Nocturnes: @PetSnail @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @XiangEr @Ammut @drakha @Silverbolt1159 @Scribbly07 @enevera

Coatls: @jinu @Hounds @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @selkiie @XiangEr @Fiain @Ammut @drakha @Bradtsu @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @Scribbly07

XYY: @DamionKaneki @starshiny @styygian @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @tthheeoo @FireMoniter @kometto @Glory @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @1863 @Cinny @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @GrinningWolf24 @drakha @Aavinox @enceladust @doctorspiral @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @sense @PrimalGoddess @DemonHearts @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @Veylaron

No unnamed parents/offspring: @ClassicToneJakal @Narikine @XCVN @SabrinaB @PlagueR0dent @Noshi @1863 @SIlentWings @Beliel @Vershton @drakha @NightGaze @Silverbolt1159 @loach @coupdetegg @clockworkworm @cowboycalledmal @BioLuminesence @Dubdee

Unbred: @Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Hounds @starshiny @invaliduser232 @megamind @tthheeoo @Vrtra @Narikine @XCVN @SabrinaB @PurpleAmbience @Septica @SIlentWings @bonivich @Ayrmel @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @pantastic @PrimalGoddess @cowboycalledmal @ToothMuncher @BioLuminesence @LaSilva007 @Dubdee

5+ years old: @Scarecrows @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Teletraan @Hounds @Reythaak @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @Drachenhort @Tahoma @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @megamind @selkiie @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @TheFortissima @FireMoniter @kometto @hylics2 @Narikine @XCVN @Glory @SabrinaB @PlagueR0dent @TabuTalisman @1863 @PurpleAmbience @Septica @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @Ammut @Ayrmel @Toothye @drakha @Aavinox @NightGaze @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @loach @504 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @coupdetegg @jellyfishprincex @kryptonCryptic @Casilica @ANTIM0NY @Ditzy @perfectoranges @FadedDaydream @PrimalGoddess @AzaRein @clockworkworm @noddddd @enevera @PlagueOfFur @cowboycalledmal @ToothMuncher @Goachie @treesapperson @Lirillith @LaSilva007 @Dubdee @toastedpencils @Veylaron

Spiral: @invaliduser232 @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @Immapie @PlagueR0dent @Ammut @drakha @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @Scribbly07 @Lirillith

Fire:@Tahoma @Silverbolt1159 @coupdetegg

Ice: @Askesis @1863 @Silverbolt1159 @coupdetegg
~*lyssa's home for special needs lizards*~
hatchery WIP
Reposting~ [quote name="Ayrmel" date="2023-03-24 12:34:01" ] More oldies on the AH! I rescued some gorgeous pastel oldies from the auction house last night. They are now up for grabs! I also have a TON of fosters available in my hibden - feel free to ask if you are interested in any of them! I'll make an official post for them [s]eventually[/s]. ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Titan [b]Hatchday:[/b] Mar 05, 2017 (5 yrs) [b]Bred?:[/b] Bred [b]Unnamed:[/b] None ----- [b]Primary:[/b] Azure Iridescent [b]Secondary:[/b] Azure Shimmer [b]Tertiary:[/b] Caribbean Okapi [color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [b]Element:[/b] Nature (Common) [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Price:[/b] 50,000 [emoji=treasure] or 50 [emoji=gem] [b]Dennable?:[/b] No [b]Notes:[/b] XXY [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Unnamed [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 02, 2019 (4 yrs) [b]Bred?:[/b] Unbred [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A ----- [b]Primary:[/b] Pumpkin Tapir [b]Secondary:[/b] Brown Striation [b]Tertiary:[/b] Carrot Glimmer [color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [b]Element:[/b] Ice (Uncommon) [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Price:[/b] 40,000 [emoji=treasure] or 40 [emoji=gem] [b]Dennable?:[/b] Yes [b]Notes:[/b] N/A [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Unnamed [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 02, 2019 (4 yrs) [b]Bred?:[/b] Unbred [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A ----- [b]Primary:[/b] Cornflower Giraffe [b]Secondary:[/b] Cobalt Bee [b]Tertiary:[/b] Grey Lace [color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [b]Element:[/b] Ice (Unusual) [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Price:[/b] 40,000 [emoji=treasure] or 40 [emoji=gem] [b]Dennable?:[/b] Yes [b]Notes:[/b] N/A [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Unnamed [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 02, 2019 (4 yrs) [b]Bred?:[/b] Unbred [b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A ----- [b]Primary:[/b] Eldritch Cherub [b]Secondary:[/b] Fog Peregrine [b]Tertiary:[/b] Thicket Spines [color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [b]Element:[/b] Ice (Common) [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Price:[/b] 40,000 [emoji=treasure] or 40 [emoji=gem] [b]Dennable?:[/b] Yes [b]Notes:[/b] N/A [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Oihana [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 27, 2015 (7 yrs) [b]Bred?:[/b] Bred (6) [b]Unnamed:[/b] 1 ----- [b]Primary:[/b] Ice Iridescent [b]Secondary:[/b] Royal Seraph [b]Tertiary:[/b] Jungle Underbelly [color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [b]Element:[/b] Nature (Common) [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Price:[/b] 70,000 [emoji=treasure] or 70 [emoji=gem] [b]Dennable?:[/b] Yes [b]Notes:[/b] N/A [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Macaron [b]Hatchday:[/b] Dec 11, 2016 (6 yrs) [b]Bred?:[/b] Bred (5) [b]Unnamed:[/b] None ----- [b]Primary:[/b] Sanddollar Iridescent [b]Secondary:[/b] Mist Shimmer [b]Tertiary:[/b] Rose Underbelly [color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow (Common) [nextcol][color=transparent]xx[/color][nextcol] [b]Price:[/b] 60,000 [emoji=treasure] or 60 [emoji=gem] [b]Dennable?:[/b] No [b]Notes:[/b] N/A [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] ----- Apologies for any multiple/unwanted pings! [size=1]All Pinglist: @jinu @Blushunt @Azurenight @BunnySox @DuskAndDagger @caddyshack @ClassicToneJakal @Frisco37 @Wytche @Goerbars @Tahoma @megamind @LordRaikage @FireMoniter @Vrtra @hylics2 @Narikine @SabrinaB @Woohoorandom @sepiasenpai @bonivich @elduwen @mimirr @Vershton @Silverbolt1159 @conceptwitch @kryptonCryptic @Welcometochiliss @PrimalGoddess @DemonHearts @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue 5+ year old pinglist: @Scarecrows @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Teletraan @Hounds @Reythaak @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @Drachenhort @Tahoma @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @megamind @selkiie @skeletoncatz @TheFortissima @FireMoniter @kometto @hylics2 @Narikine @XCVN @Glory @SabrinaB @PlagueR0dent @TabuTalisman @1863 @PurpleAmbience @BMO @Septica @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @Ammut @Toothye @drakha @Aavinox @NightGaze @enceladust @finniigan @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @loach @504 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @coupdetegg @jellyfishprincex @kryptonCryptic @Casilica @ANTIM0NY @Ditzy @perfectoranges @FadedDaydream @PrimalGoddess @AzaRein @clockworkworm @noddddd @enevera @mercymii @PlagueOfFur @cowboycalledmal @frogmoth @ToothMuncher @Xauri @Goachie @treesapperson @Lirillith [/quote]

Ayrmel wrote on 2023-03-24 12:34:01:
More oldies on the AH! I rescued some gorgeous pastel oldies from the auction house last night. They are now up for grabs!

I also have a TON of fosters available in my hibden - feel free to ask if you are interested in any of them! I'll make an official post for them eventually.

31306097.png xx Name: Titan
Hatchday: Mar 05, 2017 (5 yrs)
Bred?: Bred
Unnamed: None
Primary: Azure Iridescent
Secondary: Azure Shimmer
Tertiary: Caribbean Okapi
Element: Nature (Common)
xx Price:
50,000 or 50

Dennable?: No
Notes: XXY


48209848.png xx Name: Unnamed
Hatchday: Jan 02, 2019 (4 yrs)
Bred?: Unbred
Unnamed: N/A
Primary: Pumpkin Tapir
Secondary: Brown Striation
Tertiary: Carrot Glimmer
Element: Ice (Uncommon)
xx Price:
40,000 or 40

Dennable?: Yes
Notes: N/A


48209836.png xx Name: Unnamed
Hatchday: Jan 02, 2019 (4 yrs)
Bred?: Unbred
Unnamed: N/A
Primary: Cornflower Giraffe
Secondary: Cobalt Bee
Tertiary: Grey Lace
Element: Ice (Unusual)
xx Price:
40,000 or 40

Dennable?: Yes
Notes: N/A


48209832.png xx Name: Unnamed
Hatchday: Jan 02, 2019 (4 yrs)
Bred?: Unbred
Unnamed: N/A
Primary: Eldritch Cherub
Secondary: Fog Peregrine
Tertiary: Thicket Spines
Element: Ice (Common)
xx Price:
40,000 or 40

Dennable?: Yes
Notes: N/A


13538245.png xx Name: Oihana
Hatchday: May 27, 2015 (7 yrs)
Bred?: Bred (6)
Unnamed: 1
Primary: Ice Iridescent
Secondary: Royal Seraph
Tertiary: Jungle Underbelly
Element: Nature (Common)
xx Price:
70,000 or 70

Dennable?: Yes
Notes: N/A


29155165.png xx Name: Macaron
Hatchday: Dec 11, 2016 (6 yrs)
Bred?: Bred (5)
Unnamed: None
Primary: Sanddollar Iridescent
Secondary: Mist Shimmer
Tertiary: Rose Underbelly
Element: Shadow (Common)
xx Price:
60,000 or 60

Dennable?: No
Notes: N/A


Apologies for any multiple/unwanted pings!

All Pinglist:
@jinu @Blushunt @Azurenight @BunnySox @DuskAndDagger @caddyshack @ClassicToneJakal @Frisco37 @Wytche @Goerbars @Tahoma @megamind @LordRaikage @FireMoniter @Vrtra @hylics2 @Narikine @SabrinaB @Woohoorandom @sepiasenpai @bonivich @elduwen @mimirr @Vershton @Silverbolt1159 @conceptwitch @kryptonCryptic @Welcometochiliss @PrimalGoddess @DemonHearts @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue

5+ year old pinglist:
@Scarecrows @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @jinu @Askesis @Teletraan @Hounds @Reythaak @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @Drachenhort @Tahoma @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @megamind @selkiie @skeletoncatz @TheFortissima @FireMoniter @kometto @hylics2 @Narikine @XCVN @Glory @SabrinaB @PlagueR0dent @TabuTalisman @1863 @PurpleAmbience @BMO @Septica @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @bonivich @Beliel @Ammut @Toothye @drakha @Aavinox @NightGaze @enceladust @finniigan @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @loach @504 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @coupdetegg @jellyfishprincex @kryptonCryptic @Casilica @ANTIM0NY @Ditzy @perfectoranges @FadedDaydream @PrimalGoddess @AzaRein @clockworkworm @noddddd @enevera @mercymii @PlagueOfFur @cowboycalledmal @frogmoth @ToothMuncher @Xauri @Goachie @treesapperson @Lirillith
A small, brown pixel gaoler with fancy earrings and decorative sandy silks. xx AYRMELTwo small, overlapping brown leaves.
"And the universe said I love you, because you are love."
She/They, FR+0, chronically tired
xx Free Dragons here!
More Free Dragons!
Exalt Rescue Guide
Dragon Sales Thread
Item Wishlist
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Destinee [b]ID:[/b] 21163271 [b]Hatchday:[/b] February 17, 2016 (7 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Lightning [b]Primary:[/b] Obsidian Piebald [b]Secondary:[/b] Pink Paint [b]Tertiary:[/b] Magenta Underbelly [b]Bred:[/b] Yes (3) [b]Unnamed:[/b] None [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]70 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 70[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Auryk [b]ID:[/b] 33115996 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 19, 2017 (5 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Midnight Tiger [b]Secondary:[/b] Eldritch Stripes [b]Tertiary:[/b] Obsidian Underbelly [b]Bred:[/b] Never [b]Unnamed:[/b] n/a [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]50 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 50[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here: [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Glory [b]ID:[/b] 47405506 [b]Hatchday:[/b] December 4, 2018 (4 years) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Primary:[/b] Moon Basic [b]Secondary:[/b] Navy Basic [b]Tertiary:[/b] Lavender Basic [b]Bred:[/b] Never [b]Notes:[/b] G1 [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here: [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns]

Name: Destinee
ID: 21163271

Hatchday: February 17, 2016 (7 years)

Element: Lightning
Primary: Obsidian Piebald
Secondary: Pink Paint
Tertiary: Magenta Underbelly

Bred: Yes (3)
Unnamed: None

Price: 70 000 or 70

Name: Auryk
ID: 33115996

Hatchday: May 19, 2017 (5 years)

Element: Shadow
Primary: Midnight Tiger
Secondary: Eldritch Stripes
Tertiary: Obsidian Underbelly

Bred: Never
Unnamed: n/a

Price: 50 000 or 50
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:

Name: Glory
ID: 47405506

Hatchday: December 4, 2018 (4 years)

Element: Water
Primary: Moon Basic
Secondary: Navy Basic
Tertiary: Lavender Basic

Bred: Never
Notes: G1

Price: 40 000 or 40
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
[columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Arcade [b]ID:[/b] 42684094 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jun 19, 2018 [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Plague [b]Primary:[/b] Midnight Clown [b]Secondary:[/b] Antique Hex [b]Tertiary:[/b] Wisteria Contour [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] None [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] ------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Kaz [b]ID:[/b] 57365068 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Dec 09, 2019 [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Lightning [b]Primary:[/b] Flint Chevron [b]Secondary:[/b] Sable Sugarplum [b]Tertiary:[/b] Chartreuse Basic [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] None [b]Note:[/b] First Generation [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]30 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 30[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center][/columns] ------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [s][b]Name:[/b] Reptar [b]ID:[/b] 58764742 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 26, 2020[/s] [s]------[/s] [s][b]Element:[/b] Fire [b]Primary:[/b] Avocado Chevron [b]Secondary:[/b] Sunset Arrow [b]Tertiary:[/b] Splash Contour [b]Bred:[/b] Yes (8) [b]Unnamed:[/b] Yes (1)[/s] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] SOLD[/columns]

Name: Arcade
ID: 42684094

Hatchday: Jun 19, 2018

Element: Plague
Primary: Midnight Clown
Secondary: Antique Hex
Tertiary: Wisteria Contour

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: None

Price: 40 000 or 40


Name: Kaz
ID: 57365068

Hatchday: Dec 09, 2019

Element: Lightning
Primary: Flint Chevron
Secondary: Sable Sugarplum
Tertiary: Chartreuse Basic

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: None

Note: First Generation

Price: 30 000 or 30


Name: Reptar
ID: 58764742

Hatchday: Jan 26, 2020

Element: Fire
Primary: Avocado Chevron
Secondary: Sunset Arrow
Tertiary: Splash Contour

Bred: Yes (8)
Unnamed: Yes (1)

Price: SOLD
I'm auctioning this unbred 7-y-o, last day left^^ [url=][img][/img][/url]
I'm auctioning this unbred 7-y-o, last day left^^
[center][b]Oldies[/b][/center] They are 10kt/g for every year, except if they are earth element, leveled, etc. Open to haggling for some dragons. Just shoot an offer. [Rule] [center]3 years old [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] 4 years old [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] 5 years old [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] 6 years old [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]
They are 10kt/g for every year, except if they are earth element, leveled, etc. Open to haggling for some dragons. Just shoot an offer.

3 years old
58802605.png 59229386.png 58736506.png 54792721.png 51820882.png 53061739.png 51700997.png

4 years old
49569198.png 44860380.png 44066815.png 44895241.png 46427302.png 41429629.png 44631303.png 41382485.png 41400967.png

5 years old
34902469.png 34084078.png 33179033.png 35922196.png

6 years old
22373047.png 29675099.png 29885867.png 25671886.png 29631311.png 31460289.png
83087341.png 89235974.png80289740.png 62977143.png 84201599.png