
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | (CLOSED) Oakrest - A Lore Hatchery
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@ixris - Hey, I love his relatives, and they would care if something happens to him. xD Though I do actually like Sixten even if he is a pompous jerk but don't tell him I said that

Edit: How are there still Ink and Paige kids left??? D:
@ixris - Hey, I love his relatives, and they would care if something happens to him. xD Though I do actually like Sixten even if he is a pompous jerk but don't tell him I said that

Edit: How are there still Ink and Paige kids left??? D:
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@Lucent - lol, well he's here for the week, and then I'll probably try to shove him on some poor unsuspecting noobs who think all the dragons are beautiful, even without genes. lol

I'm not planning a lair purge soon. But I remind you that the one I pulled in ... February?? Was planned for six months before I pulled the trigger on it.

I am always thinking of how to improve my lair, and shedding pairs I'm just not feeling is something I do sometimes, but I tend to pick up pairs more than I get rid of dragons, lol. *TERRIBLE* But a big event purge is not in the foreseeable future through the end of the year. After Jan 1, I guarantee nothing. But I gotta get everyone's lore caught up before I'll feel cool shedding large numbers of dragons.

@Salathielly - LOL true and fair.

So do I??? I adore this kid, and I can't easily explain it to anyone WHY.
@Lucent - lol, well he's here for the week, and then I'll probably try to shove him on some poor unsuspecting noobs who think all the dragons are beautiful, even without genes. lol

I'm not planning a lair purge soon. But I remind you that the one I pulled in ... February?? Was planned for six months before I pulled the trigger on it.

I am always thinking of how to improve my lair, and shedding pairs I'm just not feeling is something I do sometimes, but I tend to pick up pairs more than I get rid of dragons, lol. *TERRIBLE* But a big event purge is not in the foreseeable future through the end of the year. After Jan 1, I guarantee nothing. But I gotta get everyone's lore caught up before I'll feel cool shedding large numbers of dragons.

@Salathielly - LOL true and fair.

So do I??? I adore this kid, and I can't easily explain it to anyone WHY.
@ixris - A combination of charisma and suffering, maybe?
@ixris - A combination of charisma and suffering, maybe?
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@Salathielly - No, I just mostly adore pompous jerk characters, especially if they have a REASON. Six is good at his job, even if his job is a little different than that of most Oakrest Hunters. I love someone who can talk spirits and other troublesome entities into contracts.

I mean, yeah, there's a ton of suffering there, too, but um. *COUGH* @Quis will tell you - All my favorite characters catch the Wrath of Author in my writing. So that's less cause and more consequence. lol
@Salathielly - No, I just mostly adore pompous jerk characters, especially if they have a REASON. Six is good at his job, even if his job is a little different than that of most Oakrest Hunters. I love someone who can talk spirits and other troublesome entities into contracts.

I mean, yeah, there's a ton of suffering there, too, but um. *COUGH* @Quis will tell you - All my favorite characters catch the Wrath of Author in my writing. So that's less cause and more consequence. lol
@ixris - A character: "oh fudge ixris just called me a favorite I'm going to suffer aren't I"

The rest of the cast: "sucks to be you man"

He's definitely a good contrast/compliment to the rest of your Hunters, for sure. :3
@ixris - A character: "oh fudge ixris just called me a favorite I'm going to suffer aren't I"

The rest of the cast: "sucks to be you man"

He's definitely a good contrast/compliment to the rest of your Hunters, for sure. :3
Ssnjyqq.pngGqCYo3Z.pngMjhcEqa.png0DjJJeq.pnggbzmCjn.pnggLKyC1J.pngC4p7R9l.pngV2CeOLQ.pngeQ6UJL0.png ICOy8Af.png
@ixris Haha, well, at least said newb will be getting good lore along with the kid. xD

Okay, I'll keep that in mind~

Also I may have to expand my lair for potential new arrivals. Again. Maybe twice. GOOD JOB OAKREST. -SLOW CLAP-
@ixris Haha, well, at least said newb will be getting good lore along with the kid. xD

Okay, I'll keep that in mind~

Also I may have to expand my lair for potential new arrivals. Again. Maybe twice. GOOD JOB OAKREST. -SLOW CLAP-
@Salathielly - Quis used to pretty much call me out on it every single time. lol But yeah it's p much that. XD;

I'm glad to hear it, since I kind of wanted him as a foil to my more Do-Goodery types (Torch, Setara, Ink, Paige, etc). He's much more motivated by ego than work.

@Lucent - I AM NOT SORRY. XD Enjoy the dreams of lair space!
@Salathielly - Quis used to pretty much call me out on it every single time. lol But yeah it's p much that. XD;

I'm glad to hear it, since I kind of wanted him as a foil to my more Do-Goodery types (Torch, Setara, Ink, Paige, etc). He's much more motivated by ego than work.

@Lucent - I AM NOT SORRY. XD Enjoy the dreams of lair space!
@ixris - Always good to have characters with different motivations, even if some of them are egotistical jerks. xD

Looking forward to seeing where your newer Hunters will ultimately fall on the spectrum. ^_^
@ixris - Always good to have characters with different motivations, even if some of them are egotistical jerks. xD

Looking forward to seeing where your newer Hunters will ultimately fall on the spectrum. ^_^
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[b]General Pinglist:[/b] @ScarletVow @Naga @Mozie @Kattchon @doglore @veinlily @Aloha @scar66 @LordMeikai @juncosongs @cheesecakewizard @jennycatmystique @SnowflakeQueen21 @Lytic @CatkinStarchild @Salathielly @NeveFox @Phyrne @ShadyRabbit @nappez @Velsim @zurikitty13 @MeraHunt @Limesparrow @Reyka @Mesuki @CelticFire21 @rotdeer @Scriniarii @Whoviana @Weathering @Eulerian @Pyrouge @stargal @ApostasiaAin @cometmebro @Aviose @CrazyassBat @browncoatparadox @EndaraMae @Boneless @Starongie @Leun @JordanKitten @HotGeometry @DaDragon @CelestialBlue @Artificiary @Geckoe @Kiradog234 @kayn @Zebrafinch @IceOtter @CaptainHaru @CosmicFalcon @Flossie @zeguk @LoveNStuff @Silwyna @Lonefox @Ithika @Gretthol @Quis @LordSheo @CloudGazer @Unyko @treesponge @Lucent @briteoctopus @Saraceaser @EclipseOnyx @sammyrygg @LibreNoctre @Moonlace @Shadowedlullaby This is the last installment of clan lore to accompany hatchings for a while. :) I need to take a break and get everyone's bios updated to reflect the changes that have happened in the last nine months since I started doing the lore updates. In other news, I'd like to announce the return of my original triad, Zumi, Petrichor, and Kel to Oakrest. They've had a gene update (Petrichor has bee, Zumi has scales), and I am more than delighted to have them returned! Other than that, I'll continue hatching nests as I can and will be hatching a ton of dragons during RBC this year, so please look forwards to that. :) I don't believe there's any other updates, so please enjoy this final (for now) installment in Oakrest's lore updates. Thanks so much to everyone for reading along! [quote]There was no way of telling exactly where they were supposed to be. But Paige trusted that Ink would know where they needed to be. It had been a long time since they were in Oakrest, wandering the stones among the mountains north and east of the Citadel in search of the solution to Ink's curse. But winter was approaching, drawing sporadic rains from the sea to the North. Paige worried that they may be trapped in the mountains when the snows came howling down from the poles. She would do anything for her mate, but she also knew that the two of them were ill equipped to remain. It was in the midst of one such storm that they sought shelter in a crevice that opened to a wider tunnel. The two had never been anything but curious, and they soon were exploring the depths of the tunnel, the way lit by Paige's crows circling like silent beacons through the darkness. Light reflected and glistened against the water slicking stalactites, the carapaces of cave spiders, and the glimmering crystals of quartz speckled against the walls like first snow. Then they wheeled back light the path Ink and Paige took deeper into the cavern. As they explored, the dampness of the world above fell away. This wasn't the first time a cave had felt warmer within than without, but there was a greater warmth here, and a slight smell of sulfur that led Ink to trade a curious look with Paige before they pressed deeper still. And that was when they heard the voices. "Just like we left it," someone said, and someone else let out a low laugh. Around a sharp curve, a light threw water patterns on the ceiling. Wordlessly, Ink conjured light to her hands, and Paige called her crows closer to them both. They crept forwards, pressing as close to the solemn stone wall as they could while still being able to see around the corner. Ink stopped short. Paige stood on her toes to look around her mate, and she bit her lip to stop from chuckling out loud. She had expected, perhaps, someone who meant them ill. Instead, they were met with familiar faces that hadn't been seen around Oakrest since before the Bleachbone Horde had come through. The bejeweled hide of Petrichor shimmered beneath light orbs cast by Kel, who splashed in a hot spring while Zumi's blue hide dried quietly by the side of the pool. It was a carefully maintained lair, covered with mosaics and carvings, and beaded curtains obscuring the rest of the living quarters. But this more central chamber was open and inviting, and Ink cleared her throat loudly before rounding the corner. Kel disappeared beneath the surface of the pool in surprise, and fire flickered at Zumi's fingertips in the same way a crust of frost etched along the stones near Petrichor. But they recognized the two Hunters as well as they had recognized the triad, and Zumi hopped to his feet to greet them. "Heeeey!" he chirped. "It's been a while!" "Is everything alright?" Petrichor asked. Being visited by Hunters was not often a strictly social call. "We're traveling," Paige said, even as Ink sank to the ground with fatigue. "The weather turned, and we found the cavern. A little exploring and here we are." She rested her arm on Ink's shoulder, and she looked up in affection at her. "We just returned from our own travels," Zumi said, always the most social of the triad. "It's been a while. How fares the Citadel? We'd heard news of trouble shortly after we left." Paige nodded. "That's a long story. We'll gladly catch you up over some dinner?" "Where are our manners?" Petrichor asked. "Please, sit and rest. We'll put together a place for you to rest for the night, but you must, of course, tell us everything." "We'll do our best," Paige promised. And just as she said this, Kel's head peeked above the surface of the water. They looked around for a long moment, then slipped out of the water and disappeared for a time before returning for dinner and settling in with a sketchbook to record the evening.[/quote] Pair: [b]Zumi & Petrichor (& Kel)[/b] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Female That's all for today! As always, all info is on the first page. Please let me know if you need to be added or removed from a pinglist. Otherwise, thanks for looking! :)
General Pinglist: @ScarletVow @Naga @Mozie @Kattchon @doglore @veinlily @Aloha @scar66 @LordMeikai @juncosongs @cheesecakewizard @jennycatmystique @SnowflakeQueen21 @Lytic @CatkinStarchild @Salathielly @NeveFox @Phyrne @ShadyRabbit @nappez @Velsim @zurikitty13 @MeraHunt @Limesparrow @Reyka @Mesuki @CelticFire21 @rotdeer @Scriniarii @Whoviana @Weathering @Eulerian @Pyrouge @stargal @ApostasiaAin @cometmebro @Aviose @CrazyassBat @browncoatparadox @EndaraMae @Boneless @Starongie @Leun @JordanKitten @HotGeometry @DaDragon @CelestialBlue @Artificiary @Geckoe @Kiradog234 @kayn @Zebrafinch @IceOtter @CaptainHaru @CosmicFalcon @Flossie @zeguk @LoveNStuff @Silwyna @Lonefox @Ithika @Gretthol @Quis @LordSheo @CloudGazer @Unyko @treesponge @Lucent @briteoctopus @Saraceaser @EclipseOnyx @sammyrygg @LibreNoctre @Moonlace @Shadowedlullaby

This is the last installment of clan lore to accompany hatchings for a while. :) I need to take a break and get everyone's bios updated to reflect the changes that have happened in the last nine months since I started doing the lore updates.

In other news, I'd like to announce the return of my original triad, Zumi, Petrichor, and Kel to Oakrest. They've had a gene update (Petrichor has bee, Zumi has scales), and I am more than delighted to have them returned!

Other than that, I'll continue hatching nests as I can and will be hatching a ton of dragons during RBC this year, so please look forwards to that. :)

I don't believe there's any other updates, so please enjoy this final (for now) installment in Oakrest's lore updates. Thanks so much to everyone for reading along!

There was no way of telling exactly where they were supposed to be. But Paige trusted that Ink would know where they needed to be. It had been a long time since they were in Oakrest, wandering the stones among the mountains north and east of the Citadel in search of the solution to Ink's curse.

But winter was approaching, drawing sporadic rains from the sea to the North. Paige worried that they may be trapped in the mountains when the snows came howling down from the poles. She would do anything for her mate, but she also knew that the two of them were ill equipped to remain.

It was in the midst of one such storm that they sought shelter in a crevice that opened to a wider tunnel. The two had never been anything but curious, and they soon were exploring the depths of the tunnel, the way lit by Paige's crows circling like silent beacons through the darkness.

Light reflected and glistened against the water slicking stalactites, the carapaces of cave spiders, and the glimmering crystals of quartz speckled against the walls like first snow. Then they wheeled back light the path Ink and Paige took deeper into the cavern.

As they explored, the dampness of the world above fell away. This wasn't the first time a cave had felt warmer within than without, but there was a greater warmth here, and a slight smell of sulfur that led Ink to trade a curious look with Paige before they pressed deeper still.

And that was when they heard the voices.

"Just like we left it," someone said, and someone else let out a low laugh.

Around a sharp curve, a light threw water patterns on the ceiling. Wordlessly, Ink conjured light to her hands, and Paige called her crows closer to them both. They crept forwards, pressing as close to the solemn stone wall as they could while still being able to see around the corner.

Ink stopped short. Paige stood on her toes to look around her mate, and she bit her lip to stop from chuckling out loud. She had expected, perhaps, someone who meant them ill. Instead, they were met with familiar faces that hadn't been seen around Oakrest since before the Bleachbone Horde had come through.

The bejeweled hide of Petrichor shimmered beneath light orbs cast by Kel, who splashed in a hot spring while Zumi's blue hide dried quietly by the side of the pool. It was a carefully maintained lair, covered with mosaics and carvings, and beaded curtains obscuring the rest of the living quarters. But this more central chamber was open and inviting, and Ink cleared her throat loudly before rounding the corner.

Kel disappeared beneath the surface of the pool in surprise, and fire flickered at Zumi's fingertips in the same way a crust of frost etched along the stones near Petrichor.

But they recognized the two Hunters as well as they had recognized the triad, and Zumi hopped to his feet to greet them. "Heeeey!" he chirped. "It's been a while!"

"Is everything alright?" Petrichor asked. Being visited by Hunters was not often a strictly social call.

"We're traveling," Paige said, even as Ink sank to the ground with fatigue. "The weather turned, and we found the cavern. A little exploring and here we are." She rested her arm on Ink's shoulder, and she looked up in affection at her.

"We just returned from our own travels," Zumi said, always the most social of the triad. "It's been a while. How fares the Citadel? We'd heard news of trouble shortly after we left."

Paige nodded. "That's a long story. We'll gladly catch you up over some dinner?"

"Where are our manners?" Petrichor asked. "Please, sit and rest. We'll put together a place for you to rest for the night, but you must, of course, tell us everything."

"We'll do our best," Paige promised.

And just as she said this, Kel's head peeked above the surface of the water. They looked around for a long moment, then slipped out of the water and disappeared for a time before returning for dinner and settling in with a sketchbook to record the evening.

Pair: Zumi & Petrichor (& Kel) -



That's all for today! As always, all info is on the first page. Please let me know if you need to be added or removed from a pinglist. Otherwise, thanks for looking! :)
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