
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | ~~ Exalt Rescues - 5kt/8g ~~
@kamixazia of course!
@kamixazia of course!

Sorry for the wait! I have room for more!

Sorry for the wait! I have room for more!
H U G E lair cleanout currently!! Cleanout dragons on AH!
Hello, I would like to buy Gavina and Shandi please :3 (10kt)
Hello, I would like to buy Gavina and Shandi please :3 (10kt)
[center][emoji=blue gem size=1][size=7]Affiliate Bump[/size][emoji=blue gem size=1][/center]
Affiliate Bump
[center] [font=papyrus][size=7]Meet this week's featured dragon, Sage![/font][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This XXX boy was a donation to the thread! I think he's really beautiful, but then again, seafoam is one of my favorite colors! Don't miss the chance to take him home! He will come with all his apparel, the Green Lace set, and he's got a bio setup in his notes![/center] @Whoviana @WardenUnit @xMischiefManaged @daphpunks @Thalyssa @MOMOFSIX @BlossomRose @Clairess @FrostedRose @Spewpa @TheDivineZero @RaiikanVonSkoll @dreadlord @Kasamir @Atzien @RonaldKnox @H2ODelirious @Icterus @BrawlyCarter @toxicsunrise @akasafeword @Latigirl @threeplustwo @WaterRaccoon @CassMoon @Dittles @SeraCosmos @Kaelum @Yukidoerr @KerfiorsAr @fraustillwell @KitKatKath @DawningMage @CosmicFalcon @Kybalie @fireicedragon10 @Liimbo @KingofHell @HenryJekyll @Ellapinky @rs2excelsior @Carcarius @MyKtfe @desertrogue @Korpinsiipi @Wyxamex @CloudGazer @MapleGhost @SeleneHime @SugarRose22 @DragonSmitty @PrincessYue @DeathSpecter @LilSadist @oppay @yellowlabs @Tunara @Kittykat8904 @rosebunny @Tefian @DafishOmega @xXMonstaerXx @suesue @AliceFelis @melisont @Rainpetal @GideonSparrow @Mithril444 @onemessyperson @Ankhiale86 @Corycia @Guardy @kithri @KeeperOfTheCat @Bit @Pearlgold @Wolfhero1 @ArtofSocrates @ChromoMania @Ghilanian @PhoenixFire36 @Saraceaser @Yemoja @Quietus1580 @Eaen @PuffinSalt @Cynil @CalmoFlamingo @Rosalba @BayLaurel @ddragunity @SirWonton @Wolflover267 @butcherbaby @Sybretooth @Nakitra @strawberiee @Snowki @Aryana @SkylaDownfall12 @Tripwire @SplashAttack @huntingroxgirl1 @AlmightyAmu @Ziraous @Azurenight @Lupita
Meet this week's featured dragon, Sage!


This XXX boy was a donation to the thread! I think he's really beautiful, but then again, seafoam is one of my favorite colors! Don't miss the chance to take him home! He will come with all his apparel, the Green Lace set, and he's got a bio setup in his notes!

@Whoviana @WardenUnit @xMischiefManaged @daphpunks @Thalyssa @MOMOFSIX @BlossomRose @Clairess @FrostedRose @Spewpa @TheDivineZero @RaiikanVonSkoll @dreadlord @Kasamir @Atzien @RonaldKnox @H2ODelirious @Icterus @BrawlyCarter @toxicsunrise @akasafeword @Latigirl @threeplustwo @WaterRaccoon @CassMoon @Dittles @SeraCosmos @Kaelum @Yukidoerr @KerfiorsAr @fraustillwell @KitKatKath @DawningMage @CosmicFalcon @Kybalie @fireicedragon10 @Liimbo @KingofHell @HenryJekyll @Ellapinky @rs2excelsior @Carcarius @MyKtfe @desertrogue @Korpinsiipi @Wyxamex @CloudGazer @MapleGhost @SeleneHime @SugarRose22 @DragonSmitty @PrincessYue @DeathSpecter @LilSadist @oppay @yellowlabs @Tunara @Kittykat8904 @rosebunny @Tefian @DafishOmega @xXMonstaerXx @suesue @AliceFelis @melisont @Rainpetal @GideonSparrow @Mithril444 @onemessyperson @Ankhiale86 @Corycia @Guardy @kithri @KeeperOfTheCat @Bit @Pearlgold @Wolfhero1 @ArtofSocrates @ChromoMania @Ghilanian @PhoenixFire36 @Saraceaser @Yemoja @Quietus1580 @Eaen @PuffinSalt @Cynil @CalmoFlamingo @Rosalba @BayLaurel @ddragunity @SirWonton @Wolflover267 @butcherbaby @Sybretooth @Nakitra @strawberiee @Snowki @Aryana @SkylaDownfall12 @Tripwire @SplashAttack @huntingroxgirl1 @AlmightyAmu @Ziraous @Azurenight @Lupita
@kamixazia - you get first claim on the new gaoler babies, come pick one up!
@kamixazia - you get first claim on the new gaoler babies, come pick one up!
LDP for Sage, please? He's super cute! :3
LDP for Sage, please? He's super cute! :3
|| He/She/They | FRT+3 | INFP | Demi x3 | Lore Clan | Eternal Acolight ||
Can I pick whatever remaining gaoler is left? (or both if they aren't claimed already hjgfjkhdgfs)
Can I pick whatever remaining gaoler is left? (or both if they aren't claimed already hjgfjkhdgfs)
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Not asking to donate these because there are so many, but I'm opening this tab to adoptions! Ignore the fodder label. While I do use it for fodder, I doubt I'll be getting enough to shove them into my HD anytime soon. If you would like to take some in though, let me know!
Not asking to donate these because there are so many, but I'm opening this tab to adoptions! Ignore the fodder label. While I do use it for fodder, I doubt I'll be getting enough to shove them into my HD anytime soon. If you would like to take some in though, let me know!
@HenryJekyll I've got room for all 13!
@HenryJekyll I've got room for all 13!