Rainbow Hatchery, new march 2018 open

kithri's Clan
Wanted, free or cheap, anything from the coli noone wants.
Clan Info
Hello to all. I am never sure what to put in these things, so... Wel, I love scifi-fantasy books/movies, playing just about any kind of computer/card/board game, and do a lot of abandoned animal foster care. I play Wajas as elorah 235337 and Aywas also as kithri in case anyone else also plays those...well a lot more, but those are the main ones. I love the outdoors, except in winter in Minnesota, and like fishing, camping and nature in general, though I am not very good with growing plants unless they are in pots.
Let's see, what else...I'm female, blind, and have had 3 kidney transplants and I struggle with depression, especially through the holiday season. Want to know more about anything, just ask.
To reach me on facebook: chastity.morse@facebook.com
My blog is:
If you would like a hatchling from a particular pair in my lair, please message me and let me know which pair. You can also find all my available breeding pairs in the below hatchery link in the 3rd post so you can post there if you wish as well. I also rent out my Earth nests for 5K per nest.
I have also started breeding the ever-popular *bean* sub-species first created by Aarune and the link to go there is:
Please visit Rainbow Hatchery and rescue forum thread to see my breeding pairs and available hatchlings and occasional rescue dragons from the AH.
Wanted, stuff from the coli. Msg me with pricing or surprise me by sending things as the coli is not accessible to blind players so anything extra no one wants would be greatly appreciated, also the Baldwin area is not accessible either so familiars or skins/accents from their would also be appreciated.
Tertiary gene glimmer or others *no crackle*
tricolor scatter scroll
FOOD: lots of each type since I have every type of dragon.
venom rogue mask, belt, trousers, hood, gloves, bracers, wing guard, tail binding, footpads, cape
white neck bow
alabaster filigree boots, wing guard, chest guard, tail guard, helmet, gauntlets, banner,
crimson aviator boots, coat
white aviator scarf, helmet, boots, coat, satchel
gold aviator satchel, boots, coat
emerald aviator helmet, boots, coat
contrast aviator helmet, boots, coat
leather aviator gloves, satchel, helmet, coat
green aviator boots, coat, satchel, helmet
navy aviator coat, boots, satchel, helmet
black aviator scarf, helmet, coat, boots, satchel, gloves
violet flowerfall
marigold flowerfall, corsage, crown, lei
red rose flowerfall, corsage, crown, lei
sakura flowerfall, crown, lei
black tulip corsage, crown
pink satin tunic
blue satin tunic
emerald green satin tunic
gladewalker cape
grey wolf cape
gold wolf cape
brown wolf cape
blood red wolf cape
winter cape
black wolf cape
firebreather cape
royal cape
waverider cape
midnight cape
winter wolf cape
scarlet wooly antennae, tail, coat
shartreuse wooly antennae, tail, coat
pink wooly antennae, tail, coat
black wooly coat, tail
plum wooly tail, coat, antennae
orange wooly coat, tail, antennae
sky blue silk scarf
golden silk scarf
gossamer silk scarf
white and gold flare scarf
rainbow flare scarf
crimson silk scarf
night sky silk scarf
gossamer leg silks, arm silks, wing silks
celadon leg silks, wing silks
golden leg silks, wing silks
sky blue wing silks, tail bangle
crimson wing silks, leg silks
night sky leg silks, sash, arm silks, wing silks, scarf, tail bangle
filigree rapier
mysterious cowl
sky blue tail bangle
gold cuffs of alchemy
diamond talonclasp pendant
ravenskull broadsword
ancient broadsword
cursed talonclasp pendant
corsair's seaspray cap, boots
corsair's rusty cutlass
shady armband
black lab coat
lab coat
gold slab wingspan, headdress, *the rest in this series*
onyx roundhorn
valkyri blade
copper amulet of transmutation
copper cuffs of transmutation
copper earrings of transmutation
lemongrass feathered wings
orchid feathered wings
wavespun feathered wings
cloudy feathered wings
sapphire tail clasp, tail drape, talonclasp pendant
white fedora
unicorn guise, spectre guise, reeper guise, kelpi guise, harvest guise,
hip smoky frames, midnight frames, copper frames, black frames, tortoiseshell frames,
amber shades, black shades, rose-colored shades, midnight shades, cobalt shades,
finely-crafted lute
wooden pipeflute
simple harp
brass cornet
musical spats, musical vest, musical cap,
canorous spats, vest, cap
harmonious spats, vest, cap
desert dynasty cuffs, headdress, waist sinch, tail rings
river royalist tail rings, waist sinch, cuffs, headdress
time-turner's sandglass
cyan delver's lamp, amber delver's lamp
wise whiskers
melodious spats, vest, cap
chattering parrot
talkative hookbeak
paunchy green percher, red percher
screaming tickbird
yelling wormpeck
off-white skypost sandals
brown skypost sandals,
skypost winghelm
ethereal entourage
pixie procession
violet cdaredevil cover
ruby daredevil cover
brown daredevil cover
regal mask
earthen mask
brown breeches, white breeches,
eye pieces: morganite flourish, garnet flourish
amethyst flourish tail clasp, peridot, aquamarine, citrine, morganite, pearl flourish tail clasp
gold filigree tail guard, boots,
teardrop ruby belt,
teardrop pearl armlet, legband, anklet, choker, necklace, wing loop, tail ring, belt, earrings
teardrop jade pendant, wing loop, earrings, anklet, armlet, belt, choker, legband, necklace
teardrop chroma bracelet, anklet, ring, necklace, pendant, earrings, tail ring, wing loop, belt, choker, legband, armlet
white protective eyeware, alchemist eyewear, pink eyewear, black eyewear
eroded crystalhide
glowing red clawtips, green clawtips, gold clawtips, orange clawtips
golden fillet, sky blue fillet, night sky fillet, crimson fillet, gossamer fillet, celadon fillet
gold amulet of alchemy
autumnal wreath, umbral wreath
moonglow thorns
fantasmal halfmask
stonekeeper armband
ornate platinum pauldrons, belt, boots, tail cuffs, helmet, gorget, gauntlets,
metallurgist's forgetools
boneyard tatters
stupendous sweater, glorious sweater, marvelous sweater, astonishing sweater
pale roundhorn
peace dove
windbound plumage
veteran's eye scar
crystalhide treads
silver cuffs of science
copper earrings of transmutation
spring's breath
journeyman satchels
bone antlers
darkened eye scar, arm scar
red lab coat
blushing pink rose
infectionist armband
stonekeeper's sash
magmatic pauldrons
sunguard chest
golem gauntlet
winter wind
peacebringer's cowl
primal *anything in this series*
mage *anything in this series*
ruthless *anything in this series*
sylvan apparels *anything*
cat's *anything in the cat's armor*
skin: cone lantern
skin: blue mineral
skin: snowsquall souvenir
winter draft
creeping circuits
skin: arcane elemental
skin: sea creature
skin: everglade lasher
skin: research notes
skin: brush dodo
skin: rambra
skin: frozen together
skin: pine spirit
skin: dancing conductor
skin: terra cotta
skin: char
skin: overload
skin: the fool
skin: ecdysis
skin: ocean blues
skin: frosted glasswing
skin: boneyard scavengers
skin: zepher lord
skin: mutant
skin: gold filigree SD
skin: sunbreak
skin: cinderheart
skin: gilded elegance m/f
skin: bamboo bound
skin: bursting core
skin: shatter the night
skin: sunstone sentinel
skin: mana relic
skin: garden guardian
skin: kelp beds
skin: enchanted woods M/F
skin: venerable shalebuck
skin: sundial stained glass
skin: albino conductor
skin: snowy mane
skin: inner glow
skin: storm light
skin: starflight
skin: living wound
skin: wing chimes
skin: abberation
skin: scripts of the apprentic
skin: highland ascent
skin: bamboo falls
skin: brambled joker
skin: bark warrior
skin: blue fin charger
skin: curious companions
skin: battle valkyri gold M/F
skin: surge light
skin: seedling
skin: firebird feathers
skin: thoundertouched
skin: mystical glow
skin: navigator
skin: warped
skin: orange harvester
skin: gilded metalworker
skin: permafrost impaler
skin: result of science
skin: hainu
skin: song of waves
skin: wild predator
skin: shrieking wilds
skin: ice golem
skin: circuit breaker
skin: from the observatory
skin: spectral spellcaster
skin: shallow shells
skin: night mother's lullaby
skin: sheer shadow
skin: forest fairy
skin: forgotten construct
skin: boreal wood
skin: fairy lights
skin: down for maintenance
skin: alive by lightning
skin: little lion
skin: cloud song
skin: shattered serpent
skin: nightsky fuiran
skin: amaranth moth
skin: starfall spell
skin: fractured lightning
skin: opaline wings
skin: dullahan
skin: thunder spear
skin: orb keeper
skin: sylvan swirls
skin: starwood dryad
skin: pastel galaxy stars
skin: dioptase
skin: seeing spots
skin: pauper rainbow
skin: spellbound golem
skin: basilisk
amberwing waveskimmer
anomalous skink
arcane sprite
autumn seadragon
barking jester
bellus glamortail
black dwarf unicorn
blackwing hummingbird
bone fiend
candycane xolo
cinderkelp loach
cog frog
conjoined skink
crowned roc
crystalhide jester
dappled dunhoof
dark-touched kimera
disoriented spirit
downy foxrat
driftwood baron
dunhoof ambassador
duskthicket bone picker
dwarf unicorn
earth sprite
fawn foxrat
fire sprite
fluted pukasloth
frost delver
great blue waveskimmer
hawksbill goliath
highreach bonepicker
ice sprite
light sprite
lightning sprite
malevolent spirit
maned cobra
maren current finder
mock firebird
molten wartoad
overcharged silverbeast
petalwing peryton
plague sprite
red-footed akirbeak
rivermouth flatbill
rosy peryton
roundhorn melprin
seaweed scavenger
shadow sprite
shimmering xolo
spined cobra
spotted pukasloth
stone borer
tendril loach
tricolor yapper
undying featherback
water sprite
iron treasure chest
hefty treasured cash
jeweled octoflier crate
blackwing croaker crate
psyworm crate
bamboo crate
kelp tender crate
mistwatch shellion crate
heartred croaker crate
emerald webwing crate
octoflier crate
ocean guard chest
jellyfish chest
ocean blue chest
frigid abyss chest
snowsquall souvenir chest
winter draft chest
arcane elemental chest
storm taken chest
candor chest
night shatter chest
some secret stash
corsair seaspray garb
golden porpus crate
rambra crate
creeping circuits chest
surge chest
luminous surge chest
consorts box
dancing conductor chest
thundervolt chest
nochnyr crate
lantern chest
lightburst chest
arcane gift chest
electropunk chest
livesurge chest
fractured light chest
brightheart chest
sunbeam sentinel chest
crimson reef crate
steel crate
delver crate
swift volt crate
celestial crate
construction crate
stoneswept chest
icecore chest
scripted chest
red crested crate
feather pouch
coreburst chest
leafless chest
flameheart chest
ethereal crate
ice golem chest
protector crate
chimeric crate
dryad crate
glade golem chest
guilded decorative chest
poisonous crate
springly sprouts chest
little lion chest
sandstrike crate
clown crate
death head crate
great shell crate
basilisk crate
salve crate
sunset lasher crate
peacock crate
stonewatch harpy crate
fishtivities chest
blooming crate
maren wavesinger crate
shattered crate
magi crate
shalebuck crate
cockatrice crate
abyss crate
maren warrior crate
leviathan spirit chest
bursting sack of shinies
clouddancer crate
warcat crate
hainu crate
marva depleted hat
strangler crate
cursed crate
waveswept chest
scythe crate
nightsky crate
bamboobound chest
wildwood crate
marva astonishing cord
wavesong chest
marva marvelous twine
blue moon aviar crate
renegade aviar crate
snowstreak crate
sunspot crate
bonepriest crate
shadow crate
smoke gyre crate
amaranth crate
splash chest
malachite loyalty chest
brambled joker chest
fuiran crate
rafflesia fairy chest
boreal crate
mutant chest
cloudsong chest
marva wonderous thread
icy coat chest
sprite crate
circus mage chest
spellbound gollum crate
meditation crate
marva glorious yarn
dodo crate
hooded dodo crate
ecdysiss chest
dracolit chest
steelhound crate
foolish chest
skycaller chest
dwarf truffle crate
skysong chest
bamboo guardian chest
lullaby chest
scorched forest crate
ice gollum chest
frozen berry chest
cloudsong chest
marva stupendous fiber
dullahan chest
wild jasper chest
seedling chest
wilds chest
overgrowth chest
methane chest
plague touch chest
pestilent chest
dragonhome dawn chest
stonebound chest
ornate battle armor
scavenger chest
hideshadow chest
igniteous chest
flameheart chest
starfall spell chest
starsinger chest
brightclod chest
internal energies chest
fairylight chest
amberglow chest
infernal fur chest
methane chest
curse watcher chest
magmaborn chest
contaminated chest
skogsbrand chest
spectoral chest
union of decay chest
rose rot chest
engulfing growth chest
cradle of goo chest
dioptase chest
gold slab warrior regalia
plaguetouch chest
spectral chest
painted chest
jolly chest
truthy pile of metal
phoenix feather chest
treeborn chest
trickster' motley
shadowbound chest
chest of dark fortune
kite chest
zepher chest
night sky bundle
jewelry box
mystical glowing chest
winged chest
Let's see, what else...I'm female, blind, and have had 3 kidney transplants and I struggle with depression, especially through the holiday season. Want to know more about anything, just ask.
To reach me on facebook: chastity.morse@facebook.com
My blog is:
If you would like a hatchling from a particular pair in my lair, please message me and let me know which pair. You can also find all my available breeding pairs in the below hatchery link in the 3rd post so you can post there if you wish as well. I also rent out my Earth nests for 5K per nest.
I have also started breeding the ever-popular *bean* sub-species first created by Aarune and the link to go there is:
Please visit Rainbow Hatchery and rescue forum thread to see my breeding pairs and available hatchlings and occasional rescue dragons from the AH.
Wanted, stuff from the coli. Msg me with pricing or surprise me by sending things as the coli is not accessible to blind players so anything extra no one wants would be greatly appreciated, also the Baldwin area is not accessible either so familiars or skins/accents from their would also be appreciated.
Tertiary gene glimmer or others *no crackle*
tricolor scatter scroll
FOOD: lots of each type since I have every type of dragon.
venom rogue mask, belt, trousers, hood, gloves, bracers, wing guard, tail binding, footpads, cape
white neck bow
alabaster filigree boots, wing guard, chest guard, tail guard, helmet, gauntlets, banner,
crimson aviator boots, coat
white aviator scarf, helmet, boots, coat, satchel
gold aviator satchel, boots, coat
emerald aviator helmet, boots, coat
contrast aviator helmet, boots, coat
leather aviator gloves, satchel, helmet, coat
green aviator boots, coat, satchel, helmet
navy aviator coat, boots, satchel, helmet
black aviator scarf, helmet, coat, boots, satchel, gloves
violet flowerfall
marigold flowerfall, corsage, crown, lei
red rose flowerfall, corsage, crown, lei
sakura flowerfall, crown, lei
black tulip corsage, crown
pink satin tunic
blue satin tunic
emerald green satin tunic
gladewalker cape
grey wolf cape
gold wolf cape
brown wolf cape
blood red wolf cape
winter cape
black wolf cape
firebreather cape
royal cape
waverider cape
midnight cape
winter wolf cape
scarlet wooly antennae, tail, coat
shartreuse wooly antennae, tail, coat
pink wooly antennae, tail, coat
black wooly coat, tail
plum wooly tail, coat, antennae
orange wooly coat, tail, antennae
sky blue silk scarf
golden silk scarf
gossamer silk scarf
white and gold flare scarf
rainbow flare scarf
crimson silk scarf
night sky silk scarf
gossamer leg silks, arm silks, wing silks
celadon leg silks, wing silks
golden leg silks, wing silks
sky blue wing silks, tail bangle
crimson wing silks, leg silks
night sky leg silks, sash, arm silks, wing silks, scarf, tail bangle
filigree rapier
mysterious cowl
sky blue tail bangle
gold cuffs of alchemy
diamond talonclasp pendant
ravenskull broadsword
ancient broadsword
cursed talonclasp pendant
corsair's seaspray cap, boots
corsair's rusty cutlass
shady armband
black lab coat
lab coat
gold slab wingspan, headdress, *the rest in this series*
onyx roundhorn
valkyri blade
copper amulet of transmutation
copper cuffs of transmutation
copper earrings of transmutation
lemongrass feathered wings
orchid feathered wings
wavespun feathered wings
cloudy feathered wings
sapphire tail clasp, tail drape, talonclasp pendant
white fedora
unicorn guise, spectre guise, reeper guise, kelpi guise, harvest guise,
hip smoky frames, midnight frames, copper frames, black frames, tortoiseshell frames,
amber shades, black shades, rose-colored shades, midnight shades, cobalt shades,
finely-crafted lute
wooden pipeflute
simple harp
brass cornet
musical spats, musical vest, musical cap,
canorous spats, vest, cap
harmonious spats, vest, cap
desert dynasty cuffs, headdress, waist sinch, tail rings
river royalist tail rings, waist sinch, cuffs, headdress
time-turner's sandglass
cyan delver's lamp, amber delver's lamp
wise whiskers
melodious spats, vest, cap
chattering parrot
talkative hookbeak
paunchy green percher, red percher
screaming tickbird
yelling wormpeck
off-white skypost sandals
brown skypost sandals,
skypost winghelm
ethereal entourage
pixie procession
violet cdaredevil cover
ruby daredevil cover
brown daredevil cover
regal mask
earthen mask
brown breeches, white breeches,
eye pieces: morganite flourish, garnet flourish
amethyst flourish tail clasp, peridot, aquamarine, citrine, morganite, pearl flourish tail clasp
gold filigree tail guard, boots,
teardrop ruby belt,
teardrop pearl armlet, legband, anklet, choker, necklace, wing loop, tail ring, belt, earrings
teardrop jade pendant, wing loop, earrings, anklet, armlet, belt, choker, legband, necklace
teardrop chroma bracelet, anklet, ring, necklace, pendant, earrings, tail ring, wing loop, belt, choker, legband, armlet
white protective eyeware, alchemist eyewear, pink eyewear, black eyewear
eroded crystalhide
glowing red clawtips, green clawtips, gold clawtips, orange clawtips
golden fillet, sky blue fillet, night sky fillet, crimson fillet, gossamer fillet, celadon fillet
gold amulet of alchemy
autumnal wreath, umbral wreath
moonglow thorns
fantasmal halfmask
stonekeeper armband
ornate platinum pauldrons, belt, boots, tail cuffs, helmet, gorget, gauntlets,
metallurgist's forgetools
boneyard tatters
stupendous sweater, glorious sweater, marvelous sweater, astonishing sweater
pale roundhorn
peace dove
windbound plumage
veteran's eye scar
crystalhide treads
silver cuffs of science
copper earrings of transmutation
spring's breath
journeyman satchels
bone antlers
darkened eye scar, arm scar
red lab coat
blushing pink rose
infectionist armband
stonekeeper's sash
magmatic pauldrons
sunguard chest
golem gauntlet
winter wind
peacebringer's cowl
primal *anything in this series*
mage *anything in this series*
ruthless *anything in this series*
sylvan apparels *anything*
cat's *anything in the cat's armor*
skin: cone lantern
skin: blue mineral
skin: snowsquall souvenir
winter draft
creeping circuits
skin: arcane elemental
skin: sea creature
skin: everglade lasher
skin: research notes
skin: brush dodo
skin: rambra
skin: frozen together
skin: pine spirit
skin: dancing conductor
skin: terra cotta
skin: char
skin: overload
skin: the fool
skin: ecdysis
skin: ocean blues
skin: frosted glasswing
skin: boneyard scavengers
skin: zepher lord
skin: mutant
skin: gold filigree SD
skin: sunbreak
skin: cinderheart
skin: gilded elegance m/f
skin: bamboo bound
skin: bursting core
skin: shatter the night
skin: sunstone sentinel
skin: mana relic
skin: garden guardian
skin: kelp beds
skin: enchanted woods M/F
skin: venerable shalebuck
skin: sundial stained glass
skin: albino conductor
skin: snowy mane
skin: inner glow
skin: storm light
skin: starflight
skin: living wound
skin: wing chimes
skin: abberation
skin: scripts of the apprentic
skin: highland ascent
skin: bamboo falls
skin: brambled joker
skin: bark warrior
skin: blue fin charger
skin: curious companions
skin: battle valkyri gold M/F
skin: surge light
skin: seedling
skin: firebird feathers
skin: thoundertouched
skin: mystical glow
skin: navigator
skin: warped
skin: orange harvester
skin: gilded metalworker
skin: permafrost impaler
skin: result of science
skin: hainu
skin: song of waves
skin: wild predator
skin: shrieking wilds
skin: ice golem
skin: circuit breaker
skin: from the observatory
skin: spectral spellcaster
skin: shallow shells
skin: night mother's lullaby
skin: sheer shadow
skin: forest fairy
skin: forgotten construct
skin: boreal wood
skin: fairy lights
skin: down for maintenance
skin: alive by lightning
skin: little lion
skin: cloud song
skin: shattered serpent
skin: nightsky fuiran
skin: amaranth moth
skin: starfall spell
skin: fractured lightning
skin: opaline wings
skin: dullahan
skin: thunder spear
skin: orb keeper
skin: sylvan swirls
skin: starwood dryad
skin: pastel galaxy stars
skin: dioptase
skin: seeing spots
skin: pauper rainbow
skin: spellbound golem
skin: basilisk
amberwing waveskimmer
anomalous skink
arcane sprite
autumn seadragon
barking jester
bellus glamortail
black dwarf unicorn
blackwing hummingbird
bone fiend
candycane xolo
cinderkelp loach
cog frog
conjoined skink
crowned roc
crystalhide jester
dappled dunhoof
dark-touched kimera
disoriented spirit
downy foxrat
driftwood baron
dunhoof ambassador
duskthicket bone picker
dwarf unicorn
earth sprite
fawn foxrat
fire sprite
fluted pukasloth
frost delver
great blue waveskimmer
hawksbill goliath
highreach bonepicker
ice sprite
light sprite
lightning sprite
malevolent spirit
maned cobra
maren current finder
mock firebird
molten wartoad
overcharged silverbeast
petalwing peryton
plague sprite
red-footed akirbeak
rivermouth flatbill
rosy peryton
roundhorn melprin
seaweed scavenger
shadow sprite
shimmering xolo
spined cobra
spotted pukasloth
stone borer
tendril loach
tricolor yapper
undying featherback
water sprite
iron treasure chest
hefty treasured cash
jeweled octoflier crate
blackwing croaker crate
psyworm crate
bamboo crate
kelp tender crate
mistwatch shellion crate
heartred croaker crate
emerald webwing crate
octoflier crate
ocean guard chest
jellyfish chest
ocean blue chest
frigid abyss chest
snowsquall souvenir chest
winter draft chest
arcane elemental chest
storm taken chest
candor chest
night shatter chest
some secret stash
corsair seaspray garb
golden porpus crate
rambra crate
creeping circuits chest
surge chest
luminous surge chest
consorts box
dancing conductor chest
thundervolt chest
nochnyr crate
lantern chest
lightburst chest
arcane gift chest
electropunk chest
livesurge chest
fractured light chest
brightheart chest
sunbeam sentinel chest
crimson reef crate
steel crate
delver crate
swift volt crate
celestial crate
construction crate
stoneswept chest
icecore chest
scripted chest
red crested crate
feather pouch
coreburst chest
leafless chest
flameheart chest
ethereal crate
ice golem chest
protector crate
chimeric crate
dryad crate
glade golem chest
guilded decorative chest
poisonous crate
springly sprouts chest
little lion chest
sandstrike crate
clown crate
death head crate
great shell crate
basilisk crate
salve crate
sunset lasher crate
peacock crate
stonewatch harpy crate
fishtivities chest
blooming crate
maren wavesinger crate
shattered crate
magi crate
shalebuck crate
cockatrice crate
abyss crate
maren warrior crate
leviathan spirit chest
bursting sack of shinies
clouddancer crate
warcat crate
hainu crate
marva depleted hat
strangler crate
cursed crate
waveswept chest
scythe crate
nightsky crate
bamboobound chest
wildwood crate
marva astonishing cord
wavesong chest
marva marvelous twine
blue moon aviar crate
renegade aviar crate
snowstreak crate
sunspot crate
bonepriest crate
shadow crate
smoke gyre crate
amaranth crate
splash chest
malachite loyalty chest
brambled joker chest
fuiran crate
rafflesia fairy chest
boreal crate
mutant chest
cloudsong chest
marva wonderous thread
icy coat chest
sprite crate
circus mage chest
spellbound gollum crate
meditation crate
marva glorious yarn
dodo crate
hooded dodo crate
ecdysiss chest
dracolit chest
steelhound crate
foolish chest
skycaller chest
dwarf truffle crate
skysong chest
bamboo guardian chest
lullaby chest
scorched forest crate
ice gollum chest
frozen berry chest
cloudsong chest
marva stupendous fiber
dullahan chest
wild jasper chest
seedling chest
wilds chest
overgrowth chest
methane chest
plague touch chest
pestilent chest
dragonhome dawn chest
stonebound chest
ornate battle armor
scavenger chest
hideshadow chest
igniteous chest
flameheart chest
starfall spell chest
starsinger chest
brightclod chest
internal energies chest
fairylight chest
amberglow chest
infernal fur chest
methane chest
curse watcher chest
magmaborn chest
contaminated chest
skogsbrand chest
spectoral chest
union of decay chest
rose rot chest
engulfing growth chest
cradle of goo chest
dioptase chest
gold slab warrior regalia
plaguetouch chest
spectral chest
painted chest
jolly chest
truthy pile of metal
phoenix feather chest
treeborn chest
trickster' motley
shadowbound chest
chest of dark fortune
kite chest
zepher chest
night sky bundle
jewelry box
mystical glowing chest
winged chest
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Kalevala was on the front page! She's beautiful, I love her color/gene combo

Thx for adopting Toxie^^

what do you think of moonbeans bio? :)

hi! will my dragons be coming back today? c:

Please be specific.

[/center is showing in your sig. Thought you'd want to know.

Wondering if my dergs were ready to come home yet

Hello was wondering if you have a nest open to rent still

Hi! I'm interested to see what comes of the Ivan/Lucy pairing. Could you ping me or message me when their babies hatch? Thanks!

Thank you for giving the rose pearlcatcher a home :)

happy birthday! (I'm still pulling together your gift of some familiars to help complete your bestiary but that'll be in your inbox in the next hour or so

I'm really into breeding pair 32, if you would breed them I would definitely get one of there babes
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