~~ Exalt Rescues - 5kt/8g ~~

suesue's Clan
"We Have To Live On No Matter What!!!"-Nami
Clan Info
Wish list-> Toxin and Glimmer
Quasar91 has commissions open, here is their tumbler page to check out their work and contact info, you can also contact them here on flight rising, their user name is Quasar91

Quasar91 has commissions open, here is their tumbler page to check out their work and contact info, you can also contact them here on flight rising, their user name is Quasar91

Recent Comments

Usopp, random, gorgeous

Ryuu was on the front page!


*sees your usernane while scrolling through the AH* Henlo old fren

There's also a guinea pig, a bunny, some mice, a chinchilla, a rat, and a ferret

I think it's a Baldwin apparel, but you can get it in the AH (item name is Ham-ham)

There's a hamster apparel now

thank you for the meme! it made my day!



I’m coming

おまえ わ もう 死んでいる
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