
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [LIGHTDOM] LvA Illuminarti
[center][img][/img][/center] Welcome, gentlefolk and dragonkind, to Light Flight's Enchanted Library Excavation [2023 battle v. Arcane] Illuminarti thread! This is a place for you to purchase art from our artists in exchange for leveled dragons. Please feel free to peruse our artists below-- clicking on their artist card will bring you directly to their shop post. Thanks for visiting, and may you have a brilliant battle this week! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=] [img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=] [img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=] [img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

Welcome, gentlefolk and dragonkind, to Light Flight's Enchanted Library Excavation [2023 battle v. Arcane] Illuminarti thread!

This is a place for you to purchase art from our artists in exchange for leveled dragons. Please feel free to peruse our artists below-- clicking on their artist card will bring you directly to their shop post.

Thanks for visiting, and may you have a brilliant battle this week!

Embrace the Light from which
Hope Springs Eternal

profile | lore | badges
yVbLVdK.gif pjTiLZd.gif
[img][/img] [list] [*]In-flight orders [b]are[/b] accepted, unless the artist says otherwise! [*][b]Ping the artist![/b] This thread is very busy and an order will get lost if there is no ping. [*]Wait for the artist to respond and confirm your order before you send payment. [*]Payment must be [b]leveled adult dragons[/b] that are [b]level 5 or higher.[/b] [*]All payments must be sent before [b]23:45 FR time on February 10th[/b]. [*]If for whatever reason you can't manage this but have sent the majority of your payment, contact your artist and ask if they'd be willing to work something out. [*]Artists are under no obligation to fill an order if they haven't received full payment. [*]Some artists may have extra rules in place - [u]please follow them![/u] [*]If you've paid for art in a previous Illuminarti and have not received it, please contact me (@mintea00) with the details! [*]Questions? Feel free to ping me and ask![/list] [center][img][/img][/center] Here is the standard Illuminarti order form, to be used if the artist has not provided their own order form. Only fill this in if the artist you want art from has an open slot. [Code][b]Artist[/b]: @(artist's username) [b]Request[/b]: [b]Reference(s)[/b]: (include if necessary) [b]Payment[/b]: (specify how many dragons at what level if possible) [b]Other info[/b]:[/code] [center][emoji=light rune size=1] [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [emoji=light rune size=1][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Click the image above to be taken to our spreadsheet! Here you can see which artists and receivers are online, payment status, and links to finished pieces. [center][img][/img]

  • In-flight orders are accepted, unless the artist says otherwise!
  • Ping the artist! This thread is very busy and an order will get lost if there is no ping.
  • Wait for the artist to respond and confirm your order before you send payment.
  • Payment must be leveled adult dragons that are level 5 or higher.
  • All payments must be sent before 23:45 FR time on February 10th.
  • If for whatever reason you can't manage this but have sent the majority of your payment, contact your artist and ask if they'd be willing to work something out.
  • Artists are under no obligation to fill an order if they haven't received full payment.
  • Some artists may have extra rules in place - please follow them!
  • If you've paid for art in a previous Illuminarti and have not received it, please contact me (@mintea00) with the details!
  • Questions? Feel free to ping me and ask!


Here is the standard Illuminarti order form, to be used if the artist has not provided their own order form. Only fill this in if the artist you want art from has an open slot.

[b]Artist[/b]: @(artist's username) [b]Request[/b]: [b]Reference(s)[/b]: (include if necessary) [b]Payment[/b]: (specify how many dragons at what level if possible) [b]Other info[/b]:


Click the image above to be taken to our spreadsheet! Here you can see which artists and receivers are online, payment status, and links to finished pieces.

Embrace the Light from which
Hope Springs Eternal

profile | lore | badges
yVbLVdK.gif pjTiLZd.gif
[center][b]We are open after RollOver on Sunday, November 26th![/b][/center] If you have ordered any piece of art from Illuminarti this push, please feel free to claim the following badge: [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/center] [center][b][size=4]***Additional Announcements & Information***[/size][/b][/center]
We are open after RollOver on Sunday, November 26th!

If you have ordered any piece of art from Illuminarti this push, please feel free to claim the following badge:

***Additional Announcements & Information***
Embrace the Light from which
Hope Springs Eternal

profile | lore | badges
yVbLVdK.gif pjTiLZd.gif
[Size=5] [color=800000] Art is in progress, expect to hear from me soon with pings about your order. *All Skins have been delivered. I just got over covid and I'm playing catch up now, but am responsive to dms here and on discord with inquiries. [/size] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent] [b]Artist:[/b] MarshmallowManta [b] cozy holiday chibis! [/b] [b] AURABOA Accent, Hic Sunt Dracones! [/b] [b]Examples:[/b] [b]Notes:[/b] Welcome, and thank you for popping by! I hope you're ready to excavate and discover lost directions. Or, maybe youre feeling cozy and looking for a chibi? The goal is to have all of these completed within a week of LvA's conclusion. I'm looking forward to working with your dragons and other characters! All species are welcome-human included![/indent][/columns] [center][img][/img] [Columns] [Center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [rule] [Center] [b]Cozy Sweater Chibis![b] Grab some cocoa and something warm...for your dragon! Hats and sweaters for the holiday season, or maybe just a sweet version of your favorite friend. [b]Prices:[/b] Uncolored Chibi: 500 Levels Colored Chibi: 700 Levels (comes with 1-2 accessories)[/center] [img][/img] [columns][center][nextcol][indent][b]Slots:[/b] [list=1] [*] @/DuskofDawn12 [*] @/Octobrush [*] @/Novastellaris [*] @/Spikenard [*] -@/lyricalmyxteries [*] - [*] - [*] - [/list][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img] [b]Finished:[/b] -@/Novastellaris - - [center][img][/img] I am going to start this with 10 slots for now! I look forward to working with you! [img][/img] =paid in full [img][/img]=awaiting full payment [rule] The cartographer series, accent for Auraboa M Hic Sunt Magica is LvA *only*, and will be retired after this week. [Center][b]Prices:[/b] If/oof: 350 Levels 600g (OOF) 500g (IF, one slot per person per option) [/center] [Center] [B]Hic Sunt Magica[/b]Try on [url=]here[/url] [img] [/img][/center] [img][/img] [columns][center][nextcol][indent][b]Slots:[/b] [list=1] [*] @/RhanaKerridan [*] @/Feuepine [*] @/Neoo [*] @/Recognize [*] -@/Cinderrain [*] -@/KymoLadyofStorms [*] -@/urbancountry26 [*] - [*]- [*]- [/list][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img] [Center] [B]Hic Sunt Sanguis[/b]Try on [url=]here[/url] [img] [/img][/center] [img][/img] [columns][center][nextcol][indent][b]Slots:[/b] [list=1] [*] @/cinderrain [*] @/KymoLadyofStorms [*] @/urbancountry26 [*] [*] - [*] - [*] - [*] - [*]- [*]- [/list][/columns][/center] [Center] [B]Hic Sunt Draconis[/b]Try on [url=]here[/url] [img] [/img][/center] [img][/img] [columns][center][nextcol][indent][b]Slots:[/b] [list=1] [*] @/KymoLadyofStorms [*] @/urbancountry26 [*] [*] [*] - [*] - [*] - [*] - [*]- [*]- [/list][/columns][/center] [b]Last updated: [i]13:05[/i] FRT / [i]4:06[/i]pm EST 12/02/23 (artist timezone)[/b] [center][img][/img] [code] [b]Artist[/b]: @MarshmallowManta [b]Request[/b]: [b]Reference(s)[/b]: (please include any visuals you can, or other reference. Reference images are prefered, if text is needed please limit it to 4 paragraphs. If buying skin, please specify which version) [b]Payment[/b]: (specify how many dragons at what level if possible) [b] Contact info to send your piece: [/b] *specify what method but please send details via dm. Do not post emails or discords in the thread. Discord is my preferred method of communication. [b]Other details[/b]: *please include your dragon/subject matter's personality type! As well as if you want a sweater and what holiday (non copyrighted stuff is fine too), if any youd like on it. All within good faith and fun is welcome.* [/code] [center][url=]Gallery of Artists[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Instructions[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Tracking Spreadsheet[/url][/center]
Art is in progress, expect to hear from me soon with pings about your order.

*All Skins have been delivered.
I just got over covid and I'm playing catch up now, but am responsive to dms here and on discord with inquiries.
Artist: MarshmallowManta
cozy holiday chibis!
AURABOA Accent, Hic Sunt Dracones!
Notes: Welcome, and thank you for popping by! I hope you're ready to excavate and discover lost directions. Or, maybe youre feeling cozy and looking for a chibi? The goal is to have all of these completed within a week of LvA's conclusion. I'm looking forward to working with your dragons and other characters! All species are welcome-human included!

Cozy Sweater Chibis!
Grab some cocoa and something warm...for your dragon! Hats and sweaters for the holiday season, or maybe just a sweet version of your favorite friend.
Uncolored Chibi: 500 Levels
Colored Chibi: 700 Levels
(comes with 1-2 accessories)

  1. @/DuskofDawn12
  2. @/Octobrush
  3. @/Novastellaris
  4. @/Spikenard
  5. -@/lyricalmyxteries
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
I am going to start this with 10 slots for now! I look forward to working with you!
icon_achievement_points.png =paid in full
icon_bell.png=awaiting full payment

The cartographer series, accent for Auraboa M
Hic Sunt Magica is LvA *only*, and will be retired after this week.
If/oof: 350 Levels
600g (OOF)
500g (IF, one slot per person per option)
Hic Sunt MagicaTry on here
  1. @/RhanaKerridan
  2. @/Feuepine
  3. @/Neoo
  4. @/Recognize
  5. -@/Cinderrain
  6. -@/KymoLadyofStorms
  7. -@/urbancountry26
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
Hic Sunt SanguisTry on here
  1. @/cinderrain
  2. @/KymoLadyofStorms
  3. @/urbancountry26
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
Hic Sunt DraconisTry on here
  1. @/KymoLadyofStorms
  2. @/urbancountry26
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
Last updated: 13:05 FRT / 4:06pm EST 12/02/23 (artist timezone)
[b]Artist[/b]: @MarshmallowManta [b]Request[/b]: [b]Reference(s)[/b]: (please include any visuals you can, or other reference. Reference images are prefered, if text is needed please limit it to 4 paragraphs. If buying skin, please specify which version) [b]Payment[/b]: (specify how many dragons at what level if possible) [b] Contact info to send your piece: [/b] *specify what method but please send details via dm. Do not post emails or discords in the thread. Discord is my preferred method of communication. [b]Other details[/b]: *please include your dragon/subject matter's personality type! As well as if you want a sweater and what holiday (non copyrighted stuff is fine too), if any youd like on it. All within good faith and fun is welcome.*
[img][/img] [center][color=red][font=georgia][size=6]Closed/Full. [columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][font=georgia][size=4] [b][u]Artist[/u]:[/b] irithyll [b][u]Offering[/u]:[/b] Dragon busts with or without a background. Simple dragon pixels. Fullbody on a bribe. [b][u]Examples[/u]:[/b] [url=]I keep some general art examples on this dragon~[/url] [b][u]Notes[/u]:[/b] I'm not comfortable doing gore/blood, robots/mech (unless its just a little bit here and there), humanoids, or overly realistic stuff. I tend to just work in my style. [b]ALSO[/b] I'm not the best at drawing wildclaws for some reason??? I can't explain why but just be aware when ordering. The most recent examples of work I have with the dragon bust w/ backgrounds are pretty simple, I am capable of doing more complicated background work ([url=]as seen here[/url]), but be aware that more complicated backgrounds will increase the overall price of the piece.[/indent][/columns] [img][/img] [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [/center] [center][sup]Colored Bust With BG | Colored Bust Without BG | pixels All genes and apparel are included.[/center] [font=georgia][size=6] [b]Prices:[/b][/size][size=4] Colored Bust Without BG: 750 levels Colored Bust With BG: Starts at 1,000 levels but will increase if the background is overly complicated Pixel: 750 levels Animated Pixel: 1000 levels [img][/img] [sup] [size=6][b]Slots:[/b][/size] [b]I am only taking 3 total slots (2 pieces max per slot) unless I feel I can handle doing more[/b]. If I open up more please be aware it will take me extra time to deliver the work- I wont be starting any of these until after the battle. In general my wait time is 2-3 weeks per piece. I work full time so I hope that is understandable. [b]I do not take commissions regularly so if you like my work then this is your only chance![/b] [list=1][*] - [s]October - [url=]Link[/url] - 750 levels - pixel - PAID[/s] b. details in msg - pixel - 1000 levels - PAID [*] - [s]Duskofdawn12 - [url=]Link[/url] -750 levels - Colored Bust Without BG - PAID[/s] [*] - firlex - [url=]Link[/url] - 750 levels - pixel - PAID [*] - Spikenard - full body bribe - 2000 levels - PAID [*] - [s]Negcol - [url=]LINK[/url] - bust - 750 levels - PAID[/s] [/list] [font=georgia][size=4]Feel free to add yourself to this pinglist if you'd be interested in being pinged if I end up deciding to open more slots. [pinglist=7512] [center][img][/img]


Artist: irithyll
Offering: Dragon busts with or without a background. Simple dragon pixels. Fullbody on a bribe.
Examples: I keep some general art examples on this dragon~
Notes: I'm not comfortable doing gore/blood, robots/mech (unless its just a little bit here and there), humanoids, or overly realistic stuff. I tend to just work in my style. ALSO I'm not the best at drawing wildclaws for some reason??? I can't explain why but just be aware when ordering.

The most recent examples of work I have with the dragon bust w/ backgrounds are pretty simple, I am capable of doing more complicated background work (as seen here), but be aware that more complicated backgrounds will increase the overall price of the piece.
Colored Bust With BG | Colored Bust Without BG | pixels
All genes and apparel are included.


Colored Bust Without BG: 750 levels
Colored Bust With BG: Starts at 1,000 levels but will increase if the background is overly complicated
Pixel: 750 levels
Animated Pixel: 1000 levels



I am only taking 3 total slots (2 pieces max per slot) unless I feel I can handle doing more. If I open up more please be aware it will take me extra time to deliver the work- I wont be starting any of these until after the battle. In general my wait time is 2-3 weeks per piece. I work full time so I hope that is understandable.

I do not take commissions regularly so if you like my work then this is your only chance!
  1. - October - Link - 750 levels - pixel - PAID

    b. details in msg - pixel - 1000 levels - PAID
  2. - Duskofdawn12 - Link -750 levels - Colored Bust Without BG - PAID
  3. - firlex - Link - 750 levels - pixel - PAID
  4. - Spikenard - full body bribe - 2000 levels - PAID
  5. - Negcol - LINK - bust - 750 levels - PAID

Feel free to add yourself to this pinglist if you'd be interested in being pinged if I end up deciding to open more slots.
beacon of the radiant eye terarrium & iri | FR+2 | lightdom | imperial dragons #1 fan
badge hub & wishlist | art shop | avatar dragon
howdy folks. i like dogs, baking, cooking, illustration, and high-fantasy stuff! you can find me at your local renaissance faire dressed up as an elf, probably :)
[columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent] [size=7][font=Fantasy][color=#621f8b][b]" Loved You Like the Sun "[/b][/size] [size=4][font=Fantasy][color=#621f8b][b]Artist:[/b] Colormancy [b]Offering:[/b] LvA exclusive skin [quote=Order form][b]Artist:[/b] @Colormancy [b]# of slots:[/b] [b]Payment type:[/b] (levels or gems) [/quote] [/indent][/columns][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=7][font=Fantasy][color=#621f8b][b]" Loved You Like the Sun "[/b][/size] [font=Fantasy][color=#621f8b][size=6][b]400 levels / 900g[/size] [font=Fantasy][color=#621f8b][size=5] [url=][color=#621f8b]Preview[/url] [url=][color=#621f8b]View your slot here[/url] Will retire permanently after December 3rd![/size] [size=4]Check out my space-themed recolor [url=]here[/url] :)[/size] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=]Gallery of Artists[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Instructions[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Tracking Spreadsheet[/url][/center]
" Loved You Like the Sun "
Artist: Colormancy
Offering: LvA exclusive skin

Order form wrote:
Artist: @Colormancy
# of slots:
Payment type: (levels or gems)

" Loved You Like the Sun "
400 levels / 900g

View your slot here

Will retire permanently after December 3rd!

Check out my space-themed recolor here :)


tDLtHpS.gifoooOpal - She/Her - FR+3 - Skinsooo31hK9h6.gifoeENlf4.png
[columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [indent] [nextcol] [size=7][font=Monotype Corsiva][b]LvA Limited Skin Recolour - Seeker of Wisdom[/b][/font][/size] [size=5][font=Monotype Corsiva][i]This Seeker searches for wisdom in the starry library...[/i][/font][/size] -------- » Based on a dusk theme and inspired by butterflies and libraries, this recolour will permanently retire after the 2nd of December [url=][size=4][b]» You may find more information and preorder the skin here![/b][/size][/url] (you can preorder from either thread) » For payment, please send currencies to me and dragon levels to the attendants! [size=6][font=Monotype Corsiva]OOF: 500 levels | IF: 850g/kt[/font][/size] [/columns] [center] [item=skin: seeker of wisdom] [img][/img] [img][/img] [emoji=gold star size=1] [Size=4][B][u]FLASH DEAL - FODDER FOR DISCOUNTS![/u][/b][/size] Are you interested in other recolours and discounts? Then come check out my skin shop! Only for this week, from now to 2nd December, you can [b]substitute gems and treasure payment for dragon levels - including a mix of all three![/b] [b]Every level 6 dragon takes 15g off your order, and every level 7 takes off 17g![/b] [u][url=][b]» Click here to preorder and to find out more! «[/b][/url][/u] [img][/img] Thank you for supporting Light! [emoji=butterfly size=1]
LvA Limited Skin Recolour -
Seeker of Wisdom

This Seeker searches for wisdom in the starry library...
» Based on a dusk theme and inspired by butterflies and libraries, this recolour will permanently retire after the 2nd of December

» You may find more information and preorder the skin here! (you can preorder from either thread)

» For payment, please send currencies to me and dragon levels to the attendants!

OOF: 500 levels | IF: 850g/kt
Skin: Seeker of Wisdom




Are you interested in other recolours and discounts?
Then come check out my skin shop!

Only for this week, from now to 2nd December, you can substitute
gems and treasure payment for dragon levels - including a mix of all three!

Every level 6 dragon takes 15g off your order, and every level 7 takes off 17g!

» Click here to preorder and to find out more! «


Thank you for supporting Light!
ckoudy.png -
 » About me
 » Avatar
 » Accent Shop
[columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent] [b]Artist:[/b] cinderrain [b]Offering:[/b] flopped-over dragon adopts [b]Examples:[/b] [url=]Adopt Thread[/url], [url=]fullsize album[/url] [b]Notes:[/b] willing to do apparel/skins or new breed bases! I'm generally online to receive levels from 11 am - 8 pm FR time; otherwise, feel free to send to a receiver![/indent][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [rule] [center][b]Price:[/b] 60 Fodder Levels No additional charge for genes. 200 levels if you'd like to sponsor a new breed or a new pose for an existing breed. Skins and apparel can be added - please ping or PM me to discuss/offer [url=]additional payment[/url]! Breeds Available: [emoji=coatl]Coatl [emoji=spiral]Spiral [emoji=imperial]Imperial [emoji=wildclaw]Wildclaw [emoji=pearlcatcher]Pearlcatcher [emoji=skydancer]Skydancer [emoji=aether]Aether [emoji=auraboa]Auraboa [emoji=aberration]Aberration [rule] [center][b]Up to 3 adopts per slot.[/b] If slots fill up during the week, please add yourself to this pinglist to be notified when slots open back up again! [pinglist=12597] [/center][/center] [b]Order Form[/b] [code]@cinderrain [b]Dragon Widget or Scry:[/b] [b]Additional Notes:[/b] [/code] [b]Finished:[/b] [list=1][*] [url=]Golden - 1 adopt[/url] [*] [url=]Puggles - 2 adopts[/url] [*] [url=]HoneyedBee - 1 adopt with skin[/url] [*] [url=]PinyonKit - 1 adopt[/url] [*] [url=]isek - 2 adopts, 1 with skin[/url] [*] [url=]meep5109 - 1 adopt[/url] [*] [url=]OncePureVessel - 1 adopt[/url] [*] [url=]fairycatrainbow - 1 adopt[/url] [*] [url=]KursedCurtain - 1 adopt[/url] [*] [url=]Priorknight - 1 adopt with apparel[/url] [*] [url=]KursedCurtain - 1 adopt with apparel[/url] [*] [url=]H0ur - 1 adopt with skin[/url] [*] [url=]Teletraan - 1 adopt[/url] [*] [url=]Cunea - 1 adopt[/url] [/list] [rule] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] Click For Examples! [nextcol][indent][b]Slots:[/b] [list=1] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=]Gallery of Artists[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Instructions[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Tracking Spreadsheet[/url][/center]
Artist: cinderrain
Offering: flopped-over dragon adopts
Examples: Adopt Thread, fullsize album
Notes: willing to do apparel/skins or new breed bases!

I'm generally online to receive levels from 11 am - 8 pm FR time; otherwise, feel free to send to a receiver!


tokino_showcase.png alouarn-showcase.pngmeridian_showcase.png

60 Fodder Levels

No additional charge for genes.
200 levels if you'd like to sponsor a new breed or a new pose for an existing breed.
Skins and apparel can be added - please ping or PM me to discuss/offer additional payment!

Breeds Available:


Up to 3 adopts per slot.
If slots fill up during the week, please add yourself to this pinglist to be notified when slots open back up again!

Order Form
@cinderrain [b]Dragon Widget or Scry:[/b] [b]Additional Notes:[/b]

  1. Golden - 1 adopt
  2. Puggles - 2 adopts
  3. HoneyedBee - 1 adopt with skin
  4. PinyonKit - 1 adopt
  5. isek - 2 adopts, 1 with skin
  6. meep5109 - 1 adopt
  7. OncePureVessel - 1 adopt
  8. fairycatrainbow - 1 adopt
  9. KursedCurtain - 1 adopt
  10. Priorknight - 1 adopt with apparel
  11. KursedCurtain - 1 adopt with apparel
  12. H0ur - 1 adopt with skin
  13. Teletraan - 1 adopt
  14. Cunea - 1 adopt

Click For Examples!

[columns][img][/img][nextcol][indent][size=5] [b]Artist:[/b] 5inthemorning [b]Offering:[/b] Accents "Ex Solem" and "Ad Astra" for Pearlcatcher F, exclusive to LvA! [b]Prices:[/b] [LIST] [*]350 levels [*]600g (OOF) [*]500g (IF; one slot per person) [/LIST] [size=5][b]Notes:[/b] Send any gems to me through PM/CR, but please do NOT send dragons to me, send them to a receiver! No treasure, no mixed payment.[/indent][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][b]EX SOLEM[/b] [emoji=sun size=1] [url=]preview here[/url] [nextcol][indent][b]Slots:[/b] [list=1][*] [s]galaxygone[/s] [*] [s]Meyoline[/s] [*] [s]Amehime[/s] [*] [s]Saronai[/s] [*] [s]Thunderbird21[/s] [*] Synthsational [*] [s]pikammd[/s] [*] [s]Cordially[/s] [*] Neoo [*] [s]Grune[/s] [/list][rule] [list=1][*] [s]Maeva[/s] [*] [s]yukublack[/s] [*] [s]AwayfromBirdland[/s] [*] [s]Xcscientist[/s] [*] [s]Lexreon[/s] [*] [s]urbancountry26[/s] [*] [s]starsystems[/s] [*] [s]drowsypanda[/s] [*] [s]cinderrain[/s] [*] [s]NuclearNoxi[/s] [/list][/columns][/center] [rule] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][b]AD ASTRA[/b] [emoji=pink star size=1] [url=]preview here[/url] [nextcol][indent][b]Slots:[/b] [list=1][*] [s]Meyoline[/s] [*] [s]Saronai[/s] [*] Synthsational [*] Neoo [*] [s]Patch[/s] [*] [s]absolmon[/s] [*] [s]SolarCABLU[/s] [*] [s]Lexreon[/s] [*] [s]urbancountry26[/s] [*] [s]NarrowSorrow[/s] [/list] [rule] [list=1][*] [s]October[/s] [*] Nylo [*] - [*] - [*] - [*] - [*] - [*] - [*] - [*] - [/list][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [pinglist=499] [pinglist=520] it you like my work and want to see new releases, join my skin shop pinglist and my custom skin commission pinglist! [center][img][/img][/center] [url=]Gallery of Artists[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Instructions[/url] [img][/img] [url=]Tracking Spreadsheet[/url][/center] [b][/b]

Artist: 5inthemorning
Offering: Accents "Ex Solem" and "Ad Astra" for Pearlcatcher F, exclusive to LvA!
  • 350 levels
  • 600g (OOF)
  • 500g (IF; one slot per person)
Notes: Send any gems to me through PM/CR, but please do NOT send dragons to me, send them to a receiver!
No treasure, no mixed payment.

preview here
  1. galaxygone
  2. Meyoline
  3. Amehime
  4. Saronai
  5. Thunderbird21
  6. Synthsational
  7. pikammd
  8. Cordially
  9. Neoo
  10. Grune

  1. Maeva
  2. yukublack
  3. AwayfromBirdland
  4. Xcscientist
  5. Lexreon
  6. urbancountry26
  7. starsystems
  8. drowsypanda
  9. cinderrain
  10. NuclearNoxi


preview here
  1. Meyoline
  2. Saronai
  3. Synthsational
  4. Neoo
  5. Patch
  6. absolmon
  7. SolarCABLU
  8. Lexreon
  9. urbancountry26
  10. NarrowSorrow

  1. October
  2. Nylo
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -


it you like my work and want to see new releases, join my skin shop pinglist and my custom skin commission pinglist!

Gallery of Artists 6lgDgAq.png Instructions 6lgDgAq.png Tracking Spreadsheet
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___º . * ·___
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artwork by joydom

* .
3blAkWV.png .
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¤ º · ˜*
[center][b][size=4]Thanks for supporting Light! I hope everyone enjoyed the battle [emoji=light rune size=1][/size][/b][/center] [center][url=]Gallery of Artists[/url] [emoji=bestiary size=1] [url=]Instructions[/url] [emoji=bestiary size=1] [url=]Tracking Spreadsheet[/url][/center] [columns][indent][img][/img][nextcol][indent] [size=4][b]Artist:[/b] Cordially[/size] [size=4][b]Offering:[/b][/size] [list][*][size=4]250x250 (or smaller) stained glass portraits with up to 2 pieces of simple head/neck apparel and skin/accent [*][size=4]mini chibis[/size][/list] [size=4][b]Examples:[/b] [list][*][size=4][url=]Main portrait shop[/url] [*][size=4][url=]Full gallery[/url] ([u]NB: image heavy[/u])[/size][/list] [size=4][b]Notes:[/b] [list][*][size=4]Please do not send any levels until I have confirmed your order [*][size=4]Please send all levels to a receiver unless specified otherwise (check the [url=]tracking spreadsheet[/url] for the most updated info) [*][size=4]All levels must be received before I start working on your order [*][size=4]Minor revisions can be completed immediately, but larger ones will be deprioritized until all Illuminarti orders are done[/list] [/indent][/columns] [center][pinglist=12870] [pinglist=12871] [pinglist=12874] [pinglist=12872][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=6][font=Cambria][b][u]Stained Glass Portraits[/u][/b][/font][/size][/center] [columns][color=transparent]_____[/color][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]______________[/color][url=]Louks[/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]____________________[/color][url=]Alizeh[/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]_________________[/color][url=]Jacaranda[/url][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]_____[/color][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]______________[/color][url=]Horus[/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]___________________[/color][url=]Urania[/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]_________________[/color][url=]Raphael[/url][/columns] [center][size=5][b][color=258fb9]150 levels per portrait / 550 levels for 4[/b][/size] base prices include up to 2 pieces of simple head/neck apparel and skin/accent [b][color=258fb9]+35 levels[/color] for paired aberration bases [color=258fb9]+50 levels[/color] for major ancient line breaks[/b] ex. 150+35 = 185 levels for a paired aberration portrait ex. 150+50 = 200 levels for an undertide with sailfin[/center] [center][size=5][font=Cambria][b][u]Bases[/u][/b][/font][/size] [i]All modern + ancient breeds currently have bases available![/i] [url=]aberration / aether / [b]auraboa*[/b] banescale / bogsneak / coatl / fae / gaoler / guardian / imperial / mirror bases[/url] [url=]nocturne / pearlcatcher / ridgeback / skydancer / [b]sandsurge*[/b] / snapper / tundra / obelisk / undertide / spiral / veilspun / wildclaw bases[/url] [img][/img] [b]*new auraboa and sandsurge bases![/b] You can choose between [b]4 glass types[/b] If you don't specify, the default type will be applied [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=Cambria][b][u]Stained Glass Portrait Rules & Guidelines[/u][/b][/size][/center][/font] [LIST][*]Maximum 4 portraits order; please check if any 4-portrait slots are open. Otherwise, the maximum is 2 [*][img][/img] Most skins & accents, minor edits to the base (extra feathers, expressions, hybrid bases, etc.) can be done - please ask! [*][img][/img] GENERALLY: detailed genes like jupiter, giraffe, pharaoh, etc. - but depending on skincent/tert coverage, any gene might be doable - please ask! [*][img][/img] Swirl/goat/glowing eyes - some primal eyes can be done for an additional [color=258fb9][b]35 levels[/b][/color]; - OK: [emoji=light rune size=1][emoji=ice rune size=1][emoji=plague rune size=1][emoji=shadow rune size=1] - MAYBE (depending on gene complexity): [emoji=earth rune size=1][emoji=lightning rune size=1][emoji=nature rune size=1][emoji=fire rune size=1][emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=water rune size=1][/list] [center][font=Cambria][size=5][b][u]Stained Glass Portrait Order Form[/u][/b][/size][/center][/font] [LIST][*]Please submit one form per dragon [*] All dragons in the bases are facing left [*] Adopts that are posted on [url=]social media[/url] will provide the dragon’s ID by default [*] Unless specified, the default glass texture will be applied[/LIST] [code]@cordially [size=4][b]I would like a [color=#c19252]stained glass portrait[/color]![/b][/size] [b]Your user ID:[/b] [b]Scry of/link to dragon:[/b] [b]Dragon ID:[/b] [b]Base:[/b] ex. tundra F [b]Direction facing:[/b] left / right [b]Colour of halo / rays:[/b] ex. fog halo, wine-rose rays [b]Apparel (if any, up to 2):[/b] [b]Can I post your adopt on social media?:[/b] yes / no [b]Other notes:[/b] ex. accent if possible[/code] [center][size=5][font=Cambria][b][u]Stained Glass Portrait Slots[/b][/u][/size] users can only hold 1 stained glass slot at a time[/center] [b]4-portrait Slots[/b] - max 4 dragons per order, slots will not reopen once filled [list=1][*] closed[/list] [b]Regular Slots[/b] - max 2 dragons per order, slots unlimited for now [list=1][*] all done![/list] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=6][font=Cambria][b][u]Chibis[/u][/b][/font][/size] [i]Chibis will likely be foddart and/or RLC-exclusive in the future[/i] [img][/img] ([url=]full size[/url])[/center] [center][size=5][b][color=258fb9]500 levels per chibi / 900 levels for 2[/b][/size] [b]Depending on complexity: [color=258fb9]+24 levels[/color] per piece of dragon apparel, max 10 pieces up to [color=258fb9]250 levels[/color] for detailed/apparel-like dragon skincents [color=258fb9]+250+ levels[/color] for props/companions (weapons, Pokemon, familiars, etc.)[/b] [center][size=5][font=Cambria][b][u]Chibi Rules & Guidelines[/u][/b][/size][/center][/font][/center] [LIST][*]You may include up to 8 characters/dragons per order [*]All characters [u]must[/u] have a visual reference [*]Simple apparel or props are free - earrings or bracelets, light blobs, etc. Please ask if you're unsure :] [*][img][/img] humanoids, FR dragons, light anthro, fantasy races, Pokemon and other creature companions, weapons, couples, furry (I'm not confident but I will try my best!) [*][img][/img] highly detailed outfits/skincents/cluttered apparel (you can still request them but they may be simplified to suit this style better), mecha, IRL (characters played by actors are ok), anything against [url=]Flight Rising ToS[/url] [*]Minor revisions, resizing, and flipping are free. Larger revisions like clothing or pose may incur a fee of 50+ levels depending on complexity[/list] [center][font=Cambria][size=5][b][u]Chibi Order Form[/u][/b][/size][/center][/font] [LIST][*] If the characters are interacting, please submit one form per order. Otherwise, please submit one form per character [*] Unless specified, all FR dragon orders will be drawn as dragons and not gijinkas [*] If you are requesting non-FR characters, please specify if you have a username you'd like me to credit the character design to in the 'Other notes' section[/list] [b]FR dragon chibis:[/b] [code]@cordially [size=4][b]I would like a [color=#258fb9]dragon chibi[/color]![/b][/size] [b]Your user ID:[/b] [b]Scry of/link to dragon(s):[/b] [b]Dragon ID(s):[/b] [b]Personality/pose:[/b] [b]Apparel (if any):[/b] [b]Skincent (if any):[/b] [b]Can I post your chibi on social media?:[/b] yes / no [b]Other notes:[/b] [/code] [b]Non-FR character chibis:[/b] [code]@cordially [size=4][b]I would like a [color=#258fb9]chibi[/color]![/b][/size] [b]Your user ID:[/b] [b]Character name(s):[/b] [b]Link to character reference(s):[/b] [b]Personality/pose:[/b] [b]Can I post your chibi on social media?:[/b] yes / no [b]Other notes:[/b] ex. username to credit you with, etc.[/code] [center][size=5][font=Cambria][b][u]Chibi Slots[/b][/u][/size] users can only hold 1 chibi slot at a time[/center] [b]Slots[/b] - slots might not reopen once filled depending on workload [list=1][*] all done![/list] [center][img][/img] [size=6][font=Cambria][b][u]Completed Orders[/u][/b][/size][/font] [size=4]Completed orders have been moved to [url=]the gallery[/url] ([u]NB: image heavy[/u])[/size][/center] [center][img][/img] [url=]Gallery of Artists[/url] [emoji=bestiary size=1] [url=]Instructions[/url] [emoji=bestiary size=1] [url=]Tracking Spreadsheet[/url]
Thanks for supporting Light! I hope everyone enjoyed the battle

Artist: Cordially
  • 250x250 (or smaller) stained glass portraits with up to 2 pieces of simple head/neck apparel and skin/accent
  • mini chibis
  • Please do not send any levels until I have confirmed your order
  • Please send all levels to a receiver unless specified otherwise (check the tracking spreadsheet for the most updated info)
  • All levels must be received before I start working on your order
  • Minor revisions can be completed immediately, but larger ones will be deprioritized until all Illuminarti orders are done
Stained Glass Portraits
_____qPklXxC.png TvdD42T.png tdawm4Q.png
______________Louks ____________________Alizeh _________________Jacaranda
_____30ycSgA.png DwvaOkN.png n5MNvBp.png
______________Horus ___________________Urania _________________Raphael
150 levels per portrait / 550 levels for 4
base prices include up to 2 pieces of simple head/neck apparel and skin/accent
+35 levels for paired aberration bases
+50 levels for major ancient line breaks

ex. 150+35 = 185 levels for a paired aberration portrait
ex. 150+50 = 200 levels for an undertide with sailfin
All modern + ancient breeds currently have bases available!

aberration / aether / auraboa*
banescale / bogsneak / coatl / fae /
gaoler / guardian / imperial / mirror bases

nocturne / pearlcatcher / ridgeback / skydancer /
sandsurge* / snapper / tundra / obelisk /
undertide / spiral / veilspun / wildclaw bases

*new auraboa and sandsurge bases!

You can choose between 4 glass types
If you don't specify, the default type will be applied



Stained Glass Portrait Rules & Guidelines
  • Maximum 4 portraits order; please check if any 4-portrait slots are open. Otherwise, the maximum is 2
  • 7so4uJ1.png Most skins & accents, minor edits to the base (extra feathers, expressions, hybrid bases, etc.) can be done - please ask!
  • Z6LMhQN.png GENERALLY: detailed genes like jupiter, giraffe, pharaoh, etc.
    - but depending on skincent/tert coverage, any gene might be doable - please ask!
  • Z6LMhQN.png Swirl/goat/glowing eyes
    - some primal eyes can be done for an additional 35 levels;
    - OK:
    - MAYBE (depending on gene complexity):

Stained Glass Portrait Order Form
  • Please submit one form per dragon
  • All dragons in the bases are facing left
  • Adopts that are posted on social media will provide the dragon’s ID by default
  • Unless specified, the default glass texture will be applied
@cordially [size=4][b]I would like a [color=#c19252]stained glass portrait[/color]![/b][/size] [b]Your user ID:[/b] [b]Scry of/link to dragon:[/b] [b]Dragon ID:[/b] [b]Base:[/b] ex. tundra F [b]Direction facing:[/b] left / right [b]Colour of halo / rays:[/b] ex. fog halo, wine-rose rays [b]Apparel (if any, up to 2):[/b] [b]Can I post your adopt on social media?:[/b] yes / no [b]Other notes:[/b] ex. accent if possible

Stained Glass Portrait Slots
users can only hold 1 stained glass slot at a time
4-portrait Slots - max 4 dragons per order, slots will not reopen once filled
  1. closed

Regular Slots - max 2 dragons per order, slots unlimited for now
  1. all done!
Chibis will likely be foddart and/or RLC-exclusive in the future

(full size)
500 levels per chibi / 900 levels for 2
Depending on complexity:
+24 levels per piece of dragon apparel, max 10 pieces
up to 250 levels for detailed/apparel-like dragon skincents
+250+ levels for props/companions (weapons, Pokemon, familiars, etc.)

Chibi Rules & Guidelines
  • You may include up to 8 characters/dragons per order
  • All characters must have a visual reference
  • Simple apparel or props are free - earrings or bracelets, light blobs, etc. Please ask if you're unsure :]
  • 7so4uJ1.png humanoids, FR dragons, light anthro, fantasy races, Pokemon and other creature companions, weapons, couples, furry (I'm not confident but I will try my best!)
  • Z6LMhQN.png highly detailed outfits/skincents/cluttered apparel (you can still request them but they may be simplified to suit this style better), mecha, IRL (characters played by actors are ok), anything against Flight Rising ToS
  • Minor revisions, resizing, and flipping are free. Larger revisions like clothing or pose may incur a fee of 50+ levels depending on complexity

Chibi Order Form
  • If the characters are interacting, please submit one form per order. Otherwise, please submit one form per character
  • Unless specified, all FR dragon orders will be drawn as dragons and not gijinkas
  • If you are requesting non-FR characters, please specify if you have a username you'd like me to credit the character design to in the 'Other notes' section

FR dragon chibis:
@cordially [size=4][b]I would like a [color=#258fb9]dragon chibi[/color]![/b][/size] [b]Your user ID:[/b] [b]Scry of/link to dragon(s):[/b] [b]Dragon ID(s):[/b] [b]Personality/pose:[/b] [b]Apparel (if any):[/b] [b]Skincent (if any):[/b] [b]Can I post your chibi on social media?:[/b] yes / no [b]Other notes:[/b]

Non-FR character chibis:
@cordially [size=4][b]I would like a [color=#258fb9]chibi[/color]![/b][/size] [b]Your user ID:[/b] [b]Character name(s):[/b] [b]Link to character reference(s):[/b] [b]Personality/pose:[/b] [b]Can I post your chibi on social media?:[/b] yes / no [b]Other notes:[/b] ex. username to credit you with, etc.

Chibi Slots
users can only hold 1 chibi slot at a time
Slots - slots might not reopen once filled depending on workload
  1. all done!

Completed Orders
Completed orders have been moved to the gallery (NB: image heavy)
[LvA 2023] Top 26 Ticket Earners / badge by Irithyll (#157246)_
(spoilers for taz: b)
_Contralto / pixel adopt by Hawkeyyee (#146802)Ace / pixel adopt by Hawkeyyee (#146802)