
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [FIRE FODDART] Geyser Gallery (OPEN)
[center] [img][/img] Going to the Hot Springs is all about relaxing, but why don't we add some fun to the mix as well? The geysers of the Ashfall Waste are bustling with colors, so join the fire flight artists in preparation for our posh in this month's Geyser Gallery! [img][/img][/center] [LIST] [*]Geyser Gallery Foddart will run from [b]August 19th[/b] to [b]September 02[/b]. [*]All dragon payments must be completed [u]before the end of the push[/u] (Aug 26th). [*]Dragons and all other payments must be sent to the artist you're commissioning. [*]Levels are cumulative. For a 20 level payment, you could sent two level 10 dragons, four level 5 dragons, etc. [u]Hatchlings count as 1 level.[/u] [*][b]Pay attention to the rules[/b] of the artist you're commissioning and make sure to communicate with them directly regarding your order. [*]Have fun and enjoy your art! Happy Flameforger's! [emoji=fire rune size=1] [/LIST] [center] [img][/img][/center]

Going to the Hot Springs is all about relaxing, but why don't we add some fun to the mix as well? The geysers of the Ashfall Waste are bustling with colors, so join the fire flight artists in preparation for our posh in this month's Geyser Gallery!

  • Geyser Gallery Foddart will run from August 19th to September 02.
  • All dragon payments must be completed before the end of the push (Aug 26th).
  • Dragons and all other payments must be sent to the artist you're commissioning.
  • Levels are cumulative. For a 20 level payment, you could sent two level 10 dragons, four level 5 dragons, etc. Hatchlings count as 1 level.
  • Pay attention to the rules of the artist you're commissioning and make sure to communicate with them directly regarding your order.
  • Have fun and enjoy your art! Happy Flameforger's!
[center][img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [quote=Snippet][b]Six days to execution[/b] I have got to get a better crew, Aldana grumbled to herself as she was escorted back to her prison cell. The trial had gone, how to put it, appallingly bad, and no thanks to testimonies put against her by her so-called loyal employees. But at least a sentence had finally been made. (...) [/quote]

Snippet wrote:
Six days to execution
I have got to get a better crew, Aldana grumbled to herself as she was escorted back to her prison cell. The trial had gone, how to put it, appallingly bad, and no thanks to testimonies put against her by her so-called loyal employees. But at least a sentence had finally been made. (...)
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]OPEN[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Accepting[/i] [img][/img] [color=#ff5a00][size=5][b]Lore Story[/b][/size][/color] 1000-1500 word short story in the POV of the buyer's chosen FR dragon [u][i]250 Levels[/i][/u] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [size=4]Pencil kicked the hatch open and dropped down into the tavern, flaring her wings at the end to slow her fall. She landed lightly, the mechanical whirr of her steampunk devices giving a gentle buzz as she folded her wings neatly to her sides and pushed her goggles up off her eyes to survey the room. The occupants of the tavern glowered back, eyeing her dusty gear and dustier scales over hunkered shoulders and dirty mugs. She perked her crest at them, and walked to the bar. "Mug of your cheapest," she told the barkeep, slapping two pieces of treasure on the splintered wood of the counter. "I have to be back in the air soon." [ [url=]Keep reading...[/url] ][/columns] [columns] [right][size=4][b]Six days to execution[/b] [i]I have got to get a better crew[/i], Aldana grumbled to herself as she was escorted back to her prison cell. The trial had gone, how to put it, [i]appallingly bad[/i], and no thanks to testimonies put against her by her so-called loyal employees. But at least a sentence had finally been made. Aldana laughed silently as her guards drew up beside the cell, remembering the crew’s looks of terror and pleading cries as they were dragged from the courtroom to await their fate. Oh yes, they had [i]all[/i] received their sentence. Both those names called by the judge, and those still sitting on Aldana’s tongue. [ [url=]Keep reading...[/url] ][/right] [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [center] [ [url=]more examples 1[/url] - [url=]more examples 2[/url] ][/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b] - only 4 at a time![/color] 1- 2- 3- 4- [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] Order form:[/center] [code] @TETRAHEDR0N [b]Username[/b]: [b]Link to Dragon[/b]: [b]Link to clan lore, if any[/b]: [b]Dragon's pronouns[/b]: [b]Dragon's personality[/b]: [b]Include bonded familiar? If yes, which?[/b] [b]Relations to other dragons[/b]: [b]Idea for story? Any scene you'd like? If yes, explain[/b]: [b]Other information[/b]:[/code] [center][img][/img] [color=#ff5a00][size=5][b]Haiku[/b][/size][/color] 1 stanza of 5/7/5 syllable lines [u][i]50 levels[/i][/u] [i]In disaster: hope seeds, sprouts, and she nourished it to full health, despite. - Your roots burrow far, in soil and heart, supporting where else I might fall.[/i] [ [url=]more examples[/url] ] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b] - unlimited![/color] 1- [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES:[/b][/color] Order form:[/center] [code] @TETRAHEDR0N [b]Username[/b]: [b]Link to Dragon[/b]: [b]Link to clan lore, if any[/b]: [b]Dragon's pronouns[/b]: [b]Tense and POV?[/b]: (present, past; first, second, or third) [b]Tone?[/b]: (silly, spooky, peaceful, etc) [b]Category of poem?[/b] (Options: Description of physical appearance, personality/job, relationships to others, or mini story/scene. Please add as much detail as you can about the chosen category)[/code] [center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] Send levels via 1t PAs [b]after[/b] I've confirmed your order on this thread. I reserve the right to refuse any orders, although if your dragons are accepted and exalted you will receive your piece. You're welcome to leave any information you don't know as N/A on the order forms, however the more info you provide, the more accurate your piece will be!
OPEN // status: Accepting


Lore Story

1000-1500 word short story in the POV of the buyer's chosen FR dragon

250 Levels


Pencil kicked the hatch open and dropped down into the tavern, flaring her wings at the end to slow her fall. She landed lightly, the mechanical whirr of her steampunk devices giving a gentle buzz as she folded her wings neatly to her sides and pushed her goggles up off her eyes to survey the room. The occupants of the tavern glowered back, eyeing her dusty gear and dustier scales over hunkered shoulders and dirty mugs. She perked her crest at them, and walked to the bar.

"Mug of your cheapest," she told the barkeep, slapping two pieces of treasure on the splintered wood of the counter. "I have to be back in the air soon."

[ Keep reading... ]

Six days to execution
I have got to get a better crew, Aldana grumbled to herself as she was escorted back to her prison cell. The trial had gone, how to put it, appallingly bad, and no thanks to testimonies put against her by her so-called loyal employees. But at least a sentence had finally been made.

Aldana laughed silently as her guards drew up beside the cell, remembering the crew’s looks of terror and pleading cries as they were dragged from the courtroom to await their fate. Oh yes, they had all received their sentence. Both those names called by the judge, and those still sitting on Aldana’s tongue.

[ Keep reading... ]


SLOTS - only 4 at a time!


Order form:
@TETRAHEDR0N [b]Username[/b]: [b]Link to Dragon[/b]: [b]Link to clan lore, if any[/b]: [b]Dragon's pronouns[/b]: [b]Dragon's personality[/b]: [b]Include bonded familiar? If yes, which?[/b] [b]Relations to other dragons[/b]: [b]Idea for story? Any scene you'd like? If yes, explain[/b]: [b]Other information[/b]:

1 stanza of 5/7/5 syllable lines

50 levels

In disaster: hope
seeds, sprouts, and she nourished it
to full health, despite.
Your roots burrow far,
in soil and heart, supporting
where else I might fall.

[ more examples ]

SLOTS - unlimited!


Order form:
@TETRAHEDR0N [b]Username[/b]: [b]Link to Dragon[/b]: [b]Link to clan lore, if any[/b]: [b]Dragon's pronouns[/b]: [b]Tense and POV?[/b]: (present, past; first, second, or third) [b]Tone?[/b]: (silly, spooky, peaceful, etc) [b]Category of poem?[/b] (Options: Description of physical appearance, personality/job, relationships to others, or mini story/scene. Please add as much detail as you can about the chosen category)

Extra info

Send levels via 1t PAs after I've confirmed your order on this thread.

I reserve the right to refuse any orders, although if your dragons are accepted and exalted you will receive your piece.

You're welcome to leave any information you don't know as N/A on the order forms, however the more info you provide, the more accurate your piece will be!
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]CLOSED[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Closed until next push. Hope to see you then![/i] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=6][color=#ff5a00][b]WRITING SECTION[/b][/color][/size] Welcome to my small stand. Here I offer compact new additions for your dragons' bios! (Open to non-dragon OCs too) [color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]OPTION (A) : AESTHETIC[/b] [b][i]Price: 15 levels[/i][/b][/size][/color][/center] A selection of 4 - 6 items picked to match your dragon's looks, quirks, and/or favourite things. Comes with a one-sentence tagline. [Quote] [font=optima]You wade through a mountain of Roslin's things.[/font] [item=ferberus skull][item=woven cloth][item=dried flowers][item=swiftfoot warrior's belt][/quote] [center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]OPTION (B) : BLURB[/b] [b][i]Price: 50 levels[/i][/b][/size][/color][/center] A 100-150 word overview of your dragon, focusing on their personality, story, and/or relationships. I will work closely with you to capture all the details you want, but please note this is not a lore-summarising service! [Quote][font=optima] Although wind-born, most of Emelie's early years were spent eking out a living in a land of darkness and desolation, somewhere between the ice realm and the edge of the world. Determined to return to the land of her birth, Emelie fought tooth and nail to transform herself, and through years of relentless pursuit transitioned from an ordinary bogsneak into a graceful skydancer, harnessing her primal power to become a skilled cleric commanding mastery over wind magic. She was assisted by a fire type friend, a fellow outcast who kept her warm during those long, hard nights. Emelie hopes to see Mira again one day, and to this end journeys regularly to the Ashfall Waste and surrounds, yearning to catch a glimpse of a love long lost.[/font][/quote] [center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]OPTION (C) : COMBO[/b] [b][i]Price: 60 levels[/i][/b][/size][/color][/center] An aesthetic and blurb for the [u][b]same dragon[/b][/u]. [center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]OPTION (D) : DITTY[/b] [b][i]Price: 30 levels[/i][/b][/size][/color][/center] A short poem (5-10 lines) for your character, done in free verse. This option is designed to give me more creative freedom, though you can suggest a theme. [Quote][center][font=optima]The woods hold secrets. Edenic treasure trove, a spectre of time relinquished, Hazy turn of the seasons and a Ritual of renewal. Time stands a pillar, its voice but a whisper. Grow old, and let age be your reassurance. The woods speak promise, Held on the fleeting song of a nightingale.[/font][/center][/quote] [center][img][/img] [color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]FORM FOR WRITING[/b] [/size][/color][/center] Please note that 1 character counts for 1 slot (you can choose up to 2 options per character). Max 3 slots per person. [Code]For option A or D @Teg741 I'd like some lore! Character: (link) Option: (A / D) Character’s pronouns: Suggested themes/aesthetics: Any other notes: [/code] [Code]For option B or C @Teg741 I'd like some lore! Character: (link) Option: (B / C) Character’s pronouns: Personality, likes, dislikes: Occupation: Relationships to others: Anything else you want included in the bio:[/code] [center][img][/img] [color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]WRITING SLOTS[/b] [/size][/color][/center] [list=1][*][s]Raidye (B) - 50/50[/s] complete![*] [s]brighteningskies (B) - 50/50[/s] complete! [*] [s]Hifriend (D) - 30/30[/s] complete![*][*][*][*][*][*][*][/list] [center][img][/img] [size=6][color=#ff5a00][b]ART SECTION[/b][/size] But wait, there’s more! This part of the shop is tacked onto the back like a dusty afterthought. Will you take a look inside? [color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]GRUMPY MORNING SKYDANCER[/b] [b][i]Price: 200 levels[/i][/b][/size][/color][/center] I am once again offering my Grumpy Morning Skydancer adopt for levels - this time with some new accessory options! Please click on Cucumber below to be taken to my adopt shop for all the details - so this post doesn't turn into War and Peace :) [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]FORM FOR ART[/b] [/size][/color][/center] [Code]@Teg741 I'd like a Grumpy Skydancer adopt! Dragon: (link) Skin: Y/N Accessory: Any other notes:[/code] [center][img][/img] [color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]ART SLOTS[/b] [/size][/color][/center] [list=1][*] hyddenchyld - 205/205[*][*][/list] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] [list][*]Please send dragons to me via 1t Private Auction - I don't have a lot of lair space so CRs may be difficult for me to accept. Thank you! [*]I may not finish your commission within the push week; feel free to ask for updates if I'm taking a while. [*]Commissions may be used on and offsite, please credit me at my FR profile ([url=]teg741[/url]), or my Toyhouse profile ([url=]delta1413[/url]).
CLOSED // status: Closed until next push. Hope to see you then!


Welcome to my small stand. Here I offer compact new additions for your dragons' bios!
(Open to non-dragon OCs too)

Price: 15 levels
A selection of 4 - 6 items picked to match your dragon's looks, quirks, and/or favourite things. Comes with a one-sentence tagline.

You wade through a mountain of Roslin's things.
Ferberus Skull Woven Cloth Dried Flowers Swiftfoot Warrior's Belt

Price: 50 levels
A 100-150 word overview of your dragon, focusing on their personality, story, and/or relationships. I will work closely with you to capture all the details you want, but please note this is not a lore-summarising service!

Although wind-born, most of Emelie's early years were spent eking out a living in a land of darkness and desolation, somewhere between the ice realm and the edge of the world. Determined to return to the land of her birth, Emelie fought tooth and nail to transform herself, and through years of relentless pursuit transitioned from an ordinary bogsneak into a graceful skydancer, harnessing her primal power to become a skilled cleric commanding mastery over wind magic. She was assisted by a fire type friend, a fellow outcast who kept her warm during those long, hard nights. Emelie hopes to see Mira again one day, and to this end journeys regularly to the Ashfall Waste and surrounds, yearning to catch a glimpse of a love long lost.

Price: 60 levels
An aesthetic and blurb for the same dragon.

Price: 30 levels
A short poem (5-10 lines) for your character, done in free verse. This option is designed to give me more creative freedom, though you can suggest a theme.

The woods hold secrets.
Edenic treasure trove, a spectre of time relinquished,
Hazy turn of the seasons and a
Ritual of renewal.
Time stands a pillar, its voice but a whisper.
Grow old, and let age be your reassurance.
The woods speak promise,
Held on the fleeting song of a nightingale.



Please note that 1 character counts for 1 slot (you can choose up to 2 options per character). Max 3 slots per person.
For option A or D @Teg741 I'd like some lore! Character: (link) Option: (A / D) Character’s pronouns: Suggested themes/aesthetics: Any other notes:
For option B or C @Teg741 I'd like some lore! Character: (link) Option: (B / C) Character’s pronouns: Personality, likes, dislikes: Occupation: Relationships to others: Anything else you want included in the bio:

  1. Raidye (B) - 50/50 complete!
  2. brighteningskies (B) - 50/50 complete!
  3. Hifriend (D) - 30/30 complete!


But wait, there’s more! This part of the shop is tacked onto the back like a dusty afterthought. Will you take a look inside?

Price: 200 levels
I am once again offering my Grumpy Morning Skydancer adopt for levels - this time with some new accessory options!

Please click on Cucumber below to be taken to my adopt shop for all the details - so this post doesn't turn into War and Peace :)

@Teg741 I'd like a Grumpy Skydancer adopt! Dragon: (link) Skin: Y/N Accessory: Any other notes:

  1. hyddenchyld - 205/205

Extra info
  • Please send dragons to me via 1t Private Auction - I don't have a lot of lair space so CRs may be difficult for me to accept. Thank you!
  • I may not finish your commission within the push week; feel free to ask for updates if I'm taking a while.
  • Commissions may be used on and offsite, please credit me at my FR profile (teg741), or my Toyhouse profile (delta1413).
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][i][b]OPEN // status: Online/[s]Offline[/s]// Accepting/[s]Not accepting[/s][/i][/b][/color][/size] [img][/img][/center] [br] [columns][center][color=white]____[/color][nextcol] [columns][center][img][/img] [/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Digital Sketch Bust[/b][/size] [i][b]480,000 [img][/img]/ 400 [img][/img] or 250 Levels[/b][/i] [/center][/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color] [list=1] [*] [*][*] [/list] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] * These prices are [b]only[/b] for foddart. Please do not ask for these prices in my normal art shop. * Please have a reference image for your character and have your payment ready before approaching me for a comm * I can do, most furs, FR and non-FR dragons, monster-like creatures, and humanoids * I only take dragons level 5+ (Nowhere near enough lair space for that) * More examples can be found on my art shop or on my socials (links to both can be found on my clan profile bio) [/columns][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][columns][center][img][/img][nextcol][/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Turn Your Dragon Into A Yoshi YCH[/b][/size] [i][b]250,000 [img][/img]/ 200 [img][/img] or 100 Levels[/b][/i] [i][b] 50 gems per addon with no limits[img][/img] [/b][/i] [/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color] [list=1] [*] [*] [/list] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES:[/b][/color] * You may choose from three different Yoshi types: Regular, Shell-less, Baby Yoshi * Please have a reference image for your character and have your payment ready before approaching me for a comm * This YCH is [b]only[/b] for FR dragons. I am willing to give a small exception for other dragon characters * I only take dragons level 5+ (Nowhere near enough lair space for that) * If you would like there are several additions you may add for your dragon. These two images show some of the many add-ons you may add. Original art from TheKingTheory: [url=]Batch 1[/url] & [url=]Batch 2[/url]. * Bases used with permission. Original base by thekingtheory * Original links: [url=]Here[/url] & [url=]Here[/url] [/columns][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][center][img][/img][img][/img] [/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Goofy GIF[/b][/size] [i][b]300,000+ [img][/img]/200+ [img][/img]or 100+ Levels[/b][/i] [/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color] [list=1] [*] [*] [/list] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] *Please have a reference image for your character and have your payment ready before approaching me for a comm *I can do, most furs, FR and non-FR dragons, monster-like creatures, and humanoids *I will not do overly complex characters for the GIF. If I am given a complex character I will simplify them heavily. *I will draw a maximum of six frames and a minimum of two. These are very simple so don't expect anything super complex. *Please give a description of their personality or what you would want them to be doing (fall from the sky, spin from left to right, scream, etc.) *How many frames and how much effort I put in is based on how much you pay. the prices shown are base prices. The more you pay, the more frames and time dedicated to your piece you get [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] [LIST] [*]Please be patient. Your commission may take time, it depends on the gene's complexity and on my free time. [*]Some examples may be outdated. For more recent examples please check out my [url=]carrd[/url] or my [url=]Furaffinity[/url] [*]Art is for personal use [b]only[/b]. However, feel free to use on FR anywhere (banners, dragon bios, forums,) but not outside of FR for monetary purposes. [*]Please credit me at any of my other socials: @LPSvsS on all socials except insta which is @lps_vs_s [*]I have the right to deny [b]any[/b] commission without having to provide a reason. [*]I will work on commissions even after foddart is over, so if I'm taking a while and foddart has passed, just know I am still working on your commission. [/LIST] [Quote] @LPSvsS Username: Link to ref/dragon: Description/expression: Payment type: Type/Style of commission: [/Quote]
OPEN // status: Online/Offline// Accepting/Not accepting


Digital Sketch Bust

480,000 frtres2020_12x12.png/ 400 frgem2020_12x12.png or
250 Levels


* These prices are only for foddart. Please do not ask for these prices in my normal art shop.
* Please have a reference image for your character and have your payment ready before approaching me for a comm
* I can do, most furs, FR and non-FR dragons, monster-like creatures, and humanoids
* I only take dragons level 5+ (Nowhere near enough lair space for that)
* More examples can be found on my art shop or on my socials (links to both can be found on my clan profile bio)
Turn Your Dragon Into A Yoshi YCH
250,000 frtres2020_12x12.png/ 200 frgem2020_12x12.png or
100 Levels

50 gems per addon with no limitsfrgem2020_12x12.png


* You may choose from three different Yoshi types: Regular, Shell-less, Baby Yoshi
* Please have a reference image for your character and have your payment ready before approaching me for a comm
* This YCH is only for FR dragons. I am willing to give a small exception for other dragon characters
* I only take dragons level 5+ (Nowhere near enough lair space for that)
* If you would like there are several additions you may add for your dragon. These two images show some of the many add-ons you may add. Original art from TheKingTheory: Batch 1 & Batch 2.
* Bases used with permission. Original base by thekingtheory
* Original links: Here & Here
Goofy GIF

300,000+ frtres2020_12x12.png/200+ frgem2020_12x12.pngor
100+ Levels


*Please have a reference image for your character and have your payment ready before approaching me for a comm
*I can do, most furs, FR and non-FR dragons, monster-like creatures, and humanoids
*I will not do overly complex characters for the GIF. If I am given a complex character I will simplify them heavily.
*I will draw a maximum of six frames and a minimum of two. These are very simple so don't expect anything super complex.
*Please give a description of their personality or what you would want them to be doing (fall from the sky, spin from left to right, scream, etc.)
*How many frames and how much effort I put in is based on how much you pay. the prices shown are base prices. The more you pay, the more frames and time dedicated to your piece you get

Extra info
  • Please be patient. Your commission may take time, it depends on the gene's complexity and on my free time.
  • Some examples may be outdated. For more recent examples please check out my carrd or my Furaffinity
  • Art is for personal use only. However, feel free to use on FR anywhere (banners, dragon bios, forums,) but not outside of FR for monetary purposes.
  • Please credit me at any of my other socials: @LPSvsS on all socials except insta which is @lps_vs_s
  • I have the right to deny any commission without having to provide a reason.
  • I will work on commissions even after foddart is over, so if I'm taking a while and foddart has passed, just know I am still working on your commission.

Link to ref/dragon:
Payment type:
Type/Style of commission:
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]OPEN[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Online/Accepting [/i] [img][/img][/center] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Adoptables[/b][/size] [i][b]Flying Pearlcatchers:[/b] 250KT/ 250G or [s]150 Levels[/s] 400 embers[/i] [b]Gene Sponsoring[/b] +30kt/30 G [s]10 levels [/s] 60 embers [b]Apparel Sponsoring[/b] Depends on complexity Only up to 3 pieces [/center] [center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color][/center] [list=1] [*][url=]MistyGold[/url] ([url=]Done[/url]) [*] [url=]Puggles[/url] ([url=]Done [/url])[*][url=]peachycosmos[/url] ([url=]Done[/url]) [*][url=]Kururin[/url] ([url=]Done[/url])[*] [url=]sikora[/url] ([url=]Done[/url]) [*] [url=]Tikal[/url] ([url=]Done[/url]) [*] - [/list] [center][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra examples:[/b][/color] <--- Click on the image[/center] [quote= Genes available] [b]Primary[/b] Bar, Clown, Ripple, Giraffe, Pinstripe, Boulder, Leopard, Tapir, Savannah, Iridescent (Working on: Metallic) [b]Secondary:[/b] Peregrine, Seraph, Spinner, Sludge, Butterfly, Striaton, Constellation, Clouded, Shimmer (Working on: , Alloy) [b]Tertiary: [/b]Underbelly, Runes, Spines, Opal, Filigree, Stained and Glimmer, Capsule, Koi (Working on:, Veined) [/quote] [/columns] [b]Apparel available[/b] [item=Bloodstone Roundhorn] [item= Glowing Green Clawtips][item=Verdant Sage Shawl] [item=Black Protective Eyewear] [item=Moondust Starsilk Earrings][item=Moondust Starsilk Scarf][item=Pale Kelpie Mane][item=Meadow Apron][item=Lustrous Mantle] [item=Beekeeper's Honeycomb][item=simple gold bracelets][item=diaphanous sylvan twist][item=ember sylvan headpiece][item=Golden Sage Sash] [u]Working on:[/u] [item=Spring Carousel Saddle][item=Spring Carousel Bracelet][item=Spring Carousel Tail Twirl] [quote=Form] @Hinumi [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon bbcode:[/b] your dragon here [b]Genes: [/b] Primary / Secondary / Tertiary [b]Payment method:[/b] Treasure, Genes or Levels? [b]Any other details?:[/b] Apparel goes here! You can also request to remove the whiskers, change the size of the final picture, etc. [/quote] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] [size=4][b][color=#d19108]*[/color][/b][/size] This is my first time participating in a foddart in a long, long time so please be patient with me! [size=4][b][color=#c31d22]*[/color][/b][/size] The final size of the adoptable is 400 x 493 with the pearlcatcher's body facing to the left. Let me know if you would like your adopt smaller and/or flipped. [size=4][b][color=#d19108]*[/color][/b][/size] For this first run and due to irl time restrictions, apparel is limited and there is no option to add Skins or Accents. I hope to change this in the future ^^ [size=4][b][color=#c31d22]*[/color][/b][/size] If you are interested in future PC flying adopts, here is a link to my upcoming [url=]shop[/url] [center][img][/img][/center]
OPEN // status: Online/Accepting


Flying Pearlcatchers:
250KT/ 250G or
150 Levels
400 embers

Gene Sponsoring
+30kt/30 G
10 levels
60 embers

Apparel Sponsoring
Depends on complexity
Only up to 3 pieces

  1. MistyGold (Done)
  2. Puggles (Done )
  3. peachycosmos (Done)
  4. Kururin (Done)
  5. sikora (Done)
  6. Tikal (Done)
  7. -

Extra examples:
<--- Click on the image

Genes available wrote:
Primary Bar, Clown, Ripple, Giraffe, Pinstripe, Boulder, Leopard, Tapir, Savannah, Iridescent (Working on: Metallic)

Secondary: Peregrine, Seraph, Spinner, Sludge, Butterfly, Striaton, Constellation, Clouded, Shimmer (Working on: , Alloy)

Tertiary: Underbelly, Runes, Spines, Opal, Filigree, Stained and Glimmer, Capsule, Koi (Working on:, Veined)
Apparel available
Bloodstone Roundhorn Glowing Green Clawtips Verdant Sage Shawl Black Protective Eyewear
Moondust Starsilk Earrings Moondust Starsilk Scarf Pale Kelpie Mane Meadow Apron Lustrous Mantle
Beekeeper's Honeycomb Simple Gold Bracelets Diaphanous Sylvan Twist Ember Sylvan Headpiece Golden Sage Sash

Working on:
Spring Carousel Saddle Spring Carousel Bracelet Spring Carousel Tail Twirl

Form wrote:
Dragon bbcode: your dragon here
Genes: Primary / Secondary / Tertiary
Payment method: Treasure, Genes or Levels?
Any other details?: Apparel goes here! You can also request to remove the whiskers, change the size of the final picture, etc.

Extra info

* This is my first time participating in a foddart in a long, long time so please be patient with me!

* The final size of the adoptable is 400 x 493 with the pearlcatcher's body facing to the left. Let me know if you would like your adopt smaller and/or flipped.

* For this first run and due to irl time restrictions, apparel is limited and there is no option to add Skins or Accents. I hope to change this in the future ^^

* If you are interested in future PC flying adopts, here is a link to my upcoming shop

she/her- Fr +5 - Games / Events entusiast
Familiars in Flames & Lava cookies

I am not a creature that was born.
I am a fire that was set
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]OPEN[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Online (FR+3/afk)/working on current orders [/i] [img][/img][/center] [br] [columns][center][color=white]____[/color][nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Loaf adopts[/b][/size][/color] Available breeds: Plentiful breeds, common breeds, skydancers, coatls, wildclaws, nocturnes Imps are a WIP and do not have any samples. [color=#ff5a00][i][b]Base price:[/b] 50 kT/G or 45 Levels[/i] Cry/fac will cost +10 kT/G or 7 Levels for some breeds if not previously sponsored. [i][b]Add-ons[/b]: Expressions/Apparel/Skins/Accents depends on complexity [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color] [list=1][*][s]posibee - dabreil & visible armor - T - P[/s] [*][s]Moirli - [url=]Theron[/url] & butterfly apparel - LVLs - 55/52[/s] [*] [s]negcol - [url=]Ace [/url]- laurel, accent, chickens? - LVL - 62/58 [/s] [*][s]fairycatrainbow - [url=]Maka[/url] - Jacket - 52/52 LVL [/s] [*][s]firlex - [url=]Selene[/url] - 50/45 LVLS[/s] [*]hyddenchyld - [url=]Sunlight[/url] & [url=]Hazel[/url] - G - P [*]fearlord /uncomfirmed [*] Will ping when slot opens after this point ( [/list] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] Note: Dragons will be exalted as they are recieved over the course of this fest push. Final sizes will be 150 px, 500 px, and 750 px, but anything within that range can be requested [/columns][/columns] [quote=Order form] @kibeth Adopts Dragon: [link or image] Payment type: [ T/G/LVL ] Notes: [/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Circle Portraits (1 dragon)[/b][/size] [i]450 kT/G or 350 levels[/i][/center] [i][b]Add-ons[/b]: Additional dragons, familiars, and complex backgrounds can be requested. Pricing depends on complexity You can click on the samples to see the full pieces. [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS (limited)[/b][/color] [list=1][*] @Puggles - [url= ]Antheia[/url] - eyes - 450 LVLS P [*] Saskia - [url=]Jazzie[/url] - accent & simple background - T - P [*] starlight18 - [url= ]Meringue[/url] - T - P [/list] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES:[/b][/color] These will take some time after initial sketches are approved. [/columns][/columns] [quote=Order form] @kibeth Portraits Dragon: [link or image] Payment type: [ T/G/LVL ] Notes: [/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] I will be prioritizing adopts due to time needed to complete them. Once the work week starts, responses will slow. ETA: Please send payments in T and G via PM and not CR. Limiting portrait slots to three, unless you're willing to wait a while. (ETA: Months)
OPEN // status: Online (FR+3/afk)/working on current orders



Loaf adopts
Available breeds: Plentiful breeds, common breeds,
skydancers, coatls, wildclaws, nocturnes

Imps are a WIP and do not have any samples.

Base price:
50 kT/G or 45 Levels

Cry/fac will cost +10 kT/G or 7 Levels for some breeds if not previously sponsored.
Expressions/Apparel/Skins/Accents depends on complexity

  1. posibee - dabreil & visible armor - T - P
  2. Moirli - Theron & butterfly apparel - LVLs - 55/52
  3. negcol - Ace - laurel, accent, chickens? - LVL - 62/58
  4. fairycatrainbow - Maka - Jacket - 52/52 LVL
  5. firlex - Selene - 50/45 LVLS
  6. hyddenchyld - Sunlight & Hazel - G - P
  7. fearlord /uncomfirmed
  8. Will ping when slot opens after this point (

Note: Dragons will be exalted as they are recieved over the course of this fest push.
Final sizes will be 150 px, 500 px, and 750 px, but anything within that range can be requested
Order form wrote:
Dragon: [link or image]
Payment type: [ T/G/LVL ]
Circle Portraits (1 dragon)
450 kT/G or 350 levels
Additional dragons, familiars, and complex backgrounds can be requested. Pricing depends on complexity

You can click on the samples to see the full pieces.

SLOTS (limited)
  1. @Puggles - Antheia - eyes - 450 LVLS P
  2. Saskia - Jazzie - accent & simple background - T - P
  3. starlight18 - Meringue - T - P

These will take some time after initial sketches are approved.
Order form wrote:
Dragon: [link or image]
Payment type: [ T/G/LVL ]

Extra info
I will be prioritizing adopts due to time needed to complete them. Once the work week starts, responses will slow.

ETA: Please send payments in T and G via PM and not CR.

Limiting portrait slots to three, unless you're willing to wait a while. (ETA: Months)
KoXrWQ6.gif Silanahredwing@tumblr || Art tag

Cauldron || Dragon Boarding || PWYW sketches || Art Shop

FR time +3
If you need me, ping @ KIBETH (formerly Tulmultuous).
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]CLOSED[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: Offline - Not Accepting [/i] [color=#ff5a00][b]Please read policies before ordering~[/b][/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#ff5a00][u][b]Wing Brooches[/b][/u] 100kt / 100g / 99 Glowing Embers / [s]60 Levels[/s] [/center] [left][list][*]Size: 400 x 170 pixels [*]A customizeable Wing-themed Brooch with 5 base wings and 9 different decorations that can be added. [*]All wing brooches use the same formula when ordering. [*]Scry orders are also available! [*]Coverage is shown further down the post[/list][/left] [quote="Order form"] @Drytil Adopt: Wing Brooch Base: Decoration: Primary: Primary Gradient: Secondary: Secondary Gradient: Decoration Color 1: Decoration Color 2: [i]Decoration Color 3: (Only for Dagger or Mecha decoration)[/i] Payment:[/quote] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Feathered Base[/b] Basic Decoration Primary: Maroon Primary Gradient: Blackberry Secondary: Sable Secondary Gradient: Bronze Decoration Color 1: Bronze Decoration Color 2: Lapis[/Columns] [columns][b]Fairy Base[/b] Basic Decoration Primary: Maroon Primary Gradient: Blackberry Secondary: Sable Secondary Gradient: Bronze Decoration Color 1: Bronze Decoration Color 2: Lapis[nextcol][img][/img][/Columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Leather Base[/b] Basic Decoration Primary: Maroon Primary Gradient: Blackberry Secondary: Sable Secondary Gradient: Bronze Decoration Color 1: Bronze Decoration Color 2: Lapis[/Columns] [columns][b]Cyber Base[/b] Basic Decoration Primary: Maroon Primary Gradient: Blackberry Secondary: Bronze Secondary Gradient: Bronze Decoration Color 1: Bronze Decoration Color 2: Lapis[nextcol][img][/img][/Columns] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][b]Decorative Base[/b] Basic Decoration Primary: Maroon Primary Gradient: Blackberry Secondary: Bronze Secondary Gradient: Blackberry Decoration Color 1: Bronze Decoration Color 2: Lapis[/Columns] [center][img][/img] [color=#ff5a00][center][size=5][b]Decorations[/b][/size] Previews on Feathered wings but works with all other base wings as well~ [url=][b]>> Link to previews <<[/b][/url] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][color=#ff5a00][u][b]Wingbanners[/b][/u] 100kt / 100g / 99 Glowing Embers / [s]60 Levels[/s] [/center] [left][list][*]Size: 600 x 100 pixels [*]Available to Scry order [*]New Types added: Lightning, Fairy and Nightsky! [*]Coverage is shown further down[/list][/left] [quote][left]@Drytil Adopt: Wingbanner Type: Primary: Primary gradient: Secondary: Secondary gradient: Tertiary: Effects: Extras: [i]None if basic - You can follow the visual guide further down for details on other types[/i] Payment: [i]Treasure, gems or levels[/i][/left][/quote] [center][b][url=]Link to a visual guide here for types and effects[/url][/b] (To keep this post less image heavy) [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [u][b] >>[url=]Link to Order Spreadsheet[/url] <<[/b][/u] (Here you can see the status of your adopts in the making) [left][b]Policies[/b] [list][*][b]You may order up to 20 adoptables at a time. [/b]If you're still interested in more please wait until your order is finished before ordering again. [*]Please send payment through a 1-way crossroad or a Private message once I've confirmed your order (it's fine to send beforehand as well). When your order is finished I'll accept the crossroad and provide you with the links for the adopt(s). If you'd like me to accept a Treasure/Gems payment beforehand send me a message to do so! [*]Leveled dragons will be accepted asap and noted down as paid in the spreadsheet. [*]All payments will be noted down in the order sheet. [*]Once you got your adoptable, you may reupload it for personal use. - You may also resize or flip the image to better fit with your bio/profile if necessary. [*][b]Make sure to save the images![/b] Just in case the link would break in the future. If you have any questions/concerns about your order or if anything would go awry (if I miss your ping/order etc) feel free to PM me. [*]Both Flight Rising colors or Hex codes are allowed in the order form. [*][b]Scry Orders:[/b] It's possible to send me a scry/image of the dragon you want it based on instead of filling in the order form. I can draw from the colors that way. This may result in me adding extra gradients to fit the dragon even more (Because I have no self control for splashing more color into your adopt if you let me). You may specify is there's any specific parts of the dragon you want me to focus the colors on. [*]If you are unhappy with how your adopt turns out in a Regular/Scry order I can fix it once for a fee of 20kt/20g. If I happen to mix up your orders colors there's no fee required to fix it. [*][b]If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to ping/message me! :D[/b][/list][/left] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][b][color=#ff5a00]Coverage[/b][/size] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Base color / Color 1 Gradient / Color 2[/b][/columns] [center][b]Feathered[/b] Primary / Primary Gradient Secondary / Secondary Gradient [img][/img] [b]Fairy[/b] Primary / Primary Gradient Secondary / Secondary Gradient [img][/img] [b]Leather[/b] Primary / Primary Gradient Secondary / Secondary Gradient [img][/img] [b]Cyber[/b] Primary / Primary Gradient Secondary / Secondary Gradient [img][/img] [b]Decorative[/b] Primary / Primary Gradient Secondary / Secondary Gradient [img][/img] [b]Decorations[/b] (Blue/cyan color is for a third possible color to add) [url=][b]>> Link to previews of coverage <<[/b][/url] ----- [b]Wingbanners[/b] Primary [img][/img] Secondary [img][/img] Tertiary [img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
CLOSED // status: Offline - Not Accepting

Please read policies before ordering~
Wing Brooches
100kt / 100g / 99 Glowing Embers / 60 Levels
  • Size: 400 x 170 pixels
  • A customizeable Wing-themed Brooch with 5 base wings and 9 different decorations that can be added.
  • All wing brooches use the same formula when ordering.
  • Scry orders are also available!
  • Coverage is shown further down the post
Order form wrote:
Adopt: Wing Brooch
Primary Gradient:
Secondary Gradient:
Decoration Color 1:
Decoration Color 2:
Decoration Color 3: (Only for Dagger or Mecha decoration)

UCg8a1P.png Feathered Base
Basic Decoration

Primary: Maroon
Primary Gradient: Blackberry
Secondary: Sable
Secondary Gradient: Bronze
Decoration Color 1: Bronze
Decoration Color 2: Lapis
Fairy Base
Basic Decoration

Primary: Maroon
Primary Gradient: Blackberry
Secondary: Sable
Secondary Gradient: Bronze
Decoration Color 1: Bronze
Decoration Color 2: Lapis
es1cpmh.png Leather Base
Basic Decoration

Primary: Maroon
Primary Gradient: Blackberry
Secondary: Sable
Secondary Gradient: Bronze
Decoration Color 1: Bronze
Decoration Color 2: Lapis
Cyber Base
Basic Decoration

Primary: Maroon
Primary Gradient: Blackberry
Secondary: Bronze
Secondary Gradient: Bronze
Decoration Color 1: Bronze
Decoration Color 2: Lapis
IRNGeAq.png Decorative Base
Basic Decoration

Primary: Maroon
Primary Gradient: Blackberry
Secondary: Bronze
Secondary Gradient: Blackberry
Decoration Color 1: Bronze
Decoration Color 2: Lapis

Previews on Feathered wings but works with all other base wings as well~
>> Link to previews <<


100kt / 100g / 99 Glowing Embers / 60 Levels
  • Size: 600 x 100 pixels
  • Available to Scry order
  • New Types added: Lightning, Fairy and Nightsky!
  • Coverage is shown further down
Adopt: Wingbanner
Primary gradient:
Secondary gradient:
Extras: None if basic - You can follow the visual guide further down for details on other types
Payment: Treasure, gems or levels
Link to a visual guide here for types and effects
(To keep this post less image heavy)

>>Link to Order Spreadsheet <<
(Here you can see the status of your adopts in the making)
  • You may order up to 20 adoptables at a time. If you're still interested in more please wait until your order is finished before ordering again.
  • Please send payment through a 1-way crossroad or a Private message once I've confirmed your order (it's fine to send beforehand as well). When your order is finished I'll accept the crossroad and provide you with the links for the adopt(s). If you'd like me to accept a Treasure/Gems payment beforehand send me a message to do so!
  • Leveled dragons will be accepted asap and noted down as paid in the spreadsheet.
  • All payments will be noted down in the order sheet.
  • Once you got your adoptable, you may reupload it for personal use. - You may also resize or flip the image to better fit with your bio/profile if necessary.
  • Make sure to save the images! Just in case the link would break in the future.
    If you have any questions/concerns about your order or if anything would go awry (if I miss your ping/order etc) feel free to PM me.
  • Both Flight Rising colors or Hex codes are allowed in the order form.
  • Scry Orders: It's possible to send me a scry/image of the dragon you want it based on instead of filling in the order form. I can draw from the colors that way. This may result in me adding extra gradients to fit the dragon even more (Because I have no self control for splashing more color into your adopt if you let me). You may specify is there's any specific parts of the dragon you want me to focus the colors on.
  • If you are unhappy with how your adopt turns out in a Regular/Scry order I can fix it once for a fee of 20kt/20g. If I happen to mix up your orders colors there's no fee required to fix it.
  • If you have any questions/concerns, feel free to ping/message me! :D

m54ys8S.png Base color / Color 1

Gradient / Color 2
Primary / Primary Gradient
Secondary / Secondary Gradient

Primary / Primary Gradient
Secondary / Secondary Gradient

Primary / Primary Gradient
Secondary / Secondary Gradient

Primary / Primary Gradient
Secondary / Secondary Gradient

Primary / Primary Gradient
Secondary / Secondary Gradient

(Blue/cyan color is for a third possible color to add)
>> Link to previews of coverage <<


JNfvHTf.png FAqTCzx.png NvI7dqY.png
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00]Birthday Cake Dragons:[b]OPEN[/b][/color][/size] [i]// status: Online //[/i] [img][/img][/center] [center][b][emoji=subscription update size=1] Be aware that due to work [emoji=subscription update size=1] the [u]delivery of your artworks may be delayed![/u][/b][/center] [columns][center][img][/img] [i][b]Available Breeds:[/b] Bogsneak, Coatl, Fae, Guardian, Imperial, Nocturne, Pearlcatcher, Spiral, Skydancer, Snapper, Wildclaw[/i] [img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]BDay Cake Dragon[/b][/size] [i] 100k [emoji=treasure size=1] 100 [emoji=gem size=1] or 80 lvls [emoji=coliseum team size=1][/i][/center] [right][color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color][/right] [list=1] [*] [s]Kunikida[/s] - Done [*] [s]Mussukat[/s] - Done [*] [s]ZimeBelle[/s] x2 - Done [*] [s]Manifesting[/s] - Done [*] [s]makani[/s] - Done [*] [s]DrakoTheDragon[/s] x2 - Done [*] [s]late711[/s] - Done [*] [/list] [right][b]Please, wait for me to confirm your order before sending payment. Thank you![/b] [b][u]2 dragons max per slot[/u][/b] You may order more later [u]No skins/accents![/u] [u]No apparels![/u] Try to ask for [i]very[/i] simple things. [b]Price above includes all genes[/b] [u][i]except:[/i][/u] [emoji=primary gene size=1] Cinder, Crystal, Flaunt, Harlequin, Jupiter, Lionfish, Metallic, Mosaic, Petals, Poison, Slime, Starmap, Stitched, Swirl, Wasp ----- [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Blaze, Facet, Flare, Jester, Saturn, Marbled, Alloy, Breakup, Butterfly, Toxin, Sludge, Constellation, Patchwork, Hypnotic, Bee ----- [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Crackle, Filigree, Flecks, Gembond, Keel, Opal, Ringlets, Scales, Smoke [b]↑ These are[/b] +50k[emoji=treasure size=1] 50[emoji=gem size=1] or 35 lvls [emoji=coliseum team size=1] [i]Secondaries will be on sale due to their little presence.[/i] [b]Primal Eyes[/b] +30k[emoji=treasure size=1] 30[emoji=gem size=1] or 15 lvls [emoji=coliseum team size=1] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] [size=6][url=]Examples Gallery[/url][/size][/right][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [code]@BlackRayser [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] Post BB Code or Scrying here [b]Genes:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] [b]BDay Cake:[/b] Yes/No (If yes, which number for the candle?) [b]Frosting:[/b] Cream/Blueberry/Strawberry/Chocolate/Custom [b]Payment:[/b] Gems/Treasure/Levels [b]Alterations or Notes:[/b][/code] [color=#ff5a00][b]Extra Infos[/b][/color] [size=2]• I start to work only [b][u]after[/u][/b] I received the payment. • Send payments via CR or PM or 1t PA. • [b]Be patient.[/b] Your commission may take time, it depends on the gene's complexity and on my free time. • The artwork is for your personal use only. You can re-upload ad size it to fix your bio or whatever. Just remember to credit me by citing my name or linking to my [url=]Art Shop ♥[/url] or my [url=]Adopt Shop ♥[/url][/size]
Birthday Cake Dragons:OPEN
// status: Online //

Be aware that due to work
the delivery of your artworks may be delayed!

Available Breeds:
Bogsneak, Coatl, Fae, Guardian, Imperial, Nocturne, Pearlcatcher, Spiral, Skydancer, Snapper, Wildclaw

BDay Cake Dragon
100k 100 or 80 lvls
  1. Kunikida - Done
  2. Mussukat - Done
  3. ZimeBelle x2 - Done
  4. Manifesting - Done
  5. makani - Done
  6. DrakoTheDragon x2 - Done
  7. late711 - Done
Please, wait for me to confirm your order before sending payment. Thank you!

2 dragons max per slot
You may order more later

No skins/accents!
No apparels!
Try to ask for very simple things.

Price above includes all genes except:
Cinder, Crystal, Flaunt, Harlequin, Jupiter, Lionfish, Metallic, Mosaic, Petals, Poison, Slime, Starmap, Stitched, Swirl, Wasp
Blaze, Facet, Flare, Jester, Saturn, Marbled, Alloy, Breakup, Butterfly, Toxin, Sludge, Constellation, Patchwork, Hypnotic, Bee
Crackle, Filigree, Flecks, Gembond, Keel, Opal, Ringlets, Scales, Smoke

↑ These are
+50k 50 or 35 lvls
Secondaries will be on sale
due to their little presence.

Primal Eyes
+30k 30 or 15 lvls


Examples Gallery
@BlackRayser [b]Username:[/b] [b]Dragon:[/b] Post BB Code or Scrying here [b]Genes:[/b] [b]Eye Type:[/b] [b]BDay Cake:[/b] Yes/No (If yes, which number for the candle?) [b]Frosting:[/b] Cream/Blueberry/Strawberry/Chocolate/Custom [b]Payment:[/b] Gems/Treasure/Levels [b]Alterations or Notes:[/b]

Extra Infos
• I start to work only after I received the payment.
• Send payments via CR or PM or 1t PA.
Be patient. Your commission may take time, it depends on the gene's complexity and on my free time.
• The artwork is for your personal use only. You can re-upload ad size it to fix your bio or whatever. Just remember to credit me by citing my name or linking to my Art Shop ♥ or my Adopt Shop ♥
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]CLOSE[/b][/color][/size] // [i]status: offline/slots full [/i] [img][/img][/center] [br] [columns][center][color=white]____[/color][nextcol] [columns][center][img][/img] [/center][nextcol][center][color=#ff5a00][size=4][b]Pointies[/b][/size] [i][b]Full Color:[/b] 100KT/ 100G or 60 levels Crystal, Facet, and Wasp will add 15KT, 15G, or 7 levels Apparel will add 15KT, 15G, or 7 levels Multigaze eyetype will add 5KT, 5G, or 3 Levels. Skins or accents that SIMPLIFY the dragons' design I might consider for an additional cost of 5-10 levels. Due to ongoing wrist issues, I can only add 3 pieces of apparel.[/i][/center][/center] [color=#ff5a00][b]SLOTS[/b][/color] [list=1] [*]Emirene (paid, lined) [*]Moirli (paid, linined) [*]Cunea (paid, lining) [/list] [color=#ff5a00][b]NOTES[/b][/color] * I will try to open slots twice depending on how quickly I finish pointies * Order form is below * more examples can be found in the pointies shop in my signature * art might be slow due to continuing wrist issues Waitlist: Seismogenic, Giu [/columns][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][color=#ff5a00][b]Extra info[/b][/color][/size] [quote=Order Form] Username: Spiral: Payment Type: Any requests for expression/glow/apparel:[/quote]
CLOSE // status: offline/slots full



Full Color:
100KT/ 100G or 60 levels
Crystal, Facet, and Wasp will add 15KT, 15G, or 7 levels
Apparel will add 15KT, 15G, or 7 levels
Multigaze eyetype will add 5KT, 5G, or 3 Levels.

Skins or accents that SIMPLIFY the dragons' design I might consider for an additional cost of 5-10 levels. Due to ongoing wrist issues, I can only add 3 pieces of apparel.

  1. Emirene (paid, lined)
  2. Moirli (paid, linined)
  3. Cunea (paid, lining)

* I will try to open slots twice depending on how quickly I finish pointies
* Order form is below
* more examples can be found in the pointies shop in my signature
* art might be slow due to continuing wrist issues

Seismogenic, Giu

Extra info
Order Form wrote:
Payment Type:
Any requests for expression/glow/apparel: