
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [WIND FODDART] Noodledad's Doodle Pad!

No worries, focus on classes first!

No worries, focus on classes first!

Acelaena | They/Them | Deviantart |
@Psychosis cute guy for you in two possible colors :) [img][/img] [img][/img]
@Psychosis cute guy for you in two possible colors :)

They/them | FR+9 | ASD Adult
Currently: Recovering
from burnout? oops
FR Adopt shop (Pinglist)

ztz8WZo.png 4KULg1s.png ioHFmNA.png
... FFP9LJY.png
Ud6IazM.png... I will be art
resting after
clearing out
WvI foddart

I will ping when/if
I'm ready to art!

Hello! May I be on the pinglist if you open slots again?

Thanks, and happy Mistral!

Hello! May I be on the pinglist if you open slots again?

Thanks, and happy Mistral!
uPDF3lw.pngX2PAJU7.gifg56Nt7u.png badge-1-100x100.pngRVjFQtg.png
@Ceruleanfire sorry I'm late replying! Thank you so much for the skydancer! And also sorry for getting the levels in late, my week got unexpectedly busy due to irl issues I won't disclose online. Would you like me to send the levels or pure currency (I haven't seen Dom watch yet but I think there is a push next week?)

What is your pricing for non foddart of the same adopt too? I've been after pixel skydancers for a while after the shop I normally go to closed

Once again, very sorry again for not saying anything sooner, I've only really had time to feed my lair these past few days but if you'd like the dragons trained still, I can do it tonight or tomorrow since (hopefully) everything has cleared up
@Ceruleanfire sorry I'm late replying! Thank you so much for the skydancer! And also sorry for getting the levels in late, my week got unexpectedly busy due to irl issues I won't disclose online. Would you like me to send the levels or pure currency (I haven't seen Dom watch yet but I think there is a push next week?)

What is your pricing for non foddart of the same adopt too? I've been after pixel skydancers for a while after the shop I normally go to closed

Once again, very sorry again for not saying anything sooner, I've only really had time to feed my lair these past few days but if you'd like the dragons trained still, I can do it tonight or tomorrow since (hopefully) everything has cleared up
No worries, its all good! :D Things happen that are more important than FR, its really no big deal. Dont worry about it. ^^
I don't have a preference, you can send pure currency or fodder levels. Whichever is easiest for you. I plan on making them a flat 200kt/150g, whenever I get a non Foddart shop up and running.
No worries, its all good! :D Things happen that are more important than FR, its really no big deal. Dont worry about it. ^^
I don't have a preference, you can send pure currency or fodder levels. Whichever is easiest for you. I plan on making them a flat 200kt/150g, whenever I get a non Foddart shop up and running.
'Mysterious Relief' item icon

» She/Her
» Avatar
» +2 FR Time || Pings welcome!
@TeuthidaRegina Here's your worm! I hope you like it <3 [img][/img]

Here's your worm! I hope you like it <3
giu-eyeguy2.png @
Giu AzWEmYL.png

they/he/she FR+5
» Art Shop
» About me
Oh that looks amazing, I love it so much :D
Oh that looks amazing, I love it so much :D
@FrigidWings Here's your worm! Hope you like it <3 [img][/img]

Here's your worm! Hope you like it <3
giu-eyeguy2.png @
Giu AzWEmYL.png

they/he/she FR+5
» Art Shop
» About me
Thank you! It looks great! :D
Thank you! It looks great! :D
No worries about the wait! tysm for doing that little change for me I appreciate it smsm <333 !!!
No worries about the wait! tysm for doing that little change for me I appreciate it smsm <333 !!!