
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | ilios' art shop ( open | G/T/USD )
I have a reference board on pinterest here with outfit and general appearance refs, along with an aesthetic board here
Would an additional outfit cost the same?
I have a reference board on pinterest here with outfit and general appearance refs, along with an aesthetic board here
Would an additional outfit cost the same?
out of place, out of time...

- Any Pronouns
- Art Shop (Humanoids)
@LightsKamAction An additional outfit would be 50% of the price of the first custom (as some elements won't need to be redrawn).
@LightsKamAction An additional outfit would be 50% of the price of the first custom (as some elements won't need to be redrawn).
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png
Gotcha! So if I were to comm a flat colored custom with an extra outfit it'd end somewhere above 8kg, yeah?
I'd love to comm you in gems if you're up to it ^^ Lmk how much it'd be!
Gotcha! So if I were to comm a flat colored custom with an extra outfit it'd end somewhere above 8kg, yeah?
I'd love to comm you in gems if you're up to it ^^ Lmk how much it'd be!
out of place, out of time...

- Any Pronouns
- Art Shop (Humanoids)
@LightsKamAction Yes! Given the references you've provided, it will be an even 10kg for a flat colored custon with an additional extra outfit.
@LightsKamAction Yes! Given the references you've provided, it will be an even 10kg for a flat colored custon with an additional extra outfit.
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png
Mk! Sending payment over now ^^
Mk! Sending payment over now ^^
out of place, out of time...

- Any Pronouns
- Art Shop (Humanoids)
Did I miss the gem slot?
Did I miss the gem slot?
Username: PannacottaFugo
Character: X (<-- I would like him in this outfit specifically)
Additional Refs: X X
Commission type: Shaded Fullbody
Payment: USD (if I am accepted I will DM you the info)
Description: Some basic character info: Male, 19, 5'4", black hair, silver eyes, pale skin, skinny build
Other: I'd like him sitting cross-legged on a poker table with his eyes half-lidded, looking either disdainful or neutral, whichever takes your fancy, and with whatever simple background you think would go best with that, just as long as it's not plain white. I'd like for him to be holding a Joker card, but this is not a must. Please feel free to contact me if you need any clarification about his outfit, references, description, etc. And thanks for considering me!
Username: PannacottaFugo
Character: X (<-- I would like him in this outfit specifically)
Additional Refs: X X
Commission type: Shaded Fullbody
Payment: USD (if I am accepted I will DM you the info)
Description: Some basic character info: Male, 19, 5'4", black hair, silver eyes, pale skin, skinny build
Other: I'd like him sitting cross-legged on a poker table with his eyes half-lidded, looking either disdainful or neutral, whichever takes your fancy, and with whatever simple background you think would go best with that, just as long as it's not plain white. I'd like for him to be holding a Joker card, but this is not a must. Please feel free to contact me if you need any clarification about his outfit, references, description, etc. And thanks for considering me!
Not sure if you'll see this (I don't wanna ping because I don't wanna make it feel like you have an order and get all excited when it's nothing excitingdfhjfdh;;) but I'd like to say your art is absolutely amazing!! I love the linework and the posing, it's so satisfying!

I'd order one for myself but I'm in literally the worst place for any kind of IRL transaction, Australian conversion rates are literal garbage. $55 USD to AUD is an extra 30 and it's a doozy. I wish it wasn't, upset that I can't order since your art is so nice to look at.
Don't take this as me trying to get some kind of pity or something- I suddenly realized that it might sound like that, my bad if it does. I respect the artist's pricing and understand that it's just tough where I am (the amount of people I've wanted comms from but can't because of conversion is too heartbreaking a number).

I just wanna offer some compliments from artist to artist! Especially since your understanding of positioning and expression and that sort of stuff is great and it looks suuuuuper cool ;0;
Not sure if you'll see this (I don't wanna ping because I don't wanna make it feel like you have an order and get all excited when it's nothing excitingdfhjfdh;;) but I'd like to say your art is absolutely amazing!! I love the linework and the posing, it's so satisfying!

I'd order one for myself but I'm in literally the worst place for any kind of IRL transaction, Australian conversion rates are literal garbage. $55 USD to AUD is an extra 30 and it's a doozy. I wish it wasn't, upset that I can't order since your art is so nice to look at.
Don't take this as me trying to get some kind of pity or something- I suddenly realized that it might sound like that, my bad if it does. I respect the artist's pricing and understand that it's just tough where I am (the amount of people I've wanted comms from but can't because of conversion is too heartbreaking a number).

I just wanna offer some compliments from artist to artist! Especially since your understanding of positioning and expression and that sort of stuff is great and it looks suuuuuper cool ;0;
|Art Shop
@ilios It would be gems! My apologies for not clarifying that in my original post ;o; Username: Rahkali Character: [url=][img][/img][/url] Commission type: Shaded bust Payment: Gems + eggs Apparel/Accents: Accent, naturalists adornments, and if you could include a couple mice and his Maine coon on his shoulder or something that would be amazing ;o; kitty is his best buddy! Description: He’s very chill and loves his critters. Do whatever inspires you from that info ;u; Other: Not that I can think of!

It would be gems! My apologies for not clarifying that in my original post ;o;

Username: Rahkali
Commission type: Shaded bust
Payment: Gems + eggs
Apparel/Accents: Accent, naturalists adornments, and if you could include a couple mice and his Maine **** on his shoulder or something that would be amazing ;o; kitty is his best buddy!
Description: He’s very chill and loves his critters. Do whatever inspires you from that info ;u;
Other: Not that I can think of!
**Please ping me Rahkali, not Rakhali!**

xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxx x xxxxx xxxx x x xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx
@Smoothy You did, I adjusted how I take slots and they filled up shortly after I sent out the ping. I will be pinging again for April slots in a month!

@PannacottaFugo thank you for your order! This is a commission I am capable however I do charge extra for props. I can pm you directly to discuss pricing and payment further!

@QuetzalMuse Thank you for taking the time to post! I understand the nasty conversion rate (I've struggled with myself with previous clients) but I thank you for your compliments and wish you luck with your future commission endeavors! I can also place you on the general pinglist in case you'd like to try and catch a G/T slot!

@Rahkali Thank you for your commission! I absolutely Quill and his colors! My shaded busts start at 4.5kg, but with the accent and animals taken into consideration, it will be 5kg. If this pricing is to your satisfaction, I will place you in a G/T slot and you can send payment through a one-way cr at your earliest convenience.
@Smoothy You did, I adjusted how I take slots and they filled up shortly after I sent out the ping. I will be pinging again for April slots in a month!

@PannacottaFugo thank you for your order! This is a commission I am capable however I do charge extra for props. I can pm you directly to discuss pricing and payment further!

@QuetzalMuse Thank you for taking the time to post! I understand the nasty conversion rate (I've struggled with myself with previous clients) but I thank you for your compliments and wish you luck with your future commission endeavors! I can also place you on the general pinglist in case you'd like to try and catch a G/T slot!

@Rahkali Thank you for your commission! I absolutely Quill and his colors! My shaded busts start at 4.5kg, but with the accent and animals taken into consideration, it will be 5kg. If this pricing is to your satisfaction, I will place you in a G/T slot and you can send payment through a one-way cr at your earliest convenience.
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png