
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | ilios' art shop ( open | G/T/USD )
[center] [url=]intro[url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]prices[/url] | [url=]order form/slots[/url] | [url=]pinglist[/url] [img][/img] [size=5] [/size] [b]edit: prices and examples will be changing mid-june. any orders placed before then will use old pricing.[/b] Hello and welcome to my art shop! I offer a range of art from simple artworks to fully rendered pieces. If you are interested in my art, please fill out an order form if slots are open, or add yourself to the pinglist if they aren’t. USD payment is currently taken through Cashapp or Venmo. You can find more recent examples of my art over on my [url=]Instagram[/url]. You can also contact me on discord (iliosyx) for a more timely response, as I am more active there. [b]Please see [url=]this post[/url] for the most recent update to the shop/pricing[/b].[/center]
intro | rules | prices | order form/slots | pinglist


edit: prices and examples will be changing mid-june. any orders placed before then will use old pricing.

Hello and welcome to my art shop!

I offer a range of art from simple artworks to fully rendered pieces. If you are interested in my art, please fill out an order form if slots are open, or add yourself to the pinglist if they aren’t. USD payment is currently taken through Cashapp or Venmo.

You can find more recent examples of my art over on my Instagram. You can also contact me on discord (iliosyx) for a more timely response, as I am more active there.

Please see this post for the most recent update to the shop/pricing.
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png
  • When claiming a spot, please use the order form. It provides me all the info I need for your commission (you are free to provide more than what is outlined in the form)
  • After your offer has been confirmed, you will send all the payment up-front in a one-way cr. This will not be picked up until you have been pmed your final, unwatermarked image.
  • I don't offer refunds. If you back out of a commission after the lineart, I will accept the cr. This is to cover any time lost due to a cancellation. Backing out of a commission past the lineart stage and withdrawing your cr results in a blacklist. Certain circumstances will void this.
  • In the case of paying in USD, all payment will be sent upfront through Cashapp or I will send a paypal invoice once the sketch is finished and approved. USD commissions are be nonrefundable so please ensure that you are certain in what you are purchasing or if gems may be a better option for you.
  • I do not have a set time frame on the completion of commissions. My motivation and time fluctuate. However, if it has been two weeks since you placed a commission and you haven't heard anything from me, let me know.

    Update Jan. 2024: I am now a full-time college student with a part-time job so time frames for commission completion may take up to a month or more. If a long wait time is an issue, please wait until the summer months when I can more reliably finish commissions in a more reasonable time.
  • I am allowed to decline your commission if I feel I cannot promise a quality piece, if the dragon or character in question is too complex for my abilities, or if your request breaks my rules or Flight Rising's rules. I am comfortable drawing anything listed below.

    xxxxxxx will draw
    • humans
    • fr and non-fr dragons
    • pets (special prices)
    • dnd characters
    • ref sheets (special prices)
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx won't draw
    • nsfw
    • machinery
    • complex fr genes
    • explicit gore
  • When claiming a spot, please use the order form. It provides me all the info I need for your commission (you are free to provide more than what is outlined in the form)
  • After your offer has been confirmed, you will send all the payment up-front in a one-way cr. This will not be picked up until you have been pmed your final, unwatermarked image.
  • I don't offer refunds. If you back out of a commission after the lineart, I will accept the cr. This is to cover any time lost due to a cancellation. Backing out of a commission past the lineart stage and withdrawing your cr results in a blacklist. Certain circumstances will void this.
  • In the case of paying in USD, all payment will be sent upfront through Cashapp or I will send a paypal invoice once the sketch is finished and approved. USD commissions are be nonrefundable so please ensure that you are certain in what you are purchasing or if gems may be a better option for you.
  • I do not have a set time frame on the completion of commissions. My motivation and time fluctuate. However, if it has been two weeks since you placed a commission and you haven't heard anything from me, let me know.

    Update Jan. 2024: I am now a full-time college student with a part-time job so time frames for commission completion may take up to a month or more. If a long wait time is an issue, please wait until the summer months when I can more reliably finish commissions in a more reasonable time.
  • I am allowed to decline your commission if I feel I cannot promise a quality piece, if the dragon or character in question is too complex for my abilities, or if your request breaks my rules or Flight Rising's rules. I am comfortable drawing anything listed below.

    xxxxxxx will draw
    • humans
    • fr and non-fr dragons
    • pets (special prices)
    • dnd characters
    • ref sheets (special prices)
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxx won't draw
    • nsfw
    • machinery
    • complex fr genes
    • explicit gore
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png
[center] [url=]intro[url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]prices[/url] | [url=]order form/slots[/url] | [url=]pinglist[/url][/center] [center][size=5]prices [/size] [size=3] The prices shown are [b]base prices[/b]. These are the prices without apparel, accents, or complex designs. In the case of humanoids, complex attire and/or design will factor into the price. In the case of FR dragons, I will do up to [b]3 apparel pieces[/b] at no extra charge, but any more will be 250g apiece. Accents vary on a case-to-case basis. Pricing shown here is in gems, but I accept treasure at a 1:1100 ratio. I also accept elemental eggs (any element) at 240g. RLC is at a 100g:$1 USD conversion ratio. [/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxx[nextcol][size=5][b]sketch[/size] [LIST][*][b]headshot- 500g [*][b]bust- 800g [*][b]fullbody- 1.5kg [nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxx[nextcol] [size=5][b]flat[/size] [LIST][*][b]headshot- 2.5kg [*][b]bust- 3.5kg [*][b]fullbody- 5.5kg [nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxx[nextcol] [size=5][b]shaded[/size] [LIST][*][b]headshot- 3kg [*][b]bust- 4.5kg [*][b]fullbody- 7kg [/center] [center][img][/img] [url=]full[/url] | [url=]full[/url] | [url=]full[/url] [size=5][b][s]rendered[s][/size] Rendered pieces are [b]USD only[/b]. These begin at $100 USD. These will usually consist of a [b]full-body scene, complete with a background, lighting, and complex shading[/b]. Extra characters, animals, and complexities will raise the price. As such, prices for rendered pieces cannot be put at a concrete rate, since subject matter and complexity will vary depending on the scene requested. When ordering a scene, I will give you a price check before proceeding any further. You must be able to provide clear character references, an idea for the piece, and/or additional references. [size=5][b]signatures[/size] [img][/img] Signatures are [b]USD only[/b]. Single dragons will fit on a 400x100 pixel final canvas to fit in your signature with room for links! They are a flat 50 USD and they are the only commissions I offer that doesn’t start at a base price. Dragons will be simplified and drawn in a slightly chibi style. Apparel may be limited and or simplified to fit constraints. Accents/skins will be simplified or left out if they can not reasonably fit the dragon on the canvas.

The prices shown are base prices. These are the prices without apparel, accents, or complex designs. In the case of humanoids, complex attire and/or design will factor into the price. In the case of FR dragons, I will do up to 3 apparel pieces at no extra charge, but any more will be 250g apiece. Accents vary on a case-to-case basis.

Pricing shown here is in gems, but I accept treasure at a 1:1100 ratio. I also accept elemental eggs (any element) at 240g. RLC is at a 100g:$1 USD conversion ratio.

xxxxxxxx sketch
  • headshot- 500g
  • bust- 800g
  • fullbody- 1.5kg
  • headshot- 2.5kg
  • bust- 3.5kg
  • fullbody- 5.5kg


  • headshot- 3kg
  • bust- 4.5kg
  • fullbody- 7kg

full | full | full


Rendered pieces are USD only. These begin at $100 USD. These will usually consist of a full-body scene, complete with a background, lighting, and complex shading. Extra characters, animals, and complexities will raise the price.

As such, prices for rendered pieces cannot be put at a concrete rate, since subject matter and complexity will vary depending on the scene requested. When ordering a scene, I will give you a price check before proceeding any further.

You must be able to provide clear character references, an idea for the piece, and/or additional references.



Signatures are USD only. Single dragons will fit on a 400x100 pixel final canvas to fit in your signature with room for links! They are a flat 50 USD and they are the only commissions I offer that doesn’t start at a base price. Dragons will be simplified and drawn in a slightly chibi style. Apparel may be limited and or simplified to fit constraints. Accents/skins will be simplified or left out if they can not reasonably fit the dragon on the canvas.
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png
[center] [url=]intro[url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]prices[/url] | [url=]order form/slots[/url] | [url=]pinglist[/url][/center] [center][size=5]order form[/size][/center] [quote=order form] Username: Character: (post images in thread, link Toyhouse profiles, post dragon BBC code, etc.) Commission type (flat, shaded, sketch, bust, fullbody) Payment: (G/T/USD) Apparel/Accents (fr dragons only): Description: Other: (any ideas for the artwork, preferences, things i should know, etc.)[b] if you are ordering a scene, please describe what you have in mind for the scene, so i can better satisfy your request and give you a price rate.)[/quote] [center][size=5]slots[/size][/center] [b]G/T commissions[/b] [b]1.[/b] [b]USD commissions[/b] [b]1.[/b] [b]scene/rendered commissions[/b] [b]1.[/b]
order form
order form wrote:
Character: (post images in thread, link Toyhouse profiles, post dragon BBC code, etc.)
Commission type (flat, shaded, sketch, bust, fullbody)
Payment: (G/T/USD)
Apparel/Accents (fr dragons only):
Other: (any ideas for the artwork, preferences, things i should know, etc.) if you are ordering a scene, please describe what you have in mind for the scene, so i can better satisfy your request and give you a price rate.)


G/T commissions

USD commissions

scene/rendered commissions

xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png
[center] [url=]intro[url] | [url=]rules[/url] | [url=]prices[/url] | [url=]order form/slots[/url] | [url=]pinglist[/url][/center] [center][size=5]pinglist[/size] Click here to join the general pinglist! Specific pinglists will be added in the future. [pinglist=66] [quote]@zith @dracatus @amethystseawing @bloodwyrm @fink @Eurus @TheEnforcement @Astrafury @tempered @yumehisakawa @sesshomaru @jumbledbyrd @rahkali @StaticSeraph @weavile @jayquills @kelbris @Joule @Luunai @Kiseikune @LightsKamAction @TCMagpie @angeallen @leyline @negative @archAnarchists @Kahvinporo @Minstri @Shadari @stormandsea @decays[/quote] signature interest pings [quote]@forestfriend @AkaEclipse @Megabyte @AWB @Sick[/quote] rendered interest [quote]@Chimerii @Lambkin @TCMagpie @angeallen @smoothy[/quote] pet portraits [quote]@smoothy

Click here to join the general pinglist! Specific pinglists will be added in the future.

signature interest pings

rendered interest
pet portraits
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png
[center][size=5]other art [/size] Here you can find assorted art-related things that I can offer. I worked on a bulk of the graphics for [url= ]Light’s Valightine’s Push[/url] 2022. Test chibis for potential future signature commissions [img][/img] [img][/img]
other art

Here you can find assorted art-related things that I can offer.

I worked on a bulk of the graphics for Light’s Valightine’s Push 2022.

Test chibis for potential future signature commissions
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png
we are now open!!
we are now open!!
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png

Hello :) are your prices for dragons and humanoids the same? I'd be interested in getting a humanoid bust but I wanted to ask if the price would still be 900g. Thanks!

Hello :) are your prices for dragons and humanoids the same? I'd be interested in getting a humanoid bust but I wanted to ask if the price would still be 900g. Thanks!
fiFase7.png Draca
FRT +3
Roleplay Clan
If you do art comms I'm probably on your pinglist lol
@dracatus round about the same yes! fill out an order form and see what i can do :)
@dracatus round about the same yes! fill out an order form and see what i can do :)
xx Ilios; + she/they.
FR +2.

> about me
> pokefarm
> art shop
x LihMChV.png