
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
@Clya I want a Spooky Ghost! Dragon(s): [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Extras: maybe black outline - What do you think would look good? would red be better?? Can I have some starsilk stars, maybe wispy starsilk if you think it would look ok? Other Notes: Let me know what extra I need to send for the stars. I have levels ready now so can send as soon as I know thanks
I want a Spooky Ghost!

Extras: maybe black outline - What do you think would look good? would red be better?? Can I have some starsilk stars, maybe wispy starsilk if you think it would look ok?
Other Notes: Let me know what extra I need to send for the stars. I have levels ready now so can send as soon as I know


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I have them all expect for Gaolers, Ridges and Bogs! ^^

I have them all expect for Gaolers, Ridges and Bogs! ^^
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Art time! @soulykins [img][/img] [img][/img] @Argante [img][/img] @onemessyperson [img][/img][img][/img]
Art time!



u5avu4X.png fWfedcf.png
Total comes to 70 levels! Thanks for ordering, send the levels when ready and happy Starfall!
Total comes to 70 levels! Thanks for ordering, send the levels when ready and happy Starfall!
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I still have to pay fully for my Traditional I know, but I won't miss the chance of one of these two things so I just order them and pay until tomorrow :3 @Aehdncl [i]ArcanArtist, I summon you from the depths of space![/i] [b]My Name:[/b] kijauni [b]I summon you to cast the following spell:[/b] Starbearer [b]This spell shall be cast upon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]The following I place into the circle:[/b] 85 Level Base + 40 Lvl new genes (Starmap/Constellation) [b]Other specifications:[/b] Black Harness and Amber Stars please, also would you add his Googles, his Gasp and his Necklace/Pendant? @RubieKanary [i]ArcanArtist, I summon you from the depths of space![/i] [b]My Name:[/b] kijauni [b]I summon you to cast the following spell:[/b] Dragon Martini [b]This spell shall be cast upon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]The following I place into the circle:[/b] 70 Level Base + 10 Levels for a simple BG + ? Levels for the Accent [b]Other specifications:[/b] It would be amazing if the BG would be something close to her base colours but without absorbing her :3
I still have to pay fully for my Traditional I know, but I won't miss the chance of one of these two things so I just order them and pay until tomorrow :3


ArcanArtist, I summon you from the depths of space!

My Name: kijauni
I summon you to cast the following spell: Starbearer
This spell shall be cast upon:

The following I place into the circle: 85 Level Base + 40 Lvl new genes (Starmap/Constellation)
Other specifications: Black Harness and Amber Stars please, also would you add his Googles, his Gasp and his Necklace/Pendant?


ArcanArtist, I summon you from the depths of space!

My Name: kijauni
I summon you to cast the following spell: Dragon Martini
This spell shall be cast upon:

The following I place into the circle: 70 Level Base + 10 Levels for a simple BG + ? Levels for the Accent
Other specifications: It would be amazing if the BG would be something close to her base colours but without absorbing her :3


I can do the accent for an extra 40 levels! So that'll be 120 levels in total! Again, it'll take me a while to complete the order, but if that's alright, feel free to send the levels to an online reciever when you're ready! ^^


I can do the accent for an extra 40 levels! So that'll be 120 levels in total! Again, it'll take me a while to complete the order, but if that's alright, feel free to send the levels to an online reciever when you're ready! ^^
u5avu4X.png fWfedcf.png
@RubieKanary aaAA it looks amazing, thank you so much1 [emoji=familiar heart size=1]

aaAA it looks amazing, thank you so much1
a greyhound in a wimby outfit and goggles. - restore hoardsold items.
- maki's festival guide & event calendar.
- uncheck "hoard... while scrolling" to unsticky your hoard.
- buying an apparel slot for a dragon unlocks it for all of your dragons.
Hi, I’m completely full rn, sorry - I could squeeze in the genes but not the apparel
Hi, I’m completely full rn, sorry - I could squeeze in the genes but not the apparel
!! They look incredible! Thank you so much! <3
!! They look incredible! Thank you so much! <3
@Clya I want a Spooky Ghost! [b]Dragon(s):[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Extras:[/b] -- [b]Background/Outline:[/b] yellow outline please (color of his eyes) [b]Other Notes:[/b] --
I want a Spooky Ghost!

Extras: --
Background/Outline: yellow outline please (color of his eyes)
Other Notes: --