
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Momo's gijinka shop [closed]
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Eee, this looks amazing. Could I grab a Saintly slot for Ishida? He's got refs, but I can throw you even more details should you need them.

Eee, this looks amazing. Could I grab a Saintly slot for Ishida? He's got refs, but I can throw you even more details should you need them.
@Momofluff I'd love one, do you take gems ?
@Momofluff I'd love one, do you take gems ?
Snailbert has my Wishlist he is a good SnailH0bF1BC.png
Could I grab that last slot?
Could I grab that last slot?
@AtticaIonia Not this time around no, Treasure only. @Aehdncl Not from the get-go, no. [quote name="Momofluff" ]"reply to this thread with the dragon, the type of portrait you're interested in and my ping and we can get talking.[/quote] I wanna see some dreguns c:
@AtticaIonia Not this time around no, Treasure only.
@Aehdncl Not from the get-go, no.

Momofluff wrote:
"reply to this thread with the dragon, the type of portrait you're interested in and my ping and we can get talking.

I wanna see some dreguns c:
*Lookit that, i got an Art shop!*
@Momofluff Whoops! Sorry, on mobile so grabbing links is a bit difficult, but how about this guy? I'd be interested in a saintly portrait! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Whoops! Sorry, on mobile so grabbing links is a bit difficult, but how about this guy? I'd be interested in a saintly portrait!

@Momofluff I linked mine though. :< [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ;_; .. could I be pinged next time you open I guess?

I linked mine though. :<


;_; .. could I be pinged next time you open I guess?
@tehcoffeezombie you werent pinged in that reply, i saw your Post. But, its not first come first serve, i like to see a few dregs before i decide :)
inspiration being a fickle thing yaknow.

@tehcoffeezombie you werent pinged in that reply, i saw your Post. But, its not first come first serve, i like to see a few dregs before i decide :)
inspiration being a fickle thing yaknow.

*Lookit that, i got an Art shop!*

ah, sorry. I was thread stalking and assumed I'd been missed or broke a rule or something.

ah, sorry. I was thread stalking and assumed I'd been missed or broke a rule or something.

I'd love to be put on the pinglist please!

I'd love to be put on the pinglist please!

@tehcoffeezombie No problems, i try to keep it pretty chill, and give everyone a chance to post their stuff before i pick anything.

@Larae Ill put you on the list c:

@tehcoffeezombie No problems, i try to keep it pretty chill, and give everyone a chance to post their stuff before i pick anything.

@Larae Ill put you on the list c:
*Lookit that, i got an Art shop!*
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