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TOPIC | Words on the Wind, vol 11
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[quote name="Valrigard" date="2015-01-22 21:35:17"]I personally think the NotN event was wonderful, please don't cave in to all the people who were going on about how unfair it was just because they didn't get a scroll in their first 50 chests!!! I feel as though a lot of people were whining because they werent getting what they wanted right away (which is the whole point of rare items, but anyway) and just wanting handouts, it would be a shame if you made it any easier to get eggs/scrolls because otherwise they wont even be worth anything. It definitely had its problems, like the coli lag (thats understandable, and i personally was patient and didnt have a huge problem with it) and the whole bears situation, but other than those few hiccups I think it went great. I really hope you don't mean that the bears will be coming back EVERY year, though... please no. Stick with the familiars of the year and make a set of mimics for them each time. Bring the holiday familiars set back ONCE at the december event of that year, and then retire them. Thats what 99.9% of people wanted and thought that was what you meant when they voted in the poll to bring them back. You could always hold that poll again and see for sure. Also, I am SO happy to finally be hearing back from you guys in regards to all this stuff! Communication is a great thing and im so glad you did this WotW! You definitely went over a lot if not all of the things the community has been wondering about. Plus that vista looks AWESOME. How will they be rewarded? Will you just be browsing the forums and keeping an eye out for people who might deserve it and them rewarding it to that player at random?[/quote] @Valrigard - I opened over a thousand chests and while I got a couple eggs I got no scrolls and very few familiars. I had abysmal luck with opening the chests, spent tens of hours grinding in the Coli and had to buy some of the new familiars and a scroll. It would have been nice to get more like 5% special items (familiars, scrolls and eggs) instead of 99.5% food and pointless trinkets. But that's my only real complaint. Getting 15 lucky chests out of over 1000 is pretty awful luck when I saw other people open half as many and get two to three times as many special items. (Edited because autocorrect can really suck sometimes.)
Valrigard wrote on 2015-01-22 21:35:17:
I personally think the NotN event was wonderful, please don't cave in to all the people who were going on about how unfair it was just because they didn't get a scroll in their first 50 chests!!! I feel as though a lot of people were whining because they werent getting what they wanted right away (which is the whole point of rare items, but anyway) and just wanting handouts, it would be a shame if you made it any easier to get eggs/scrolls because otherwise they wont even be worth anything. It definitely had its problems, like the coli lag (thats understandable, and i personally was patient and didnt have a huge problem with it) and the whole bears situation, but other than those few hiccups I think it went great. I really hope you don't mean that the bears will be coming back EVERY year, though... please no. Stick with the familiars of the year and make a set of mimics for them each time. Bring the holiday familiars set back ONCE at the december event of that year, and then retire them. Thats what 99.9% of people wanted and thought that was what you meant when they voted in the poll to bring them back. You could always hold that poll again and see for sure.

Also, I am SO happy to finally be hearing back from you guys in regards to all this stuff! Communication is a great thing and im so glad you did this WotW! You definitely went over a lot if not all of the things the community has been wondering about. Plus that vista looks AWESOME. How will they be rewarded? Will you just be browsing the forums and keeping an eye out for people who might deserve it and them rewarding it to that player at random?
@Valrigard - I opened over a thousand chests and while I got a couple eggs I got no scrolls and very few familiars. I had abysmal luck with opening the chests, spent tens of hours grinding in the Coli and had to buy some of the new familiars and a scroll. It would have been nice to get more like 5% special items (familiars, scrolls and eggs) instead of 99.5% food and pointless trinkets. But that's my only real complaint. Getting 15 lucky chests out of over 1000 is pretty awful luck when I saw other people open half as many and get two to three times as many special items. (Edited because autocorrect can really suck sometimes.)
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have you guys ever thought of getting PR reps or people who can write things in...shorter sentences for lack of better wording? While I understand what you're trying to say you're adding a whole lot of unnecessary fluff and it's making the whole thing unusually long for what could likely be said with just a few bullet points.
have you guys ever thought of getting PR reps or people who can write things in...shorter sentences for lack of better wording? While I understand what you're trying to say you're adding a whole lot of unnecessary fluff and it's making the whole thing unusually long for what could likely be said with just a few bullet points.
I really like the piebald white. The others for me are not striking enough or too similar to other patterns already.
I really like the piebald white. The others for me are not striking enough or too similar to other patterns already.
[quote name="Fable" date="2015-01-23 10:51:51"]I like all the versions, but I feel like Fade might have the best application. Though I'd strengthen the contrast between the light and dark parts to emulate a piebald look better. Right now it feels a bit too subtle. Someone also suggested making the color across the belly region match the belly's color, and I agree. That would bring it further away from any other gene we got and look less like crackle.[/quote] Both good ideas re: Piebald.
Fable wrote on 2015-01-23 10:51:51:
I like all the versions, but I feel like Fade might have the best application. Though I'd strengthen the contrast between the light and dark parts to emulate a piebald look better. Right now it feels a bit too subtle. Someone also suggested making the color across the belly region match the belly's color, and I agree. That would bring it further away from any other gene we got and look less like crackle.

Both good ideas re: Piebald.
I appreciate that the site is constantly updating and listening to the userbase. It really is the recipe for success.
About the piebald gene, I think I prefer the primary/secondary faded version. The solid version is a bit too overwhelming and I can't imagine it blending well on the base. Same with the tert: too strong.

Also, I sent my portfolio, hoping I'll be considered as an illustrator or concept artist for the site. I really, really hope the staff will be kind enough to look at it :)
I appreciate that the site is constantly updating and listening to the userbase. It really is the recipe for success.
About the piebald gene, I think I prefer the primary/secondary faded version. The solid version is a bit too overwhelming and I can't imagine it blending well on the base. Same with the tert: too strong.

Also, I sent my portfolio, hoping I'll be considered as an illustrator or concept artist for the site. I really, really hope the staff will be kind enough to look at it :)
Italian illustrator, concept artist and Ridgeback lover c:
Ooooh, looks like I'll have to contribute a lot more for an MVP slot *o*
Ooooh, looks like I'll have to contribute a lot more for an MVP slot *o*
[quote name="Shian" date="2015-01-23 10:34:45"]I'm not a fan of MVP status. There's so many players that fit that description of level headedness, helpful or constructive that it would no doubt just be a base popularity contest -or- a scramble to impress staff rather than a real effort to improve the community for all. Haves vs. havenots would ultimately be unfair to those who have contributed in a meaningful way yet gets overlooked because the only element in this is "Are you noticed by staff?". MVP status would turn into a luck factor and would no doubt dishearten those who have done great work consistently throughout the community or great prior work a year ago, yet never receive recognition while someone else gets that recognition. It would be different if there was a regular way to get one and MVP was just something special, but having it just like the kickstarter vistas as pure bling that no normal user can get is really disheartening and I'm sad that we are getting yet another superspeshul vista rather than something attainable by players through contests or fair play rather than this random chance. I thought that in the kickstarter/beta that it was mentioned that forum vistas would be obtainable later on through other means. What happened to that? Why are vistas becoming something that only the elite can have?[/quote] Agreeing on this fully and also wondering about the kickstarter/beta mentions. It saddens me to see that this might just be yet another elitist thing to come.
Shian wrote on 2015-01-23 10:34:45:
I'm not a fan of MVP status. There's so many players that fit that description of level headedness, helpful or constructive that it would no doubt just be a base popularity contest -or- a scramble to impress staff rather than a real effort to improve the community for all.

Haves vs. havenots would ultimately be unfair to those who have contributed in a meaningful way yet gets overlooked because the only element in this is "Are you noticed by staff?". MVP status would turn into a luck factor and would no doubt dishearten those who have done great work consistently throughout the community or great prior work a year ago, yet never receive recognition while someone else gets that recognition.

It would be different if there was a regular way to get one and MVP was just something special, but having it just like the kickstarter vistas as pure bling that no normal user can get is really disheartening and I'm sad that we are getting yet another superspeshul vista rather than something attainable by players through contests or fair play rather than this random chance.

I thought that in the kickstarter/beta that it was mentioned that forum vistas would be obtainable later on through other means. What happened to that? Why are vistas becoming something that only the elite can have?

Agreeing on this fully and also wondering about the kickstarter/beta mentions. It saddens me to see that this might just be yet another elitist thing to come.
I'm +10H ahead of FR time!
Replies may be slow, so sorry ;w;
[quote name="Kyotosorae" date="2015-01-23 12:29:05"][quote name="Shian" date="2015-01-23 10:34:45"]I'm not a fan of MVP status. There's so many players that fit that description of level headedness, helpful or constructive that it would no doubt just be a base popularity contest -or- a scramble to impress staff rather than a real effort to improve the community for all. Haves vs. havenots would ultimately be unfair to those who have contributed in a meaningful way yet gets overlooked because the only element in this is "Are you noticed by staff?". MVP status would turn into a luck factor and would no doubt dishearten those who have done great work consistently throughout the community or great prior work a year ago, yet never receive recognition while someone else gets that recognition. It would be different if there was a regular way to get one and MVP was just something special, but having it just like the kickstarter vistas as pure bling that no normal user can get is really disheartening and I'm sad that we are getting yet another superspeshul vista rather than something attainable by players through contests or fair play rather than this random chance. I thought that in the kickstarter/beta that it was mentioned that forum vistas would be obtainable later on through other means. What happened to that? Why are vistas becoming something that only the elite can have?[/quote] Agreeing on this fully and also wondering about the kickstarter/beta mentions. It saddens me to see that this might just be yet another elitist thing to come.[/quote] I'm going to third this. I've seen many people feel sad and unhappy because they've done a lot of good, but someone else got something and they didn't, even though they didn't do nearly as much as the first person. I don't think it's fair to the users to start awarding something like this. Plus, does it really have to be called MVP? That's most valuable player, which is usually used in sports, and the title is very competitive. It places the person who received the MVP title above the others. "You've done so much, so have this super special little title! It calls you most valuable, so the other people, while valuable, aren't as valuable as you and are below you in status!"
Kyotosorae wrote on 2015-01-23 12:29:05:
Shian wrote on 2015-01-23 10:34:45:
I'm not a fan of MVP status. There's so many players that fit that description of level headedness, helpful or constructive that it would no doubt just be a base popularity contest -or- a scramble to impress staff rather than a real effort to improve the community for all.

Haves vs. havenots would ultimately be unfair to those who have contributed in a meaningful way yet gets overlooked because the only element in this is "Are you noticed by staff?". MVP status would turn into a luck factor and would no doubt dishearten those who have done great work consistently throughout the community or great prior work a year ago, yet never receive recognition while someone else gets that recognition.

It would be different if there was a regular way to get one and MVP was just something special, but having it just like the kickstarter vistas as pure bling that no normal user can get is really disheartening and I'm sad that we are getting yet another superspeshul vista rather than something attainable by players through contests or fair play rather than this random chance.

I thought that in the kickstarter/beta that it was mentioned that forum vistas would be obtainable later on through other means. What happened to that? Why are vistas becoming something that only the elite can have?

Agreeing on this fully and also wondering about the kickstarter/beta mentions. It saddens me to see that this might just be yet another elitist thing to come.

I'm going to third this. I've seen many people feel sad and unhappy because they've done a lot of good, but someone else got something and they didn't, even though they didn't do nearly as much as the first person. I don't think it's fair to the users to start awarding something like this.

Plus, does it really have to be called MVP? That's most valuable player, which is usually used in sports, and the title is very competitive. It places the person who received the MVP title above the others.
"You've done so much, so have this super special little title! It calls you most valuable, so the other people, while valuable, aren't as valuable as you and are below you in status!"
FREE Arcane Nests. Nest conditions on profile
FR +3
[quote name="YukiDaviji" date="2015-01-23 12:49:51"][quote name="Kyotosorae" date="2015-01-23 12:29:05"][quote name="Shian" date="2015-01-23 10:34:45"]I'm not a fan of MVP status. There's so many players that fit that description of level headedness, helpful or constructive that it would no doubt just be a base popularity contest -or- a scramble to impress staff rather than a real effort to improve the community for all. Haves vs. havenots would ultimately be unfair to those who have contributed in a meaningful way yet gets overlooked because the only element in this is "Are you noticed by staff?". MVP status would turn into a luck factor and would no doubt dishearten those who have done great work consistently throughout the community or great prior work a year ago, yet never receive recognition while someone else gets that recognition. It would be different if there was a regular way to get one and MVP was just something special, but having it just like the kickstarter vistas as pure bling that no normal user can get is really disheartening and I'm sad that we are getting yet another superspeshul vista rather than something attainable by players through contests or fair play rather than this random chance. I thought that in the kickstarter/beta that it was mentioned that forum vistas would be obtainable later on through other means. What happened to that? Why are vistas becoming something that only the elite can have?[/quote] Agreeing on this fully and also wondering about the kickstarter/beta mentions. It saddens me to see that this might just be yet another elitist thing to come.[/quote] I'm going to third this. I've seen many people feel sad and unhappy because they've done a lot of good, but someone else got something and they didn't, even though they didn't do nearly as much as the first person. I don't think it's fair to the users to start awarding something like this. Plus, does it really have to be called MVP? That's most valuable player, which is usually used in sports, and the title is very competitive. It places the person who received the MVP title above the others. "You've done so much, so have this super special little title! It calls you most valuable, so the other people, while valuable, aren't as valuable as you and are below you in status!"[/quote] +1
YukiDaviji wrote on 2015-01-23 12:49:51:
Kyotosorae wrote on 2015-01-23 12:29:05:
Shian wrote on 2015-01-23 10:34:45:
I'm not a fan of MVP status. There's so many players that fit that description of level headedness, helpful or constructive that it would no doubt just be a base popularity contest -or- a scramble to impress staff rather than a real effort to improve the community for all.

Haves vs. havenots would ultimately be unfair to those who have contributed in a meaningful way yet gets overlooked because the only element in this is "Are you noticed by staff?". MVP status would turn into a luck factor and would no doubt dishearten those who have done great work consistently throughout the community or great prior work a year ago, yet never receive recognition while someone else gets that recognition.

It would be different if there was a regular way to get one and MVP was just something special, but having it just like the kickstarter vistas as pure bling that no normal user can get is really disheartening and I'm sad that we are getting yet another superspeshul vista rather than something attainable by players through contests or fair play rather than this random chance.

I thought that in the kickstarter/beta that it was mentioned that forum vistas would be obtainable later on through other means. What happened to that? Why are vistas becoming something that only the elite can have?

Agreeing on this fully and also wondering about the kickstarter/beta mentions. It saddens me to see that this might just be yet another elitist thing to come.

I'm going to third this. I've seen many people feel sad and unhappy because they've done a lot of good, but someone else got something and they didn't, even though they didn't do nearly as much as the first person. I don't think it's fair to the users to start awarding something like this.

Plus, does it really have to be called MVP? That's most valuable player, which is usually used in sports, and the title is very competitive. It places the person who received the MVP title above the others.
"You've done so much, so have this super special little title! It calls you most valuable, so the other people, while valuable, aren't as valuable as you and are below you in status!"

Piebald still won`t help making unfortunate terts look good, but man does it look great.
Like an upgraded non-hideous looking version of Crackle
Can`t wait to try it on everything!
Piebald still won`t help making unfortunate terts look good, but man does it look great.
Like an upgraded non-hideous looking version of Crackle
Can`t wait to try it on everything!
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