

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Garden Aviary | Bird Adopts [On Break]
[center] [quote=Announcement][b]On break for a while due to hand health.[/b][/quote] [b]Lore/Rules[/b] | [url=]Slots/Pricing/Ordering Info[/url] | [url=]Bases[/url] | [url=]Examples[/url][/center] ----- [center]-banner here i dont have lol- [url=][img][/img][/url] Hello and welcome to our little corner of bird paradise! ----[/center] I am Fafnir, and my charge is to care and protect any birds I can within my clan! Alongside my loving partner, [url=]Arrecife[/url], we also try to research these amazing creatures in order to better our knowledge and even better help them! Here at my clan, we help host many birds all around Sornieth, and allow them a safe place to rest, recover, or just recharge with food so they continue their journey! However, through out our travels, we sometimes come across birds that are injured or unable to be released back into the wild. That's where my Garden Aviary comes in! All birds are welcome to become residents here until they are rehabilitated, become bird ambassadors, or just live out their best lives here! In order to help provide the best care we can for our feathery friends, we came up with an adoption program for others to help us care for our rescues! Come in and look around at all our resident birds, and maybe one will pick you! Oddly enough... they seem to pick out dragons that look just like them... interesting... I should note this down.... Oh sorry! Got a bit sidetracked there! Do be sure to take your time! They are big responsibilities, so best to be prepared to welcome a new rescue bird into your clan! ----- ----- [center][u][b]Rules[/b][/u][/center] [LIST] [*][b]DO NOT[/b] take and/or credit as your own. [indent]- I don't think this needs to be said, but just in case, this includes taking someone else's commissioned work for yourself. Don't make me add watermarks to finished pieces too.[/indent] [*][b]DO NOT[/b] edit images outside of resizing. [indent]- You may resize image, so long as my signature is still legible and intact. - Complimentary 100x100 signature sizes provided![/indent] [*]When posting outside of FR, please link back to this thread or my FR profile. [indent]- If using on FR, I would appreciate a link back here, but I won't be enforcing since my user ID will be present :D[/indent] [/LIST] Notes: -Because I hand draw most of the gradients, coloring, apparel, and simplified skins/accents, there may be slight differences between adoptables. -Wait time can range from a few days to a couple weeks, but I will keep users updated in the case I have to take longer than expected. (This is due to arm health and irl scheduling) ----- ----- Pinglist: @/Norkia @/harpyja @/Wytche Reopening pinglist: @/Self @/GlitchyOddy @/Norkia @/kitkitkat @/Aarune @/Theropodas [pinglist=3414]
Announcement wrote:
On break for a while due to hand health.

Lore/Rules | Slots/Pricing/Ordering Info | Bases | Examples

-banner here i dont have lol-


Hello and welcome to our little corner of bird paradise!
I am Fafnir, and my charge is to care and protect any birds I can within my clan! Alongside my loving partner, Arrecife, we also try to research these amazing creatures in order to better our knowledge and even better help them!

Here at my clan, we help host many birds all around Sornieth, and allow them a safe place to rest, recover, or just recharge with food so they continue their journey!

However, through out our travels, we sometimes come across birds that are injured or unable to be released back into the wild. That's where my Garden Aviary comes in! All birds are welcome to become residents here until they are rehabilitated, become bird ambassadors, or just live out their best lives here!

In order to help provide the best care we can for our feathery friends, we came up with an adoption program for others to help us care for our rescues!

Come in and look around at all our resident birds, and maybe one will pick you!
Oddly enough... they seem to pick out dragons that look just like them... interesting... I should note this down....

Oh sorry! Got a bit sidetracked there! Do be sure to take your time! They are big responsibilities, so best to be prepared to welcome a new rescue bird into your clan!

  • DO NOT take and/or credit as your own.
    - I don't think this needs to be said, but just in case, this includes taking someone else's commissioned work for yourself. Don't make me add watermarks to finished pieces too.
  • DO NOT edit images outside of resizing.
    - You may resize image, so long as my signature is still legible and intact.
    - Complimentary 100x100 signature sizes provided!
  • When posting outside of FR, please link back to this thread or my FR profile.
    - If using on FR, I would appreciate a link back here, but I won't be enforcing since my user ID will be present :D


-Because I hand draw most of the gradients, coloring, apparel, and simplified skins/accents, there may be slight differences between adoptables.

-Wait time can range from a few days to a couple weeks, but I will keep users updated in the case I have to take longer than expected. (This is due to arm health and irl scheduling)

@/Norkia @/harpyja @/Wytche

Reopening pinglist:
@/Self @/GlitchyOddy @/Norkia @/kitkitkat @/Aarune @/Theropodas
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide
[center][url=]Lore/Rules[/url] | [b]Slots/Pricing/Ordering Info[/b] | [url=]Bases[/url] | [url=]Examples[/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][b]Slots[/b][/center] Regular: 1. 2. 3. Apparel, Skin/Accent: 1. Custom: 1. ------ Waitlist: @/Self ----- Legend: [emoji=money bag size=1]= Paid | [emoji=treasure size=1]= Partial [emoji=palette size=1]= In process | [emoji=trade size=1]= Done/Awaiting final confirmation [emoji=subscription update size=1]= Waiting slot confirmation (for waitlist) ----- [center][size=6][b]Pricing[/b][/center] [b]Full, or at least half*, payment upfront through either through PM or CR.[/b] USD payments will be done through Paypal. *if paying half upfront, the other half will be required in order to receive finished adopt [b]**Now accepting eggs, at 250g/kt each, as alt payment**[/b] ------ [center][u][b]Bases[/b][/u] [u]All bases 500g/kt or $5 USD[/u] ---- [u][b]Sponsoring Genes[/b][/u] Ask for a quote for these, but overall:[/center] [LIST] [*][u]Simple genes (ex. blend): 25kt/g or $.25 USD[/u] [*][u]Detailed genes (ex. trail): 50kt/g or $.50 USD[/u] [*][u]Complex/Very detailed genes (like facet, butterfly, etc.): 75kt/g or $.75 USD[/u] [/LIST] [center][u]Primal eyes will also need sponsoring due to the detailing: 50g/kt or $.50 USD[/u] *[url=]Gene sponsorship info can be found here[/url]*[/center] ----- [center][b][u]Apparel, Skins/Accents (will be simplified if needed)[/u][/b] *Ask for quote to be safe on pricing*[/center] [LIST] [*][u]Up to 3 apparels*: 25-50g/kt or $.25-.50 USD each[/u] (depends on complexity of each) [*][u]Simple skins/accents: 50-150g/kt or $.50-1.50 USD[/u] (depends on complexity) *Up to 4 apparels if no skin/accent is chosen. [/LIST] [center](anything above this means I need to be bribed pretty well to consider. mainly cause I want to avoid burnout from constantly doing high detailed work) [/center] ----- [center][b][u]Customs[/u][/b] [u]Custom base: 1,000g/kt or $10 USD[/u] Genes are complimentary for first order using the base! Apparel/Skins will be additional cost, same as regular bases. Additional dragons using the base will be priced same as regular adopts. ----[/center] With a custom you get to personally pick a bird and pose! These bases are private and only you will be allowed to use them (unless you grant someone written permission for each use) ------ [center][size=6][b]Ordering[/b][/size][/center] [quote=Price Quote] Dragon: Slot type? (Regular or Apparel/Skin* slot): *Please list if you want apparel, skin, or both Base: Would you like eyes to be black or match element?: Sponsoring?: ---- For apparel choices (or leave it up to me and state how many): Any additional info?: [/quote] [center]----[/center] For customs (if open), please ping me here first to make sure I am able to accept, and when confirmed, PM me directly to discuss details better!
Lore/Rules | Slots/Pricing/Ordering Info | Bases | Examples


Apparel, Skin/Accent:



= Paid | = Partial
= In process | = Done/Awaiting final confirmation
= Waiting slot confirmation (for waitlist)

Full, or at least half*, payment upfront through either through PM or CR.

USD payments will be done through Paypal.

*if paying half upfront, the other half will be required in order to receive finished adopt

**Now accepting eggs, at 250g/kt each, as alt payment**


All bases 500g/kt or $5 USD


Sponsoring Genes
Ask for a quote for these, but overall:
  • Simple genes (ex. blend): 25kt/g or $.25 USD
  • Detailed genes (ex. trail): 50kt/g or $.50 USD
  • Complex/Very detailed genes (like facet, butterfly, etc.): 75kt/g or $.75 USD
Primal eyes will also need sponsoring due to the detailing: 50g/kt or $.50 USD

*Gene sponsorship info can be found here*

Apparel, Skins/Accents (will be simplified if needed)
*Ask for quote to be safe on pricing*
  • Up to 3 apparels*: 25-50g/kt or $.25-.50 USD each (depends on complexity of each)
  • Simple skins/accents: 50-150g/kt or $.50-1.50 USD (depends on complexity)

    *Up to 4 apparels if no skin/accent is chosen.
(anything above this means I need to be bribed pretty well to consider. mainly cause I want to avoid burnout from constantly doing high detailed work)


Custom base: 1,000g/kt or $10 USD
Genes are complimentary for first order using the base!
Apparel/Skins will be additional cost, same as regular bases.

Additional dragons using the base will be priced same as regular adopts.

With a custom you get to personally pick a bird and pose! These bases are private and only you will be allowed to use them (unless you grant someone written permission for each use)

Price Quote wrote:

Slot type? (Regular or Apparel/Skin* slot):
*Please list if you want apparel, skin, or both


Would you like eyes to be black or match element?:


For apparel choices (or leave it up to me and state how many):

Any additional info?:

For customs (if open), please ping me here first to make sure I am able to accept, and when confirmed, PM me directly to discuss details better!
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide
[center][url=]Lore/Rules[/url] | [url=]Slots/Pricing/Ordering Info[/url] | [b]Bases[/b] | [url=]Examples[/url][/center] ----- [center][size=6][b]Bases[/b][/size] *[url=]Gene sponsorship info can be found here[/url]* ----- [u]Budgie[/u] [img][/img] ----- [u]Zebra finches[/u] [img][/img] Male [img][/img] Female ----- [u]Chicken/Rooster[/u] [img][/img] [img][/img] ----- [u]Cockatiel[/u] [img][/img] ----- [u]Pigeon[/u] [img][/img] ----- [u]Toucan[/u] [img][/img] ----- *COMING SOON* Chickadee, Jacana [/center]


*Gene sponsorship info can be found here*
Zebra finches
Chickadee, Jacana
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide
[center][url=]Lore/Rules[/url] | [url=]Slots/Pricing/Ordering Info[/url] | [url=]Bases[/url] | [b]Examples[/b][/center] ----- [center][size=6][b]Examples[/b][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [img][/img] [right][img][/img][/right] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [img][/img][/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img][/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [img][/img][/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [img][/img] [img][/img][/columns]

toucanadopthersh.png toucanadopthershsig2.png

pidgeadopt-Kai.png pidgeadopt-KaiSIG.png
pidgeadoptGlory.png pidgeadoptGlorysig.png
dingalingadoptpalomita.png dingalingadoptpalomitasig.png
pidgeadoptAdventure.png pidgeadoptAdventuresig.png
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide
-reserving in bird-
-reserving in bird-
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide
-bird chirps-
-bird chirps-
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide
-tosses seeds-
-tosses seeds-
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide
-last one?-
-last one?-
sgriffin-3413-43_45_6_6_3_0.pngskinshopFRsig2.pngmx1GGUW.pngAll Bird Items Guide