Just send it whenever you're ready then I'll begin once I get it c:
Just send it whenever you're ready then I'll begin once I get it c:
@Ghostlyvolk These adopts are precious! Especially the tundras! c: I need one please~
[b]Dragon Image:[/b]
Pink Clown/Seafoam Shimmer/Seafoam Underbelly Light eyes
[b]Payment Total:[/b] 70kt correct? Thank you!
Ghostlyvolk These adopts are precious! Especially the tundras! c: I need one please~
Dragon Image:

Pink Clown/Seafoam Shimmer/Seafoam Underbelly Light eyes
Payment Total: 70kt correct? Thank you!
Thank you! And 70k is correct ouo I'll begin once I receive payment~
Thank you! And 70k is correct ouo I'll begin once I receive payment~
@Ghostlyvolk These are ridiculously adorable!
[b]Dragon Image:[/b][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=20997379]
[b]Payment Total:[/b] 70kt
[b]Extra:[/b] If you can be bribed to include his silk veil, that'd be amazing. Otherwise nothing :)
Ghostlyvolk These are ridiculously adorable!
Dragon Image:

Payment Total: 70kt
Extra: If you can be bribed to include his silk veil, that'd be amazing. Otherwise nothing :)
Thank you! ouo 70k is correct and feel free to make an offer for that, I wouldn't mind giving it a shot on adding his silk c:
Thank you! ouo 70k is correct and feel free to make an offer for that, I wouldn't mind giving it a shot on adding his silk c:
Ghostlyvolk Would an extra 15-20kt like you charge for cry/face be okay?
Ghostlyvolk Would an extra 15-20kt like you charge for cry/face be okay?
That would be just fine c: