[center][b]I am: [u]Open![/u][/b][/center]
[center][b]I am currently accepting: [u]$[/u] for payment[/b][/center]
Hello and welcome to my shop! I'm offering commissions on Flight Rising so I wanted to start off small. These will be RL prices or I may take gems (and sometimes treasure). You can see more of my work on my [url=http://bluedemon00.tumblr.com/]Tumblr[/url]
Please consider supporting me on [url=https://www.patreon.com/bluedemon00]Patreon!
[/url] or if that's not your thing how about [url=http://ko-fi.com/wispmother]Buy me a coffee~?[/url]
[url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/59a6d50344f19a28fe67dcf3febf8216/tumblr_nvz59u6XIc1r6ttkjo3_1280.png](X)[/url] Full Image[nextcol][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/982f6762ae7b5951d21a65601ec251ff/tumblr_nvz7ep3vW91u1zs7so2_r1_250.png[/img]
[url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/05bda55905a31910f0e5901b1f2736fa/tumblr_nvz59u6XIc1r6ttkjo2_1280.png](X)[/url] Full Image[nextcol] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/fbd7f8c45f4e3e921409f9baf4b2ed2f/tumblr_nvz7ep3vW91u1zs7so3_r1_250.png[/img]
[url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/ef00164a1bc1b028a4644df03f0fadfe/tumblr_nvz59u6XIc1r6ttkjo1_1280.png](X)[/url] Full Image [nextcol][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/6c40e96b904f276d4eba4a27e7f6c468/tumblr_nvz7ep3vW91u1zs7so4_r1_250.png[/img]
[url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/251d9d2bab1a35456fbad5260e4e2eeb/tumblr_nq5wjvr6Rx1r6ttkjo1_540.png](X)[/url] Full Image[/columns]
[*]Sketch Only - [b]40$[/b]
[*]Sketch with base coloring - [b]50$[/b]
[*]Lines Only - [b]60$[/b]
[*]Lines with base coloring - [b]70$[/b]
[*]Lines with Base Coloring and Shading/Highlights (like the examples above) - [b]80$[/b]
[*]Prices are for single dragons, adding another will be [b]15$[/b] extra
[*]Remember to [b]ping me[/b] to get my attention!
[*]Prices already include all genes including accents/skins and apparel, as a bust they will only be shoulder up on your dragon.
[*]I don’t mind you uploading your commission to your personal site (deviantART, Tumblr, Furaffinity, etc) I only ask is that you credit me
[*]I take payment upfront via Paypal or CashApp only (or the total amount in items, treasure/gems), once I receive payment I will begin your picture.
[*]Feel free to ask about shrinking your picture after completion, I work on large canvases but I do make them smaller in the end to fit profile boxes. But if you would like them smaller just ask~
[*]I will draw all breeds
[b][u]Order Form:[/u][/b]
[b]Dragon Picture:[/b] (Your dragons image here)
[b]What Tier:[/b] (Lines, base coloring, or shading/highlight etc)
[b]Extra:[/b] (Different eye color? Leave off a certain apparel? Etc let me know here~)
I am: Open!
I am currently accepting: $ for payment
Hello and welcome to my shop! I'm offering commissions on Flight Rising so I wanted to start off small. These will be RL prices or I may take gems (and sometimes treasure). You can see more of my work on my
Please consider supporting me on
or if that's not your thing how about
Buy me a coffee~?
- Sketch Only - 40$
- Sketch with base coloring - 50$
- Lines Only - 60$
- Lines with base coloring - 70$
- Lines with Base Coloring and Shading/Highlights (like the examples above) - 80$
- Prices are for single dragons, adding another will be 15$ extra
- Remember to ping me to get my attention!
- Prices already include all genes including accents/skins and apparel, as a bust they will only be shoulder up on your dragon.
- I don’t mind you uploading your commission to your personal site (deviantART, Tumblr, Furaffinity, etc) I only ask is that you credit me
- I take payment upfront via Paypal or CashApp only (or the total amount in items, treasure/gems), once I receive payment I will begin your picture.
- Feel free to ask about shrinking your picture after completion, I work on large canvases but I do make them smaller in the end to fit profile boxes. But if you would like them smaller just ask~
- I will draw all breeds
Order Form:
[b]Dragon Picture:[/b] (Your dragons image here)
[b]What Tier:[/b] (Lines, base coloring, or shading/highlight etc)
[b]Extra:[/b] (Different eye color? Leave off a certain apparel? Etc let me know here~)
- loverish - complete
Clifftop Darkdragonfiend Adirael CoolLikeThat Auslot Luunai Rexxasaurus CuQuoise Amphiptere adorableVagabond
Completed Works:
(x) For VanGone
(x) (x) (x) for Kaamos
(x) for Taerar
(x) (x) (x) for Luunai
(x) for Latideej
(x) (x) (x) for Foxdancer
(x) (x) for Auslot
(x) for Loverish
- loverish - complete
Clifftop Darkdragonfiend Adirael CoolLikeThat Auslot Luunai Rexxasaurus CuQuoise Amphiptere adorableVagabond
Completed Works:
(x) For VanGone
(x) (x) (x) for Kaamos
(x) for Taerar
(x) (x) (x) for Luunai
(x) for Latideej
(x) (x) (x) for Foxdancer
(x) (x) for Auslot
(x) for Loverish
[center][b][color=Darkred][size=5][u]Alternate Forms of Payment:[/u][/size][/color][/b][/center]
[item=Unhatched Shadow Egg] [item=Unhatched Fire Egg] [item=Unhatched Plague Egg] [item=Unhatched Ice Egg] [item=Unhatched Arcane Egg] [item=Unhatched Light Egg] [item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Bogsneak Egg]
[item=Primary Gene: Cherub][item=Primary Gene: Iridescent][item=Primary Gene: Petals][item=Primary Gene: Crystal][item=Secondary Gene: Facet][item=Primary Gene: Poison] [item=Primary Gene: Giraffe] [item=Secondary Gene: Hex] [item=Secondary Gene: Toxin] [item=Tertiary Gene: Thylacine] [item=Primary Gene: Piebald] [item=Tertiary Gene: Glimmer][item=Tertiary Gene: Circuit] [item=Secondary Gene: Shimmer] [item=Secondary Gene: Paint][item=Secondary Gene: Butterfly] [item=Breed Change: Wildclaw] [item=Breed Change: Coatl] [item=Breed Change: Nocturne][item=Breed Change: Bogsneak][item=Tri-Color Scatterscroll][item=Primary Gene: Metallic][item=Secondary Gene: Alloy][item=Breed Change: Banescale]
(If you aren't ready for posts yet let me know and I'll delete and repost later :) )
[b]Dragon Picture:[/b] (Your dragons image here) I would like to order a couples bust of these two:
and Carlos:
[b]What Sketch:[/b] shading/highlight
[b]Payment:[/b] Gems or wishlist items listed below (2050 for the pair yes?)
[b]Extra:[/b] For apparel Cecil just needs the tricktrouper crown (I change his apparel a lot but that is constant) and if you can get a bit of Carlos' lab coat in it would be awesome, but I know it's not really positioned for a bust so I understand if you can't :)
Bribe items I'm willing to pay with in lieu of gems:
contrast aviator coat (X3)
Navy aviator coat
Contrast aviator gloves
Contrast Aviator Boots
Contrast Rogue Belt, hood, mask, and wing guards (X2)
Crimson Rogue gloves (X2)
Poison scroll/Toxin Scroll (3 each)
Can craft any of the claw tips
Wildclaw Scroll
(If you aren't ready for posts yet let me know and I'll delete and repost later :) )
Dragon Picture: (Your dragons image here) I would like to order a couples bust of these two:

and Carlos:

What Sketch: shading/highlight
Payment: Gems or wishlist items listed below (2050 for the pair yes?)
Extra: For apparel Cecil just needs the tricktrouper crown (I change his apparel a lot but that is constant) and if you can get a bit of Carlos' lab coat in it would be awesome, but I know it's not really positioned for a bust so I understand if you can't :)
Bribe items I'm willing to pay with in lieu of gems:
contrast aviator coat (X3)
Navy aviator coat
Contrast aviator gloves
Contrast Aviator Boots
Contrast Rogue Belt, hood, mask, and wing guards (X2)
Crimson Rogue gloves (X2)
Poison scroll/Toxin Scroll (3 each)
Can craft any of the claw tips
Wildclaw Scroll
Hi hi! And its fine ouo I've just been working on and off with my shop to make it look decent XD
But yes for both will be 2050 gems in total or a Wildclaw Scroll which has my attention the most currently. Whichever you prefer as payment is fine by me ouo as for your pictures, that's all fine with me as well and I've taken note of what you want. I can start on them right away once payment is sent~
Hi hi! And its fine ouo I've just been working on and off with my shop to make it look decent XD
But yes for both will be 2050 gems in total or a Wildclaw Scroll which has my attention the most currently. Whichever you prefer as payment is fine by me ouo as for your pictures, that's all fine with me as well and I've taken note of what you want. I can start on them right away once payment is sent~
I'll send that scroll over right away! I've been meaning to get these two a real bust for a long time!
I'll send that scroll over right away! I've been meaning to get these two a real bust for a long time!
Cool beans! I'll start right away ouo
Cool beans! I'll start right away ouo