

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Floaty Adopts [CLOSED]
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Ah, I probably should have actually looked at the list! Yes, my spot is perfectly fine - thank you for double-checking! I'll certainly hustle with the treasure.
Ah, I probably should have actually looked at the list! Yes, my spot is perfectly fine - thank you for double-checking! I'll certainly hustle with the treasure.
@Lizzi can i be added to the general pinglist? same fae as before it's jut that now i actually have the money saved xD so i can pay when you open again
@Lizzi can i be added to the general pinglist? same fae as before it's jut that now i actually have the money saved xD so i can pay when you open again
@FightingPolygon pinglist pls these are adorbs
@FightingPolygon pinglist pls these are adorbs
iZBk3Io.png the pocchari yandere tumblr_inline_nyuu3pgFHF1s1m144_100.png

Can I get on the ping list as well?

Can I get on the ping list as well?
@Lizzi - please add me to the ping list
@Lizzi - please add me to the ping list
tumblr_p0t667bKDV1tddvg0o4_r1_100.png tumblr_p0t667bKDV1tddvg0o2_r2_400.png tumblr_p0t667bKDV1tddvg0o3_r1_100.png
@Lizzi Oh gosh, could you please add me to the pinglist as well? ;uu; These are so lovely~
@Lizzi Oh gosh, could you please add me to the pinglist as well? ;uu; These are so lovely~
I would love a ping for a guardian spot when they're open again! These are absolutely beautiful. :)
I would love a ping for a guardian spot when they're open again! These are absolutely beautiful. :)

Could you put me on the pinglist, please? These are absolutely wonderful OvO

Could you put me on the pinglist, please? These are absolutely wonderful OvO

Could I be added to your pinglist, please?

Could I be added to your pinglist, please?
@FightingPolygon Add me to the ping list, pretty please!!!
@FightingPolygon Add me to the ping list, pretty please!!!
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