Level 1 Fathom
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13.15 m
19.28 m
7150.68 kg
Eye Type
Level 1 Fathom
EXP: 0 / 245


Blessing arrived to Meristema under the care of their grandmother, but the very week of their arrival, the clan was under threat. They were much too young to understand what was happening, and with all the new places and faces to see, Blessing found it all quite exciting. It felt as if as soon as they had come to this place, Tira was telling them they would have to leave. As Tira was packing up her den, Blessing sensed something. They scurried out to follow the pull that made the magic fizz in their veins. It led them to an underground cave they hadn't been to before. The magic was so strong there, and it was very busy. If Blessing was bigger, they'd have difficulty moving through the crowd, but as they were still so young, they were able to weave through the legs of the other dragons. Distantly, they could hear Tira calling for them, but Blessing couldn't stop. Not until they were through the crowd, at the feet of a Spiral mage, calm despite the tension in the room. The Spiral leaned down to speak with them, but Blessing couldn't quite focus on what he was saying - the thrum of magic through the walls was too distracting. They were nose-to-nose, the Spiral smiled, and Blessing felt safe. The Sprial began to chant, directing his magic up into the ceiling. Their attention drawn upwards, Blessing could sense something bad creeping through the mud and rock above their heads. They took a deep breath and fired a beam of icy energy to join the Spiral's. The other dragons joined their magic but Blessing didn't stop until the cave sparkled with ice and the creeping sensation of the Bad Thing ceased. They chirruped happily to themself where they sat, wagging their tail. They didn't feel exhausted after the exertion as the other dragons did, but they did feel a little sleepy. They certainly weren't able to focus on what the adults were discussing above their head. Blessing dozed against Tira as things quietened down in the cave. Most of the other dragons left but Tira stayed there with them, with the Spiral and a Mirror. Gradually dragons came back, but only in small groups. They left things in the cave: soft blankets, toys, crates and barrels of food. Each one of these visitors came up to Blessing with encouraging words, their blessings and thanks. They pressed their noses to their head to give Blessing their love. Blessing felt loved, as if they were the clan's most special treasure. Tira built them the comfiest nest right there in the cave, hanging her special mobile right above it. She tucked Blessing in, cradled their face and kissed their nose. "I'm sorry you have to do this when you're still so young," she murmured, her eyes brimming with tears. "Stay strong, little one. I'll come back to you again, I promise." Blessing meeped, snuggling into their new blankets and furs, the pulsing light of the runes etched into the cave soothing them. "Kiril is going to take care of you and keep you company, okay?" "We'll manage," the gruff Mirror said. "They're fine, you're only making this worse for yourself." Tira huffed. "No need to be like that about it. Alright." She took a deep breath. "Goodbye, Blessing. I love you." One more kiss, then she was gone. ![]() All Blessing knew was the abandoned territory of Meristema, dusted with frost and untouched by seasons. Their whole life had been the same routine: wake up; check the security of the magic in case it required immediate repair; go through the food stores for breakfast; wake Kiril up; eat, patrol the territory with Kiril; lunch; add to the magical protective shield; learn - either Kiril teaching them life skills or reading; dinner; the remaining time to spend as they wished before bed. There wasn't an awful lot of options to choose what to do for themself. Just more of the same. They'd tried to pick up a couple of hobbies but nothing stuck. It was difficult trying to be creative without anyone to teach them how to use the tools. They bugged Kiril about the clan members - who they were and what they looked like, what relationships they had with the rest of the clan. They drew up lists and charts, determined to know everyone by the time they returned. Kiril was a solitary dragon, so there were many clan members he didn't know. Frustratingly, he didn't particularly care about the lives and dramas of others, so the information he had was limited. His familiar did have a psychic connection to its sibling though, so once a week Blessing sent a request through to Eryl, the owner of the other psywurm. At first, they just asked about Eryl, and then about Tira, who Blessing only had fuzzy memories of. The psywurms could only pass a mental image along, so Blessing could only get the appearance of a dragon and a picture of their name Eryl had written down, with a couple of key facts about them. It wasn't much, but it was enough for Kiril. It was enough to be able to imagine what the clan looked like before the evacuation and not lose hope that it could be that way again. As long as they had Eryl on the other end of the connection, there was no concern about being forgotten. ![]() Occasionally, Blessing would be allowed just outside of the protected perimeter. There wasn't much life inside due to the frost and the clan's paranoia of spreading the parasite via wandering animals. So when the food stores were depleted, they had to venture out to hunt and gather. Kiril did this on his own at first. One of them always had to remain in the territory to keep the magic in place, and Blessing wasn't old enough to be sent wandering out on their own. But it wasn't too long until Blessing went beyond the border for the first time. The bigger they grew, the more they needed to eat - especially with their magic being constantly depleted. Kiril's chronic pain meant it could be difficult for him to hunt or travel (not that he would ever admit it), let alone securing enough food for both of them. Blessing was able to convince him after an expedition left Kiril limping and stiff all over for days and not much food for his trouble. When Blessing departed it was with a compass and a long length of rope tied to their tail to ensure they could find their way back. Kiril's concern always came across as gruff, but Blessing knew he was worried. If Blessing got lost, or something happened to them, Kiril might not have the strength to find them. So Blessing took these measures without complaint, and a promise to send their Longneck to find Kiril if there was a problem. Soon this too became routine and the nervous excitement of the journey faded. Still, Blessing liked to do it and it had become their favourite part of the week, being able to glimpse the outside world. To see blooming and thriving plants, to hear the insects and birdsong, to be aware of seasons. No week was the same, something had always changed, however slightly, and Blessing always kept their eyes open for something new. One afternoon, Blessing encountered something they had never come across before. Another dragon. They were slender, the sun shimmering off their mane and wings like it did the frozen ground of Blessing's home. This breed was a Skydancer, Blessing had learned through Kiril and the psywurms. The other dragon spotted Blessing before they could think of what to do. They started to approach, loping and relaxed but Blessing still tensed, bracing themself for anything to happen. "Hello?" the Skydancer said, head tilted in curiosity, their voice low and mellow. "H-hi," Blessing cleared their throat. "This is a restricted area. Dangerous parasite control. Complete lock-down." "Hm. I guess that explains the random area that looks like it's stuck in winter?" "That's right. To keep it dormant until it can be removed." "I've seen plenty of things in my time, but this was new. Must be some strong magic." "I guess. It can be tiring sometimes but it's not difficult. But I have been told I have a kind of natural ability." The Skydancer raised their brows. "This is all your doing?" "Well, the maintenance, yes. For the most part. I have Kiril to help if I need it." "Just the two of you?" The Skydancer must have seen Blessing growing wary. As much as he wanted to speak to another dragon, it could be dangerous. There was so much he didn't know about the world, and Kiril relied on his cynicism to get by for most of his life. Blessing had too much of an earnest heart for that but the questions started to seem probing. "My apologies, I don't mean to pry. I'm just intrigued. I'm Jonah, just looking for some purpose to life, no big deal," he chuckled. "You don't have purpose?" Blessing asked, who had been given a purpose before anything else. "I'm not sure I ever have. I've never really felt connected to anyone or anything, after so long drifting I've grown tired. Trying to be a bit more proactive about it now, I suppose." "How far have you travelled?" "Oh, pretty much all over Sornieth. Is there somewhere in particular you feel like going once you're done with your duty here?" "I don't know. I don't really know of anywhere else." "You've- you've never been anywhere else? You've been stuck here your whole life?" "Um. Yes?" "Oh. Oh, you poor thing." It was a strange sensation, to be pitied. Blessing didn't feel it was warranted - they were doing a vitally important job! They had never seen any point in thinking of 'what ifs'. There was no alternative for them. Blessing only shrugged. "Tell me about someplace then. Give me somewhere to visit when this is over." "Hmm, alright. Where to start... Why not where I started? The Starwood Strand where I was born, where the trees glimmer at night with cosmic light..." ![]() Jonah became part of Blessing's routine too. He kept them company as they foraged, telling them about all kinds of fascinating places. It was difficult for Blessing to get their head around the fact that Jonah had been to all of them. He seemed to have done so much in his life, it was also bewildering to think that he hadn't found proper meaning in any of it. "Is there anywhere you haven't been?" Blessing asked one day. "Hmmm, I've not explored the Southern Icefield. I'm not really one for the cold, and it's a bit out of the way." "Then that's where I want to go." Jonah's lip curled in distaste as his eyes narrowed in disbelief. "We should go together," Blessing continued. "A new adventure for both of us." Jonah huffed a laugh. "You're too sweet, you know that?" "I don't think that's a bad thing?" Blessing frowned. "No," Jonah bumped their noses together. "I love you for it, you silly dragon. I'll go and freeze my tail off with you as soon as you're free." ![]() |

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Exalting Blessing to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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